legend of zelda a hero's requiem characters,rules,and storylines

-he shook her hand softly and smiled to her-"well now your a cutie you look like your dad"-helaughed a bit as he let go-"so whats up link"-he siad-
not much oh hey i found this key i think it may be a new key it is said to be based of the master sword infused with the power of light its called divine blade
-he wa handed the triforce keychain as he attacked it it looked liek the master sorw with a triforce key tip you got Master blade-"Awsome thanks link"-he took it off for now as he looked to him-"so what are we doing from here?"
Erin layed down on the grass and watched the sky.

Veari opened her eyes and left the forest. She was soon in the same clearing as Link, Erin and the other guy.
-he looked over his day dream interupted as he lookd to the female who walked out-
Veari waves. "Hey Link and Erin.....and who is the other guy?"

Erin glomps Veari.

Veari falls over.
SWF seeking Zelda warrior who hates chickens....

Sometimes I am intrigued with some of these RPG's, and I obsessively loved Zelda, but if I play the RPG the way I played the game, the other players would have to put-up with long periods of me running aroung in my leather bikini wasting magic dust to toast every chicken in sight every time I get frustrated!!!--lol
-sora stood and held out his hand-"Im Sora"-he said-"Keyblademaster"-he said-
-he smiled-"well now"-he layed down on the grass and relaxed again daydreaming-
link looking a little angry because he was annoyed with his father over blaze
and the fact that he is getting very depressed