Millie's terrible day thread. You can post any and of your disappoints for the day, week, month, year, or your life.

Now is the winter of our discontent.

Christmas is supposed to be about family. But every year, I'm reminded of my lousy adolescence. And making a 6 hour round trip car drive.
(It's only once a year, Mr. Scrooge!)
Someone broke into our house while I was out this morning. A quick-thinking neighbor called the cops, but we have an alarm system. The asshole ran away without getting anything when the screaming siren sang her song. I have a broke window. Who the fuck breaks into a house through a front window?
Someone broke into our house while I was out this morning. A quick-thinking neighbor called the cops, but we have an alarm system. The asshole ran away without getting anything when the screaming siren sang her song. I have a broke window.
So sorry to hear that. Hopefully the fact that your alarm worked so well will be reassuring and help you to feel safe.
Who the fuck breaks into a house through a front window?
Criminals generally aren't the brightest lights on the Christmas tree. For every Raffles or Macavity, there are a thousand idiots.
Well, we never got broken into when we were in the bad part of town. Now that we are in a very nice area, wham, bam, no thank you, man!
Well, we never got broken into when we were in the bad part of town. Now that we are in a very nice area, wham, bam, no thank you, man!
I stand corrected. Apparently criminals are starting to become clever after all.

Seriously, I understand that being burgled can be a traumatic experience.* I hope you're doing OK.

* Ask Smaug.
[Posting of private communications to the open forum is against forum rules. - AH Mod]
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I get very little email feedback for my stories, so when I found one in the mailbox I use for this purpose today, I was excited. I love my fans! And they seem to spell very well!

"Hey you sick asshole, what's romantic about being a sub-human septic dwelling panty clad willing cuck?

You sick sub-human piece of filth."

I'm excited to post something else - positive reinforcement always wins!
I get very little email feedback for my stories, so when I found one in the mailbox I use for this purpose today, I was excited. I love my fans! And they seem to spell very well!

"Hey you sick asshole, what's romantic about being a sub-human septic dwelling panty clad willing cuck?

You sick sub-human piece of filth."

I'm excited to post something else - positive reinforcement always wins!
I look at comments like that and think, 'well, at least they were passionate about what I wrote.'
They must have read the entire story and been vested enough to care, even in a bad way. See, always a sliver lining.
So, My project at work went completely sideways this morning. I left to go and get something to eat and ended up spending forty minutes directing traffic around a wounded deer in the road. When i got to the restaurant, some dickwad got in a fight and pulled a gun.

How was your day, honey?
So, My project at work went completely sideways this morning. I left to go and get something to eat and ended up spending forty minutes directing traffic around a wounded deer in the road. When i got to the restaurant, some dickwad got in a fight and pulled a gun.

How was your day, honey?

Glad you’re ok after all that.

Story rejected. Oh well. I’ll try again with others that don’t violate the rules.
There is one poster here (no, I won't say who) that has essentially ruined the AH for me and kept me from spending much time here. Even Iggy hasn't fully wiped them clean.

That and the seemingly endless rant threads about comments, ratings and scores. Oh and all the how do I get around the rules threads.
And I may have THAT too. But I'm not going for some of what they want to do.
Oh, what coincidence to find this today. I've been feeling quite suicidal as of late. No, no reason to worry it's going to happen... too much volition to do it, but the thoughts still persist. It started with a tooth recently giving me constant hell which needed me to go to the dentist else I'd be in constant pain, and the visits to this dentist have taken a quarter of a month's salary altogether. A QUARTER. With the other half gone on rent, the notice that the rent is going up a bit because fucking inflation is having everyone throw their troubles into someone else's basket until you're left with the people who have to bear the weight of a fucking society's failings. This added onto the fact that despite being a college-educated IT major with a bright mind and experience in a rather demanded field (BI development, managers are almost thirsty for it) I have seen no job offer for years because either they want to pay me less than a warehouse worker, they want someone that can be easily manipulated (into being paid less than a warehouse worker) or people are just not hiring. So here I am at my current job that is giving me no tasks and expecting me to somehow magically make them money. All paired with the fact that I am aware I have no future because not only are there no partners around that I would find even mildly decent, just the endless stream of demanding, worthless women that judge you by your properties rather than your person, the housing market now catering to companies rather than to people which means I can't even fucking afford a place to live without renting forever. And the knowledge that things have been consolidated into such a hell that we have no way out of it. And it's Christmas, or close to it.

Maybe it was just the straw that broke my mental shield, but the world sure is in a state where I wonder what the fuck is even the point.

Sorry for being corny, but I really believe this message. For anyone who needs to hear this.
"Sometimes, your mind plays tricks on you. It can tell you you're no good, that it's all hopeless. But you are loved. And important. And you bring to this world things that no one else can. So hold on.
I often retreat to the Desiderata. These lines in particular are of more comfort as I sail on into middle age.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

And, also, "This, too, shall pass."

Sorry for being corny, but I really believe this message. For anyone who needs to hear this.
"Sometimes, your mind plays tricks on you. It can tell you you're no good, that it's all hopeless. But you are loved. And important. And you bring to this world things that no one else can. So hold on.
stop making me cry you horrible person :heart: