My view right now 🌅

Unfair Wander!! 🫣💕 - you make me blush and smile so cheesy!
🥰 love that smile. Need to see it in person again soon!
Mhnmhmm I am okay, a bit all over the place, you know.. that strange feeling, when you just cannot relax?
But, I am 🤞🏻 hopefully going to the forest next week.
the forest suits you. And it will do you good as always.
And the colours.. yes!! They are so.. good for us!! 🩵🤍

More importantly, my dear - you and all of your loved ones, did you get safe through the storm? ❤️
yes the storm didn't really hit us in london. We are always so sheltered here in the SE corner, that the bad weather needs to be really bad to get to us. Circumstances. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Gatineau, QC. We could be getting up to 45cm of snow this week.
Hmmm, 17.7 Inches. That will start to add up!

Apparently they had 18" of snowfall just north of us last night. Glad we missed out on that one. Although we had close to half of that during the day today.

Edit: I had to look up where you are at. We're just a bit north, and quite a bit west of you.