Knights of the Old Republic: A Changing Force *OOC*

I haven't written with her so she will have to do like you did and give me a sample post or two to look at and go ahead an post a character profile. Right now The ratio is 4 girls to 2 guys. I don't care what she plays though because we can all play more than one character.
I do too and I reported it to ravenloft. Hopefully he can delete it.
Just a heads up starting tuesday I may not have internet access for 6 days which means i won't be posting.
Hey gang expect a post from me in a day or 2. When I got back I went straight back to work and have been taking care of a few things including a starcraft 2 addiction. I beat it though so I will be back to posting. Also I've been sick the doctor had to put me on steroids just to lower the inflamation.
I'm still interested and I know Hook is too. I'm sure others are as well.

Part of the problem is that this is your storyline, Tyme, and the rest of us don't want to do anything that intrudes on it so we're unsure of what the hell our characters can even be doing.

Not fair, and I'm sorry, but that's why I haven't posted since my last one. I don't know how much time has been passing, or what's going on, or where things are going to go, so I'm in stasis.
that's a good point. Sorry I've been so busy lately that I didn't even consider that. I'll think about it over the next couple of days and then get back with you. Plus We or I will have to figure out what to do about blue bailing out of all his threads and leaving lit for the time being.

If you need another Role Player I'd like to join. KOTR I and II was of my most favorite games for a while and as I am new to the RP community here it should be intresting to write up a Star Wars RP
DeathsKnight if your still interested please pm me your thoughts on a character andd we can go from there.

Before we move forward with the thread I'm interested in input from any of you that still want to play this thread. I want to see what your thinking and what direction you want it to take. Right now we are without a villian. I know armphid was planning one for later on in the series to be the big bad, but Blue has had to dip out of his threads for awhile. So we can do a time skip of say a week, where John is just starting to recover, and Blue's character has fled. I can tell you what I want to happen but this isn't just my thread and I want to see your guys input before moving forward.
This time period's actually pretty crucial. If it would be acceptable, since I'm going to do the "big bad" I can take over Blue's character, at least for the moment, and do the scene(s) leading up to his fleeing. Just because they're fairly important.

What do people think?
That's fine if you take him over Arm. as it stands right now I'd say only an hour or two's time has passed max since John's meeting with blue's character.
Seeing that there is action on the thread again, I just want to know if I am being considered
I've told you my concern with your character. I know you want to keep it as is and I understand that but your character is too powerful for this time in the thread. maybe later in the thread that would be allowed but not yet. If you want to make some minor changes and try again that will be allowed.
Ah OK. How about setting him back before his training? That would make him just a normal pilot with a blaster on his hip and a drug problem
That could work but it might be a little while before a non Jedi could get involved in the story unless your on the ship that Hor Rollan is escaping on right now.
I'm going to allow you all to get a post or 2 more in before I have John Stabilize and begin to wake up. The transformation will not be complete but there will be a big enough change that she is stabilized and looks noticebly different, she will continue to change over the post for some time but It's hard for me to write her parts and progress plot in a coma I think.