Lost city.( vampire, lycan etc roleplay,Open to all)

The child bourne of nightmares...

The body on the floor started to convulse...it shook... from quick trembles to sudden jerky movements... the body twisted and turned....the binds in his arms tightened as muscles tensed...

“Kill all within. Destroy it! Rape it!”
"Attack again and again till all are dead. Let nothing to live, let nothing to survive. This mansion and those within it are all that stands between you and all you can be, should be, were meant to be.."

6 year old Marcus could still here these words spewed forth from the lips of the biggest wolf in the pack.. the wolf with the long diagonal scar on his chest.. .from his hiding place under the table he couldn't see much...but what little he sees, he remembered. The blood and gore, the shredded flesh and torn limbs..a child can only take as much...a child who've seen nothing but love and affection from the people around him...a kid who won't even stand up for himself against the school bully..and now in this night of carnage and terror, Marky, the child, never will again be...

As the last of the wolves was about to turn and ran away from the smoldering heat and falling debris.....He caught a whiff of ... something amidst the acrid smell of burnt tapestries and wood in the air. What he smelled was coming from....under the table...The wolf's sly expresion on his face was replaced by a mischievous one as he toyed with his prey, ”Comeout, comeout wher-” Just as the wolf poked his nose under the cloth draping the table... strong hands caught his jaws and twisted them apart in one quick motion... the dog never knew what got him, with his upper snout crushed and this lower jaw twisted and hanging by his neck, he was a dead dog even before he fell to the floor....
What came out of the table was nothing near the scared child that crawled into it......
....A child born out of nightmares.....
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OOC: Ok, Talia may be making a return to the Lost City ...

but I am wondering what is going on? I am trying to read up, but the many OOCs are breaking up the story (I know, this is another one, deal :) )
"Let's get out of here Morga, there really isn't much more we can do here is there. Just get in the way and maybe die."

Morereg smiles at Bill. His purple eyes glinting with a hint of amusement. As he dodges another werewolf only to watch two streams of fire following close behind.

“Bill we are not going to die. Nor are we going to get in the way. This is a “bread and butter operation” as my old friend Zasha use to say. “

Morereg looks over to Jack in his rage slicing another arm off of some vampire who had reached for him. He thinks for a moment… if he dispels the rage then Jack if left in the middle of those raging creatures. But if he does not Jack is not going to make it in time. What to do, What to do? he thinks to himself.

(OOC More to come it. It has been busy so... give me a bit of time)
He starts running through the thousands and thousands of spells that he has locked up in his memory moments tick by as he dodges both several blades a more than a few bullets. Off to his right he sees a vampire and a Lycan trying do dodge around one another as well as the flamse following them and neather make it the flames consume them both. It only lasts a second or two but all that is left is ash a few bits of bone that fall to the floor. THUMP…..THUMP…..

Leurocian's Magma Ball…no too deadly.. THUMP…..THUMP…..
Sleyvas Personal Aura Translocation…no that will not work.. THUMP…..THUMP…..
Yagrax’s Unbreakable Servitude…no I do not want to make him a slave.. THUMP…..THUMP…..
Hawkes Organic Spell Component Gatherer… intresting, but no.. THUMP…..THUMP…..
Iggwilvs Lightning Cage…will not protect him from the fire.. THUMP…..THUMP…..
Improved Telekinesis…not enough strength… THUMP…..THUMP…..
Quaron McBane Return to Infancy…he would die to quickly.. THUMP…..THUMP…..
Darklight's Compulsion of Pure Reason….Yes that will do nicely THUMP…..THUMP…..

He looks at Jack who’s rage has consumed him and reaches out to the planes of law and to the ethereal plane. The ethereal plane to allow the emotions to drain into it and to the planes of law where emotion does not exist and allows the folds of magic to gently overlay Jacks. And then with a harsh jerk the magic slams into Jack like a ten ton wrecking ball on a mission. Not bother to look at Bill. THUMP…..THUMP…..

“Bill get the girl and get down stairs 254 heartbeats left. So you had better run fast or you are going to think that a red dragon is using you as a toasted treat. Yummy on the inside and crunchy on the outside.”

He thinks of his own fight with the red dragon where the red dragon bit down on him and his protections failed and then breathed fire. He still has a few deep teeth marks on his body to remember that one by. His protection and the party had saved him but it was a close thing. He did not want anyone to go through something like that if he could help it. THUMP…..THUMP…..


Morereg Reaches into that pouch on his and pulls out what looks to be a small rock crystal about 5 inches long and ½ wide. Looking up he lifts the crystal to his lips and whispers something into it. All can see as it starts to glow with a white blue light and the very air around the crystal seems to gather hoar frost. As bits of ice gather around Moreregs hair and cloths he throws the crystal into the ceiling. Where it seems to stick into the wood, but with a closer look it seems to have frozen itself to the wood. (This is a containment crystal. When the crystal breaks the spell inside will go off. The spells is called Blizzard it will affect the entire area within the wards doing 24d10 cold damage right after the fireballs go off.) He watches as Bill starts down the stairs and he follows stopping at the top of the stairs in the broken door way. Giving Jack until the last moment to break free of the berserk rage that the sword had thrown him into.

(OOC I was thinking that the next post everything goes boom)
Anise taking notice that the others had fled to the safety of the steps.Turning her head to gaze upon Bill's retreat then watching for a brief moment as Morereg follows. Offering a warm smile to show the feeling of happiness that they will be safe. Knowing full well that most could never even stand the slightest hope of surviving such a powerfull spell. Anise turns back to face Jack then makes a slow path towards his fighting form. Attacking those that get near before standing at his left side. The mumured words spilling past parting lips reach Jack. " Dearest friend. I shall not leave your side even now...."

Then watching as two more vamps fly into battle Anise call's upon the Dead realm once more allowing her blood to coat the earth at her feet. Calling upon more of the deaths plane warroirs to help in the fight. The chaos grows even moreso at the image of rising skelitons coming to do Anise's bidding as the battle ensues. Anise taking care to watch over Jack till the very end.Knowing full well that none could hope to break Jack from the fury he finds raging within his form at the moment. Anise trusting in him enough to know that in the end no matter what happens he will be there to go on.

The thought makes Anise chuckle as the vamps fall to the dark shadows that flowm from around her to her bidding.Anise continues to keep count of the passing heartbeats as she continues to fight along side Jack.
Raising cain...

thump thump thump...
thump thump...
thump ...

the sound reverberated in his head pulling him from unconsciousness...
the dazed hunter slowly opened his eyes and took in his sorroundings...
he was in the laboratory with the reinforced bars on the cages...
the place of his dreams complete with the bloodcurdling screems and shrills of unholy chanting....
He could almost believe this was some dream....
but the incessant banging sound in his head was all too real...

looking at the now loose strips of leather hanging in tangles on his body,
the hunter slowly collected himself...
from his disorientation he remembered how he was bound...
but how he was able to rip these leather strips- he knows not...
somebody else must've cut me loose...he thought grimly...
as to the reason why, he didn't know...

Marcus focused his eyes on the unlit corners of the chamber so his iris would dilate immediately...
That was when he noticed some kind of a rag on the floor....
as his irises took in what little light emanated into the room he took in the sleeping form of a... girl?
She was on her side...seemed so peaceful...oblivious to all the melee & rucuss
Astonished as to how anyone could sleep through these...
he growled as he nudged her with his boot...“Hey, wake-up sleeping beauty...”
The hunter crouched down pulled off the girls collar, looking for any puncture marks on the girls neck...checked for a pulse...
he then placed his nose an inch away from her lips...
nope its not chloroform...
the hunter proceeded in opening the girl's eyelids ...
the hunter thought as he studied the blankness in her eyes.....Valium....
As to why the girl was put in this state... marcus can only guess why...there was so many questions left to be answered....and the human hunter haven't survived this long trying to ponder questions like these... In times of uncertainty such as this the cold-blooded creature that was Cain has always preferred a dead ally better that a live foe He gripped the lass' head with a hand and was about to break her neck when his eyes caught a glint of metal sticking out of her shirt...3 fresh clips of .50 cal ammo tucked neatly in her belt...the grimace that was just starting to form on the hunters face faded as he realized that this girl had somehow lost her gun..."little girl can't handle a big gun, too bad" Marcus was checking the ammo when he saw that the bullets were capped not with lead... but silver....
As marcus stood the he regarded the form lying on the floor not as the damsel he thought it was but as a fellow hunter who deserved his respect...
a killer who might prowl for a different reason but a hunter nonetheless...

Marcus then turned his back to follow the rythmic thud he was hearing above the howling, bashing, and screeming noise that sounded like a hundred lycans were being circumsized.....
as much as his bloodlust pulled him into the fray....
the hunter in him directs his intincts to the steady rythmic sound....
a certain steadiness and rhythm that could only be one thing....
a bomb....

as he traversed the spiral steps, the trained mind was refreshing him on the different wiring mechanisms of bombs...
He can't have this place destroyed...The place in his dreams...Beyond reality...
not now...when all is within his grasp...answers to questions that had forever plagued his tormented soul...
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A secret revealed...

Locked within himself, he watched with a fierce expression as he saw his own body reacting to the dangers around him, and heard the taunting laughter of the metallic demon that held him captive echoing through the darkness. He saw once more the clear, accepting, yellow eyes of Anise, and focused everything he had, turned his will entirely on stopping the act he knew was coming, relaxing again only when he saw another attacker strike in from the side, and realized that his body's attentions were diverted to this new threat, at least for a time...

"This was NOT the arrangement Nusian!" he screamed, his voice rebounding strangely from the interior of his psyche "I agreed to let you feed, and you promised me the power to fight them, that was all!"

"But you are fighting them jack..." came the whispery reply, seeming to come from everywhere at once "You are fighting them, and you are doing well! And I am feeding... oh yesss, I am feeding quite well indeed."

Screaming, shaking within himself, the usurped Lynx watched from the confines of his own consciousness as his body slaughtered everything around him. He could see now the energies on which the devilish blade was feeding, dark strands of power, like ghostly trails of black oil across the surface of water drooling froth from every slain Vampire, and bright, lightning-filled streams of energy that coarsed from the fallen Lycans. These were the feast to which the blade had invited itself, this was the slaughter that the possessed body of the once gentle and calm Happy Jack provided.

And with each trail, each stream, with every foe slain, the blade grew stronger. With every dark spirit it drank it seemed to dig deeper into his mind, and with every dazzling soul it absorbed... so to did his body grow larger, stronger. He had stood, when in his chosen combat form, a flat six feet tall, no more. Now, infused with the energies of the blade and armored in its metallic power, he was topping ten, and his strength and mass were keeping pace nicely. The blade itself grew as well, seeming to swell and lengthen to maintain its proportion to his form, and he could now easily swing from one wall of the entry hall to the other, taking off heads, arms, splitting torsos... Always killing. Always feeding this beast that had taken control.

He had no link to the outside, had no way to get help, to warn the others. He could hear nothing, could not smell nor taste, nor feel anything while locked within his prison. All he could do, and the one thing he could not stop doing, was to watch. He knew the blades' plan, knew it hungered for all power, that it sought to absorb the magical energies that it sensed so close at hand, and knew all too well that he was going to serve as the vehicle that the gluttonous entity would use to get them...

Run, my friends... get away from me..." he whispered, knowing even as he did so that it was far too late.
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Anise moves to fade instantly before standing before Jack. Her tall lithe frame of almost six feet dwarfed by Jacks as Anise tilts her chin up to allow her head to tilt back. In the hopes of making eye contact Anise's irises shift to shrink giving her the serpentine predatory gaze that locks most into a dead stop. Then shifting once more to become her true cursed form as Anise's body once more rises to the hieght of ten feet. Continuing to lock her gaze unto Jacks own orbs as the second nature of that of her serpentine form takes hold causing Anise to sway from right to left slightly.

The lower half of her body slowly begins to slide in a circular motion around Jack intending upon binding his form within her powerfull grasp. Anise having taken note that Jack's fury was not of a common source.The image of the sword feeding had been caught by Anise's heightened vision. Anise ready to try the most difficult of spells she had learned many lifetimes ago. One from a time that her memory had almost completly forgotten, the fact that she had been taught by the Godess Polyola possibly. One deep time of meditation had revealed the secrets of the spell. Readying herself as Anise allows her body to slow as she continues to transfix her gaze upon Jack's. Her coiled form now begins to constrict inwards as Anise readies to bind Jack from any movement. A whispered chant spills past red cold lips as Anise prays to Polyola for strength as well as the goddesses blessing.

Then with no warning Anise's form instantly swings forward as her lower half loops around to constrict Jack tightly allowing his arms to be pinned to his sides. Making the motion of weilding the blade almost imposible. Red lips crushing what could be said of jacks as he whispers Run, my friends... get away from me..." . The kiss out of desperation directed at the right moment as Jacks lips are parted. Anise with one brief shudder wills very form to take leave of her body. Her body now locked in holding Jacks own as her spirit flows past Jacks parted lips. The battle continues to rage on still, This time upon the battle feild of the etheral plane of spirits.

Seeking to do battle with the swords very essence itself. The fight betwenn the spirits would cause Jacks form to expell both as the two would be to much.Anise ready in spirit to drag the foul spirit out with her when the time is right. Then hoping all would take notice that her holding the evil at bay would present another to destroy the blade.Ready to sacrifice her own life for Jacks. Repayment for his kindness if need be.Sending a message vai thoughts Anise beckons Morereg with thoughts " You know what must be done....and are the only one who can...Make haste or we are doomed "
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Talia had left the City for a time, to escape the stress and troubles of two rather un-appreciative protégés, and the increasing feeling that something was about to boil over.

She returned too early, apparently, since as soon as she stepped back into the city's limits the power sliced into her like a whip-lash. She gripped her head, a feeling of pain greater than any she had felt since her life so many centuries before.

She lept up to the rooftops, and followed the track of pain to where it led.

It was an intense sensation of immense vampiric power, rage, and ... some things she had never before felt.

A young, wounded vampirelet lay on a rooftop. She glanced up at Talia with tired, pained eyes.

"War," she whispered, "War is broken out."

Talia nodded, and stroked her hair as her un-life drained out of her body. A last twitch, and she finally found the release of death that a century of unlife had prevented.

She had no sense of anger or revenge. There was, simply, bloodshed going on. Lycans and vampires perhaps ..

"Maybe," thought Talia, "it is time to hold back .. and wait. There may be an opportunity to cease power here soon ..."

With a soft smirk, she lept off into the chill air, still following the track of pain, ignoring the increasing agony as she followed the faint trail of death ....
Bill had no time to think, simply do as he was told. He gathered up the woman in his arms, and headed for the lab. A red dragon, holy shit! And I don't think Morga was playing about it either. Something got his leg, no time to look just run. He kicked whatever it was, and felt the pain of a broken toe.


Your God Damn right we are Morga. He more or less flung himself into the door way to the lab. With the young girl tucked under his arm, and hanging over his hip, he made his way down the spiral steps to the lab. Got to move, get this woman, and my own happy ass the hell out of here. He saw something moving ahead of him. God damn, this girl is more trouble then she's worth I swear. He dug in his travel bag, but only came up with a zipo. He dropped it, and dug for something else, a flash light. Shit, shit, shit.. What am I going to do, shadow puppet this thing to death. He dropped the girl, a little rougher then he would have under other circumstances. He pulled his 45 and wonder how many bullets he had left? When the gun cam to about eye level with he shadow, he hit the light.

He could make out a human form, but he wasn't sure of much any more. "Don't you fucking move you zombie fuck. If your smart enough to hear and understand, maybe your smart enough to get past me without eating fucking lead!" Sure wish I felt as confident as I sounded. It took a combat stands, and advanced.

Bills nerves where shoot, blown the fuck up to be more to the point. He would have just started shooting, if he hadn't remembered that there where people down here somewhere. Up the steps lay a hell he knew far to well. Not only is there some kind of evil beast genocide, but a Dragon slated to show up in the next 2 to 3 hundred heart beats. Just how the fuck did I end up here? Oh yeah, fucking Nikki! I ever see darling Nikki again, I'm going to fuck her ass with a white hot poker! The shadow guy was coming closer, and he started to just make out a short frame. "All right home boy, you just keep coming slow. Let me see your hands." But before Bill sees the moving shadow, the Doctor is back again. His grin was even wider then it had been in the kitchen. The Doctor points his finger at Bill, and a shiver runs throw his spine.
Morereg watches as Anise serpent form enwraps Jack. Her strong coils whipping about Jack with the intent of secure him. But it looks like a giant anaconda strangling its prey for a good meal. The vampires and lycan start to tear into them. He watches as what looks like a energy from Anise seems to flow from her mouth into Jack’s. Both creepy and sexy at the same time. Then Morereg feels more than hears " You know what must be done....and are the only one who can...Make haste or we are doomed ". He nods knowing that if the vampire and lycan keeps attacking then both are doomed. But as Morereg is counting down the heart beats he knows that both Anise and Jack will die he does not help…..
He thinks how easy it would be to let them both die in the coming inferno. To watch there evil become purified in the cleansing flames. There deaths taking a little more evil out of the planes. So easy. But the words of the Corellon Larethian came to him…
Evil is what you make of it, Corellon Larethian had written. Bind it to a higher Purpose, and you will have altered its nature. And: We use what tools we must.

68 heartbeats left and Bill was talking to somone "Don't you fucking move you zombie fuck. If your smart enough to hear and understand, maybe your smart enough to get past me without eating fucking lead!"

??? Who in the nine hells was he talking to? The girl is out for the next few minutes and all of the vampires and lycan down there were killed. No time to think about it now, only enough time to trigger a spell. There were several vampires and lycan headed for the stairs. Either because they knew what was coming or because we were headed down the stairs and they wanted a piece of us. Morereg reached out with his mind triggering one of the box of spells that he planned to use on any mages that showed up. The spells raced out and he directed the first to engulf Anise and Jack. And around them a block of solid ice ten feet thick engulfed them both. Several of the vampires and lycan were not quick enough and had arms and legs caught in the instantly formed ice. At the same time the very air around the door and into the dining room filled with thousands and thousands of sharp metal blades spinning at high speed. Cutting and destroying everything within its area. One of the lycan’s who was still dodging the ever shrinking flames that were chasing was not expecting the blades. And his blood was splattered all over one wall as the blades cut through him like a hot knife through butter. Then to add insult to injury the flames finely caught up with him to burn him the ashes in moments. The last part of the box of spells was wall of pure magic energy that would keep out anything physical. It shimmered across the doorway protecting all within the basement. Morereg could see a vampire who had gotten past the blade barrier only to be stopped by the wall of force. Scrapping and clawing he almost felt sorry for the creature…almost. He then stepped back and to the side so he had a clear view of the rooms and so did Bill.

5 heartbeats…
Morereg guards his eyes he knew what was going to happen.
4 heartbeats…
3 heartbeats…
2 heartbeats…
1 heartbeat…
Then a small piece of hell broke lose and flashed through the house and all of its room. Morereg knew that the temperature will reach 24,000 degrees and stay that way for about 6 seconds. But it was not what he knew hit was watching the vampire and the flames and heat watched over him and consumed his flesh in moments and the heat shattered the bones that it did not turn to ash.

Outside the flames slam against the ward and billow up to the top. The flames lighting up the area around the house like a giant flashbulb. Residents and homeless look toward the light not knowing what is going on. But sure that they do not want to investigate what is happening. They knew that things were getting bad with the vampires and lycan and none of them want to be around as it is going bad.

But unknown to all but Morereg the heat releases a small crystal from the ceiling. Strangely glowing with a white blue light immune the ravaging inferno around it starts to fall to the hard tile floor below….

Mean while the inferno flashes around the block of ice containing both Jack and Anise. The heat takes a few seconds to burn through the ice creating a huge cloud of hot steam that starts to parboil both Jack and Anise. But the temperature from the fire is already dropping down to normal, but the steam is going to parboil them…

The crystal falls and hits the hard tile and shatters… and hundreds of pieces of tiny crystal fragments scatter through out the floor. And the blue white light seems to drift free of the crystal for an instant before blooming. Yet when it blooms it is almost pretty as a wave of cold pulses out from the broken crystal. Engulfing the entire warded area and bouncing back on itself several times. Dropping the temperature to –240 degrees, cold enough to condense the very air into snow. Cold enough to freeze the very flesh from your bones. And Morereg watches and the steam around Anise and Jack freeze nearly instantly creating a pogonip or killing frost. Yet at the same time insulating them from the worst of the freezing damage.

The house from the outside looks like it was covered with white sparkling paint. As the ice crystals attach themselves to the warm parts of the house. The house almost looks new with its white covering of ice crystals. But Morereg know that the air needs to come in. He can do without air for up to seven days but the people around him are a different story. So as the blizzard spell ends the outside ward ends creating a line in the earth where the white crystal starts and earth and concrete begin. Just as quickly as the entire thing started it ends the silence is almost deafening in comparison to noise of combat that was happening just moments before. Morereg reaches out and dispels the last remaining spells of his and waits to see what has happened…

"It is done..."
The sight of the house briefly becoming a pure white made Talia stop.

No, it wasn't just the sight. It was the intense surge of pain, emotion, and power. Talia winced at the sensation, and waited for the effect, physical and meta-physical, to end.

She could feel then the incomprehensibly ancient kindred, the one she had sensed once in what seemed aeons ago.

"So," she muttered, "the power structure's less ... damaged than I had hoped."

No matter, she concluded. Perch here and see who survived. She had been gone too long, and while the sheer naked power she had witnessed was one she wanted to have on her side, she frankly had no idea who or what would be ally or enemy.
An end to all things..

Bill turned to see Morag behind him, the Doctors face forgotten for a moment. "Morga, we've got.." Morag spoke words under his voice, and he saw the tangled bodies of Jack and Anise suddenly cased in ice. "What the fuck Morag, your going to kill them after all!?" Bill didn't have any real loyalty to either the Cat Man or the Vampire. But it seemed out of Morga's character, Guess I've learned something about the Fay after all. No sooner had this thought came to his mind, then world turned hellish. Morga's eyes where covered, but Bill couldn't tare his eyes away.

As the animals where burned, fried, crumbled, and blown, to death. Bill saw a sight none but he could see. The flames grew with a blue color, then red, and brown, and black. The souls of the departed racing around in air, keep aloft by the thermals. Each seemed to try to kill the other sprits as they where forced into each others way. Their dead, they don't know it, and they still want to fight. How could such rage pass even into the sprit life? Any other man, woman, vampire, Fay, or what have you, might have been blinded by this. But Bills golden eyes where designed to make sure he never missed a signal horrible sight. He starred on, as the shadow behind him sank farther ways.

Bill could feel heat, taking his breath away as a crystal fall from the ceiling. It's white blue light burned even brighter to his eyes, then the flame and souls wreathing. It shattered, and Bill was treated to the most breath taking, beautiful sight he'd ever seen in his life. The white and blue seemed to wash over the place, cooling everything as it passed. It hit the ward, and Bill could feel his breath regain. But just as soon as the air was back, his chest began to freeze. He shivered in his baggy pants, wishing he'd keep his coat on. His eyes rolled as he tried in vine to breath. "Ma...orga..."

Time seemed to stand still for Bill, as he reached for his new friend. No sooner had he begun to feel the effects of this strange spell, it was gone. The ward, Bill knew from the lack of the pale light that surrounded the place, was gone. Bill took a deep, labored breath. "Akkk... Morag..."

"It is done.."

Bill took in the carnage that hung around the place. Bodies in all states of death, some looking as though they could still reach out and kill. Frozen in place. The house was gone, a burned out shell of it's former self. He look to the sky, and for the first time in this city, he saw the stars. To think they twinkle down on us, wile we go about doing these things. I heard once we where made of the same things stars where. If that's true, I wonder if stars fight? Do stars kill each other? Can a star be turned into one of these evil thing? And if they did, would they have more or less power then the three people I meet tonight? The North star made it's self know to his eyes, as he traveled the night sky. Next came the only star formation he knew, Orin's belt. That one in the middle, the star that always seems to shine green to me. I named it Noel, after the first girl friend I had. I wonder if other people do that? His head slowly turns from the stars to Morga..

"Is it done Morga? What about Jack and Anise?" As if he just remembered, he bent down to check the vitals of the woman he had been carrying. God she was a trial to keep alive here. But man, she really is a beauty... Who knows, saving her life just might help me make it into heaven after all? He ran a hand over her head, to move the hair out of her face. He turned, remember there was someone else down there. "Hey you, buddy.. Come on up and check this shit out yo!" "So, are we really done here Morga?"
Dateline: Shitstorm!

He sees her, so pale, so determined, and begins to scream. ”NO you stupid fucking Vamp Bitch, I said to RUN!! What the fuck are you DOING!” He could do nothing however, as she moved before him, focused herself on him time and again… He saw her form shift, watched in shock and fascination as she seemed to uncoil somehow, from the shadows that surrounded her, and began yelling and struggling once more as she drew herself level with his angry eyes, and at last managed to lock her gaze with his own.

”No Anise…” he whispers, his unheard voice full of emotions, his bestial body shuddering and stopping at long last, his thunderous steps slowing, those massive arms failing and coming to rest at last by his sides. ”Please just run… Don’t do this, I’m not worth your life…” He knew she couldn’t hear him, knew that his struggles his fighting to free himself was futile at best, but she didn’t know the full danger… she didn’t…

”Interesting… came that sibilant hiss ”She is trying to save you Jack… I wonder why. She has seen the power of the blade, perhaps she wishes to possess it. Do you think she is trying to take your new toy… Jack…?” Had he the arms to do it, the Lynx would have torn the throat from his tormentor, if indeed it had a throat. It was teasing him, and he knew it. She wasn’t after the sword. She was trying to save… her friend…

He saw something in her face then, something he did not expect to see. It was buried deep, hidden behind her cold mannerisms, her sometimes childish tantrums, and her hard as steel shell, but it was there… Right there, in her eyes as she looked at him, as she tried to bind his will as well as his body, as she drove herself in for a deep kiss… she cared for him… she … Loved him.

The kiss was the conduit, a bridge between the physical and the mental, between the outside of Jacks skull, and the dark, meandering labyrinth of the inside. He was still trapped, shackled and caged by an enemy that taunted him with whispers, that moved as a ghost through the very edges of his perceptions, and suddenly, Anise, sensual, beautiful Anise was there as well. Her body, her form as real to him here as it was in life, her yellow eyes glowing with her power, and her spirit intact. She stood before his cage, surrounded by the panoramic vista of his sight, and could see his prison as easily as he saw her.

A short cage, seeming to be about three feet tall, composed of purest silver and chased ‘round with etched runes that Jack knew by heart, Runes designed by the Inuit tribes long ago to bar and bind the changing breeds. In it, stripped of everything, with the silver of the cage burning into his form, crouched Jack, or what should be Jack. The bearded and rather scruffy looking human form seems more suited to a park bench than a warriors hall, but it is him all the same. His hands bound with silver, and the lids of his eyes, both upper and lower, peeled wide and pinned in place with what looked like small nails. ”You should have run Anise…“ he pants, rolling his eyes to moisten them ”And I love you too…”

With those words, like a silent cue for action, the world outside seemed to go mad. Crystals of ice seemed to sweep around their bodies, folding around them. Then came a brilliant flash of fire, hot and orange, burning and searing away at the ice even as they watched, and then came yet more ice, a blast of white crystals that blanketed everything they could see through the windows of his vision. But something was wrong… The ice wall formed, but there was a hollow area, a void that separated them from the ice. The fire, once it had melted through the ice wall in one or two spots, swirled in brilliant ribbons through this voided area to flow into the visible planes of the armor that covered his body. When the chill came, sending tiny crystals of frost swirling through the air like tiny snowflakes, the armor once more seemed to draw it in, the flow of spell energies clearly visible now as the glittering frost seemed to simply vanish before it reached him, leaving nothing but the ghostly blue-white emanations. ”Oh shit…” Jack murmured, his tense musculature going slack with realization of what was happening ”What in Fucks name did you do, Elf…

”Oh, he did a naughty, naughty thing, he did! the blade spirit giggled in its paper-rustle voice ”Everyone likes you Jack, and they soooo want to help… And none of them are. The pretty pretty dead girl tries, and traps herself here with you, and the spellthrower tries, and gives me all this yumsy power to play with! What gifts you have given me dear Jack!” It’s tittering glee seemed to drift to Jack’s comprehension from everywhere, and he could sense it’s growing strength, even as it spoke and jeered.

Beyond their view, in the now blackened and frosted entry hall, Jacks body was changing yet again, the coursing energies from the combined spells urging his form to swell, to grow, and the metallic plates of the accursed armor seemed to flow over his monstrous form, merging with one another to form a seamed and oddly sensual metal shell, the arms and back bearing wicked looking barbs, and the helm adorned with hooked horns and knobby protrusions. Down the front of the armor, from chest plate to stomacher, and seeming to swell out of the metal itself, was a representation of the sword itself, point downward, and ornate hilt settled squarely in the center of the chest. The sinuous form of Lade Anise, ill prepared for his continued growth and dangerous protective plating, was flung to the side as he once more began to move, his body crouching in the restrictive space, and almost crawling to move as he turned around slowly and swung his head to face the distant doorway. ”…Eelff…”
the creeping form whispered, his singsong voice sounding cold and hollow as he worked his was toward the basement entrance ”You lose elf… I am coming to suck the power from your living flesh, and then I will feast on the strength of your soul… You cannot stop me elf, and you cannot save aaaaannnyoonne….”
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Bastionessex said:
"Is it done Morga? What about Jack and Anise?" As if he just remembered, he bent down to check the vitals of the woman he had been carrying. God she was a trial to keep alive here. But man, she really is a beauty... Who knows, saving her life just might help me make it into heaven after all? He ran a hand over her head, to move the hair out of her face. He turned, remember there was someone else down there. "Hey you, buddy.. Come on up and check this shit out yo!" "So, are we really done here Morga?"

" They should be ok. The ice should have protected them from most of the effects of the fire. That should have released enough water that when the cold spell went through it should have absorbed most of the cold and stopped them from becoming ice statues. However they be both a bit singed and a bit frozen, and covered in a thin layer of frost. They should be fine in a few days time."

Morereg look over at Bill knowing that it was done at least for the moment that is unless Jack was still in his beserk rage. If that was the case then it was going to be time to teleport back to the park and go from there. General beserk creatures calmed down when there were no enemies about. But sometimes friends or bystandards became enemies of beserkers who had totaly lost it. Morereg was not going to take the chance on stepping into the room and becoming half the elf that he use to be. But he lissened and watched and the ice fog slowly started to warm up and the air become clear again. So he could make sure that Jack and Anise were still not over the edge.

"Are we really done.... No! We seem to be done for now but that all depends on if Jack and Anise are still beserk or not. Not even my eyes can see through this smoke and ice fog. So we need to wait till it clears.....
By the way who else is downstairs? I thought that Jack and Anise killed everything that made it down?"
Rufus the Mad said:
Beyond their view, in the now blackened and frosted entry hall, Jacks body was changing yet again, the coursing energies from the combined spells urging his form to swell, to grow, and the metallic plates of the accursed armor seemed to flow over his monstrous form, merging with one another to form a seamed and oddly sensual metal shell, the arms and back bearing wicked looking barbs, and the helm adorned with hooked horns and knobby protrusions. Down the front of the armor, from chest plate to stomacher, and seeming to swell out of the metal itself, was a representation of the sword itself, point downward, and ornate hilt settled squarely in the center of the chest. The sinuous form of Lade Anise, ill prepared for his continued growth and dangerous protective plating, was flung to the side as he once more began to move, his body crouching in the restrictive space, and almost crawling to move as he turned around slowly and swung his head to face the distant doorway. ”…Eelff…”[/i] the creeping form whispered, his singsong voice sounding cold and hollow as he worked his was toward the basement entrance ”You lose elf… I am coming to suck the power from your living flesh, and then I will feast on the strength of your soul… You cannot stop me elf, and you cannot save aaaaannnyoonne….”

Morereg could hear the voice. It was not Jacks or Anise. He changed his vision to the planes of power. He could see the vortex drawing in the little bit of power that remained. He could also see the blood magic and the creature that overlayed both the sword and Jacks form. He had delt with more than one intellegent item in the past. And looking through the fog Morereg could see the creature that was Jack advancing. But with its current size it was not going to get down those stairs very quickly if at all. Whatever was in that sword he did not have the right spells ready to deal with it and unmake it. It would take some time to change spells to the ones that would work correctly for this creature. And time was something that he did not have.... Bill did not have time eather.... Damm....Damm that thing would feed on souls, magic, or blood. What kind of pack did Jack make with that thing

"Bill... BILL.... forget who is down there it is time to go. Jack has lost the the battle of wills. We need to get out of here.... NOW."

Morereg steps back down the stairs grabs Bill.

"Who ever is down there you have 5 seconds before an intellegent demon sword come down here and cuts out your soul and eats it. So if you want to live. Come grab ahold of us NOW. Bill do not resist or you will be left here."

He awaits for a moment and then seeing Jacks changed and deformed body. He casts his spell looking up at the creature who was Jack and as he fades away. Morereg point his staff at the sword.

"We will meet againnnn...Sworrrdddd!"

And they vanish from the stairs as if they had never been. with only the after effects of the spells still lingering. And the still far away sounds of the police and fire department coming to find out what had happened. Because while the effect may have been contained the sounds, and the light was not. Soon the police would be here and what would they find......
Up and at 'em, Adam Ant.

Bill pulled himself from the sky, and steeped back down the steps for just a second. "Can't leave her Morga, worked to hard to keep her alive." He pulled her to him, his hand cuffs cutting into her wrist just a little bit. He dipped his shoulders, like a Hockey player about to lay on a hellish body check, and hafted her onto his shoulders. That voice, I swear.. The voice means to kill and eat the souls of everyone in the place. Bet he's chock to death on mine! He was running now, out of his mind scared. This was a feeling Bill had grown accustom to over the years. But damn if it didn't make him want to shit his pants every time. It's a testament to how tough I've become, that I don't just fall down these steps and shit all over myself. Hopping to gain a few second he begins to hum "First Cut is the Deepest", but that battel was over.. And just like clock work, so was he ability to slow time. He pulled up, just short of standing right next to Morga.

The thing that stood before him was hug, an armored War God or something like that. "What the fuck is that?" Why is it I always ask questions when no one has time to answer them... He could feel himself, and the woman across his shoulders growing weak. Not in body, but in presents. For a second he heard Morga scream at the thing. His body fought the spell, making him the last one to fade away. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a burn mark on the wall, or that's how it seemed. But as his eyes focused on it, it became the face of the Doctor. And not only was it the face of the Doctor, but he also saw a child standing next to the face, burned into the side of the wall. Fuck, I'm going to have to see him again! I should have known.. God Damn it, my War Chest! With these last thoughts Bill faded as the Elf and the woman had.
He is here and there and there and there

At the same time it seems that Morereg can be in more than one place at one time. Because behind Jack Anise's battered and bloody form lies. Looking worse for where Morereg steps halfway in and half way out of.... nothing. Morereg can only watch as Jack at the stairway and his own head starts to vanish. And yet as he grabs Anise as pulls her into..nothing. All that Morereg can think of is that "Anise is heavy and needs to stop with the giant rats". Poor gutter humor but it is all that he can think of. He can see the creature that Jack has become, become confused he can read it in his body language. How can there be more than one of me in the same place at the same time. To its perceptions I am in three different places all at the same time. But that cannot happen? the sword thinks to itself Can it?

And yet at the same time another Morereg steps part way out of…nothing and grabs the war chest from the basement. Thinking “He should have a few burly fighters along to help with the heavy stuff such as this, but NOOooooo the little mage always has to get the other party members”. Quickly he pulls the War chest into nothing.

Yet those close enough could see behind him billions and billions of strands of string...silk? Before again he vanishes into... nothing leaving no one there except the creature that was Jack...
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Anise unknowning that spell had just taken effect. The fire searing flesh from her form holds no meaning to Anise as her soul is lost deep within Jacks form seeking his own.The ice spell freezing the burnt damaged flesh causeing no pain as well for the time being. Anise seeking Jacks soul seemingly moves within her etheral form of her soul to spot the demon's essence then taking note that it has fled within an instant.Gazing upon the caged Jack a simple emotion of Sadness flows from Anise's soul at the image of his soul bound within silvery bars mixed with runes to bind.

Flowing towards the cage Anise remains silent as to all the words Jack had spoken.She had heard all and confused by such two extremes of his emotions merely shoves the feeling from her soul.The only thing now is to free Jack's form to mix with her own to defeat the true monster that resides within Jack and the Blade.The elven mage had the gravest of mistakes. The sword still intact might have doomed all of them. Moreregs flight to safety will not last forever when it comes to such creatures.

The sword, the true power of the demon unbroken is the outcome Anise had not counted on. Calling upon the silent prayer directed towards the God Sonke. The God of the Clan ancestor. The god lending Anise greater pwer then she already has as the ancestors of her clan infuss their spiritual power with her own. Reaching to grasp hold of the bars before using all the power available Anise slowly begins to bend the silver.

The image of her soul glowing brighter as the strength of her ancestors is called upon. The silent cry of her soul reaching Jack's " Aid me in fighting ....Aid me in escape from the true monster that binds you! Continuing to bend the bars as her soul screams for the simple action of the emotion to set Jack free from his binding.

Anise knowing that once free Jack will have to fight the demon but not alone.Intending upon allowing her soul to mold with his to become one as Anise lends Jack her own powers as well to fight the Demon off. Simply willing all her soul's power and steel like will for Jacks own spirit to use as his own.
The park time and time again

Morereg and the rest of the group fades back into existence only a few blocks away in Griffon Park. While not the largest park it was about 5 or 6 acres. The city thought at one time about putting in pool but the city had thought that the money should be spent elsewhere, like personal pensions. And as more money was spent elsewhere the park had slowly become rundown over the years. There was not enough money to keep the park looking great but enough to keep the park from being used as another development. But this was not the same park that almost 60 hours ago looked rundown and was ready to be turned into another strip mall or shopping center. This park looked almost wild with trees and bushes that had grown in hours what should have taken years. The wind was very little but all of the trees seemed to sway and move like they were alive and talking to one another. The bushes and fruit bearing trees seemed to be full of fruit of all kinds, peaches, apples, Atheis, cherries, strawberries, almonds, and more. The park looked like it burst right out of a story book. With the bright light of the moon and stars shining down the place not only looks magical, it feels magical. All could see the small fairy lights as they danced and moved about the trees. But without knowing why it feels safe and secure a place where no harm should come. It is a safe place, a place where demons of the night cannot hunt. A place where a small child could be left alone to play for hours and the most that would happen is a scrape or two and they would get dirty. One could almost expect a unicorn to step out to show itself. So it could have fun leading you on a merry hunt. Or maybe as you looked up you could see a castle on a distant hill. The old run down park had indeed become something special and it would continue to grow outward talking over the city in time, if enough time was given. But this park would always remain a small part of a forest. For the trees would regrow and fight back regardless of what was done the magic of the forest would return within days to full strength here. And if the destruction was great enough everything within the park would fight against the destruction. This was the greatest gift that elven high magi had given this park. The gift of life, of remembrance of what once was and what could be again.

Morereg steps over to an Atheis bush he grabs several dozen of the bright red berries. Quickly he eats a few and as he does so he can feel the energy return to him. The healing energy of the berries flows through him. He can feel the fatigue of the battle wash through and out of him.

“HUMmmmmmm. These are good. Have a few Bill they will help bring back your strength. Give a few to the girl as well they will help. Also spit the seeds out, you can eat them but you will be up for a few days if you do. But save them and plant them where ever you can. That is part of the pact. I will be right back I need to step through time a bit to get Anise.”

Bill looks at Morg with a bit of disbelief…. time traveling… fey elf mage… vampires…. lycan… shapechangers…. demons… What the fuck?

“Hay Morg before you aaaa.. go… back.. could you pickup my War Chest. You know that big metal box with all my stuff in it?”

Morereg nods at Bill. He knows that he is going to need to bring Anise here or she is going to be carved up by that sword. And the wards are going to scream bloody murder. But he has no choice. He is going to need someone who knows the city because he sure in the hell does not. In a forest he would rule the day but in the city. His powers were limited, strong… incredibility so but still limited. But here with some time he would be able to fight just about anything except a god. And maybe even one of those if he had the time.

With that Morereg kind of shifts and steps into… nothing. Bill could see behind Morereg as he shifts billions and billions of strands of string or silk all floating in a gray mass of other strings that just seem to close up around Morereg.

To Morereg he needed to be very careful so as not to disturb the time line. Otherwise things would change and he would need to spend time and energy fixing the problems that he caused. That was not a fun thing to do as he had found out. Fixing that time paradox had taken more time and effort than he had thought possible. Now he knew why the cronomancer lords protected the time lines so. Well better get to work. He carefully stepped if it could be said that he stepped at all back along the time line. Awaiting the moment when Jack possessed by the sword broke free of the ice and was at the top of the stairs. Then he stepped part way back into the time line grabbing Anise. All that Morereg can think of is that "Anise is heavy and needs to stop with the giant rats". Poor gutter humor but it is all that he can think of. He can see the creature that Jack has become; become confused he can read it in his body language. How can there be more than one of me in the same place at the same time. To its perceptions I am in three different places all at the same time. Morereg can only smile as he pulls the last part of Anise’s tail into time. He leaves her there for just a moment and again steps a bit back in time and again shifts his position. This time to the basement where the War Chest sits. He steps through the curtain of time again and grabs the war chest. Thinking “He should have a few burly fighters along to help with the heavy stuff such as this, but NOOooooo the little mage always has to get the other party members”. Quickly he steps back through the curtain of time.

Morereg can see that Anise is damaged badly but she will live. If being a vampire is what you call living. He steps forward in time to just a moment after Bill has seen him vanish into thin… air…He dropped off Anise right there in the park along with the War Chest. It would look like I appeared with both Anise and the War Chest at the same time. Morereg could only smile to himself as he thought of the implications that were going to happen with poor Bill. No one would ever believe him regardless of how true he spoke. Most “normal” people would never consider vampires to be real let alone magic or time travel. The other humans would consider him mad or at the very least unstable. Tech world were always like that. That had turned there backs on magic and all that went with it. Because it was safer for them, tech could be used by anyone, true magic could not. And that frightened a lot of people who found that tech was easer and anyone could use it. That did not make magic less powerful it made it more powerful. He reached out and touched Bills life string. And with a quick spell he searched Bills life for the time he was cursed. Bill was both blessed and cursed he had the ability to see all of the magic and creatures and had none of the control to choose what he wanted to see. That was what little grandmother had done. Little grandmother is what she liked to be called but most people knew her as Baba Yaga translated from a old language to Grandmother Witch. He had spent over 10 years with her learning different kinds of magic. He a full mage at the time, but he had known that he would learn much under her. And at the end he had left her a small gift of a life tree that grew in her special garden. She was an immortal and she would not truly harm a innocent. I remember that there were several times that she actual helped good adventures on there quests. And she had taken in several children and raised them as her own. But if you were rude, cruel or had no manners she would eat you as soon as look at you. She traveled to time and places that were a wonder. And the spells that I learned could come from no where else. But none the less she was a hard and cruel taskmaster. She almost always forced people into the hardest ways of doing things she would always say “You will only learn if it is hard. Because then you will remember better.” And her other favorite saying "It is said that' whatever is prepared for never occurs, So, let us prepare you for finding yourself alone, sick, wounded, exhausted, surrounded by enemies and needing power, and it will never occur. Yes?" Morereg could remember her words like it was yesterday and he smiled. She was always hard but he always thought that she had a kind heart that just wanted to get out. But that rarely had the opportunity because of what she was.

“Little grandmother why did you do this? What was your reason? What did he do that you would do this?”
Morereg searched Bills time line he then moved over to Jack’s time line to trace the origin of the sword. Only to find after three jumps to different people it vanishes into nothing. The sword was not from this plane. He then stepped back along the time stream appearing the same time as the War chest and Anise.

“Well Bill we need to get to some shelter. Can you handle a bit more magic?”

Morereg sounds tired. The last several hours have drained him a lot now he just needs rest.
A plan within...

Jack shuddered in his prison, feeling a new strength fold itself around him, sensing a deep river of power unlike any he had ever known. He felt it, and knew what it was. He swiveled his head around to stare at Anise with his pinned open eyes, watched through the unbidden tears as she warped and bent the bars of the cage holding him. He looked at her, and nodded, giving her the permission she needed to complete her chanted spell.

Emboldened by he gesture, her strange words seemed to take on a life all their own, to pulse with a living energy as she poured her essence into him, merged her strength with him, became, for this time, one.

It started as a hoarse growl, low and deep, echoing through the darkness like a peal of thunder. Then, with a single movement, Jack/Anise rose up from the cage that could no longer hold them, bits of the shattered silver bars rolling free of their new, more powerful form. The warding Runes that had been so effective against the Lynx could do nothing now, the poison that lurked within the silver could not touch them, the binding that had once held the Lycans hands now lay in a twisted ruin. They opened their eyes, yellow, with pupils of the brightest green, and snarled softly. Their body was dark, with the soft, silver fur shading the dark scales beneath, and the face seemed both beautiful a feral, a potent mix of dark, sultry attraction and the deadly threat of a true predator. This, then, was a true fusion. A melding of spirits, a merging of strength, and a blending of the two that held the greatest power in this city. They were one, and they were pissed. A blur of motion and they were gone, their form lancing through the darkness with a sense of purpose, with a plan.

The sword spirit was in control of Jacks body, and was thrashing it across the chamber towards the basement, seemingly intent on reaching it’s goal… It was no longer allowing the free-flowing energies to energize the monstrous form as they would, but was keeping a tight control on them, only allowing the merest trickle of the stolen energy to get through. There were no more Were-creatures, after all, and the spells that the mage had cast, though powerful, must be regulated or else too much would be used too soon. For itself though, to feed on and to sustain its own strength, there was more than enough… Countless undead had been slain here, and the dark energies that had powered them were delicious indeed, almost as good as being at home once again, and there was nothing that the malevolent entity had encountered thus far that had the power to break its link with the blade that was it’s home.

Yes… they had a plan indeed. I can feel it… the Jack entity thought to themselves With our strength I can sense the link it holds, both with my body, and with the sword. The energies tying the demon to the blade seems… dark, almost hungry in their own right, while those flowing from the blade to the body seem almost alive… We cannot wrest control of my form from this creature, not at present, but we can slip behind it while it is distracted, while it thinks itself unbeatable. We will enter the sword, and we will fight this monster from the one place it doesn’t expect… You know the chants better than I. I will leave the crossing from my flesh and into the blade in your… in our capable hands.
OOC: ok I'm good

IC: Trisha was feeling nautious and tired humans don't have that much endurance after fighting 40 lyacans off with a pistol and a knife with some water. "Where are weeee AAAA" looking at th to vampires she slowly drew her knife being out of ammo. She quickly noticed them "oh it's just you guys I guess thanks for helping me" she put her knife back. "What happened to her" she noticed the female laying on her back. "So what do we do know" looking at them "are we screwed yet" noticing the blade glowing she thought it was bad...
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Anise spirit infused with Jacks own feels the surge of power never before felt. Seeing the world for the first time with an even greater sight through the newly formed orbs of yellow and startling green.Anise now one with Jack lets loose her own roar that follows Jacks before making teh first attempt of bodily movement. Simply nodding in silent rely to his plans Anise searches all her memories that come flooding back. They hit like a an unwanted tidal wave that courses through Jacks powerfull frame. Yellow orbs gleam at teh image of Morereg stepping to retrieve her solid body then vanishing again. A long serpentine hiss sounds off in displeasure over several facts instantly forgotten. The time to act now at hand causes Anise to part Jacks lips as the old incantion begins.

That one of seperating both their souls from Jacks flesh to travel into the very blade itself. A strong tone of words that time itself seemingly had forgotten as Anise's Finnish accent kicks in. The chant completed several seconds later brings about the sensation of their mixed souls pushing to free themselves from Jacks frame, the exit his parted lips.With one strong push Anise will's their souls free of Jack in a instantaneous burst from Jacks form.Traveling straight into the metal that surounds his form. Now free the image of their souls crossing from Jacks flesh into the metal of the armor around his form is seen as nothing but a spark of light for one brief moment. Intending upon traveling through the metal their souls travel towards his right arm then downwards past his fingers into the hilt of the sword itself. The flash of another bolt of electricity reveals itself as Anise's tranference is complete. The easy task done that leads to the true battle and all anises hopes for freeing jack forever from the demon and its imprisonment.

The image of the interior of sword strange to say the least. Their orbs gazing upon a an etheral realm that seperates the energies that the demon had fed upon. The image of what most could describe as two wells each holding its own energy.On pool of dark negative energy while the other holding the pure white of positive energy. Anise seeing this knows what must be done.A thought towards Jack to seperate! is all she needs as their spirits seperate to become two once more. Then racing towards the pool of negative energies Anise simply calls the dark mana to take for herself.The two of them stealing the dark and light Mana leaves the demon unable to do anything. The dark mana pours from the well to become asorbed by Anise's soul as the the mana writhes around her spirit now claimed as her own. Yellow orbs turn to gaze at Jacks spirit as silence ensues before the demon roars in pure anger at being bested. It had simply underestimated the power of two becoming one.