LW and No-Fault Divorce

In your scenario, the husband didn't have to have committed adultery; just be willing to introduce fake evidence suggesting he had.

I think I now have a story based around how socially awkward this situation would be - going into a hotel room with a working girl and just sitting there in silence for the required time. ("Okay four minutes are up","No, you're staying for at least twenty")

The problem is I've been watching too much Seinfeld recently so this is now appearing in my consciousness as a diner post-mortem scene rather that the British period scene it's supposed to be. ("She was there, I was there, there was an awkward pause and suddenly I'm offering her an extra twenty," "You slept with the fake prostitute who was helping you get out of your marriage?" "What was I SUPPOSED TO DO Jerry.")

I think I probably need to speedread P.G. Woodhouse again to get the tone right.
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In your scenario, the husband didn't have to have committed adultery; just be willing to introduce fake evidence suggesting he had.

There is that option, and I think some people did do that. But perjury is a pretty serious thing in itself, not necessarily the lesser of evils.

The husband would have been the fall guy in this system because a man screwing around did much less damage to him than the wife.

Yep, that's what I was saying: "social consequences for an adulterous woman were generally much rougher than for the man".
I think I now have a story based around how socially awkward this situation would be - going into a hotel room with a working girl and just sitting there in silence for the required time. ("Okay four minutes are up","No, you're staying for at least twenty")

The problem is I've been watching too much Seinfeld recently so this is now appearing in my consciousness as a diner post-mortem scene rather that the British period scene it's supposed to be. ("She was there, I was there, there was an awkward pause and suddenly I'm offering her an extra twenty," "You slept with the fake prostitute who was helping you get out of your marriage?" "What was I SUPPOSED TO DO Jerry.")

I think I problably need to speedread P.G. Woodhouse again to get the tone right.

My work here is done. *vanishes in a puff of smoke*
This thread reeks of male victimhood and bitterness.

I'm not surprised.

Before anyone says it, my first marriage ended in divorce, and over her infidelity (final straw in what was really a trainwreck marriage), joint custody with the kids living with her-at first, they would eventually come live with me by their choice as they grew older, child support-which I never missed, and always helped beyond that-and all the other "evil' things men cry about.

Yet somehow, I maintained a great relationship with my kids, had some fun, then when I felt I wanted to be serious again met an amazing woman who I married, and never looked back. The divorce was a favor to me in just about every way. Same for a lot of men and women.

But as always, the most vocal on the any topic are the whining 'victims'

Grow up, man up, and suck it up, buttercup; many of us have been there.
But perjury is a pretty serious thing in itself, not necessarily the lesser of evils.
If it was a known tactic, I'm sure that judges were aware of the practice and mostly turned a blind eye to it to help facilitate the divorce. Unless either party admits to the judge that they lied, I doubt that it would be questioned in open court.
This thread reeks of male victimhood and bitterness.


But as always, the most vocal on the any topic are the whining 'victims'

Grow up, man up, and suck it up, buttercup; many of us have been there.

Uh... no offense, mate. But, you DO realize that, out of the fifteen participants in this thread, the "most vocal" ones are OP (who keeps posting superficially related articles to try and prove some point), Bramblethorn (who keeps disproving OP's proof)... and you, right?
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If it was a known tactic, I'm sure that judges were aware of the practice and mostly turned a blind eye to it to help facilitate the divorce. Unless either party admits to the judge that they lied, I doubt that it would be questioned in open court.

Quite likely not. But even if everybody's cool with accepting the fiction in that particular scenario, it seems like a bad idea to get people comfortable with perjury. The next thing they perjure themselves about might not be so harmless.
Women are victims because of society and circumstances said society still treat as a joke

Men are victims by choice.

Every time divorce comes up in discussion the whiners and woman bashers, and mansplainers come out in droves to revel in victimhood.