Mechwarrior: Mercenaries OOC casting call.

We darn well better, I wouldn't take the mission if we didn't. ;)

Okay, looking to start the IC here as soon as I finish this post.

I figure our first assignment will be for Steiner, patroling a weapons dump, sounds like boring work until my scout gets a ping on his radar... ;)
Yeah I'd hate to be that unlucky son of a bitch...

Oh crap.
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Name: Samantha Delgado
Age: 21
Hair: Lavender Hair shoulder length
Eyes: Lavender
Bio: A clan leader with a strong sense of honor. She took over her clan at a young age due to her fathers untimely death.
just tell me the basics for now boys and i'll figure it out when i have time to study the rest!
As for being a clan leader that'd be odd, the clans each have several star systems under there control. So they aren't really Clans.

Kay I'll throw out a couple. (I hope these are accurate)

Puma 35tons
Weapons 2 er PPCs, 1 flamer
Mid to long range, very powerful for its weight.

Kitfox / uller 35 tons
Untra AC 2, 2 srm 2, 1 flamer, 2 er small lasers
Close range scout with the AC for range combat when needed.

Shadow Cat 45 tons
Gauss rifle, ER large laser, ER med Laser
Heavy scout or light suport, the guass rifle provide a very strong range punch but has limited ammo. The ER large has equal range, but less damage.

Mad Dog / Vulture 65tons
2 LRM 10s, 4 er Med Lasers, 2 machine guns
A clan favorite, capable of decent speed and indirect fire, the armor and lasers make it power at close range too.

Timber Wolf / Madcat 75 tons
2 LRM 15s, 2 ER PPCs, 2 machine guns
The first clan mech seen in the IS, and by far one of the best. Long Ranged fire power in both direct and indirect varieties. Monuverable and fast for its size with decent armor.

Super Nova 90 tons
6 Er Large Lasers
Slow but well armored with a long range directfire weapon, makes for a strong sniper sense few mechs can survive being hit by all six lasers at once. The fire from all six lasers causes heat build up at a fast rate and is best done in water. Other wise firing 3 lasers at a time is best.
The Old War Buddy

Name: Christopher Duncan
Callsign: Jackal
Mech: Griffin (Jump Capable, ER PPC, LRM20)
Age: 38
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 245lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

Duncan had spent many years fighting alongside the elder Wyn during the Succession Wars before dropping out of the action and into semi-retirement before the Clan Invasion drew him back into the well-worn pilot’s seat of his trusted Griffin. He had taken a few contracts here and there to keep himself occupied and help him finance the refit and upgrades he had always wished he had on his Griffin, but it wasn’t until he received a call from Wyn that he truly felt back in the saddle.

His young son, Jacen, was trying to start up a new unit and needed an experienced pilot to keep the unit, and the younger Wyn, out of serious trouble. Plus, it was a way to get back to where the real action was and away from the tired patrol and garrison duties he had been working for the past few years.
Ravenloft said:
Perhaps a Ryoken? What clan's MO would that fit?

al the clans to some degree use the ryoken (clan name StormCrow)
liink to info about it
and innersphere mechs from the time frame
(when you look at the specs, make sure it says 3025 and not 3050, mercenaries did not originally get top of the line mechs)

and a pict of it on the cover of a game

though this is in Ghost Bear colors
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linked without looking
the search said it was the stormcrow

the search said it was the
this is the line drawing from one of the books
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Poor Ensign, he picked the wrong call sign. (I am playing mech commander 2 and I blame raven)
So far we've had a criticle hit and a head shot. Any one going to lose the good old fashioned way of to much damage?

I'll be thinking up my next character.
I'll post again soon as raven post again :) I think i understand my world a bit better now
I have a hunch that would be me taking too much damage. Get it, hunch, hunchback. Hahahaha!!
Actuly at close range you have the best kill rate. 20 damage, which incidently is the number to cause a knock down chance, and the highest crit rate of any weapon. Your golden at point blank range provided the Hunchback 2c doesn't apear.
Im golden until my cannon gets blown that is. LOL!

Cats, perhaps your second pilot could be another freetruck? LOL! We are going to stop and let his family know of his demise...
Huh, are you that far already? I miss reading for one day and I fall behind. Jeese you peoples.
sorry if i'm not up to par boys i haven't really had the time needed to read up and study on the universe. but i'm giving it a try. if i mess up anything in my post just let me know so i can make changes to make it meet up with the universe!
Your doing really well Tyme, especially considering you came in with no knowledge.

If you can try playing mechwarrior 3 or 4 or mechcomander. Those all have voice acting so its easier to pick up.

So A.J. freetruck it is Raven. He may only be five but Allen Jr has a lot of work to do if he is to avenge his father before dieing of cancer... and aids... while drowning.
The down side of Subbing is how early I get tired now. Heres the rough of the next pc.

Name: Rydia "Reese's" Freetruck
Sex: F
Age: 18
Weight: <Atlas
hieght: < Atlas
IQ: >Atlas
Eye: Blue
Hair: Red, just above shoulders

Bio: See Allen.