Lit blog

Dear Tath

wasn't talking about you. Was referring to the one who is so distressed about Foehns post. and his ego. seems to me that it takes a way over inflated one to blast someone over his. that is what upset me, is the way some people seem to feel they are so much better than can root out ( what they deem as ) faults in others and be so mean.

as for agreeing/disagreeing, you have always been one of the most diplomatic people on this forum, I have never seen you attack anyone because of his post, make him feel unwelcome, etc. I adore you, whatever that means, if anything.

all I have to say to sabina is, if she doesnt like someones long posts, there is an ignore button. I use it, used it just today. and will use it again.

AND, when I mentioned single malt scotch, it was in ref to an earlier post of HERS, and I did so to point out this--

what gives anyone the right to decide what is a valid post? length wise, or topic wise. My point is, regardless of HOW MANY times the vote thing has been pounded into the ground, there will always be someone who hasn't reconciled it within themselves yet, and who are any of us to attack someone else's post over content....and I am not,was not attacking her,just using one of her post topics as an example.

I hate snobs, I really do, self confessed ones even more.
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'sall cool, man...

No porblems![sic] Hakuna matata, et cetera et cetera. Hell, I'm already in the next county! *smile*

Damn it! (Dropped my needle. Flouncing things is harder than it looks.)

Does anyone remember Deep Asleep's blog entries? Those were bona fide blog entries -- man, I enjoyed reading those.

Later... *puts on sunglasses, leaves*
ghost_girl said:
Dear Tath

wasn't talking about you. Was referring to the one who is so distressed about Foehns post. and his ego. seems to me that it takes a way over inflated one to blast someone over his. that is what upset me, is the way some people seem to feel they are so much better than can root out ( what they deem as ) faults in others and be so mean.

as for agreeing/disagreeing, you have always been one of the most diplomatic people on this forum, I have never seen you attack anyone because of his post, make him feel unwelcome, etc. I adore you, whatever that means, if anything.

all I have to say to sabina is, if she doesnt like someones long posts, there is an ignore button. I use it, used it just today. and will use it again.

AND, when I mentioned single malt scotch, it was in ref to an earlier post of HERS, and I did so to point out this--

what gives anyone the right to decide what is a valid post? length wise, or topic wise. My point is, regardless of HOW MANY times the vote thing has been pounded into the ground, there will always be someone who hasn't reconciled it within themselves yet, and who are any of us to attack someone else's post over content....and I am not,was not attacking her,just using one of her post topics as an example.

I hate snobs, I really do, self confessed ones even more.

she has a right to post whatever she wants too sweetie
I understand it may upset you
and I have a few people on ignore as well
for the same reasons you state

One thing you must have realized about this place by now is, there's a lot of innuendo, friction, backstabbing, jealousy, ego brats, etc etc
It's no different than " the real world"
I didn't see her post as an attack as much as a legitimate question, half in jest maybe.

I admire the fact you want to defend a friend, I do the same thing on occasion.

The thing I have to keep reminding myself is that this place and what goes on here shouldn't be taken too seriously.
I am guilty of that sometimes and at least now when I find it happening I take a break, or at least a step back till I can put things in a some what more realistic perspective.

I know you are a very caring and emotional person
with a strong sense of right and wrong.
Try not to waste it on things that you really can't change
makes life a little easier
:rose: :heart:
Tathagata said:
she has a right to post whatever she wants too sweetie
I understand it may upset you
and I have a few people on ignore as well
for the same reasons you state

One thing you must have realized about this place by now is, there's a lot of innuendo, friction, backstabbing, jealousy, ego brats, etc etc
It's no different than " the real world"
I didn't see her post as an attack as much as a legitimate question, half in jest maybe.

I admire the fact you want to defend a friend, I do the same thing on occasion.

The thing I have to keep reminding myself is that this place and what goes on here shouldn't be taken too seriously.
I am guilty of that sometimes and at least now when I find it happening I take a break, or at least a step back till I can put things in a some what more realistic perspective.

I know you are a very caring and emotional person
with a strong sense of right and wrong.
Try not to waste it on things that you really can't change
makes life a little easier
:rose: :heart:

This is a good response, balanced and understanding.

You're a sweet guy, yknow?
Tathagata said:

Indeed. :kiss:


(I know he has a Mets shirt on, but I don't hate the Mets)
Tathagata said:
she has a right to post whatever she wants

and so does point all along.....and by the way, I barely know the man....was just glad to see someone with some talent come back and post something worth reading. you mention jealousy, maybe that is her problem anyway.

the rules of decency and etiquette do not just apply to one side, and sometimes that needs to be pointed out.

I have realized, just today, that for the most part, the hypocrisy here nauseates me as do a majority of the people here and Iam positive I am not on anyones fave list, so why do I even care? I am not here to have people bow at my feet and call me Goddess.

You're right Tath, it isn't worth it anymore. When all I get from a place is disillusioned by ( most of) the people in it, it is time to go.

The 3 or 4 people here who I have learned from and respect, well, I wont even say their names because I would hate for them to be retaliated against because I care for them and this place has shown me that there are people like that here.

fuck it, not worth it. let the ones who only see it their way trash whomever they like, I am tired of being the only one that shouts, hey, you guys, we ALL Have rights here, we all have feelings...we can all say what we like and NO ONE deserves to be trashed because they vent or make a post someone doesn't like.
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ghost_girl said:
and so does point all along.....and by the way, I barely know the man....was just glad to see someone with some talent come back and post something worth reading. you mention jealousy, maybe that is her problem anyway.

the rules of decency and etiquette do not just apply to one side, and sometimes that needs to be pointed out.

I have realized, just today, that for the most part, the hypocrisy here nauseates me as do a majority of the people here and Iam positive I am not on anyones fave list, so why do I even care? I am not here to have people bow at my feet and call me Goddess.

You're right Tath, it isn't worth it anymore. When all I get from a place is disillusioned by ( most of) the people in it, it is time to go.

The 3 or 4 people here who I have learned from and respect, well, I wont even say their names because I would hate for them to be retaliated against because I care for them and this place has shown me that there are people like that here.

fuck it, not worth it. let the ones who only see it their way trash whomever they like, I am tired of being the only one that shouts, hey, you guys, we ALL Have rights here, we all have feelings...we can all say what we like and NO ONE deserves to be trashed because they vent or make a post someone doesn't like.

You know as well as I do that as soon as you place any value on voting or top lists or favorites here, you're screwed because--as far as I can see--only the tiniest fraction of that has anything to do with poetry. Some people make a point of taking voting off their poems; I don't even do that. I don't care about votes and top lists and I never will. I don't even care enough to protest by removing votes (although I know, for example, that whenever one of my poems hits number one, people one-bomb it back into oblivion), except to bitch about it here occasionally lol.

And everything you and Tath say about the egos and the competiveness here is true, but that, too, has zilch to do with poetry. Reading each others' poems here and supporting each other--those of us who do--is the only real way to get anything positive from this site in terms of our art. The people here who do that always seem to benefit. The ones who don't--well they get to be number one sometimes, but that's pretty subjective, isn't it? ;)

ghost_girl said:
Concerning Foehn's personal blog post, which it is a blog post. what is the big deal? I didn't realize there was a word restriction on blog posts. I always was of the opinion that this was a place to relieve stress, to let it all out.

It is just distressing to see someone be given grief over something as simple as a blog post. makes me not even wanna come in here anymore.

maybe if his post had been about single malt scotch....just saying...

live and let live, people


yawn...let me rub the sleep out of my brain....

ok, now I was not really critizing I was merley pointing out that the whole voting thing is really just as pointless (haha ...pun intended) :D as feeling the need to state it to the public. It's kind of ironic and that is what I was trying to say. What's the point? I don't really care, post anything you like.
I agree Ghosty, live and let live. This is a place to come and vent and I am not trying to give anyone grief just make a few waves on the water baby.

We should all learn to not take things so personally.

unless it is about single malt scotch
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Tathagata said:
If i posted about about the unfairness of blended whiskey as opposed to single malt scotch I would most certainly expect a few comments

but blended whiskey is a real travesty

ps. flounce flounce flounce.

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Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
It's not's cultured baby. :cool:

glenmorangie 18 yr old is my fav but we are purchasing a 30 year old in November

missed this reply, busy over the weekend of pillaging.

got a chance to try a Balvenie 21 just recently. Seductive. Lovely.

I do like glenmorangie, especially when it's of legal age.

Okay, I've caught up on the thread.

Actual blog post that is not about single malt scotch:

So I went to a Very Large Urban Center this weekend. I grew up in them, in Chicago and Boston and Detroit, and only became rural within the past quarter or so of my actual lifespan. Living out in small towns and commuting along roads lined with cow pastures has given me an ability to see these things from the outside occasionally.

What I noticed during this trip was this. A big city like Denver is a summary of all human experience, in every moment. If one tunes in to the various dramas, it can be mind-boggling. At any given moment, in a city like that, every possible thing that can happen to a human being is happening to someone within a radius of a few miles.

Someone is being born, and someone is dying. Someone is falling in love, someone is breaking off a relationship, someone is losing their virginity, someone is being beaten, someone is remembering something and someone is forgetting something. Someone has just finished over-eating at an expensive restaurant, and someone is thinking that they are hungry and have no money for food. Someone is coming home and someone is leaving, and someone is traveling, and someone has decided to change everything and someone is resigning himself to sameness. Someone is gaining a child, a parent, a family member, and someone is losing one. Someone is writing a word and someone is erasing a word. Someone is having an orgasm, and someone is crying, and someone is screaming at the top of their lungs. Someone is staring at a computer screen and someone is playing with a dog. Every possible thing is happening, all the time, and all in a relatively small space.

Cities are loud, and not just because of the traffic and sirens and radios. They're loud because everyone has a story that is being told moment by moment, and every single person is the center of the universe, being the hero, thinking about what they will do next, and what will come of those actions. Every car you pass on the freeway contains a story, a drama, a hero. Every person in the restaurant or on the street has an idea they wish to communicate, a dream, a set of wishes, a litany of justifications for what they have done and will do.

It blows my mind, thinking about how many stories are out there, and how each one is Most Essential to the person telling it.

I did not like the Groups i met in the city. I didn't like the Shoppers or the Drivers or the White Ladies chatting over lattes, toying with their bleach jobs and keeping a close eye on their Louis Vuitton bags whenever they spotted someone with darker skin than theirs. But I liked the individuals. We stopped for gas at around midnight on Saturday, on the way back to the motel, and I saw my mate in conversation with a wild youngster, a boy maybe 19 with a short mohawk and a sweatshirt with skateboard logos on it. He came back to the car, was introduced as "Gary", and we took him a few blocks to a bus station on a main street so he could get the rest of the way home. He had been trying to ask directions to Colfax but couldn't make sense of the answers, and it was a good seven blocks away. My mate didn't want him to walk that far so late on a Saturday.

He was a charming boy. Chatted us up, and even said that if we smoked pot, and if he had actually had any, he'd have smoked us up. His last comment, as we dropped him off at a well-lit bus stop, was "My Mom would love you guys."

A high compliment indeed.
unpredictablebijou said:
Cities are loud, and not just because of the traffic and sirens and radios. They're loud because everyone has a story that is being told moment by moment, and every single person is the center of the universe, being the hero, thinking about what they will do next, and what will come of those actions. Every car you pass on the freeway contains a story, a drama, a hero. Every person in the restaurant or on the street has an idea they wish to communicate, a dream, a set of wishes, a litany of justifications for what they have done and will do.

You simply can't write without writing poetry, can you?

I could swirl around in the reverie quoted above long enough to get lost. Is there such a thing as flash non-fiction? Finely expressed, filigreed with the incontrovertible truths of human experience...
it's five thirty am here, still dark...I was struck by what bijou was talking about, the existentialism of it, the sum of humanity wrapped up in just that. The individual and the group, how somehow we are so tiny in the mass of it all but at the same time we are so single

hmmmm....I think you can find the same experiance in a single momment. For example, when I snowboard the weight of it all is lifted, the singleness of one momment is all that matters Every conversation is wiped away, everything else disappears there is nothing else. Clean as untouched snow yet it is all connected as well. I never feel so in touch and alive, I could be nothing but air if not for the mortal coil.

Thank you Bijou
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Thank you also, Sabina. Gods, I wish I had the knees and ankles to ski or snowboard. I tend to fall over and get badly broken. I do remember vividly some occasions of cross-country skiing as a youngster, and one particular trek we took at night under a half-moon. What struck me was the amazing silence of snow, how trackless and blue it was, all the way to the horizon. Even in a line of a dozen people all traveling together, everything was intensely quiet. No one wanted to touch that crystal-clear sensation of peace. It was as if the entire world was holding its breath.

foehn2 said:
You simply can't write without writing poetry, can you?

I could swirl around in the reverie quoted above long enough to get lost. Is there such a thing as flash non-fiction? Finely expressed, filigreed with the incontrovertible truths of human experience...

Thanks darlin'.

The challenge this weekend, as it is frequently, was trying to focus on the "real world" when concepts like that are wandering around in my head. Every time we drove from one show to another my mind would go wandering off into that set of ideas, and it was a relief to finally have time to write about it.

People find me a bit strange to interact with sometimes, and this weekend was a good example of the ways I must compromise: I'm having to negotiate rather expensive bulk deals on malachite and bismuth with international, non-english speaking dealers with varying levels of integrity; I'm trying to focus on who's got the best price for shiva lingams and tumbled amazonite and raw sugilite, and all I really want to do is grab people by the lapels and go off about how incredible, how mind-blowing it is that each one of us is truly the hero in our own mythos, the center of our own universe. It's distracting, to say the least.

Good thing I'm used to walking in two worlds.

When you're pressed against pale green lichen, arms wrapped around a trunk, wrists pink from pulling too hard on the cuffs, you realize at that moment that you either have a mental illness or you're a sexual deviant. Maybe they are the same. I guess it's all in how you deal with it. I seek out my illness and wallow in the sickness, eventually driving home--red, purple, kind of bluish, with lipstick words across my chest, panties clinging to me. I drive fast, even my happiness is fast, fading to the paleness of lichen as I remember the kids are waiting at school for mom to pick them up and there is homework to do and cheerleading practice and worries over finding a shirt to cover the slut written on my skin.
WickedEve said:
When you're pressed against pale green lichen, arms wrapped around a trunk, wrists pink from pulling too hard on the cuffs, you realize at that moment that you either have a mental illness or you're a sexual deviant. Maybe they are the same. I guess it's all in how you deal with it. I seek out my illness and wallow in the sickness, eventually driving home--red, purple, kind of bluish, with lipstick words across my chest, panties clinging to me. I drive fast, even my happiness is fast, fading to the paleness of lichen as I remember the kids are waiting at school for mom to pick them up and there is homework to do and cheerleading practice and worries over finding a shirt to cover the slut written on my skin.

Hell yeah.

Bang. Bang-on.

WickedEve said:
When you're pressed against pale green lichen, arms wrapped around a trunk, wrists pink from pulling too hard on the cuffs, you realize at that moment that you either have a mental illness or you're a sexual deviant. Maybe they are the same. I guess it's all in how you deal with it. I seek out my illness and wallow in the sickness, eventually driving home--red, purple, kind of bluish, with lipstick words across my chest, panties clinging to me. I drive fast, even my happiness is fast, fading to the paleness of lichen as I remember the kids are waiting at school for mom to pick them up and there is homework to do and cheerleading practice and worries over finding a shirt to cover the slut written on my skin.

what are we if not comfortable in our madness
Tathagata said:
then I'd have to find a shirt that covered "manwhore" written on my chest
Just stay away from those V neck shirts if you have to go somewhere like a PTA meeting. I just didn't go!
Wickedchick said:
I am "a 5'10 yeti who has great cheekbones, long legs, playful eyes, and names her toys."

Somehow, that is most enchanting. (It was time to say so.) Do your toys choose you, sometimes, and give you their own special pet names?

I'd kinda sorta like to write a legitimate blog post, but bijou has me totally intimidated; tath and sabina hate my ass, and i've been black-balled by the literotica poetry editors. not sure what it is i have written in bismuth and vaseline across my chest, but it may be radioactive.
WickedEve said:
Just stay away from those V neck shirts if you have to go somewhere like a PTA meeting. I just didn't go!

I went to one PTA meeting when I first moved up here.
They took my wife aside and told her it wasn't always necessary to have both parents attend
Maybe it was the Hawaiian shirt and the odd outbursts of " Oh for Christs sake" that did it