Legends Begin - OOC

Well i start an attack on your charactors by the goblins raiders soon..
Well the thread lived longer then most. It came down to a decision, the creator was gming it and doing a really good job, but she couldn't get on to lit from work and didn't have acess at home, but she found another site she could get onto at work. So the choice was to let it die here or try and move it. She made the right decision.

Any how that was one of those curiously long threads. The longest threads I've been in are Highschool blues, lasted about 3 years, Dragon Ball New Warriors, lasted about 2 and a half years, and Dragon Wars, lasted about a year. Loa blood, I can't say how long it was I joined it late, but if I were to guess about a year before I joined and almost a year when I was in it.

This is probably all unneeded information, but it's fun to talk about some of my favorite now dead threads.
Okay I am slightly confused now. Hun are you attacking bloodpool?
I think he's attaking a nearby pub.....

But yeah. Not supprised a Dragonball thread lasted so long. Probably took about 2 weeks to so super sayen :p
i'm going to wait to take action against the orcs until some of the others post
I posted, but I'm away for the next week, so you won't hear from me for a short while
can I join? I got my internet back up yesterday, and have been away for a while, was wondering if I could join this or not.
cool, thanks.

Name: Selufae Sulina
gender: male
race: Avariel
Mental Age: 16
Age in human years: 112
height: 5'0
weight: 120
Wings: white, 13 ft wing span

Armor: A large transparent gauntlet that covers his whole right arm, and a large transparent plating that covers his whole left leg.

Weapons: a whip and 3 bola, and 2 milky white longswords.

Appearance: Wears light materials, a cloak that is green on the outside and blue on the inside. His right arm is encased in what looks like a large piece of transparent armor, his left leg is also encased in similar confinements, lending what looks like much weight to him but actually is lighter than most people think. He doesn't normally let his wings show, having large green eyes, his normal appearance makes him look much like landbound elves, save for his transparent armor. The only difference is his high angled face and the slightly abnormally large eyes that are set in his face. His skin is light, around his neck is a pendant that depicts a cloud and a bird in it. The white, green and blue garments under his cloak have shoulder patches. One is a round design of a tree on his left side and the right side has a design of a black spider with the head of a drow, in a web. On the back of his shirt he bears a large symbol, the same one as his pendant. His clothing is loose and very light weight.

Bio: Growing up in the clouds he was a happy kid, until he was thrown out, thought to be possessed by Lloth or evil dragons. His uncle took him in and taught him history, fighting, scouting, and even brought out his latent magical talents, which caused him to seem haunted or possessed when he was younger. His uncle also urged him to become a cleric, as his uncle devoutly worshipped Corellon. So Selufae decided to worship the goddess that granted his people their greatest gift, flight. As years went by he became bitter as he saw more of the world around him by travelling with his uncle. He returned home one time and realized that his mother and siblings were far too different from him, and still shunned him even though he had learned to control his magical abilities and even made them grow. He decided to never return and wandered the world more lost in his path. He left to wander around on his own; started to hide his heritage, blending in with landbound elves fairly easily until those sharp of eye noticed that his eyes are a little larger and his facial features are more angular than normal. Always keeping his distance, trying to find out the point of serving a goddess that no longer seemed to be alive . . .

btw if there's anything you people want me to change let me know
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more DnD cats? as in you want more DnD esque? or you want less DnD cats?
Mostly just observeing. Lloth and Corellon are from DnD.
cats said:
Mostly just observeing. Lloth and Corellon are from DnD.

pretty much, I prefer to say Lloth, although I've seen a lot of people call her Lolth . . . *shrugs*
Both Lloth and Lolth is accurate :)

I miss the days i played the MMORPG Ultima online. Was part of a drow guild. I love the Drow language and culture.
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Okay quick drow DnD story. So I am a drow sorcer, so beneth me is drow society are male rouges and fighters and then all the slaves. Above me are all female drow and drow wizards aswell as all the nobles. The DM asks what I would be doing when we start, I tell him well I know where I am in the pecking order so I am probably beating a slave or something, so what comes up behind me but a slave riot.
Tch! Just typical that. You get set to beat down some slaves like you do every other day, and BOOM! A riot breaks out right where you are...

My bro used to play a very powerful Drow character called Damien DeVir. Wizard, I believe he was with a particular favourism toward hand of dust spells
I was an abjurer more or less. Something called a initiate of the seven fold veil. it is a prestige class based around the prismatic wall spell. I could produce any one layer of the spell as a shell that moved with me 3 times a day as a free action, in response to any attack. Case and point a Minotaur charged at me so I put up the yellow veil, dose 80 points of electricity damage and shields me from gases. The poor thing dropped dead.