Lyrics you got wrong - for a long time.

In fairness, most songs from Van the Man sound basically like the deranged ravings of drunken if honey-voiced tramp.
Hmm... well, they kind of were... I remember a friend telling me about going to a Van Morrison gig in London and pitying a down-and-out in the street about half-a-mile from the gig. And then realising that it was actually him.
Dave Barry has a whole chapter of these in his "Book of Bad Songs."

My contribution: "Love is a nose but you'd better not pick it."
"Just like the one we love, sing a song it's got me singin'. Whoo Whoo Whoooo!" Crazy part is without Seth Meyer's Corrections I'd still be singing it wrong.
Just this week, I realised that a line from "Radar Love" by Golden Earring - a Dutch band - was not what I'd thought.

It's the difference between what I'd thought the lyric was:
Radio's playing that forgotten song - Brenda Lee's coming on strong

meaning that the song was playing loudly, with no reference to its title.

And what the lyric actually is:

Radio's playing that forgotten song: Brenda Lee's "Coming on strong."

Because "Coming on Strong" was a Brenda Lee song title.
Way back when I was a young child in the era of disco and AM radio, I thought the Bee Gees were singing "speedalat". By the time I was a teenager I realized that probably wasn't right, but the popularity of disco had faded and the song was no longer played very often, so it wasn't until I was in my 20s that I realized the title and the chorus of the song was actually "stayin' alive".
"Don't wanna be your beast of burden" transmutes to "Don't wanna eat... your pizza's burnin'"