Loa Blood


Kell fell asleep almost immediately, but woke up surprisingly early in the morning. He showered, and belatedly remembered it was Saturday.

"I wonder if I'm famous yet," he wondered aloud as he got dressed again, his clothes not exactly clean but still comfortable. "Maybe chicks like the Gifted boys." He smirked, looking at himself in the mirror.


Shaking his head, he turned away and wandered into the room, looking for Mary.

"Mary? I think I'm going to call Amy and ask if she wants to have lunch." He blinked. "Oh... and did you want to talk about something? I just remembered..."

Mary looked back over her shoulder at Kell.

Before her lay the scene from last night; the Drowned Woman in all her beauty, the concert goers less defined but still conveying awe and fear, and over them a shadow lay of some malformed beast...yet unseen by them.

"Yes, I did. Um, " She looked at her hands, gloved in paint splatters. "Can you get the breakfast started? It's not hard. Just crack the eggs into a bowl and get the bread out and start the coffee. I'll made eggfreid toast."

She washed and tried to think of who to tell Kell, who seemed to be getting better, something that might knock him off his perch again. Looking into her own eyes in the mirror she saw the blue she'd yet to find again among the people she'd met. She was more alone than Kell could ever be. And he deserved her honesty.

In the kitchen they worked in companionable silence for a while, and it felt good. Really good.

But as they sat and she watched Kell wolf down all but two of the eggfried toast she felt nervous.

"Are you ok? You usually eat a lot." Kell asked.

"I haven't needed to eat as much lately." She said, sipping her coffee. "See, there's something I haven't told you yet, about myself."

She sat down her cup. "I'm .........Loa tainted, Kell. Nothing grand or useful like you, but.......still. Gifted, cursed, what you will."

The young man eyed her worriedly as Mary didn't touch her food.

"Are you okay?" he asked tenatively. "You usually eat a lot."

"I haven't needed to eat as much lately," the white-blonde girl said, sipping her coffee. "See, there's something I haven't told you yet, about myself."

Kell blinked, taking a bite out of his toast slowly as she watched her.

Mary sat down her cup. "I'm.... Loa tainted, Kell. Nothing grand or useful like you, but.... still. Gifted, cursed, what you will."

Kell swallowed his bite of toast.

I... don't know what to say. Why do I not feel surprised?

It was the way she smelled... just like the rock man...

She smelled like God...

Even if I hadn't had the slightest of premonitions, I don't think I'd be surprised. It's so hard to be surprised. And being melodramatic about it, even if it would make her feel better, is unnecessary...

"Why didn't you want to tell me?" he asked, his brow furrowed, cutting straight to the point. "Have you told anyone else?" He leaned back in his chair, and then smiled slightly. "And, hey, what can you do?"

Mary found herself twisting her napkin.

"Nothing much. Just be myself. At any age, practically." She tilted her head. "Remember the night we bumped into each other, you thought I had stolen the doll? Well, the little girl you saw really was me."

She looked down at her hands, paint splattered and nervous. "I..I've been doing this a long time." She murmmered softly.

"A long, long time. Since before you met me the frist time, when you were young. And, my memory.." She touched her forehead and made a poof motion. "It's not good. Unless I stay in once shape for a long while, I have a hard time remembering further back than six months."

She dropped the napkin. "And I know I have to keep hidden, but I don't remember why. And I sometimes think that enough time has past, that no one could possiably be looking for me any more. But I know it's not true. Or maybe true, but if I'm discovered other people will...I don't know. I really don't know what the outcome would be. I just feel as if I have a secret, even from myself, that is so..." She searched the air for the word, but gave up, shaking her head. "Whatever it is, I can't let anyone know it, or find out about me...because then they would want me to try to learn it."

She blew out a breath and relaxed the tention she'd been holding.

"So, the short of it is...You need to eat a lot. Keep your calories up, carry candy, drink high sugar eletrolyate drinks if your going to be using a lot of power. Any machine needs fuel, and your body will burn itself out if you don't feed your Gift."

"When I'm not fluxing, I don't need to eat. I can go years without eating if I don't change shape. But when I am? I need to eat a lot to keep going."
Kell looked down at the table.

"You can't remember far back..."

Do I wish I could forget?

No. I don't want to forget. I wouldn't be me if I forgot... if that matters...

Mary... you need to figure out who you are... you are frightened too, not just me... if you can help me be brave, and Amy can help me be brave, then...

"...I'll protect you."

Kell looked up at Mary, expressionless but for a look of determination.

"I won't lose to whoever is following you. I'm strong. And I'm getting stronger, fast. There are whole worlds of possibility for my power." His eyebrows furrowed thoughtfully. "You've really helped me, you know? I was lost, and now I don't feel so lost. I feel braver, because I have friends I can depend on and who can depend on me."

He smiled softly, finally.

"Mary, as long as I'm alive, I'll keep fighting. For you, and for me. So don't be afraid. Fear can only help you so much. Now... I don't think it's helping. You've got to remember what happened."


He smiled wider, almost jokingly.

"I can barely remember the time I met you, too."

His smile subsided slightly.

"And -- who knows -- if you explore your power, what else will you be able to do? What if you can live forever? What if, with my rebuilding powers, I can live forever? I guess it doesn't matter that much..."

He lowered his eyes for a moment, and then raised them again.

"...but it's all we can do, right? And I mean we. Because we're a team now."

Mary smiled back, releived, then lowered her eyes.

She rasied her hand up to do something, but instead spilled her coffee all over the table and herself.

"Oh, good, some comic relief to break the tenion!" She laughed as she leapt up. "In another moment we would have been calling some talk show to spill our guts on national TV!"

She dabbed at herself with a towel. "I want you to know, I didn't go with you to the church that day because I was afraid of being seen by someone else who might have known me. When I came to Bay City, I thought it was because I had never been here before."

She flipped her hair back out of her eyes. "Ok, enough of that. Back to the real world. Weren't you going to call Amy? She should be awake by now..."
Hours and hours of calling revealed nothing much to help him. Kriegan either got busy numbers or janitors who had no fucking clue what went on. The few times he did get help didn't reveal much of anything. So many bodies were brought to so many morgues, it was hard to figure out what went where.
He had to call Toad to get the right info. It took another couple hundred out of his pocket, but the government gladly picked up expenses for this little trip, so he didn't mind.
Climbing aboard his bike, he ran off to Clark County Medical. A facility that was supposed to hold what he wanted.
When he got there, it was unlocked, and a pimply faced assistant in a white lab coat greeted him. He spoke through a mouthful of doughnut, which dribbled down his chin from time to time.
"Yes, how may I help you?"
"I am a representative of the Aralian government. We want confirmation on a dead woman, one Nikki Hall."
"Oh, yes, sure. Someone called and said you would be coming down."
Kriegan had placed the call not a half hour ago. He whipped out a badge, one of many that had several non descript ranks of general or colonel or sargeant of something or other. The assistant didn't bother to check much of anything. Just a piece of tin sitting inside a leather flipback wallet was enough for him.
It was enough for most people.
He got to look at the woman. A stunning thing. Burned up fairly bad, but nothing that didn't make her unrecognizable as Nikki Hall. Kriegan felt a moment of pity, that he hadn't been there to do it himself. Watch the blood ooze from her neck as he cut it.
Snapping out of this daydream, he asked for a moment alone with the corpse.
The guy went off to embalm something or other.
Kriegan took out a fingerprint case, and went to work. He also grabbed up a few skin, and hair samples. All of these seemed to be enough to satisfy him.
It looked like Nikki, and to be honest, if he cut off the head right here, and brought it back to Aralia, no one would give it a second thought...
But something about it didn't sit right with him. It seemed perfect. It seemed....
That's just the thing... it seemed staged.
All of those people, those cameras. Specific bounty hunters, in which none that Kriegan knew of. He killed Juno, the only hunter who had gotten that close.
No, it just wasn't right.
He had to make sure this was the woman.
"Thanks," He said, taking the pieces and sticking them under his dark cloak.
"Anytime," The man waved, another doughnut in his hand. Kriegan showed himself out, going back to Toad's place. Toad would know the best people in order to get this stuff really analyzed.
Of course... even if it was, no report could tell him it was Nikki. Nikki had no reports, they were lost long ago. She probably did that herself, with connections high up. But....
But, if this woman wasn't Nikki, then SHE would have a background, and an I.D. to check. Even if the files had recently been changed, Toad would know the right kind of people to make sure things added up or not.
He gave them to Toad, and his men, telling him of the situation.
"Money is no object. I want the results as soon as possible."

Kell smiled somewhat nervously.

"Right, right. Let me help you with that."

I keep trying to act like an adult... but I'm still a kid. I can't protect anyone. I can't even pay the bills. I can't even buy cigarettes!

I've got to try... there's nobody else. The responsibility falls upon me.

He found a rag and helped to clean up the mess, then went to the phone, picked up the receiver, and dialed a number.

Amy... she must be alright. I know she's safe. I don't think I'd be alive if she wasn't safe, for some reason...



The young lady watched as an older man and an older woman gathered next to her, looking over her shoulder.

"Amy," said the man, "is that Kell they're talking about? The... Kell we know?"

"Is that why he disappeared? He became... Gifted? That poor boy..." The woman wrung the dishcloth in her hands. "Why didn't he come here? We would have taken care of him. He's one of your best friends, isn't he?"

Amy continued to watch the television, shaking her head slowly. "Oh, Kell... you can heal other people too?" she whispered to herself. "Do you realize what this means? You... I've..."

The phone rang.

"I'll get it," she said quickly, and got up from the couch. Her parents immediately sat down next to each other, their eyes glued to the news. Amy approached the ringing phone quickly and picked up the receiver.

"Kell?" she asked immediately. Her parents looked over.

"Yeah," said the voice on the other end. "How did you know?"

"I was just hoping you would call," said Amy gently. "You're on the news, you know. Kell Claudas, healer."

"What? Oh. Well, it's to be expected," said Kell, not sounding overly pleased. "I think they'll leave me alone, though. I doubt they know where I'm staying."

"Where is he staying?" called Amy's mother.

"He's safe," responded Amy, before turning back to the phone. "I'm glad you're safe, Kell. Your job is so dangerous."

"Yeah, well. It impresses the girls."

"Kell!" Amy couldn't help but blush.

"Hah! And I bet you're blushing, too! Amy. I never get tired of you."

She smiled. "Sure you do. Everyone gets tired of each other once in a while."

"Well, maybe I'd have the chance if we hung out more. Why don't we do something today?"

Amy blinked. "Ah? Well... sure... I mean, of course, if you like."

"Well, how about if YOU like."

She got even more flustered. "Kell! I do!"

"Hahaha! It's too much fun fooling with you. Be more confident, Amy! Push me around!"

"Sure, sure," muttered Amy. "I'm sure you'd like that."

"Hah! Right! Like that! Potshots! I know you're capable!"

"You're just making fun of me again!" groused Amy, glaring at the telephone, as if it was the being that had affronted her. Her parents, behind her, couldn't help but smile at each other. Despite all the strange events that had occured, Amy and Kell were still teenagers.

"It's not like you were always confident," continued Amy. "I'm still getting better."

"Well, we can't BOTH be weak-kneed sensitively shy kids. So I've decided to fill the role of brooding yet assertive black-clothed mystery man. I'm doing surprisingly well. Probably because I've gained some weight."

"Oh, good," said Amy, brightening. "You've been eating more?"

"Well, uh, that and using my creation power. If I overuse it, it does strange things, but if I only use it a little bit -- you know, I think just about any teenager would die for this ability. I can even purify my skin! Hey, think of what I could do for the plastic surgery industry. Ruin it, that's what! Bahah!"

Amy rolled her eyes. "Oh, that's noble. You're using your power on yourself to increase your size? For vanity?"

"I'll say I'm increasing my size. Wink, wink."

Amy sighed heavily and put her head in her hands.

"You know, I could always add a bit to you, if you ever wanted--"

The girl glanced back, and seeing that her parents were listening intently to the news again, glared at the phone. "I'm sure you aren't familiar enough with my anatomy for that," retorted Amy hotly.

There was an awkward silence.

"You know, Amy, if we had a SLIGHTLY different relationship, I could really follow up on--"

"Shut up! Shut up!" she snapped, blushing furiously, and then, helplessly, she began to laugh. Kell laughed too. And then, after a few seconds, she smiled. "So what did you want to do?"

"Well, I--"

"I know!" Amy said brightly. "We should go shopping! I'll take you and we can buy you some clothes. You have enough money for a bit, right? And I want to buy some new stuff, but I don't want to go with my parents. I'm sure they wouldn't mind us hanging out together."

"I'm surprised they like me. I remember the first time I came over. Even your dog liked me."

"My dog likes everyone," said Amy, smiling down. Their conversation had become surprisingly casual. "But would you like to?"

"Yeah, sure, sure," he replied. "Sounds like a party. At least I'll be able to hang out with you. Do I get to make comments on the outfits you try on?"

"Only if they're nice. And only if you carry the bags."




He rolled his eyes as he listened to Amy talk excitedly about the clothes she had seen advertisements for.

Psshh. Girls.

"Right, right," he interrupted. "Why don't we talk about this THERE? I want to see you."

"Get there as soon as you can!" she said, sounding excited -- a tone unfortunately rare. "Or, no, I'll come pick you up. Where does Mary live?"

Kell opened his mouth, then paused for a moment, and shook his head slowly. "How about I just meet you at the Donny's again. I think I can make it there."

"Alright, that's fine. Hurry hurry!"

"Okay! Man! I thought I was the one pushing this!" Kell smiled, chuckled, and hung up, shaking his head.

It's funny how double-sided people are. Amy's mostly so calm and shy, but find the right topic, and she'll talk excitedly forever...

"Mary!" he called. "I'm going to go shopping for more than one set of clothing with Amy! I'll be back in a few hours, probably!"

Checking to make sure he had his wallet, the contents of all his assets within, Kell waved goodbye and left, tying his dark jacket around his waist.

-- half an hour later... --

Amy shook her head. "All black. No good for this weather. Though, admittedly, the black pants and black undershirt do look pretty good on you, Kell."

"Oh, don't I know it," he replied airily, pretending to admire himself in the mirror, and hoping to Wheel she didn't notice his slight blush.

Meanwhile, Amy giggled and continued to search through the clearance rack. "Mmm, this sweater is nice. Why don't you try this on?"

"Only if you try this on."

"Kell! I think that's for kids. Look how short it is."

"No, I found it in this section."

"Kell, you're terrible. We need to find you some light pants."

"I think we should keep exploring this section."

"I think you should get yourself out of that section, Kell. People will look at us."

"Hey, look. Lingerie!"


About two hours of dress-up later, they found themselves eating lunch at the food court, Amy looking Kell over with a satisfied smile and Kell glaring down at his batter-fried shrimp with Phyrgian blue rice.

"See," complained Kell, "what I don't understand is why you get to dress me up but I don't get to dress you up."

"Because life is cruel," said Amy primly.

"I'll say," he drawled. "That lavender nightie would've looked--"


They both laughed.

Ah, kids.

The army presence continues to be felt in the sweltering city. With tanks downtown, and attack helicopters overhead, it hardly seems strange that a few military trucks have gathered at a small commercial dock, and have set up roadblocks around it. As the sun sets out in the Bay, the unmarked last transport from Dracon Island leaves it's navy escort, and makes it's stealthy way to the secret dock location.

Thorne has explained to his new security force that this is primarily a military operation now. Monolith and Kell are to wait, hidden in a large supply shed, inside the roadblocks, and be alert for Killer Bee attacks.

Dex and Kryna, the other new members of Coda security, have apparently gone missing. Thorne says perhaps they've just disappeared, as so many Gifted have done before, or perhaps they too were assassinated by the Ninja.

When Kriegan checks in with Toad, the ugly man tells him the woman's identity has definately been tampered with. That means she'll take longer to trace but they'll find something solid at the end of it. Already they can tell that she was born in Argo, and has none of the innoculations which are standard for Aralian infants.

"We have got something interesting though," Toad says, leading Kriegan into a back room. A handsome Draconian man is seated between two of Toad's thugs, sweating nervously. "Says he's one of the Draconian King's spies. Hasn't got a country, Sejealans are cutting up his people, so he defected, and came to me for protection. I'd of told him where to ash it, but he says he's got information about Nikki. So I figured you should talk to him."
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As soon as Bront woke up, he grabbed his clothes, put them on and went back out of his room to talk to the bartender again. "Excuse me, but do you know what the situation with the docks is?" asked Bront. "I don't know exactly what's going on, but I know that for some reason the military's there," responded the Bartender. Bront says, "Thanks," and heads out of the small hotel.

He heads to the Coda Corporation building to see if he can find other Gifted. Upon arrival, he is stopped by a security guard. It takes a simple flash of his old military identification and a stupid excuse to get him in.

As he enters the building he notices that it's quite large with guards every so often. Bront stops a guard and asks, "Where is the Manager of the building?" "Huh, oh. He'd be up those stairs to the left."

Bront climbs the staircase and heads to the door on his left. Just as he's about to open it someone that looks a lot like a technician leaves. Bront enters and closes the door.

"Would you be the manager?", asks Bront. "Yes, I am," answers the manager, "and what brings you here?" (As quickly as he can, Bront makes up a story to tell the man in front of him.) "The military is conducting a search for all Gifted and I am here to find as many as I can," says Bront. "Ah, I see," sighs the man, "Well, there are some around this building and others near the docks. In fact, they hide all over town."
Dan Williams touched down in front of the hospital, walking inside confidently as the horrified people just stared at him. He walked to the front desk, and waited patiently until the nurse turned to him. As she did, her mouth too fell open. Unabrazed, he spoke confidently, "I looking for psych-psychiatric ward." His speaking had been improving. The nurse pointed down a hallway, and he smiled, moving quickly. He arrived there soon enough. As he opened the door leading in, he saw a screaming patient being dragged away by two orderlies. Then, without warning, with a grinding of bones, he fell to the ground, screaming. The orderlies spun about, calling for help when they saw his massive figure. Blood leaked from every orifice, and the sounds of grinding and shifting bones filled the corridor, drowning out even his horrible screams. The orderlies ran to him, lifting him up and starting to carry him away. Without warning, a muzzle, almost like a wolf's, emerged from the Crusher's contorted face. A second later, two curving horns began to push their way out from the sides of his head. Seconds later, to large horns, like a bull's, had emerged as well. A moment later, his screaming stopped, even though the blood continued. He threw a hand forward, impaling an orderly on his fist. As he pulled his hand free, another orderly punched him in the face and fell to the ground, screaming, every bone in his hand broken. The Crusher incinerated him, turning to another and grabbing him by the head. He slammed the side of his face into the wall, and threw him down the length of it, tearing his face off. He spun around and crushed another's head. Two remained. He grabbed one and snapped his neck. Then, his wing lashed out throwing the last one into the wall, a bloody shape. The Crusher roared in rage, going on to incinerate the entire ward. Soon, he had made his way through the entire hospital, leaving only the terrified nurse at the front desk alive. He stepped outside, and bellowed as hundreds of bullets began to bite into him. They were nothing more than pockmarks, but they were annoying. He charged into the mass of military and police vehicles, knocking them away, tearing into the soldiers and officers behind him. As he flew away a minute later, the street was awash with blood.
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The local manager of the Coda Corporation shook Bront's hand. "I'm Sigma Altair. What are you searching for the Gifted for? I know the Senate will never pass a mandatory service bill. Are you just hoping to recruit some into the military? Well, that Draconian lot down on the beach are pretty desperate, I'm sure some of them would sign up given the chance. As for our own new security force, half of them are currently missing, and the other half are on their way to assist in a joint Coda / army assignment in the dockland. It's classified of course, as I'm sure you understand, professor."

I awoke in the morning to the sound of birdsong.
Wataminute, I WOKE UP!!!!!!
I looked around me and noticed that I was surrounded by crystaline growths, pulsing a green color. My hands were outstretched onto crystal pillars, which were also pulsing green. When I lifted my hands, the pulses of light stopped.
This was weird.
I keyed my throat mic. "Monolith to base, do you read me?"
"Monolith, where in the Hells have you been??????" came the reply from a very annoyed young woman.
"Ummmm, sorrry, I was asleep."
"Ok, so you were..wataminute, you said you don't sleep!"
"I don't, or at least I have never had to since I changed three years ago."
"Ok, it's immaterial now. The Beast has been sighted at the city Psychiactric Hospital. Go there and assist in any way possible."
"On my way"
With a leap I was off. Hopefully this time ai wouldn't be too late.
Dan Williams sat at his dinner table, drinking can after can of frechly stolen Stupor beer. Unfortunately, he was immune to the beer's trademark drunken stupor. His metabolism was just too powerful. But he did relish that stuff, growing more and more addicted to it with every can. It was somewhat awkward with his new muzzle, but after a little experimentation, he had managed to find a way to drink it. He stood up, looking for food. None left. He shrugged. It's funny how he had changed so much yet still retained some basic elements of humanity. That was beside the point, however. He would have to go get some food. But that would be later. He was too busy drinking Stupor.
The small man rubbed his fingers back and forth, eyeing Kriegan with care. This pleased him greatly, he didn't let it go to waste, overusing his massive build. His voice came out like a stiff growl.
"What do you have for me?"
Toad had done a splendid job, even better than Kriegan admitted he would. The doctored identification already made him think Nikki was still out there, and the unrecognizable Aralian features just secured it. He waited for the final decision, but in his mind, he thought about how to look for Nikki again.
This hunt wasn't over, oh no, in fact it had just begun. Nikki must have thought him close. How sweet? She threw this in his track? Just for him? He would have to thank her later. A nice knife slice up her arm, letting the sweet blood flow to the ground like an opened spring.
Oh yes, he would have to thank her.
Kell, Monday

Kell leaned back against a wall, sighing heavily.

"Waiting is the worst part."

Stupid stone man was supposed to be here with me. We might've been able to talk or something. Now he's been redirected to some attack on the hospital.

I hope Amy didn't go in to volunteer that day.

He lowered his eyes and shook his head.

Is sitting here really protecting the people I love?

I guess it is... if these Loa Blood hounds break through.

"Stupid bastards," he muttered to himself. "What do they want with this damn stuff? I say we destroy it all. To hell with clean, efficient fuels. To hell with the increased speed of technological advancement. Burn it all and live in the damn jungle."

He glanced over at the small television and, shaking his head, turned it on.

"I'm sure I'll be notified when the Killer Bees or whatever are about to kill me. I--"

His jaw dropped.

"This is Aniston Locks reporting live from the scene of another terrible disaster! It seems that Bay City has been cursed by the supernatural this week, because reports say that..."

Kell just stopped listening. It was as if somebody was turning the volume down in his brain. All he could see was the blood everywhere, the savagely ruined hospital. Even the reporter had blood on his hands.

He turned off the television.


He sat down heavily on a chair.

"...what manner of beast..."

Monolith... must have gone to fight him.

Should... I help? Or should I stay?

Seized with urgency, Kell scrabbled around for the radio and contacted his headquarters.

"Hey, hey, do you, uh, copy? This is Agent Kell Claudas. Ooh -- that's slick. Look, I need to know if it's necessary that I wait for the Killer Bees here. I saw the hospital on television. I want to go help Monolith stop whoever did that. It looks like he trashed the tanks, and I think Gifted will need to stop the beast. I know I can do it. Will you let me go? Hey, do you copy?"

Kell isn't receiving any answer from Paige, and can't reach Monolith's headset either. He notices that the TV is just generating static. Through the shed's dirty windows he can see the transport ship arrive at the dock, GAIA personnel in bulky white protective gear coming out to meet the soldiers lined up and waiting in front of their drab trucks.

The GAIA workers are carrying out bodies on stretchers. People who were working on the Dracon Island salvage operation, and got mauled, or burnt, or had their torsos turned to sand by the once-human creatures of the island.

Still no response from the radio.

After the bodies, the workers wheel out 12 metal cannisters, labelled Biohazard. That's when the window shatters, and the metal walls of the shed start to hum. Kell is deafened, and brought to his knees by the dizzying pain in his bones and his inner ear.

While Kell is disoriented, the soldiers turn their guns on the white-suited GAIA workers, and stun them with the same sonic attack. The GAIA workers drop, and the "soldiers" deactivate the light-bending devices that disguised their black and yellow Killer Bee armor as army camoflage. The Killer Bees unload 12 of their rocket-bikes from the back of the army truck, and mount a Loa Blood cannister on each, preparing to split up.

The dock is surrounded by roadblocks, other army units, and assault helicopters, but so far none of them know what's going on.
Operation Crusher

As Monolith leaps towards the scene of the devastated hospital, A new voice crackles over his radio. "Monolith, this is Major Baker of the Argon Civil Defense Unit. The creature has fled the hospital. We have helicopters in pursuit, and I will give you it's trajectory."

Paige comes on to confirm that Major Baker is legit, and that Monolith should co-operate with the military on this mission.

The directions from Baker's helicopters lead Monolith to a suburban neighborhood in the hills. Cookie-cutter houses are nestled in between a strip mall and a golf course with a small lake. Military vehicles move down the streets, evacuating people from their houses. The helicopters seem to be keeping a safe distance.

"The target entered the house with the blue roof." Baker informs Monolith. "After we have all the civilians out of the area, we'll soften it up for you with a missile strike. Then it's all yours. Do not engage until we have the area clear."
Now clad in her new uniform Nikki stepped out of the truck her gaze surveying the area. No gifted seemed to be in sight. Still she would keep a close eye on everything. This morning she had woken up with a new determination to forget her past including Damien. It may take time but she had no choice. Staying close to the truck and almost completely out of sight Nikki stood and watched, and waited.


Kell immediately started screaming, dropping his radio and holding his ears, rushing to the door. Scrabbling with the lock but not wanting to move his hands away from his ears, he got on his knees and unlocked the door with his teeth, then wrapped his jaw around the doorknob, and with some effort, turned it and pulled back, almost straining his neck in the process.

"You bastards!" he yelled. "Somebody stop them!"

Wrapping his arms around his head, he rushed forward, feeling his blood pumping fast. "I won't let you get away!"

They should've given me a gun! What if they have guns?

Kell tried to increase his speed, but he just couldn't focus. Without his life in immediate danger, and having worked to his limit only days before, his adrenaline wasn't enough of a boost to allow him to get a grip on his energies.

If only I knew how to create SOUND... then I'd make a barrier... but how in the world would I do that, anyway?

"You fools!" he roared, running as fast as he could toward the bikes. "You don't know what you're doing!"

The group was already escaping, having no time to deal with Kell, and the military was just reacting. One was too slow in starting up his bike, and as he drove by, Kell dove to the side and tackled him, sending the bike skidding along the ground. The rider stunned from the attack, Kell got on top of him and kneeled on his arms, and then grabbed the rider's neck, unleashing his dark powers and slowly scalding the enemy.

The Killer Bee started to scream, and Kell screamed right back.

"You bastard! You damn better not try to fight! I swear I don't give a damn what you have to say, I'll kill you! Damn it! Damn it!"

He got up, kicked the Bee under the chin and snapped his head back painfully, and then turned to escaping bikers, gathering his energies around him.

He felt the power, Creation and Destruction, within him. He was ready. He knew he could do it.

If I'm going to protect people, I have to be strong!

I can DO this!

"Enough!" he yelled.

They were getting away. He couldn't let them. He would destroy them, and that damn Loa Blood. All of it. He had the ability. He knew, without a doubt.

He thrust out his hand, feeling the power crackling within him. It was time.


Time seemed to slow for a few moments. He could see the dust, his dust and the real dust, spiraling around him, like he was the core of the world and it all revolved around him...

...and then the effect was gone.

Nothing happened.

He watched the bikers drive away, and slumped to his knees.

"...damn it..."


...I'm just deluding myself all over again...
As the remaining 11 bikes leaped the roadblocks, and separated into the city streets, the army helicopters realized something was amiss, and went off following the bikes. The real soldiers surrounding the docks began moving in on the rest of the Killer Bees and their stolen army truck. The few Bee agents still with the truck hesitated, staring at the boy with the darkly glowing hand.
Slowly, Kell raised his hand up, tilting his elbow and turning his hand slowly, examining it. Licks of black fire rose from his fingertips and vanished, and though the military machines were making noise and the sound of the bikes could still be heard in the distance, the area was filled with the sound of the soft crackling of Kell's hand. A pindrop could've been heard.

"Don't move," he hissed, and it seemed to echo. Slowly, he rose, and his dark jacket shuddered slightly in the wind.

"You're all under arrest on behalf of the Coda corporation. I'm Kell Claudas. Remember that name when you rot in jail. Remember what Loa Blood does to people."

He turned, and his eyes reflected the glow from his hand.

"Try to fight, and you will not remember my name in jail -- you will curse my name while you suffer on the Lowest Plane of the Wheel."
Nikki stepped out in front of Kell. This was what she was here for and damn it she would do her job. She took a deep breath and focused all her psycic energies creating a sort of barrier around the killer bees. When she spoke her voice was disguised automatically by her new armour. "No on will be arrested this day. I am the Queen Bee and no one shall harm any of my fellow Bees." She couldn't do much else while she held the barrier but she was determined to stop Kell. She motioned to the Killer Bee's around the truck. "Get in and start the truck" She turned back to Kell. When the Bees were in the truck she dropped the barrier and focused her energy on Kell himself. She glanced around noticing a pile of stones near a warehouse. With a quick push of her mind she sent stones flying at Kells head catching him off gaurd. It didn't hurt him just stunned him enough for her to jump into the back of the truck. Without hesitation the truck sped away to safety and Nikki smiled at a job well done.
Kell grinned manically.

"Oh, it's over. I'll-- wha..."

He saw it. Something crystallizing around his enemies, something protecting them. Some strange, unindentifiable force. It couldn't be technology... it had that smell, that taste... he knew it...

Smells like God...


"You bitch!" he roared, his eyes blazing with utter fury. "You're on the wrong side! How DARE you seek to abuse that terrible substance? Your selfishness will mean the end of this world, of all we have as humans!" He began to run forward, gathering energy of both Light and Dark in his hands. "You-- ummph!"

Despite his high energy level, Kell did not have extrasensory perception, and his reflexes only took him so far. A rock hit him hard in the back of the head, sending him crashing to the ground. After a single sob of pain, he reached up and clasped his bleeding scalp, sending a jolt of pure creation energy through him. Restoring his body to its natural state, his scalp healed and his blood replentished, he rose on wobbly legs. By the time his vision refocused, however, the truck was already starting to drive away. After such a flash healing, he was too weak at the moment to even run after the truck, let alone try to boost himself to greater speeds.

He walked over unsteadily to the semi-conscious Killer Bee he had knocked off the bike.

"One man, and one tank. I did what I could."

He glared after the truck.

"Go after them!" he screamed, at this point uncaring of rank or position. "Go chase them down, and somebody help me with this bastard!"
The truck burst through the barricades, and out among the maze of warehouses covering the dockland. The real soldiers arriving on the scene fired uselessly at it's armored sides, and a couple of jeeps chased after it. The Killer Bees in the truck fired on the pursuing jeeps, not with their sonic weapons this time, but with automatic rifles. One of the jeeps spun out, crashing through a warehouse wall. The other kept firing on the truck.

Mark sat at the wheel of the truck, his armor still in army camo mode. The plan was for the truck to blend with all of the other military vehicles in the city, once they lost their pursuit from the docks.

"Stinger to Queen Bee!," he called over the armor's radio. "See the choppers up ahead? They're after our boys on the bikes, think you can take some of them out?" The helicopters were far off, farther than Nikki had ever stretched her power before.

Kell walked over to the unconscious Killer Bee agent he had knocked of his bike. His bike . . .