Loving Wives (or girlfriends) in real life


Sep 14, 2021

Since she deleted it, here it is:

TLDR - Before my vacation I [F24] asked my boyfriend [M25] to open our relationship temporarily. Now he's regularly having sex with some girl in our apartment and I'm heartbroken

I'm pretty fucking upset right now, I'm going to do my best to explain everything that's happened.

I've had an extended holiday (3 months) planned with my best friend (Tory) for years. We have always talked about it and my boyfriend (Daniel) knew we were going to do it. She finally finished college this December and we put our plan into action.

Another friend (Michelle) went on a similar trip years ago. She and her friend both had longterm boyfriends at the time, and they both ended up cheating on the trip. A while later their friendship fell apart, and they both revealed each other's infidelity. It got ugly. Michelle and her boyfriend broke up, her (ex)friend stayed with her boyfriend but from the sounds of it their relationship was severely damaged.

At first I thought they were absolutely horrible for doing it, but after talking to her I could see their side of things - months of no sexual contact/release, being in a party atmosphere, of course there would be temptation. She's young, attractive and gets lots of male attention. The encounter was purely sexual, she was drunk, and they used protection. The next day the boy was out of her life completely and that was it. I vehemently disagreed with doing all this behind her boyfriend's back though.

Talking with Michelle about a month ago, she asked what I'm going to do about Daniel. I honestly hadn't thought about it like that, I felt like I could easily go 3 months without having sex. And I'd never want to betray Daniel's trust. But Michelle made a good case for 'opening' our relationship while i was away - she said (paraphrasing): "Of course you love Daniel. But traveling is about experiencing new things, and that includes sex. You'll say it won't happen now, but you just have to trust me that once youre there you'll feel different. Daniel is going to wonder either way if you're fucking other guys on your trip. Just be upfront with him and see what he says."

And so that night I talked to him about it. I explained that I wasnt going to be looking to fuck every guy I see that I'm attracted to, and that my love for him was as strong as ever, but I also wanted to be able act freely and party like other girls my age. It was more contingency if anything - I don't plan on fucking other guys, but if it happens it happens. A night of partying half the world away with people I'll never see again shoudn't ruin what we had here. I'd insist on using protection. And of course he would have the same opportunity as me, he would be able to freely see girls if he chose to. He wasn't happy, but said he understood. He said "You've tied my hands. If I tell you I forbid it, I'll still be worried if you're being true to your word. By expressing that this is what you went, there's nothing I can do to stop you."

Daniel's a bit of a homebody - he goes out with his friends on occassion, but most nights he spends in our apartment playing video games or watching netflix. Given his lifestyle i wasn't overly worried he'd be hooking up with all these random girls.

Me and Tory left on February 17. It's been eye-opening and a ton of fun. But it's also been stressful. We haven't done any partying, we talked to some guys one night but nothing came of it. Tonight I checked my email at an internet cafe and there was a message from Kay, a sweet old lady who lives above us in our apartment complex.

"I have debated for days whether to send this to you and potentially ruin your vacation. But you deserve to know the truth. Daniel has been seeing another woman since you left. There is doubt that he in seeing her, she has come over most nights and I have heard them being intimate. You deserve so much better. I'm so sorry."

I thought i could handle this open relationship arrangement. I can't. The message shattered my heart into a million pieces. This isn't what i intended at all, i wanted the freedom to act in the moment. He's taking this as a free pass to regularly fuck some girl. And I have a feeling i know exactly who it is, a girl from his work who was overly flirty with him.

I regret ever taking Michelle's advice and openng my stupid mouth. I don't want him to fuck other girls, I don't want to fuck other guys. I want this slut out of my apartment NOW!! I am a fucking wreck and need other women's opinions. Tory has been so unhelpful, basically telling me to grow up and that I got what I asked for. No shit?! People aren't allowed to change their minds or regret their decisions?!

How do I go about contacting him and expressing that this needs to stop NOW without coming across like a crazy hypocritical bitch? And let him know that I will be 100% faithful on my trip?! I don't even know how I am going to look at him when i get home. I am beyond hurt, this feels so wrong and so sick.

I am going to bed now to try and get some sleep, i will check and respond to all comments tomorrow morning. Thank you :(

EDIT: guys, seriously, stop it. I know i fucked up, i brought it all on myself. Kicking me while I'm down isn't helping. I'm not asking for your opinion on my stupid selfish decision, I'm asking the best way to approach this and fix it.

Tory says I should email him saying "what I said before about opening our relationship was a mistake. I haven't slept with anyone here and I don't want to. You're my partner and I dont want to compromise what we have. Please be faithful as I will be to you. I love you." Simply dont tell him about Kays email or that I know there's another woman. Thoughts?
What's good for the gander is good for the goose. One must live with the decisions we make.
Probably been a few dozen stories on Lit already with this story line. If not, there probably will be soon.
That sure reads as plausibly as any Penthouse Letter.

Who are all the grinning idiots to the right of the illustration? Local MRA chapter yearbook?
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That sure reads as plausibly as any Penthouse Letter.

I have no trouble believing it. Seen exactly that kind of drama happen IRL more than once, sometimes from within the blast radius. The only thing even slightly unusual about it is the genders; usually it's the guy who wants to open up and then can't deal when his girlfriend gets more action than he does.

(Not all open relationships, mind; plenty of people are grown-ups who understand what they're getting into and are prepared to deal with it. But the ones who aren't are the ones who show up in relationship drama forums.)
Most people can't disentangle sex and romance.

Yeah, "we can sleep with other people just don't develop feelings for them!" is a common failure mode for open relationships. Some people are capable of doing that, some aren't, and most only discover which kind they are by fucking around and finding out.

In this case, though, sounds like the mistake was "I didn't think my partner was attractive enough to get a girlfriend! It was only supposed to be me getting the extra sex!"
That was a stupid thing you did by opening your mouth and bringing this on. I also hate tattletales. Way to ruin a once in a lifetime trip grandma busybody.

To Do: Call him and tell him that you didn't know what you were thinking when you opened your big fat pie hole and it was someone else who gave you that brilliant idea and it was wrong and stupid and you have been sick about it ever since you left town. You would like a bilateral agreement to rescind the hall pass. Furthermore, you do not want any female that your BF is not related to in your apartment.

Where are you? If that doesn't work, consider this: For about 100 Euro you fly to any city in Europe. Get to one with lots of Latin lovers and live in the clubs and on the beaches and sow some wild oats. Enough with the hiking and art museums.

Men: Go to Thailand, Brazil, or FKK land.

I wish you well
As some have pointed out, this might be true, or it might not be true. I can believe it's true, but I also can believe it's just something somebody made up and turned into an Internet meme.

Regardless, this tale is no more "Loving Wives in Real Life" than any other story someone could cook up. Some people can handle breaking the bonds of monogamy, and some can't. People come in all flavors. That's the most "real" thing you can say about the "real life" Loving Wives experience.
No. Nor is there any reason whatever to believe it's a true story. It just amused some smug dudes to pass it around the web.

But this shit does happen. Anytime you introduce open into relationship someone's gonna get hurt.
This particular version of it has been floating around 4chan for at least five years. Very popular with the "anti-feminist" crowd.
This particular version of it has been floating around 4chan for at least five years. Very popular with the "anti-feminist" crowd.

I find men to be at least as unfaithful as women. I have had far more women friends hurt by their lying sack of shit husbands than females. But in truth it is 40% of both sexes that have affairs. At least, that is how many admit it to them.
That was a stupid thing you did by opening your mouth and bringing this on. I also hate tattletales. Way to ruin a once in a lifetime trip grandma busybody.

Grandma didn't ruin the trip. The poster ruined it by making poor choices and not being prepared to deal with them.

In that situation, a responsible adult would have told Grandma something like: "Hey, thanks for letting me know, I can see why you're worried. It's okay, I'm aware of the situation and he's not breaking any agreements with me."

To Do: Call him and tell him that you didn't know what you were thinking when you opened your big fat pie hole and it was someone else who gave you that brilliant idea and it was wrong and stupid and you have been sick about it ever since you left town. You would like a bilateral agreement to rescind the hall pass.

She can ask. But he's well within his rights to say: no, I already made choices based on what we agreed, I'm not unmaking those choices. In particular, when there's another person involved, he may decide that he's not willing to treat that other person as disposable just because the first girlfriend made bad choices.

Especially if he finds out that she pressured him into an open relationship because she didn't think he was capable of attracting anybody else.

Furthermore, you do not want any female that your BF is not related to in your apartment.

IME, that level of jealousy spells doom for a relationship. Sometimes it's better just to say: whoops, I fucked this one up beyond repair, time to walk away and think about how to do better next time around.
But this shit does happen. Anytime you introduce open into relationship someone's gonna get hurt.

"Someone's gonna get hurt" is true for just about any long-term relationship, open or not. Spend long enough with somebody and you'll have your ups and downs.

In my experience, most of the things that will fuck up an open relationship (selfishness, possessiveness, poor communication) are pretty effective at fucking up a closed relationship too. With an open relationship it might happen a bit sooner, but that's probably a good thing; if you're not compatible, better to realise that after two years than after ten.

I've been in an open relationship for longer than some posters on this board have been alive. We've had our bad times, and sometimes the open-relationship bit has been part of those bad times, but it's never been at the root of them. It's always come down to the same problems that afflict monogamous relationships.

Meanwhile, I don't have to worry when my partner gets a text message or goes out of town for a week or makes a new friend, and she doesn't have to worry about me, because there's no reason for us to lie about that kind of thing.
Newsflash - people cheat. Which is great because this provides us with plenty of inspiration for spicy stories. :)
Well, people, peoples lives, peoples sex lives and peoples relationships are complicated.

Within the realm of the human sexual experience any and all of this could be true and it for sure has happened before many times and will again. And it barely begins to tap what occurs to humans regarding relationships and sex.

I will confess to be an interesting dichotomy. I am a serial monogamist. When I am in a real, committed relationship, I have never cheated once in my life. Never!

When single, playtime! But committed, never.

Yet when I was younger, I had not one but three different affairs with married woman who were all older than me and moms with husband that were ignoring their needs.

Then again, I was in my 20s with raging hormones and a penis and they had willing and open vaginas. That is an equation that leads to sex.
Nobody cheated. The boyfriend's behavior was within the agreed upon parameters of the relationship.

I was kinda referring to this remark though...

Bramblethorn said:
In my experience, most of the things that will fuck up an open relationship (selfishness, possessiveness, poor communication) are pretty effective at fucking up a closed relationship too.

... but regarding the original post, imho giving each other a "free pass" in a relationship ranks somewhere between peeing on an electric fence and jogging in a dog pound dressed as a hamburger. So I'm sure that that'll evolve into a great Loving Wives story too. :)
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I was kinda referring to this remark though...

... but regarding the original post, imho giving each other a "free pass" in a relationship ranks somewhere between peeing on an electric fence and jogging in a dog pound dressed as a hamburger. So I'm sure that that'll evolve into a great Loving Wives story too. :)

Probably, but we don't know how many perfectly happy open relationships are out there, because we generally only hear about the ones that go bad.
Probably, but we don't know how many perfectly happy open relationships are out there, because we generally only hear about the ones that go bad.

True that...

... but if everything works out, it becomes a Romance story. I totally suck at writing those, so I'm primarily interested in the ones that go bad. :rolleyes:
True that...

... but if everything works out, it becomes a Romance story. I totally suck at writing those, so I'm primarily interested in the ones that go bad. :rolleyes:

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."-Tolstoy