Jasmine's Playroom


Literotica Guru
Jul 26, 2020
(This thread is not really an RP. It's more about playing than 'writing'.
Just short playful conversations rather than lengthy descriptions of telling a story)

Going to the party
reading text.jpg

The party is at ### XXX Street, top floor.
I am sitting at the bar.
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Hi, you must be one of the cute young helpers we hired for this party because there’s no way your partner would leave you sitting here all by yourself !

If you are one of our workers, you really should be back in the kitchen, we are ready to start serving the first course of hors d'oeuvres.

If you are an early guest, please let me apologize by running back to get you a plate of hors d'oeuvres and a drink. Can I take your coat??

Think Sean Connery "The Untouchables" Older wiser, rough charm
Minus the gun, unless you are a troublemaker
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Oh, I am an early guest waiting for a friend. I just texted him. He'll be here shortly. Are you the host of this party?

A plate of hors d'oeuvres and a drink would be nice. Screwdriver.....More vodka and less OJ please. Thank you.[/B]
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I am the host or organizer. That means I do a lot of work and barely get to have any fun, so thank you for coming early so I could have a chance to meet you and say, “Welcome”

Small sampler of hors d'oeuvres and a “slow screw against the wall” or just a regular “screwdriver”?

My name is Sean

Is your partner due to arrive soon?
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I wonder how often Mars comes here. He didn't come home last night. He did it again. Did you see him around?

Oh, my drink...A Sloe Screw would be good. Not just a regular.
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Alex just showed up. A new guy that Venus sent a text to earlier. He could become one of her small circle of intimate friends.
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This is a more casual RP. It's more about playing than 'writing'.
More short playful comments rather than lengthy descriptions of telling a story.
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Alex asks Venus, " Are you here by yourself?"
Venus, "Hubby is on the way with his lady friend."

Alex: "Great, that's a nice round even number for afters ... *big smile* and looks like you could do with another .. a Slow Comfortable Screw or your usual Sex on the Beach ??"

Im sorry that I don't know how to respond to you.
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Don't know how to respond

Well, Venus, it appears your cocktail is nearly finished, would you like a refill "... another Slow Comfortable Screw or your usual Sex on the Beach ??" :D
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An older couple

enters the room, hesitantly. They are in their late 60s, and seem out of place. He about 5'10", trim, bald, with a neatly trimmed beard.
She is much smaller, a bit heavier, and is holding back as he surveys the room.
Catching your eye where you are seated at the bar.
The bar at this exclusive party is very small. Venus still has her Slow Screw. And Alex, in stead of taking his own seat right next, he is standing by her side. There are a few couples in the lounge area. One couple are holding hands and looking at each other in silence. Another couple are kissing and tangling up as if nobody else is around.... Venus takes another sip of her drink. The burning sensation shoots straight to her back. That's where Alex's hand is. Rubbing up and down.

“ Do you hear the music ? Perhaps it's time for a slow dance.”
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The bar at this exclusive party is very small. Jasmine still has her Slow Screw. And Alex, in stead of taking his own seat right next, he is standing by her side. There are a few couples in the lounge area. One couple are holding hands and looking at each other in silence. Another couple are kissing and tangling up in high heat as if nobody else is around.... Jasmine takes another sip of her drink. The burning sensation shoots straight to her back. That's where Alex's hand is. Rubbing up and down.

“ Do you hear the music ? That's Jazz artist Norah Jones. Perhaps it's time for a slow dance.”

Holding tight to my wife's hand, I see that you are ignoring us.
Do we get drinks, or turn and bolt.
I catch sight of the couple making out and draw my wife's attention to the other couple. "Lets see what they do." I go to the bar and order a bourbon for myself and a gin and tonic for her. She holds my hand tightly thorughout.
The beginning

I am waiting for my wife to come out of the bath. Waiting for her in our bed with a throbbing erection and a lead ball in my stomach. How many times have I wanted to bring this up to her but couldn't? How many times have I chickened out at the last moment?

It is not that I have not thought about what I want to ask her. The ramifications of it and that I may very well be opening a Pandora's box for my marriage. Do I secretly want the box to be opened? In my fantasies I am in control but in real life who knows where this could lead. That thought is at once frightening and yet so very exilerating.

As my wife crawls into bed beside me her scent is clean and fresh. I run my hand over the soft skin of her arm. . .

'Honey there is something I want to talk to you about, something that has been on my mind for a while now.

Let me get it all out before you say anything. Have you heard of the term 'Hotwife'? It is when a married woman takes a lover with here husband knowing and encouraging that she does. I feel that you may need more then I can give you and if I am really honest about it I want to see you taken by another man. I don't really understand why, I just know that it has been something that I have thought about for a very long time.'

We are laying on our sides facing each other. I can see the surprise and shock on your face. I watch as your eyes trail down and see my erection.

Your hand reaches out and grabs it

'Your serious about this'.
You are a liberal husband. It must be good to be your wife.... Just like Mars, he also stands by his wife ....
The man currently made it to their master bedroom is Karl Smith, Mars's employee . We'll see if Mars or another man is going to have an opportunity to meet your wife...and...you.
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My wife is a hotwife. Her name is Venus and yes, she does have some goddess in her. She has been talking to one of her friends, Kate, about some guy that works for Kate's husband Karl. His name is Mars if you can believe it. Anyway, she heard that he is very well hung and she wants me to talk to him about bedding her. She takes a certain glee in making me find men for her to fuck. And while it is humiliating, I can't help but be turned on by it either.*She is going to let me know when she wants to set it all up after work tonight.
A new word (?) : Compersion
" A feeling of joy when a loved one takes pleasure from another romantic or sexual relationship. It can be the opposite of jealousy. It's a positive feelings toward a loved one's other personal intimate relationship." [Internet Dictionary]

It might need both parties to be very open and emotionally strong.
Probably rare.
A very erotic phantasy.

Does anybody feel that ?

Are you open for a conversation on this topic ?
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A new word (?) : Compersion
" A feeling of joy when a loved one takes pleasure from another romantic or sexual relationship. It can be the opposite of jealousy. It's a positive feelings toward a loved one's other personal intimate relationship." [Internet Dictionary]

It might need both parties to be very open and emotionally strong.
Probably rare.
A very erotic phantasy.

Does anybody feel that ?

Are you open for a conversation on this topic ?
That's something I find interesting. I've thought about it a lot but it seems more like an ideal than a reality. In my experience, the excitement doesn't last. Most people are too insecure to engage in that kind of thing very often or for very long. It's, at best, an occasional treat.
muxDaemon said:
...... Most people are too insecure .........

Does one examine what's behind one's feeling of insecurity? Is it just another mental habit ? Or a rope mistaken as a snake?

Compersion----- a nice word.
You said you've thought about it a lot? Good for you.
Better than the bitter taste of jealousy, isn't it ?

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I am delighted and exciting when I feel your warm and yet erotic embrace upon entering. I know that you will be a part of my life that makes it better. I look forward to sharing myself with you.

I am also delighted that you embrace the open heart of sharing. It's more than the physical. It could make me feel more relaxed and "excited" at the same time.

I resonate with what you wrote me in the pm: "I don't believe in "ownership"" and "It is hard for people to accept that there is no strings attached."----that's what could enable us to truly open up, to be unshackled from strings.
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I think you took my message as intended, and I agree with what your response was. I will try to start something off after thinking a bit. I think Mars vs. Venus is all too true and a good source of humor if you go it it with a right attitude. On top of that it does seem that opposites attract and that continues the amusement.