Living Dead

No matter how she tried not to Lily's mind lingered on Frank. She kept making up excuses for his behavior and she didn't understand why. Maybe it's his way to make himself feel safer? Or maybe he is trying to distance himself from us? Or maybe 'STOP!' she ordered herself. What the hell was she doing. No the real question was why was she doing it...
Marshall Darren Silver

(ooc comment: A us Marshal who lived nearby so he held in his home until he couldn't anymore then just turned it over to the zomies jumped in his car with his guns and drove off. Decent guy really touchy lost his wife and son to the zombies about a month ago. That is all you need to know for now.)

The car sputtered to a stop and Darren looked at the fuel Guage. Empty.

" Damn it to hell !" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he sat there.

Then he remembered that a Gas station was just down the road. So he took his 12 Guage and some shells and got out of the car and left it sitting on the side of the road. He locked the doors then thought to himself my god who is gonna bother the damn thing out here any way I really doubt those things can drive.
A brief smile crossed his face for a moment as he had a mental picture of a Zombie trying to drive his firebird.

As he walked off twards the station just up the road Darren noticed some movement off to the left of him as a Zombie shambled out of the woods. He leveled the gun at the creature and pulled the trigger and watched as the beasts head exploded in a spray of brain material. He pumped the shotgun and walked on. As he walked twards the station he saw a few more of the undead rotting things, but none really close enough to waste a bullet on. He dreaded the day that he was faced with the dead forms of his wife and 5 year old son. The thought was there but he refused to invision either of them as the walking dead at least not in the waking hours.

For about thirty minutes by his watch he walked up the dark road until finally the station was in sight. He was overwhelmingly suprized to see a truck sitting at the pump and a man walk into the station. He strted at a full on run twards the station it would be the first time he would be able to talk to another person since the phones went down. As he arrived at the truck he made his way to the door of the station and tried to open it but it was locked(ooc:I am assuming with hordes of the undead parading outside the door would be locked). He then knocked loudly on the door and yelled until a man came to it and opened it.

"Oh my god." Darren Said, "you are real. I haven't seen another person in a while. Thank god. My car is out of gas down the road do you think you can help me out?"

He waited for the man to answer his question.