misogynists and misogyny

Oh .. and 'feminine privilege'. I don't really know what that means, although I can hazard a guess. My only thought there would be that if you don't want women to 'monetise their vaginas' (or whatever you said), feminists are probably your best bet. We tend to just be into the sex for the sex, not for some other purpose. (I actually think that's true of most women, to be honest.)
Oh .. and 'feminine privilege'. I don't really know what that means, although I can hazard a guess. My only thought there would be that if you don't want women to 'monetise their vaginas' (or whatever you said), feminists are probably your best bet. We tend to just be into the sex for the sex, not for some other purpose. (I actually think that's true of most women, to be honest.)

I am getting a little sick of that word "privilege" being bandied about. Perhaps in some cases, it does apply but quite often it seems more of a case of the grass being greener on the other side.

Everyone is different. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and they don't necessarily have anything to do with gender.
I am getting a little sick of that word "privilege" being bandied about. Perhaps in some cases, it does apply but quite often it seems more of a case of the grass being greener on the other side.

Everyone is different. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and they don't necessarily have anything to do with gender.

I think he means what we might have once quaintly called 'feminine wiles', and using these for pecuniary advantage. Maybe ... that's my best guess.
I think he means what we might have once quaintly called 'feminine wiles', and using these for pecuniary advantage. Maybe ... that's my best guess.

Could be. And some of us still do. But then don't some men do the same thing? That's just kind of the way it is.
thank you Jada and Kim ....

….. for strting a rational discussion of my post #1. I appreciate it.

I do not have time now, to continue the discussion that just started, but I will return later for comments & Questions.

Again thank you for moving this away from polemics to rationality.
Kim and Jada, here my first-pass responses:

Item #1 you concede not to argue About it. Your doubts are silly anyway, as several women here have attested to already.

#2 (feminism sucks): you'd have to make an effort to understand Esther Vilar's book, or at least the theses and postulates of her. Main one = it is women, who enslave men generally, or try to. Not the other way around.

Now if you like, you can claim the women E.V. talks about are NOT feminists. Here in Germany she carried out several debates in public, with the worst feminist of our county, Alice Schwarzer. So in my simple-minded brain, I equate opponents of Esther Vilar as feminists.

#3 (enjoying sex): anyone who aims to monetize her pussy, generally by snatching a well-off man to get married to, and to enslave him thereby, must necessarily ration out sex before marriage. To increase the value of her pussy Conversely any woman who has such a high sex drive that rationing out sex is out of the question, is not an "Esther Vilar-type" woman.

#4 (I claim established female privileges everywhere): a simple example is Bert's tavern mentioned by Jada several times. Any woman not extremely ugly, or extremely unfriendly, can go there and pick up a man for the night, if she so choses.

Name me one example for a man being able to do that also. Other than visiting a brothel perhaps. But brothels offer at most (overpaid) pseudo-sex, generally.

But female privileges abound everywhere. Here on Lit, a woman needs only to write something like "32 F, cups size C or larger, men, come hither and pleasure me", and shitloads of male idiots show up offering themselves. Imagine a man having such "success".
Item #1 you concede not to argue About it. Your doubts are silly anyway, as several women here have attested to already.

#2 (feminism sucks): you'd have to make an effort to understand Esther Vilar's book, or at least the theses and postulates of her. Main one = it is women, who enslave men generally, or try to. Not the other way around.

Now if you like, you can claim the women E.V. talks about are NOT feminists. Here in Germany she carried out several debates in public, with the worst feminist of our county, Alice Schwarzer. So in my simple-minded brain, I equate opponents of Esther Vilar as feminists.

#3 (enjoying sex): anyone who aims to monetize her pussy, generally by snatching a well-off man to get married to, and to enslave him thereby, must necessarily ration out sex before marriage. To increase the value of her pussy Conversely any woman who has such a high sex drive that rationing out sex is out of the question, is not an "Esther Vilar-type" woman.

#4 (I claim established female privileges everywhere): a simple example is Bert's tavern mentioned by Jada several times. Any woman not extremely ugly, or extremely unfriendly, can go there and pick up a man for the night, if she so choses.

Name me one example for a man being able to do that also. Other than visiting a brothel perhaps. But brothels offer at most (overpaid) pseudo-sex, generally.

But female privileges abound everywhere. Here on Lit, a woman needs only to write something like "32 F, cups size C or larger, men, come hither and pleasure me", and shitloads of male idiots show up offering themselves. Imagine a man having such "success".

The irony in here is just astounding. You're railing against 'feminine privilege' which, according to your definition, is basically the outcome of centuries of gendered norms regarding (hetero)sexuality, while at the same dismissing the very perspective that would bring a critical eye to those gender norms.
Feminism is not about 'enslaving women', and it's certainly not about capturing for that purpose with our 'feminine wiles', nor is about it about men treating women as sexual objects (which is what the 'male idiots' you refer to above are doing. With the exception of some of the more radical sectors, the vast majority of feminists seek to have relationships (with men or whoever else) that are based on equality in all senses. The idea of using sex to 'snatch a well-off man to marry' is pretty antithetical to any brand of feminism I'm familiar with. I have no idea what you've been reading to come to the conclusion that feminism is promoting this line.
The irony in here is just astounding. You're railing against 'feminine privilege' which, according to your definition, is basically the outcome of centuries of gendered norms regarding (hetero)sexuality, while at the same dismissing the very perspective that would bring a critical eye to those gender norms.
Feminism is not about 'enslaving women', and it's certainly not about capturing for that purpose with our 'feminine wiles', nor is about it about men treating women as sexual objects (which is what the 'male idiots' you refer to above are doing. With the exception of some of the more radical sectors, the vast majority of feminists seek to have relationships (with men or whoever else) that are based on equality in all senses. The idea of using sex to 'snatch a well-off man to marry' is pretty antithetical to any brand of feminism I'm familiar with. I have no idea what you've been reading to come to the conclusion that feminism is promoting this line.

Kim, if you feel comfortable with you assumption, that I don't know what I am talking About, so be it. It would not bother me in the least,

If you recall, in my post #1, the term "feminsm" did not play an overboarding role. I talked about certain women I cannot stand, and other women I like. If in fact you believe that Alice Schwarzer is only an ugly elder obnoxious woman, and not a feminist, that is fine with me also. Despte the masthead of her Magazine "Emma" claiming the opposite.

I stand by my claim that many women, including some I met by mail here and there, feel entitled to female privileges. Regardless of whether you are denying that or not. And I also stand by my claim, that most of the #MeToo movement entails hogwash and lots of exaggeration.
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Kim, if you feel comfortable with you assumption, that I don't know what I am talking so be it. It would not bother me in the least,

If you recall, in my post #1, the term "feminsm" did not play an overboarding role. I talked about certain women I cannot stand, and other women I like. If in fact you believe that Alice Schwarzer is only an ugly elder obnoxious woman, and not a feminist, that is fine with me also. Despte the masthead of her Magazine "Emma" claiming the opposite.

I stand by my claim that many women, including some I met by mail, feel entitled to female privileges. Regardless of whether you are denying that or not. And I also stamd by my claim, that most of the #MeToo movement entails hogwash and exaggeration.

A vast chunk of your OP was railing against feminism, and somehow aligning it with the 'monetisation of pussies'. If you're problem is solely with the latter, why bring feminism into it? Or was it just a generalised complaint about women you 'don't like', who happen to include pussy-monetisers AND feminists, with there being no relationship between the two.
Your points seems to be ...
- you don't hate all women at all, but you're not fond of feminists. I'm not going to argue with that (although I'm dubious about the idea that you actually like any women ... but I don't have actual evidence to support that, so I wouldn't state it as fact).
- feminism sucks. I think it's clear that I feel that, as a loose collection of approaches to a central problem, that's not the case. So that's just your opinion. I think based on a misunderstanding of the central aims of feminism, and of it's wide diversity.
- 'real women' aren't feminists. 'Real women' enjoy sex. You seem to imply that feminists don't enjoy (hetero)sex (although that's not an inevitable outcome of your logic - just what I think you are implying). There's no real evidence to support that claim - there's no standardised definition of 'real women', and feminists do enjoy sex, of all sorts. (I myself enjoy a lot of sex that, from the outside, probably seems not very feminist at all.)
I must say, that as a married man, modern feminism is confusing. There are just so many mixed messages. I like the idea of women doing things that are traditionally thought of as "man's work." I do commercial HVAC, and there are a couple of females in the field, and they are awesome to work with. It's nice to be able to get advice about my wife, talk art and culture, and just have more intellectual conversations, as opposed to interactions with most of my male coworkers. I am also an army veteran, and have served alongside some badass men and women, and I have seen female soldiers do things that would make most civilians wet themselves. So I can see how gender equality is certainly possible. However, there are certain points that I disagree with. Namely, the victim mentality, and the idea that women are oppressed. None of the women I served, or worked with, viewed themselves that way, and if they did, they did not show it at all.

Now, I am speaking as an American, who has not travelled abroad in just over 5 years. So, my knowledge of how things are in orher countries may be a little dated. But, I can say that there is no better place in the world to be a woman than the USA, and no better time to be a woman than now. There are women in this world who endure deplorable conditions, but you never hear modern feminists speak up for them, except Malala (bless her darling brave heart), nor do modern feminists speak out against the cultures where such conditions are acceptable. I guess they do not speak out because it is "culturally intolerant" or maybe it is just easier to demand more privilege from a country where you already have so much freedom and equality.

Also, he did have a point about the whole #MeToo movement being terrible. It started out as a good thing, let's be honest. But where did it go? Was there any major house cleaning in hollywood? No. So you are telling me that scumbag Harvey Weinstein was the ONLY one abusing a position of influence/authority to extort sex from actresses and porduction staffers?! Hardly. Remember, it was a brave, young staffer, not an actress (fledgling or established) that started this ball rolling. Where was Meryl Streep and various other powerful, and established, actresses to keep the ball rolling, and call out other sexual predators in the industry? They were largely silent. Not to mention, where was the backlash for the actresses who willingly prostituted themselves to further their acting careers? Indeed, they normalize the quid pro quo of the casting couch, and enable the mentality of business as usual. No, they got to post a # in their social media accounts, or just remain silent, and it all just blew over, all was forgiven, just like that.

In terms of reproductive rights, I am on board. Women should be able to have abortions legally. Totally fine with that. Birth control, have all you want. Enjoy sex as freely as men do, go right ahead. However, nobody's tax dollars paid for any condoms I ever used, and I believe that birth control of all types, should be either out of pocket, or part of employer provided health insurance. Let's face it, corporations would rather shell out for birth control than provide extensive maternity leave benefits. If a woman is showing up for work, and being productive, then her company is making money, as opposed to paying her not to work for weeks or months at a time. That is how number crunchers see it. Now, what no feminists ever talk about, or see as being just fine, is that while women have reproductive rights, men have only responsibilities. If I get a woman pregnant, I have no say in her keeping or aborting it. No matter how much I would want the child for myself. If she keeps it, then I am on the hook for 18 years to pay child support, or I can fight the uphill battle and get a lawyer to convince a judge that the child would be better of with me. Ha, good luck. Even in cases where child support is the only source of income (well and welfare) the majority of judges are reluctant to seperate a child from its mother, due to outdated and archaic sentiments. And yes, I have heard the other side of the argument about how the father should not be able to "force" a woman to have a baby. I also appreciate the very real value of the other side of the argument.

Also, isn't each woman real? Straight men are pretty simple, but women are just this enormous beautiful spectrum of variables. I guess it is just easier to say "real women" than to say " the kind of woman I am interested in" or perhaps a "real woman" is based on a female relative that he admired/respected, and he just seeks to find a woman like that for himself. If that admired female was a mother, grandmother, or aunt, then that is a textbook Oedipus complex.

Still, today being a "real man" is increasingly tough. The John Wayne or Clint Eastwood strong silent type is just about a thing of the past. Even the jaded, brooding, never say die type, like the characters of John McLean (Die Hard) or Harry Dresden (Dresden Files) are not usually acceptable these days.

Feminism does not suck. Any real man is not intimidated by a strong woman. When feminism starts to suck, is the same point that a lot of ideologies start to suck, when they get taken too far. The thing that confuses me most about modern feminism is, just what direction is it going? You want equal pay for equal work? I am all for that, but eliminate gender based affirmative action to make things truly equal. You want weeks or months of maternity leave? Fine, but give me paternity time so that I can bond with my newborn, and not have everything fall on my wife's shoulders.

In summary, want to be my equal? I am cool with that as long as you can keep pace. But if you think men need to be pushed off their pedestal, don't complain/whine about it when men push back. History shows 2 shining examples of extreme feminism, warlike amazons, and goddess cults, and let me ask you, how does it always end for them, and where are such organizations now? How about the other side, though? Where is history, has there ever been the idyllic paradise run by women? Sure, there are communities out there, but they are like the Lemurs of Madagascar. They only exist in isolated areas, where there are no threats, and challenges are minimal. That is based on the theory that Madagascar used to be connected by land to the African continent, and Lemurs were more wide spread, but as species evolved, and eventually Madagascar was cut off from the mainland, the Lemurs in mainland Africa died off, and the ones on Madagascar thrived due to a lack of natural predators, and/or other species to compete for food sources and habitat.
A lot of 'reasonable people' who have a negative view of feminism are, in fact, doing feminism. They just don't realise it.

This is true.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaaate feminism, but I work at a Planned Parenthood (funded) organization and I dispense birth control for free.

Actually, our providers specialize in women's health and we have to sign a form stating that we will NEVER under any circumstances discourage women from getting birth control/abortions.

I really enjoy my job and our patients. I like what I do, and I stand by the principles of our organization. However, I do NOT think I'm a feminist.

Oh and 99% of my coworkers are non-white women. Interesting, huh? How's that for a "My friend is a black guy" argument? lmao
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I must say, that as a married man, modern feminism is confusing. There are just so many mixed messages. I like the idea of women doing things that are traditionally thought of as "man's work." I do commercial HVAC, and there are a couple of females in the field, and they are awesome to work with. It's nice to be able to get advice about my wife, talk art and culture, and just have more intellectual conversations, as opposed to interactions with most of my male coworkers. I am also an army veteran, and have served alongside some badass men and women, and I have seen female soldiers do things that would make most civilians wet themselves. So I can see how gender equality is certainly possible. However, there are certain points that I disagree with. Namely, the victim mentality, and the idea that women are oppressed. None of the women I served, or worked with, viewed themselves that way, and if they did, they did not show it at all.

Now, I am speaking as an American, who has not travelled abroad in just over 5 years. So, my knowledge of how things are in orher countries may be a little dated. But, I can say that there is no better place in the world to be a woman than the USA, and no better time to be a woman than now. There are women in this world who endure deplorable conditions, but you never hear modern feminists speak up for them, except Malala (bless her darling brave heart), nor do modern feminists speak out against the cultures where such conditions are acceptable. I guess they do not speak out because it is "culturally intolerant" or maybe it is just easier to demand more privilege from a country where you already have so much freedom and equality.

Also, he did have a point about the whole #MeToo movement being terrible. It started out as a good thing, let's be honest. But where did it go? Was there any major house cleaning in hollywood? No. So you are telling me that scumbag Harvey Weinstein was the ONLY one abusing a position of influence/authority to extort sex from actresses and porduction staffers?! Hardly. Remember, it was a brave, young staffer, not an actress (fledgling or established) that started this ball rolling. Where was Meryl Streep and various other powerful, and established, actresses to keep the ball rolling, and call out other sexual predators in the industry? They were largely silent. Not to mention, where was the backlash for the actresses who willingly prostituted themselves to further their acting careers? Indeed, they normalize the quid pro quo of the casting couch, and enable the mentality of business as usual. No, they got to post a # in their social media accounts, or just remain silent, and it all just blew over, all was forgiven, just like that.

In terms of reproductive rights, I am on board. Women should be able to have abortions legally. Totally fine with that. Birth control, have all you want. Enjoy sex as freely as men do, go right ahead. However, nobody's tax dollars paid for any condoms I ever used, and I believe that birth control of all types, should be either out of pocket, or part of employer provided health insurance. Let's face it, corporations would rather shell out for birth control than provide extensive maternity leave benefits. If a woman is showing up for work, and being productive, then her company is making money, as opposed to paying her not to work for weeks or months at a time. That is how number crunchers see it. Now, what no feminists ever talk about, or see as being just fine, is that while women have reproductive rights, men have only responsibilities. If I get a woman pregnant, I have no say in her keeping or aborting it. No matter how much I would want the child for myself. If she keeps it, then I am on the hook for 18 years to pay child support, or I can fight the uphill battle and get a lawyer to convince a judge that the child would be better of with me. Ha, good luck. Even in cases where child support is the only source of income (well and welfare) the majority of judges are reluctant to seperate a child from its mother, due to outdated and archaic sentiments. And yes, I have heard the other side of the argument about how the father should not be able to "force" a woman to have a baby. I also appreciate the very real value of the other side of the argument.

Also, isn't each woman real? Straight men are pretty simple, but women are just this enormous beautiful spectrum of variables. I guess it is just easier to say "real women" than to say " the kind of woman I am interested in" or perhaps a "real woman" is based on a female relative that he admired/respected, and he just seeks to find a woman like that for himself. If that admired female was a mother, grandmother, or aunt, then that is a textbook Oedipus complex.

Still, today being a "real man" is increasingly tough. The John Wayne or Clint Eastwood strong silent type is just about a thing of the past. Even the jaded, brooding, never say die type, like the characters of John McLean (Die Hard) or Harry Dresden (Dresden Files) are not usually acceptable these days.

Feminism does not suck. Any real man is not intimidated by a strong woman. When feminism starts to suck, is the same point that a lot of ideologies start to suck, when they get taken too far. The thing that confuses me most about modern feminism is, just what direction is it going? You want equal pay for equal work? I am all for that, but eliminate gender based affirmative action to make things truly equal. You want weeks or months of maternity leave? Fine, but give me paternity time so that I can bond with my newborn, and not have everything fall on my wife's shoulders.

In summary, want to be my equal? I am cool with that as long as you can keep pace. But if you think men need to be pushed off their pedestal, don't complain/whine about it when men push back. History shows 2 shining examples of extreme feminism, warlike amazons, and goddess cults, and let me ask you, how does it always end for them, and where are such organizations now? How about the other side, though? Where is history, has there ever been the idyllic paradise run by women? Sure, there are communities out there, but they are like the Lemurs of Madagascar. They only exist in isolated areas, where there are no threats, and challenges are minimal. That is based on the theory that Madagascar used to be connected by land to the African continent, and Lemurs were more wide spread, but as species evolved, and eventually Madagascar was cut off from the mainland, the Lemurs in mainland Africa died off, and the ones on Madagascar thrived due to a lack of natural predators, and/or other species to compete for food sources and habitat.

Neither my husband nor my current boyfriend seem to find feminism 'confusing'. I don't think that's to do with your marital status.
The whole 'you women Don't know how good you've got it - stop whinging' argument is a bit tired. And to suggest that feminism isn't concerned about gender inequality on a global basis is just disingenuous. Most western feminists do, however, assume that women of the various non-western cultures are better able to voice their situation than we are. As noted above, I shouldn't speak for Muslim women - plenty of Muslim feminists are doing that.
I'm all for gender neutral parental leave. My husband was our baby's primary carer, and is now the primary parent since we separated.
Item #1 you concede not to argue About it. Your doubts are silly anyway, as several women here have attested to already.

Who here has doubts? What are they doubting? Who attested to what? Attest means to provide proof.

#2 (feminism sucks): you'd have to make an effort to understand Esther Vilar's book, or at least the theses and postulates of her. Main one = it is women, who enslave men generally, or try to. Not the other way around.

Now if you like, you can claim the women E.V. talks about are NOT feminists. Here in Germany she carried out several debates in public, with the worst feminist of our county, Alice Schwarzer. So in my simple-minded brain, I equate opponents of Esther Vilar as feminists.

Blah, blah, blah about an outdated book! And it sounds like your complaints are something that is going on in Germany and not here.

#3 (enjoying sex): anyone who aims to monetize her pussy, generally by snatching a well-off man to get married to, and to enslave him thereby, must necessarily ration out sex before marriage. To increase the value of her pussy Conversely any woman who has such a high sex drive that rationing out sex is out of the question, is not an "Esther Vilar-type" woman.

There are people of both genders who get enslaved in a marriage. Thankfully they are in the minority. In my case, my husband was liar who created a persona he knew I would fall in love with. Once married, he moved me to the other side of the country, spent every dime I had and took off for another country. He still had his money. I don't really want to focus on this as I have moved on. Point being, he did not love me. He only wanted someone to cook and clean, cater to him, and that did not include sex because he did not want sex, bear him a child, and make him wealthy. I am not wealthy. He thought my writing would bring him wealth. So the marrying for wealth cuts both ways.

In my case, I was essentially enslaved due to the lengths he went to to make it impossible to leave. The same thing happens to other people for other reasons. Such as being married to an abuser who kieeps their mate away from others, locks them in the house, removes forms of communication and so on. This can happen to men or women. Sometimes they are enslaved due to other reasons such as various threats to take the children away. There is no one size fits all.

In addition, people marry for various reasons. Love is not always the reason. If two people work out the details, get married and are happy together, then that's their business. Yes, some people do marry for money. If the person with money is aware of that, that's their business. It's only messed up if one person is not being honest. Or if one person begins controlling things to the point where the other person can't get out.

#4 (I claim established female privileges everywhere): a simple example is Bert's tavern mentioned by Jada several times. Any woman not extremely ugly, or extremely unfriendly, can go there and pick up a man for the night, if she so choses.

You totally missed my point. Point being that sex in and of itself is available anywhere. But most people desire something more than just sex.

Name me one example for a man being able to do that also. Other than visiting a brothel perhaps. But brothels offer at most (overpaid) pseudo-sex, generally.

His name is Joe. Self admitted male slut. A friend of mine. I lost track of how many women he has slept with. Once in a while, he will get turned down. Usually not though. And he doesn't use prostitutes.

But female privileges abound everywhere. Here on Lit, a woman needs only to write something like "32 F, cups size C or larger, men, come hither and pleasure me", and shitloads of male idiots show up offering themselves. Imagine a man having such "success".

You do know most of those are not written by women. Right?
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This is true.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaaate feminism, but I work at a Planned Parenthood (funded) organization and I dispense birth control for free.

Actually, our providers specialize in women's health and we have to sign a form stating that we will NEVER under any circumstances discourage women from getting birth control/abortions.

I really enjoy my job and our patients. I like what I do, and I stand by the principles of our organization. However, I do NOT think I'm a feminist.

Oh and 99% of my coworkers are non-white women. Interesting, huh? How's that for a "My friend is a black guy" argument? lmao

The word "feminist" is what I hate. Just like I hate the word "liberal". Both conjure up unpleasant images in my mind and neither have any bearing now on the dictionary definition of what they used to mean.

When I hear the word "feminist", I think of some truly ugly person, both inside and out who goes around screaming, being pushy and treating others badly. Just as the word "liberal" conjures up the image of a person who has totally lost it mentally.

I do realize in most cases, neither is true but these are images we can be bombarded by. This is one of the reasons I quit watching TV. I feel so much better now that I don't watch it.
The word "feminist" is what I hate. Just like I hate the word "liberal". Both conjure up unpleasant images in my mind and neither have any bearing now on the dictionary definition of what they used to mean.

When I hear the word "feminist", I think of some truly ugly person, both inside and out who goes around screaming, being pushy and treating others badly. Just as the word "liberal" conjures up the image of a person who has totally lost it mentally.

I do realize in most cases, neither is true but these are images we can be bombarded by. This is one of the reasons I quit watching TV. I feel so much better now that I don't watch it.

I just think it's funny when I argue with people who claim to be feminists but don't do anything to actually help women except yell and argue against those who don't want that label hanging over their head.

Meanwhile, at work, I'm standing outside the room while an NP is literally giving a pap spear to a female who had a sex change operation in Thailand. And then I'm the one who's dispensing the hormone replacement therapy for that person in their journey.

Then, I'm dispensing free Sprintec to young women and answering all their questions regarding the drug.

And I do it at a sub-pharmacist salary.

Who's the real advocate for women's health again? Oh I'm pretty sure that's me. I'll virtue signal here while I argue with these morons who color their hair and shout down men, calling us scum of the earth and shit like that. Yep.
This is true.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaaate feminism, but I work at a Planned Parenthood (funded) organization and I dispense birth control for free.

Actually, our providers specialize in women's health and we have to sign a form stating that we will NEVER under any circumstances discourage women from getting birth control/abortions.

I really enjoy my job and our patients. I like what I do, and I stand by the principles of our organization. However, I do NOT think I'm a feminist.

Oh and 99% of my coworkers are non-white women. Interesting, huh? How's that for a "My friend is a black guy" argument? lmao

I am bowing out for now. Just attempted to post a long reply and somehow it vanished and this double posted something I already posted. Lit hates me today! :D
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I just think it's funny when I argue with people who claim to be feminists but don't do anything to actually help women except yell and argue against those who don't want that label hanging over their head.

Meanwhile, at work, I'm standing outside the room while an NP is literally giving a pap spear to a female who had a sex change operation in Thailand. And then I'm the one who's dispensing the hormone replacement therapy for that person in their journey.

Then, I'm dispensing free Sprintec to young women and answering all their questions regarding the drug.

And I do it at a sub-pharmacist salary.

Who's the real advocate for women's health again? Oh I'm pretty sure that's me. I'll virtue signal here while I argue with these morons who color their hair and shout down men, calling us scum of the earth and shit like that. Yep.

I don't claim to be a feminist and I don't fight for stuff any more. I did do that back in the 70's. These days I advocate for myself. I have enough of my own issues to keep me going.
I don't claim to be a feminist and I don't fight for stuff any more. I did do that back in the 70's. These days I advocate for myself. I have enough of my own issues to keep me going.

Oh I wasn't saying that YOU personally were arguing for feminism. I was just saying that I think it's funny when it happens.

I realize that women face a certain set of problems that are unique to them. I also realize that there's an opportunity for society to help women with those problems. However, that does NOT make me a feminist.

When I see women marching in the streets, yelling how shit men are, I think that feminism is a socially accepted Misandry movement.

I mean, what would the world think if men marched the streets with giant dicks on our heads?

...wait, don't answer that. Nevermind. It's a bad example. Let's move on. I have videogames to play. :cool:
permit me some remarks, as I bow out of this conversation as well

First of all, thank you for your particular insights, Jaques Corbin. And I like to thank you also, Chris. I often find your posts contribute something.

And even Kim's and Jada's contributions here today, I found more reasonable than most of the time. Regardless of whether we agree of not. And regardless of the fact that this thread started out as my attempt to look into misogyny, but Kim managed to highjack it by turning it into a discussion about feminism. What else would one expect, with your avatar name.

That is generally what happens, when you join a discussion I start, Kim, and I suppose it cannot be avoided, the way you adhere (or don't) to thoughts that were discussed before you join the party..

So thank you all for contributing thoughts to "my" thread!
Oh I wasn't saying that YOU personally were arguing for feminism. I was just saying that I think it's funny when it happens.

I realize that women face a certain set of problems that are unique to them. I also realize that there's an opportunity for society to help women with those problems. However, that does NOT make me a feminist.

When I see women marching in the streets, yelling how shit men are, I think that feminism is a socially accepted Misandry movement.

I mean, what would the world think if men marched the streets with giant dicks on our heads?

...wait, don't answer that. Nevermind. It's a bad example. Let's move on. I have videogames to play. :cool:

I didn't want to go down that path but you did so... The thing that gets me is the idiotic herd mentality. That march was backed by Louis Farrakahn and George Soros. There is sooo much more I could say on this. I won't.

Another reason I quit watching TV. Too many sheeple swallowing up the poison they are being fed. They don't question it at all. And don't try to tell them otherwise or you'll be the bad guy or not believed.

We are being manipulated in more ways than one. The masses are being assimilated. You either get what I'm saying or you don't. If you do! *High five* More power to you. You are my kind!
I didn't want to go down that path but you did so... The thing that gets me is the idiotic herd mentality. That march was backed by Louis Farrakahn and George Soros. There is sooo much more I could say on this. I won't.

Another reason I quit watching TV. Too many sheeple swallowing up the poison they are being fed. They don't question it at all. And don't try to tell them otherwise or you'll be the bad guy or not believed.

We are being manipulated in more ways than one. The masses are being assimilated. You either get what I'm saying or you don't. If you do! *High five* More power to you. You are my kind!

Your post impressed me, Jada. Even if you did not address it to me. Perhaps time to dilute my vitriol in the future. Or get rid of it altogether.