Power Girl
Power Girl (real name Kara Zor-L, also known as Karen Starr) is a DC Comics superhero, making her first appearance in All Star Comics #58 (January/February 1976).
Power Girl is the Earth-Two counterpart of Supergirl and the first cousin of the Earth-Two Superman. The infant Power Girl's parents enabled her to escape the destruction of Krypton. Although she left the planet at the same time that Superman did, her ship took much longer to reach Earth-Two.
Possessing superhuman strength and the ability to fly, she is a member of the Justice Society of America and the team's first chairwoman. Power Girl sports a bob of blond hair, wears a distinctive white, red and blue costume, and has an aggressive fighting style. Throughout her early appearances in All Star Comics, Power Girl was frequently at odds with Wildcat, who had a penchant for uttering sexist comments that she found offensive.
The 1985 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths eliminated Earth-Two and rewrote Power Girl’s origin; she became a granddaughter of the Atlantean sorcerer Arion. However, story events culminating in the 2005-2006 crossover Infinite Crisis restored her status as a refugee from the Krypton of the Earth-Two universe.
The first use of the name Power Girl was a story in Superman #125. In this story, Lois Lane has a dream where she is a superhero named Power Girl who is constantly coming to the aid of a bumbling Clark Kent who she imagines as a superhero named Power Man.
Power Girl (real name Kara Zor-L, also known as Karen Starr) is a DC Comics superhero, making her first appearance in All Star Comics #58 (January/February 1976).
Power Girl is the Earth-Two counterpart of Supergirl and the first cousin of the Earth-Two Superman. The infant Power Girl's parents enabled her to escape the destruction of Krypton. Although she left the planet at the same time that Superman did, her ship took much longer to reach Earth-Two.
Possessing superhuman strength and the ability to fly, she is a member of the Justice Society of America and the team's first chairwoman. Power Girl sports a bob of blond hair, wears a distinctive white, red and blue costume, and has an aggressive fighting style. Throughout her early appearances in All Star Comics, Power Girl was frequently at odds with Wildcat, who had a penchant for uttering sexist comments that she found offensive.
The 1985 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths eliminated Earth-Two and rewrote Power Girl’s origin; she became a granddaughter of the Atlantean sorcerer Arion. However, story events culminating in the 2005-2006 crossover Infinite Crisis restored her status as a refugee from the Krypton of the Earth-Two universe.
The first use of the name Power Girl was a story in Superman #125. In this story, Lois Lane has a dream where she is a superhero named Power Girl who is constantly coming to the aid of a bumbling Clark Kent who she imagines as a superhero named Power Man.