Justa really wants an audio thread. Yeah, it will probably be Chaos.

Thank you for starting a new audio thread. I adored the one with @Azuldrgon years ago.
You are welcome. I have been wanting one for a while, as well as others I have been talking with, but I think no one wants the responsibility of owning it. Which I get, I was one of them lol. I am hoping people will chime in when it looks like it is needed. Hopefully you will be answering some.
I like their spirit making it multiple days. I might miss the dark, black, and creepy though.
it's pretty neat. A lot of bright colors and decorated skulls. Out in the cathedral square was pretty festive with Lady-skeletons posing pictures and dancing. But inside there were a lot of folks praying to the mock graves and such. It didn't feel respectful to be there taking a bunch of pics.
You are welcome. I have been wanting one for a while, as well as others I have been talking with, but I think no one wants the responsibility of owning it. Which I get, I was one of them lol. I am hoping people will chime in when it looks like it is needed. Hopefully you will be answering some.
When the old audio thread was up, there was a calendar (‘wild wednesday, foodie Friday) and we cycled people asking questions. It was still hard to manage!!
Wow, my first Playground thread. It only took 5 and a half years. We shall see if this keeps going. What I'd like is a topic or question to be posted every couple of days, by me or someone else, maybe Monday and Friday. I win the race to ask a question this Friday because I am first.

Question 1) Tell me about your Fuck-it lists, ie sexual bucket lists. Do you have one? What has been crossed off? What still remains? Any other thoughts on the Fuck-it list topic. No judgement on the length or on the extra pervy pervs. I will be back later with my 5 minute rambling monolog on the different ways I still want to be fucked.

Question 2) Do you have a favorite holiday? Tell me why.