Jessica (closed) for yaturtle🐢

With a surprise i ask for it on my ass. “On my acorn Sir.”

I take grab the edge of the counter and prepare for whats coming.

I feel the head touch me and it makes me quiver then everything explodes with color. Everything seem brighter i can feel the hair and see it. I get scare and wonder what in the world is happening.
I lose control of my body and lay in the counter as a pice of meat getting ready to be hammer to make it more tender.

“Mmm, Sir. Ahh ahh…”
I Smiled ear to ear when you said in my ass. Quite sure that you were inexperienced with this I am careful not to hurt you . Filling you slowly at first while I listen to you moan I can see the movement in your arm as rub your clit and take me deeper and deeper . I keep lubricating as I move in and out as your moans to screams and your body responds to the pleasure.
I growl over your shoulder
" ohhh my minx is on fire now she really loves this. picking up the pace and pulling your head up by your hair " come on Jess baby I'm about to empty my balls in your ass . Cum for...Ohhhhh god . It happens. I explode deep inside.
I feel you bust in me, as you do I tell you. “Yes Sir please give me all that cum don't stop” with the warm of your semen leak into my inside and a few more of your pumps i cum. Making my legs shake with out being in control. “Ooh fuuuc…S.I.RRRR” my whole body is in shock with pleasure i can even speak so i lay there trying to compose my self.
I'm spent and back out of you and catch my breath.
Looking down at you I see quivering aftershock roll through your body and your legs trembling. I scoop you up in a bear hug kissing the top of your head . " my little Jess you are wonderful. Picking you up all together I carry you back to the bedroom and lay you down while I fetch towels and a warm wash cloth
Lifting the shirt off you I place the towel under you and begin to wash you gently. When your ready we will take a nice hot shower together
When we get to the shower I start to come back into it. Me trying to re-call what just happen. The soreness of my ass reminds me.

Oh the pain lingers but i feel like i never felt before. We take a hot shower washing each other on the shower and enjoying out bodies. We get out and the first thing i do is get in bed and pass out. He gets me in bed and spoons me holding me with his big arms.
It was nice in the shower.
The happy smile on your face while washed you made me feel good. You were out like a light as soon
As you hit the mattress. I pulled the blanket over as and wrapped you in my arms..I didn't sleep that long maybe twenty minutes or so. I got quietly and tucked you in. I dressed and went out to clean up the kitchen trying not to wake you. My mind wandered as I made a cup of coffee and sat down in the den. It had only been a day but.... it feels like she belongs hear. I thought about work tommorow and getting her home in time to change and then pretend thier was nothing between us at work.
What would I do about sandy and Tina oh and collean for that matter.
Could Jessy really be cool with it. Or be forced to cut the off . One day Allen- calm yourself down. My phone buzzed. Sandy asked what my new s hedule was.
I could hear noise in the kitchen, making noise in my dream was a room with several women's. As I walk up to see what was happening, I realized that Allan was working women, doggy style. While the girl that was doggy style was eating the other girl out. I stayed there looking at trying to make sense of what was going on. Hiding in the corner made wonder who they were. My dream made me want to get closer since I couldn't see who it was faceless women lost in ecstasy.

Dishes clicking and water running on a sink I heard someone rushing to what sounded like a phone vibrating. All the as sudden as I'm moving towards the girls, I'm in pain. Fuck I'm sore I tell myself in the dream that switches the dream off. Allen and his lovers. I wake up with a head rush and all the blood rushing so my clit. What the hell I'm wake up and I'm wet.

I get up and rush to the bathroom. I see the hocky jersey and throw it on. I look in the mirror and I see an afterglow I have not seen in years. I stare at myself, and wonder is the cause is the hard fucking I gotten by this man I just met.

I fix my hair and star looking for all of my clothes, I leave the body suit off and just lip on my pants. I walk to the voice of Allen standing there. "Hii.mmm" I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to say something. "I have to go but thank you for such a wonderful time could you take me home or do I need to call for a ride"
Drying my hands I turn around to find you standing there in my shirt. You look a little shaken as tell me you have to go. Of course I'll take you home honey .
On the short drive to your place you seem very quite.
And I am a little concerned.
As we drive I tee you to please keep the shirt it makes an adorable night shirt on you. I promise to ignore you at work but I definitely want to see you again. You have my number in your files but I don't have yours. I stop out front wanting to kiss you more than say goodnight. I hesitate as you are still quite.
Im still a little shocked by my dream. When i hear you say you want to see again my body warms up and i get a smile. I lean forward and tell you thank you for understanding, about my position at work.

“Thank you for the shirt Mr. I will see you at work”

I lean foward and give you a hug as im pulling away you grab me from the back of my head and kiss me. The kiss makes me feel less of as slut as i do my walk from your car to my place.

The shirt rubs against my nipples as I walk back

Before i go in a swirls to give you a wave and realized something.

“Hey before you go what hockey team is this jersey?
i tell you its the st Louis blues shirt and watch until you are in the house safe. i was feeling good about everything on the ride home when i felt my phone vibrate.
once in my driveway i read the text from sandy. Hey bad boy i want to come over tomorrow night. you can tell me about the new girl you were with at the restaurant.
and surprise Tina wants to come along too. I never thought she would . never say never right.
I didn't respond right away. despite our open discussion i was still feeling guilty. I had to decide weather or not I should tell you.
It was two hour later when I said I would meet them here and to let themselves in with her key reasoning I still had until tommorrow to decide.
When i got home a was tired and ready to get some rest. I had never been wore out as i was. I felt like i need it to have some time to my self.

I watched movies and thought about i had been a slut. I had dinner and walking up my stair to get ready for bed i felt how sore i was. I smile and giggled.

Once in bed I txt Allen. Have a good night don't be late to work tomorrow with a winky emoji.

I showed up to work feeling a little better i did my usual waiting for Allen to arrive.
Entering your office 5 minutes ahead of schedule I greet you with a good morning I hope you had a nice morning I turn around to pick up my paperwork and keys and head out to work . All morning I fight the urge to back in and kiss you. And the conflict within rages on . Should I tell you the girls will be waiting at the house or not. I can't really think you will be okay with despite the talk we had. I reason with myself that I am not obligated to tell you. And go about my work .
Doing check in call’s with the delivery staff i get to Allens name. I try to compose my self with a few drinks of my expresso before dialing his number.

He picks up and we have a small conversation at the end we hand up and im sad, but how dried and professional he was. I tell my self to stop and tell my self is what we need. I let it bother me for a few hrs u till i break into desperation and get an idea.

I go to the ladys room, take a picture and send you a txt msg. Hope you are having a great day Sir…:)

Have any plans tonight?

I go back to my office to finish my paper work and the rest of my calls i have to make.
I have finished loading the truck for my final run and was driving towards the exit for the last delivery of the day when my phone chirped. Your message and the photo brings a smile to my face until you ask about tonight. I tell you I'm sorry but Sandy is coming to the house and she is going to introduce her wife Tina whom I've never met. I am worried sick thinking about your reaction but I promised I would be honest so I hit Send. Then it happened as look up from my phone a familiar car pulls in and parks. Two women get out of the car . Sandy from the drivers side and a women I had seen here last week.
She has attractive figure but her hair and funky boots just scream lesbian. I didnt think it could get worse until I realized I had seen her last week . She is a big client Here . Some kind of event manager for a hotel chain.
You were giddy with excitement the last time she was at the plant. I couldn't get out of the driveway fast enough
I saw a new client pull up as I watched Allen get into his truck and leave with fast take off . A fancy black suv. Out came my new client Tina with what look like her wife.

Tina was a boss women, she did crossfit and stayed fit. It looked like her wife looked nothing like her. Out came a out a little blond girl short and skinny with a good pair of boobs and a big ass. She was wearing a more chic outfit compare to Tina.

I could clearly tell who was the boss in the relationship. I clean my desk and tighten my office up a bit.

They came in and as Tina introduce me to Sandy my world cave in. Sandy look familiar and her name.

In side my head i kept think no it has to be someone else. Fuck this cant be. Im going to kill Allan.

I asked if they need it anything to use it as an excuse to sneak and call Allan to see what in the hell was going on.

Allan is this a game, are you fucking with me how dare you! Was what i said as soon as he picked up.
Hold on Jessica
Honey I don't know whats going. Neither of them know I work here . They didn't even notice me in the van. I told you sandy was coming to visit with her wife
But I had not met her yet.
I do know that woman was here last week and placed a lot of orders. I was sure you would know her . I am sure sandy spotted my truck and seeing you has connected the dots. I don't think she would say anything to you.
The other one I can't say.
After I get back I will punch out and head to your place and we can talk . I don't want you upset with me baby.
We handle business and at the end sandy ask me if I was on a date with Allan. As my face turn red and chocked to try to answer. I nodded my head a few times. Yes that was me.

Tina said is that the guy we are going to see tonight?

I replied back see tonight?
Tina Flashes a look at Sandy before looking back at you like lioness stalking it's prey. Sandy and he are old friends. We are going there shortly for dinner and drinks .....I'm sure it will be and enjoyable evening . When we arrive I will ask him to invite you she takes your hand hers and thanks you for handling her orders so efficiently. Come Sandra we don't want to be late. As she is going out she ask with a locked eyebrow " you do know where the house is?"
Being put on a spot i think about and say yes. I get a look from them as they have written all over their face. You slut. Soon after they leave i go to my phone and txt Allan.

Well I guess im coming to dinner with you and your little friends.

After i get off i head one home to get ready for dinner.
I am already parked in front of your place when I see your text .
And immediately call Sandy's number . When she picks up I can tell I am on the speaker in her car.
Dinner!!!¡!you told her we were having dinner .I don't have dinner fixings ready and you know I'm a lousy cook anyway.
I hear them break out in a fit of laughter. " well you were going to dinner bad boy ".
I hear them laughing again.
Relax dear we have it under control every thing will be ready when you get here.
It's desert you need to talk to her about.
I see pulling up as I hang up on them laughing again.
I hear you at my door. While im still trying to finish up. I scream to come in and take a sit. A few minutes later I come out.

I was not wearing something fancy just a pair of black dress up pants and a lace teddy with my lv black clutch. I was paring it all with my black heals. Under neath just a g-string.

Alan i had no idea what to wear i hope this is okay. I walk front of you an do a turn. What do you think?
I think your fantastic.
I can't believe your not nervous like I am. What did you talk about at the plant.
Hesitating I look you in the eyes " you know this wasn't originally a dinner party ....are you alright with this .did you talk about it at the plant.?
It’s not. a Dinner party? Then what is it? Am I over dress?

We head out and continue the conversation on the drive there.
I pull out onto the road feeling like I don't have enough time to really talk this out. Jess you have become so important to me in such a short period. I told you about sandy because I didn't want to lie to you or commit so quickly. Tina suddenly wanting to be involved is a question mark.
I never got a chance to ask you if you have been with a
Women or even been curious. But I want you to know that I will be watching you .all you have to do is let me know your uncomfortable and I will stop everything and fix it with sandy later. She is pretty kinky by the way so don't be shocked. And I understand they actually did get dinner by the way