Lit blog

Tzara said:
It's a famous ferry in Seattle.

Kind of.

I never heard of that, Tzara. I thought maybe I had just spelled Kakalak wrong.

Kakalak is a loving nickname used to refer to the Carolinas by natives and residents. I couldn't spell colloquilism- or whatever it is, but thats what it is.a word I have no business using.
bogusbrig said:
Kakalak is Dutch for cockroach.

Now what are the charisteristics of your average Carolinian? :D

Holy Cow, BB. I have no idea how that came about to be a nickname for the states. I am not sure it applies to residents of those 2 states, but yeah, we will probably survive the nuclear winter and come out smelling like a rose.

Thanks for the etymology/entymology lesson :D

so far we have a ferry and cockroaches and people who settled the state who some of them, still live on potatoes and beans. Resilient? probably.

I was born in NC, but live in SC. It was years before I found out why we were called Tar Heels. Tar Heels, history of term

SC people are fondly known as Sandlappers.

But I have been called Hillbilly, clod-hopper ( but that is actually for people from Kentucky) been called Redneck, hick and well, white trash.

But you have to have a least ONE junk car on your property to be white trash or have been married to or produced a kid by a cousin or a sisters ex. and I have none of those um, qualities.

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bogusbrig said:
Damn damn damn, I got my spelling wrong. The Dutch word is Kakerlak. :eek:

But I have found this, scroll down to kakalak.

I never doubted you, BB :) I have no knowledge of the Dutch language. Now I am really intrigued as to how it came about being used. Maybe no one remembers for sure. And it surly doesnt offend me, as I had never heard the term until I entered that anthology contest.

My daughter Amanda, tells me that her name was made up by an author in the 1700's and in Turkish, it means water buffalo or official document.

And thanks to a link Tzara posted, I discovered that my name means bumfluff. Now that about killed me. I mean really, lol. I looked up the meaning for "Julie" when I was young and in Christian terms, it means fair haired and youthful. But T's link says I am ass lint. :D


okay, about the cockroach/ Kakalak thing. I didn't think of it at first, because when I think of a cockroach, those small brown German roaches come to mind. There are these huge things called palmetto bugs down here and they are a member of the cockroach family. They love to live in pine trees and the Carolinas are full of them. So that must be how the term came about. Freakin' bugs.

I believe the Dutch were excellent shipbuilders and that industry thrived in the Carolinas, NC especially. Loblolly pines were almost wiped out. Now, at some paper mills i Have been to, you are likely to see stands of them, young trees, an effort to sort of bring them back. We have some really old ones in the Congaree National swamp Monument. And 4 varieties of woodpeckers.
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Today hasn't been good. Thank you everyone for your words of support in my previous blog. That means a lot. I love you guys.

My mom started screaming at me this morning. This was proper screaming-until- your-eyes-explode stuff and she just emptied all her rage on me. All could I make out was the usual stuff she says: that I'm a worthless so-and-so yadda yadda yadda

So I got really depressed for most of the day and all I could manage in my conversation with my girlfriend today was 'yeah' and 'okay'. Fuck.
normal jean said:
darling Ross, better a warehouse than a slaughterhouse.

I have missed you and I know others have too. whatcha been up to and hows the GF? Your old blog posts were most entertaining. why'd ya ditch us, huh huh?


ohhh, life.... I seee

My absence has a lot to do with not having internet access save what I can cadge from friends. I sold or gave away a lot of things, a few months ago, in an effort to pare down. My rickety old computer went the way of the dodo, as it were - or the carrier pigeon, or... anyway, It broke and I hadn't the money to fix it. I'm saving up for a lap'ntop, as we speak, though it'll be a while. I have these bills... Soon enough. Hard work, etc., etc.

I check in, now and again.

vampiredust said:
Today hasn't been good. Thank you everyone for your words of support in my previous blog. That means a lot. I love you guys.

My mom started screaming at me this morning. This was proper screaming-until- your-eyes-explode stuff and she just emptied all her rage on me. All could I make out was the usual stuff she says: that I'm a worthless so-and-so yadda yadda yadda

So I got really depressed for most of the day and all I could manage in my conversation with my girlfriend today was 'yeah' and 'okay'. Fuck.
Are you living at home while in college? I was just wondering if you had to be around your mom. By the way, menopause, alcoholic, bipolar? Emptying all her rage sounds like more than normal anger. If she has some problem and it's combined with anger, then I wouldn't pay much attention to the words. Keep your distance when she's going off and ignore what she says, as much as you can.
vampiredust said:
Today hasn't been good. Thank you everyone for your words of support in my previous blog. That means a lot. I love you guys.

My mom started screaming at me this morning. This was proper screaming-until- your-eyes-explode stuff and she just emptied all her rage on me. All could I make out was the usual stuff she says: that I'm a worthless so-and-so yadda yadda yadda

So I got really depressed for most of the day and all I could manage in my conversation with my girlfriend today was 'yeah' and 'okay'. Fuck.

goodness, I am sorry, mostly that it affected your whole day. I agree with Eve, ignore the insults, the rage, maybe talk to her when she has calmed down, sometimes there is actually a grain of truth or good advice under a mother's anger.

or maybe I am just feeling a bit guilty at my own yelling I did, although it was just a brief "Why does it have to such a big fight every time I put food on the table???? I am going to stop cooking meals altogether!!!!" but only as no one in the house was listening to my kind words of Honey, are you going to want breakfast? Okay, ready in about 10 minutes!"
"Breakfast is almost ready! Let's clear the table! Okay sweetie, lets put away our coloring.... clear the table
(Mom back to kitchen to turn eggs)

"Honey are you getting up to eat breakfast? Okay, ready in two minutes." O-- come to the table, come on, now." etc etc etc etc

Until the final-- Okay, breakfast is ready! table still covered in coloring, kid moaning, my mouth is not hungry for food, my fingers are hungry for coloring, general moaning and groaning and no one actually sitting to eat even though everyone told me YES when I asked if they wanted breakfast husband still in bedroom......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

okay that is my mother bitch for the day. Why does the raised voice have to come out for things to happen? It is CRAZY. I need SuperNanny.

at least they all just cleaned up the living room of the crates of legos and marble run toys.... and the kitchen is clean....after my lecture on how getting food for the family is a job for a FAMILY. I guess sometimes it works.

BUT insults and rage, that never works.
Okay, I guess I'm now officially involved with someone. He's away this weekend and I'm pining for him. God, that pisses me off. I wanted to avoid emotions. And I certainly don't want commitment. He tried to buy me a cell phone, but I balked at the idea when I found out I had to sign up for two years. Besides, we didn't like Eric. He was the sales guy who looked like a butt plug. I swear, he really did. We'll try cell phone shopping some other time. Good. I want to put off the two year commitment.

I could have gone away with him this weekend, but it was my kid's birthday. Since I gave birth to her, I felt obligated to go to her party. And I love her, of course. She's ten. Wow, a ten year commitment. Once again I told her the story of how I found out I was going to have her. I sat up in bed one morning and something in my belly moved. Stomach tumor! Her dad took me to the E.R. The doctor said it was a baby. I actually asked him if he was sure. "Are you sure it's not a stomach tumor?"

I confided in one of my friends that my relationship with Hugo was part of some horrible, mental illness. Yes, yes, I'm a glass half empty kind of person. I am dark and pessimistic and negative about everything. Maybe Hugo is just a bad reaction to one of my diabetes medications. Or Hugo could be low blood sugar and if I drink some juice, maybe he'll stop making me shake. Whatever disease Hugo is, he'll probably end up being chronic.
WickedEve said:
Okay, I guess I'm now officially involved with someone. He's away this weekend and I'm pining for him. God, that pisses me off. I wanted to avoid emotions. And I certainly don't want commitment. He tried to buy me a cell phone, but I balked at the idea when I found out I had to sign up for two years. Besides, we didn't like Eric. He was the sales guy who looked like a butt plug. I swear, he really did. We'll try cell phone shopping some other time. Good. I want to put off the two year commitment.

I could have gone away with him this weekend, but it was my kid's birthday. Since I gave birth to her, I felt obligated to go to her party. And I love her, of course. She's ten. Wow, a ten year commitment. Once again I told her the story of how I found out I was going to have her. I sat up in bed one morning and something in my belly moved. Stomach tumor! Her dad took me to the E.R. The doctor said it was a baby. I actually asked him if he was sure. "Are you sure it's not a stomach tumor?"

I confided in one of my friends that my relationship with Hugo was part of some horrible, mental illness. Yes, yes, I'm a glass half empty kind of person. I am dark and pessimistic and negative about everything. Maybe Hugo is just a bad reaction to one of my diabetes medications. Or Hugo could be low blood sugar and if I drink some juice, maybe he'll stop making me shake. Whatever disease Hugo is, he'll probably end up being chronic.

Hugo was a hurricane that passed through the MIDDLE of SC back in '89. He tore through our state and was still a cat 4 when he came through Columbia. My mom and I both saw the reports, it was a deadly storm, yet there we were , standing outside at 3 in the morning waiting for the eye to pass over. And when it did, we ran like crazed fools back into our homes and held on while he blew down trees everywhere, snatched screens off the windows, shingles off the roof. I even captured the roar on tape until the power went out and I couldnt tape anymore.

The rest of my family slept through it.

I could never sleep that good.
Chocolate Horse Centerpiece
This finely detailed chocolate horse represents the finest in edible equestrian art. The horse is cast from an antique mold using 21 ounces of gourmet Belgian chocolate, and is very impressive.
Price: 35.99
Item: ChocolateHorse
Shipping: 9.95

It all started with a little pms. Hugo called while I was gorging on a piece of chocolate that I had found in the back of the kitchen cabinet. He was trying to have a meaningful conversation with me. "Do you miss me? I'll be home tomorrow. I hope you're saving yourself for me and not cumming all over the place. I'll satisfy you once I get back... What's that noise?" Hugo couldn't seem to understand the importance of chocolate. He ruffled his tail feathers and squawked. How could a woman indulge herself so completely in chocolate at the same time she's receiving glorious, cock promises? Oh, Hugo was ignored and spurned. He demanded that the drone of the moaning, chocolate mouth machinery cease.

"Hugo, fuck you and the chocolate horse you rode in on."

My chocolate horse arrives in two days.
i am in the throes of job changing, no more that limbo arena of Not Knowing. now it's For Real. so, to welcome me, the new job has sent out a complementary Welcome Pack. it's about four inches thick with paperwork that i should have read through within 24 hours of receipt, signed a couple of forms and returned them within seven days. suffice it to say that bronchitis and sinusitis and all the mental thick headedness that goes with it has laid my brain flat for everyone around me to trample on for the last few weeks. this morning when i couldn't put The Pack off any longer, i opened it and now i'm panicking. i have to wake a neighbour to witness my signature! i have to return the papers two days ago (does this mean i have to squabble with another 73 applicants for the job again? i sure hope not. haven't got it in me, yet.)

my old job said yesterday, are you sure you want to leave? we really don't want you to. in my naivety i replied, well i won't leave if you meet what the other job is offering.

i never mentioned a Welcome Back Pack.
He calls me at night and I make the mistake of picking up the phone. Within three sentences he is screaming at me, calling me bitch, asshole! He loves to threaten me, to try to scare me. I think it makes him feel secure. That's what I couldn't live with any longer, the grinding self-loathing and fear that made every day sad and angry, that makes him lash out at everyone around him. You'd think a person would explode--or maybe implode--from carrying that much hatred and misery within themself.

I laugh it off at first because it's so familiar, but when I try to sleep I think about how he'll take it out on my children: the temper tantrums, the self-involvement that makes him scream "I hate my fucking life" at them. They're older. They have their own barriers, I know, but when do your children stop being your babies? When do you stop wanting to protect them, even though you know you couldn't, can't?

You croon and kiss me, rub my back. Four years this month and you never call me names, shout at me, punch walls and jab fingers at me. You're calm as the mirror of a pond. I can watch myself relax in your arms.
I don't like resorts. Everything is too controlled and clean and organized and there is no place you can really get away. The food and drinks cost too much and they want you to buy various kinds of clothing in unflattering colors that is plastered with any of various logos associated with the company who owns the place.

They're also often found in places where the climate is not to my liking. Current case in point: Florida.

The weather in Orlando is actually not that bad this trip. Somewhere in the 80s with humidity that didn't make me limp (limp is, for us guys, not a good thing). So I can't rightly complain too much about the weather, other than to say it is a charming 52 overcast and blustery in my beloved PNW.

But God. I'm at a show at Disney World. (Note to Lauren: I didn't realize until recently that the Swan and Dolphin hotels are Michael Graves designs. Obvious, once you know it, of course. Too Disneyfied, though, for my taste. Sparked some interest, though.) Talk about the Evil Empire of Resorts—is there something wrong with me that the fact that everything here is so pristine it looks like it was manufactured this morning? I found myself longing for a bit of cracked plaster, some slight bleaching to the hyperintense color scheme, some dog shit or cigarette butts on the sidewalk. It's like those too perfect societies with the worm-eaten underbellies that dystopian writers make into books. Makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. Especially when Big Brother is a cartoon Mouse® with an affected, aw shucks giggle.

Even debauchery looks antiseptic in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

Maybe I'm just getting old and grouchy. Maybe it's not having kids or (obviously) grandkids to share the ersatz experience with. Buy them mouse ear hats and spun sugar treats and Hannah Montana dolls (She sings! She dances! She sells out concerts in twenty seconds!).

I don't care. Besides, it's way too flat here anyway.
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"worm-eaten underbellies that dystopian writers"

damn it Tzara, what were you thinking? Next time take my kids. They will break things in for you as you go. They are beyond shit on the sidewalk, but one is puking today, that might work.

Tzara said:
I don't like resorts. Everything is too controlled and clean and organized and there is no place you can really get away. The food and drinks cost too much and they want you to buy various kinds of clothing in unflattering colors that is plastered with any of various logos associated with the company who owns the place.

They're also often found in places where the climate is not to my liking. Current case in point: Florida.

The weather in Orlando is actually not that bad this trip. Somewhere in the 80s with humidity that didn't make me limp (limp is, for us guys, not a good thing). So I can't rightly complain too much about the weather, other than to say it is a charming 52 overcast and blustery in my beloved PNW.

But God. I'm at a show at Disney World. (Note to Lauren: I didn't realize until recently that the Swan and Dolphin hotels are Michael Graves designs. Obvious, once you know it, of course. Too Disneyfied, though, for my taste. Sparked some interest, though.) Talk about the Evil Empire of Resorts—is there something wrong with me that the fact that everything here is so pristine it looks like it was manufactured this morning? I found myself longing for a bit of cracked plaster, some slight bleaching to the hyperintense color scheme, some dog shit or cigarette butts on the sidewalk. It's like those too perfect societies with the worm-eaten underbellies that dystopian writers make into books. Makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. Especially when Big Brother is a cartoon Mouse® with an affected, aw shucks giggle.

Even debauchery looks antiseptic in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

Maybe I'm just getting old and grouchy. Maybe it's not having kids or (obviously) grandkids to share the ersatz experience with. Buy them mouse ear hats and spun sugar treats and Hannah Montana dolls (She sings! She dances! She sells out concerts in twenty seconds!).

I don't care. Besides, it's way too flat here anyway.
congrats! good luck with the new job, and I hope you are feeling better!!!

wildsweetone said:
i am in the throes of job changing, no more that limbo arena of Not Knowing. now it's For Real. so, to welcome me, the new job has sent out a complementary Welcome Pack. it's about four inches thick with paperwork that i should have read through within 24 hours of receipt, signed a couple of forms and returned them within seven days. suffice it to say that bronchitis and sinusitis and all the mental thick headedness that goes with it has laid my brain flat for everyone around me to trample on for the last few weeks. this morning when i couldn't put The Pack off any longer, i opened it and now i'm panicking. i have to wake a neighbour to witness my signature! i have to return the papers two days ago (does this mean i have to squabble with another 73 applicants for the job again? i sure hope not. haven't got it in me, yet.)

my old job said yesterday, are you sure you want to leave? we really don't want you to. in my naivety i replied, well i won't leave if you meet what the other job is offering.

i never mentioned a Welcome Back Pack.
Tzara-- I found this site that seems to be made for you (to run)


A webcomic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language.
speaking of Disney World...

my oldest girl has been with her BF for 6 years now. he planned a trip for them back in July. She has never been to the big DW and is excited as i f she were 5. I hope he proposes to her in some sappy Cinderella way. Thats what she wants, but she says when they do get married, they are gonna elope. They leave Friday return Tuesday. Is there that much to do there? I'm not sure I want t to know..

anyway. I have to be in Lake City Saturday morning. Hubby finally got me on where he works. They are building a Target Distribution center. It will be wonderful to get away from here ( home). work, finally. It's a 6 hour drive by myself.
annaswirls said:
Tzara-- I found this site that seems to be made for you (to run)

Drawing e to the pi times i is so nice! Thank you, Anna (yes, I remember that I am not Tzara, I would never dare).
annaswirls said:
Tzara-- I found this site that seems to be made for you (to run)


A webcomic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language.
That's a great site, Ms. Swirly. They even had a comic about the Nash Equilibrium.

I hope Eluard is still lurking around, though I haven't seen him for a while. I wanted to ask him whether he thought it was possible to make a joke in a purely logical language (e.g., Lojban).

Some of us might think that the concept of a "purely logical language" is itself a joke, but that's a whole different fettle of kish.
Senna Jawa said:
Drawing e to the pi times i is so nice! Thank you, Anna (yes, I remember that I am not Tzara, I would never dare).
Well I doubt, SJ, that it takes much daring to be me, but I daren't dare be you either.

QED :)
annaswirls said:
Tzara-- I found this site that seems to be made for you (to run)


A webcomic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language.
Oh, Anna, I love you!

Platonimetaphorically, of course. ;)

This site is great. Thank you thank you thank you. My current greatest hits:
  • I am not this geek. My coding skills are second rate. I have had dates like this, though.
  • General physics was my favorite class in college. The curious thing is that my lust for science and, well, my just lust combine in the right hand rule.
  • This one is too real to be truly funny. Hey, have I told everyone that I drove over the Tacoma Narrows Bridge daily while attending my alma mater? No?

    Nevermind. This documents the process.
  • Oh, oh, oh. This one made me laugh for five minutes. Belly laugh.

    I know. This reveals how much nerdliness I am and feel. Hey. I think it's funny. You most likely won't.

    Trust me, kids. This is fucking hilarious.
Or not.

Yeah. Hmmm. Life.
ahhhhhaaa! Yes! You found some gems! Many of them go right over my head...

Senna, I should have included you in the "hey lookie what I found" call-- I also sent it to my husband, with whom you two would probably get along with splendidly.

I actually found the site whilst performing a google image search on Pokemon and found this