I've seen others ask


Apr 11, 2024
where crossdressers can shop. And since this is not a sexual in nature post I figured I would put it in Gen so people can see and maybe use the store I am talking about.

In June of last year I bought a mini-chailis skater dress from Torrid website. As I am curvy so I use them and LB. The dress broke a few days ago. The strap just pulled right out of the main body of the dress and I was kinda bummed as I was one of my fav skirts.

I took it to Torrid not expecting them to do anything since it was from last year. And I had already found someone who said they could fix the strap. I explained to the girl that as I was sitting down the strap just broke. She said she had the very dress and it did the same to her. She said the store decided it must just be a bad batch of dresses and with no issues what so ever returned the dress for a full refund.

Ordered a dress I wanted applied the refund and gave me 10% off as well.

Just wanted to pass along if you are looking for a store with damn good customer service and curvy in anyway try Torrid.
Sometimes they are great, some don’t hold up. Cardigans have been great! I got a tardis for a friend. Great for a con
Ahhh I understand now. This was the first one I had issues with. I've bought a lot from there. I'll keep an eye out though thanks
Stupid Red Cross sign paperwork, like it makes a difference