JayDen: The series


IC: Using my powers, I create a shadow portal over our heads that protects us from the ice flying towards us. This goes on for about a minute, then it finaly stops but by then JayDen was long gone.

Turning to Spider-Man, I tell him in a sarcastic tone "Thanks for the 'help' spidey."

Patting me on the back, he replys "No problem."

Raising an eyebrow, I tell him "I was being sarcastic."

I could actualy see the grin through his mask, as he reveals "So was I, buddy."

Sighing, I tell them both "Let's get over to that tailor place and see if we can find out anything from White Queen or Jean." With that, the three of us made our way back to the shop to see if we can catch White Queen and Jean.

OOC: Yes I know white queen is gone but they dont know so I'm writing it like that till they find out.
"Tell ya what..." I say finally tired of being poked.

"I'll just buy this one..." I pull a tight black silky dress off a rack and pull it on. Not bad, a little tight, but not as bad as my shadow suit. I let them sell me some hose, garters, undies and shoes. Deciding to see how it looks to someone else I put them all on and walk out to ask the tailors what they think and raise an eyebrow at the small crowd of heros.

The three of us make our way back to the tailor shop when Hunter tells us "Hey guys, check out Jean." We all turn towards the window to see Jean wearing a silk black dress. The dress looked tight, but considering her uniform, I figured it was a good size for her.

Entering the store, we all begin to ask her about the White Queen and JayDen and what she knew about them. Something told me that things were going to be getting weird around her again. Couldn't wait for the real fun to begin...
Tag Team

OCC #1: This is the first co-post between me and Asya enjoy

JayDen IC: After the limo dropped me off back at Emma Frost's upstate New York mansion, I immediately head to the downstair basement training dojo. While there I work on my weightlifting and attack simulations. Little did I know that I was being watched almost scouted by a unknown figure.

I wonder what Emma has planned

White Queen IC:

After hailing a cab home I walk into my large palacial New York home I walk in and take off my shoes and relax. I knew JayDen made it home in one peace because Alfred was here to serve me for 3 o'clock teatime. Yes Alfred was a jewel and I am so proud that I won him from Bruce Wayne after that No Man's Land debacle in Gotham. Wayne had to rebuild his company and he sort of loaned me till he got back on his feet or until he beats me in our annual game of strip poker.

With the policeman's ball tommorrow night and my dress should be delivered sometime tonight I relax and say "thank God I did all my fittings earlier" before Jean showed up. Now what the hell was the Shadowess saying anyways I was too busy telepathically prompting JayDen while distorting the thought's of mall sercurity who simply missed out on all the action and burned the tapes with JayDen on it. Ah I love it when a plan comes together.

I blinked at the questions flying at me. I do catch one thing though...

"JayDen was here? I only saw Emma. She left sorta fast..." I say thoughtfully. The shadows drop my credit card in my hand which hand off to the clerk. The shadows closed around me and clothed me in my shadow suit, spiriting away my new clothes.

OOC: If we're saying we know each other, does Renegade still stay w/ Jean?

(hey ya'll!!! after renegade asking me if id like to join i say YES! ok, so i think i'll play um.........um.......um.........um........i don't know!!! um....it is a tossup between playing lava again, or maybe i'll be um.....how about spiderwoman? lol...or maybe i'll be aqua..the girl made out of all water, think lava only WATER. lol.. yeah i know im creative. let me know who would fit best, and where i am in the story. or where you all are... )

OOC: Well it's kinda confusing on who knows who. Renegade, JayDen, and Shadowess know each other from the Superhero League thread and WereBane knows my guy but they never knew each other in any other threads. I think it would have been better if we didn't know each other and this was another time line. And Spider-Man is still in college so that puts him before the X-Men threads. So to answer your question: I have no idea. Right now we're at a tailor shop except for JayDen and White Queen. As for who you should be, I kinda miss Lava so if I had to pick I'd go with her.:)

IC: After listening to Jeans explanation of what was going on, I ask "So how are we supposed to find them now?" We all looked at each other for a moment when Spider-Man cleared his throat.

Everyone turned to him as he explained "I was able to put a Spider tracer on your buddy after he knocked me down earlier. We can follow it to wherever he is hiding." Everyone nodded in agreement as Spider-Man led the way.
Conitnuity Problem and a new villian see I fix everything

OCC: Ok here is the Continuity Renegade and Jean know each other from the Superhero League Continuity this is after that when Creeper left but before you too got together yeah that the ticket. Spiderman does not know JayDen and he is a mystery to Werebane too. Whew that was somewhat and easy

OCC#2: We needed a new villian so here he is and trust me this one is good be a major badass. So I came up with one. Enjoy.


Real Name: Christian Storm

Height/ Weight: 6-11/ 290 lbs

Appearance: An extremely good looking man who is very tall and VERY cut with a blond goatee.

Hair/ Eyes: Long and blond/ Blue

Powers: Well he is an alpha level telekenetic who possess energy along the level of Nate Grey or higher also possess amazing fighting ability. He also draws energy from his victims when they die. The more powerful they are the more energy they give off. He wants to off JayDen because JayDen is like an energy spunge.

Attire: Black leather sleeveless outfit. He also where leather black boots and often wears a long dark trench coat, black leather gloves and dark sunglasses.

Personal history : Althought he is a pretty package, he is purely evil. He has a tremendous finacial resources. He has defeated many of the world greatest fighters and most powerful mutants all to add to his powerbase. Making his among the powerful beings alive. He is alos leader of the Illuminati Club a extremely wealthy high class group of individuals that take care of the world's wants and needs which makes the law sort of bend the rules for him.

[Edited by Phoenix on 11-05-2000 at 08:48 PM]

OOC: Ummm...Ok...

I saw Spidey start to web it and called my shadows, they moved like Spiderman's webbing. I grinned despite myself. This was fun.
"See, Spidey, I told you, you would fit in," Spiderman said to himself.
He webbed from building to building. He looked back to make sure everyone kept up, they all did. It was such a great time being leader...
He laughed, he was no leader, he was just taking them to the place.
Hell, they would probably dump him the minute they didn't need him.
Spiderman flung that idea out the window, there were more important things to worry about now, like some sweet ass revenge.
(Lava, be lava. her and Spiderman need some loving, it's been too long, lol)
His tracker beeped as loud as it could.
He stopped in front of a (hmmmm, always love making details up) a rather large and fancy looking building.
(fancy? what are you an english major?
yes I am,
The other members show up. He looks around at them all.
They were all experienced warriors, he was nothing more than a new time hero. His one chance to impress everyone, and he screws it up.
His hand goes to the back of his head. A nice bump was forming. His headache still dulled in the back of his head.
"So, where's the doorbell?"
Ready to Rumble starring JayDen Escobar

As I relaxed in a few small combat simulations Alfred walked into the control room stopped the simulation and said " Sir there are a couple of people outside dressed in superhero outfits"

Shit damn it did not take long for Bugboy, the Wolverine knockoff and the guy with the R on his chest that looked familiar to show up. I made my way upstairs, but on the way up the stairs I stopped and looked inside Emma's armory and pulled out two Desert Eagles and small sized Plasma powered glock. Now that I was armed with weopons and my mutant powers were charged up, I knew it was time to face the outsiders.
The mind of the Cell

Setting: Inside a large spacious penthouse in side the fabled Illuminati head officesa large powerful man is sitting watching several monitor of his gyrocameras all over the country. However right now one has the man eyes are on only monitor and that is a large palacial exqusite white house. He thought to himself

Hmmm this is interesting a confrontation in which massive amounts of energy will displaced. Shit I wish I could go over there and take some of that energy. Hmmm maybe I will. Maybe I will go and see what is going to happen personally.

The man known as Cell to few, but worldwide as Christian Storm pressed the intercom and said Ms. Hancock have Anton bring my limo around and make sure Slice and Dice are there too. And if they give you shit about not wanting to come along remind them who controls their paychecks."

OCC: See I told you I can write for a villian too.----J

We all stood infront of the door for a few moments trying to figure out how to get inside. WereBane asked, "So what do we do now?"

Shrugging, I tell him "How about we do what Spidey suggests and knock?"

Before the others can say anything, I begin banging on the door and yell "Hey open up in there! C'mon we know you're in there!"

A male voice on the other end asks "Who is it?"

Spider-Man whispers to me "Don't tell him it's us. Make something up."

Nodding, I answer "We are just a couple of Jehovah witnesses." As soon as I said that, Spider-Mans spider senses went off as he tackled me out of the way while a missle blew through the door.
"You had to pick Jehovah's didn't you?" Spiderman brushed himself off, smiling.
He poked his head through the remainder of the door, "May we speak to the evil villan of the house?"
He jumped up, as the missile aimed outward, hitting a car across the street. He webbing flashed out, tying up what looked like a butler. The butler was soon tied up.
"It's always the butler," he said.
Spiderman broked what was left of the door, before looking at everyone else, "After you?"

I stepped inside blinking at the man tied up in webs.

"Alferd?" I ask. The shadows move to un-web him.

"What are you doing here?"

I wondered silently if Batman knew where Alfred was.
JayDen in "Johnny Law"

As I made my way to the door I heard explosions and grinned "Awwed good ole Alfred started the party without me oh well. It's time to play." However when I made it to the door. I saw the supposed "heroes" had webbed poor Alfred and began interrogating him. I walked up to them as calmly as possible and said "You all have 10 minutes to leave before I call the police."

Naturally they looked at me like I just yelled I have a cat in my pants. So I explained "Basically you broke into this house, which is breaking and entering. You beat down poor innocent Alfred, which is assualt and since you had time to think about it on the way here it is all premeditated. Add in the fact that you had to have followed me and companions here from the mall that adds in stalking so technically you are currently SOL (shit outta luck) how do you plea. See for once the spandex is on the wrond side of the law. Hehe you got to love this legal shit don't ya."

IC: Thinking about what he said for a moment, I fire back "How about attempted murder? Your butler did fire on us without good reason. And I don't think the kind of weapon he used is legal for civilians to own. Not to mention indecent exposure for streaking across the streets in your underware earlier." Since when did this turn into an episode of Judge Judy?

OOC: Gotta love this legal stuff.:D
JayDen in Legalize

I look at R man yawn and say:

"Hey I was not nekkid streaking I was wearing boxer short which are construed as shorts which are legal amount of clothing not to be hit with public exposure and I doubt you have proof of such incident. As for Alfred he was simply defending himself after all you spandex boys have superhuman powers all Al over has is a cool British accent. And the weopon he fired is in fact registered to a Emma Frost."

Just as I say her name is when the elegantly dressed White Queen shows up. I turned back to R man and say "now your ass is grass and there is no Judge Joe Brown or Mills Lane to save ya."
WereBane (Hunter)

...."well we simply explained we were jahova whitnesses, we have a right you know, and you see these?" all of a sudden my 8 claws come out "these are regestered under me, i have a right to kill, and you know what...i think they should be put up to a test finally..." i jump forward, kicking back alfred, as i rake down cutting his two guns in half, i jump drop kick him, fliping back as the other deside to join me and run in.

(i'll assume i don't know you all. and who knows i could be a bad guy...we'll see...)

NAME: LAVA (gaia)
AGE: 21?
POWERS: ability to morph into complete lava form, assumes shape of normal human while morphed,
can morph into any living thing while in lava form,
specializes in kick boxing,
body levitates off the floor while in morphed form,
slight telekenesis use while in lava form.
rejuvenation necessary after each and every morphusus. (unconsciousness)

medium frame,
long burgundy hair.
burgundy eyes to match.
adorned in jeans, thigh high black leather boots underneath, a white t-shirt, black leather belt and black leather duster.
uniform not needed, while morphed, assumes physical characteristics as if unmorphed, certain features toned down to show the appearance of a non-existant body suit.
a glowing piece of lava is tied at her neck


i was on a shopping trip, a short vacation away from australia. these people are always in such a hurry. i had just picked up a new pair of boots and was lugging around a huge bag. i kneeled down to put the new ones on. a few people knocked into me, running by. "what?" i said whirling around.
after i finished lacing the last one up, i tugged my jeans back down. i took off in there direction.

(just put me in wherever you want, i don't want to offend anyone or nething, so if you want to see my char. or however you want to let me in...(

I smack my head as I yell, "WereBane! That's not going to help our case very much!" But it was to late for that as far as he was concerned. We watched on as WereBane began to tear through the place when suddenly the sound of a crowd turned our attention back to the streets. A small group of people(that's the one you were in Lava)were watching on as WereBane did his Die Hard impression.

Taking a seat on the steps, I mutter "I definatly shouldn't have said we were jahova witnesses. Next time, I'm saying we're from the IRS." Just then, a brick almost hits me in the head but misses by an inch. I turn around to see Spider-Man walking away like nothing happened.

As i start to rip at the rookie, which has not introduced his sorry self yet, a brick wizzes next to my head...ACK! I look back, just as he hits me back, i jump up grabbing onto the scaffling, and jump onto the building. Spides goes around and meets me up there "fine job you did there, whoever you are"

"the names Werebane, but you can call me hunter, if you wish, and thanks, but scuse me, i don't get fired at and then be called for law suits, i ain't gonna take that shit, anyways i got a score to settle with emma."

"yeah who dosn't" spides replyed

"i guess your right..."

just then renegade appears from a shadow portal, "nice for you to show up" i said, "why didn't you help me at all!?" and jean ran back into the crowd just then she floated up from the allyway on the side. I look down recongnizing somebody down there......"who is that down there" i point to a woman with a glowing necklace, "i've seen her from somewhere...."

OOC: Sorta a catch up post I guess....
I don't think I stepped on any posts, but if I did, mail me please, so I can fix it.

I watched the conversation as my shadows un-webbed Alfred and helped him up.

"So..." I said in a soft tone, ignoring the fact we were ground zero, "how's Bruce?"

"Very well, save the fact he seems to have lost me in cards..." Alfred sounded mildly upset.


"Agreed, Ms. Green. My condolences for your lose, though I must say it's nice to have you on our side full time."

"Thanks...It is kinda nice." I watched WereBane start trying to kill things and sigh, sheilding us both with my shadows.

"I think I need to go..." I pull out a check book as damages mount.

"Give this to Emma, huh?" I say handing a nice sized check off and leaving with a sigh.
Emma Frost aka the Queen

As I made it down the stair I saw JayDen handle those self rightous superheroes all without unholstering his gun. Ah he is learning to fight with his upper head instead of his lower head. Hehe oh boy they saw Alfred so much for letting the world think Al still works for Bruce. Too bad Bruce was too dumb to realize when you are playing poker with a telepath you are guaranteed to lose each and every single time. Ah well time for me introduce myself before Jean can leave I came down the stairs and said "Hi I see you have met Alfred and my new toy JayDen. Isn't he tall dark and well tall and dark."

I can mentally here Jean begin to laugh mentally before she did right before she did physically. I then said "Don't worry JayDeepoo I think you are cute too."

I grin and laugh, giving JayDen an up and down look.

"He's cute...Do you rent him out?" I ask with a smirk before going serious again.

"Sorry about..." I shrug helplessly at the door.

"I gave Alfred a check that should pay for damages..."