Naming Characters

They took my character name

The James Bond writers took my favorite female character name before I ever had a chance: Pussy Galore.

(For 5 points, name the movie in which she appeared.)
GOLDFINGER!!!!! Very much a classic!
Actually, her name was pronounced 'Poosy', by Sean Connery, because of his thick accent.
Uh Oh!

I think I may have completely gone off the charts in my only submission to date with a name so bad KM didn't even think to include it as she thought no one would ever go so low..... I actually used "Cher".

In my defense, the story was written as a gift for a person with a name close to that and it was just a poor attempt at thinly veiling her identity so she wouldn't freak out finding it here. I know,,, that's no excuse and I won't make THAT kind of mistake twice! *L*
DVSoh man are you in TROUBLE!!!

DVS said:
Actually, her name was pronounced 'Poosy', by Sean Connery, because of his thick accent.

how dare you say Sean Connery has a thick accent!!!!!!
Great actor...fantastic, actually. But certain words just came out with that juicy accent. And, Pussy just came out Poosy.
And to be even more correct, it was more like Pooshae, with distinct emphasis on the 'oo'. Then, the 'sh' is so wet and juicy, you can almost taste the saliva in his mouth. It was wonderful!
Thank you, sweetie (wipping his chin). Surely you agree he was THE James Bond. All of the others just pale against him. Just my opinion, but DAMMIT! It's true! I feel better, now.

yes i agree. he was a perfect fit for that little shooter of his. roger moore was my second choice... the rest are a mere blur.
actually dalton wasn't a blur rofl
I'm sorry, but Pierce Brosnan is quite blatantly the best Bond. Although the books insist he's supposed to be Scottish, I like my Bonds with an English accent.

Sorry this thread's gone off on a bit of a tangent. I tend to use ethnically neutral names anyway since I just use the first name that comes to mind that sounds right and as I like in SE England most names there are ethnically neutral.

The Earl
African Names

Well I am looking for some good African or African American names and I hate to say it but I just can't recall any except Jerome or Tyrone but their gots to be MORE!
Re: Familiarity

fallen5of7 said:
I tend to write about persons I know or have known so naming a character is not terribly difficult except in cases where the names have been changed to protect the innocent......

Hay bud you not talking to me anymore
On this subject A name is a name I was named Linnet when I was born so I am stuck with it but I like to use names that are real however I do change them when the person could be embarrassed by what I have put about them as most of my writing is an account of something that has happened in my life
That’s my view.

Stabbing pain in my chest must be where you ripped my heart out?
If you're looking for ethnic names, I have a book, A World of Baby Names by Theresa Norman that has names listed by ethnicity. It's excellent.

But there are probably sites that have the same type of thing.

I think names are very important to characters. Someone on this thread said names carry baggage. They do. There is collective baggage. For instance, most people would shy away from the name Adolf, for obvious reasons. There is personalized baggage. I dislike the name Levi because I had this horrible student once named Levi.

A writer needs to be aware of the connotation that comes with certain names and use that to his/her advantage. Well-chosen names can enhance your story. Badly chosen names can detract.

on the topic of names, i did my best to find authentic black African names for my An Ideal World story. I went right to the horses mouth, got a friend in South Africa to hunt me down authentic names.

He came up with Thandi (a commonly used name), which in african means 'love'.

my first feedback regarding the names was from a person living in India and she told me the name was Hindi and means 'cold', so it spoiled the whole story for her.

at least i tried.
naming characters....

Ok..I think choosing a name can be difficult...but...adding 'y' or just the 'y sound' at the end of a name does not automatically make you a dimwit. My youngest daughters name is Shelby and her IQ points aren't lowered at all...ofcourse I am biased:D I do agree with you about those names you posted KM...they suck and are used way too often. When I write a story the name usually just falls into my lap...whatever name fits I's just THERE. *shrugs* I have no particular way of doing it.

:kiss: SweetSexyLady:kiss:
naming characters....

Ok..I think choosing a name can be difficult...but...adding 'y' or just the 'y sound' at the end of a name does not automatically make you a dimwit. My youngest daughters name is Shelby and her IQ points aren't lowered at all...ofcourse I am biased:D I do agree with you about those names you posted KM...they suck and are used way too often. When I write a story the name usually just falls into my lap...whatever name fits I's just THERE. *shrugs* I have no particular way of doing it.

:kiss: SweetSexyLady:kiss:
How do you guys feel about these two names.

Father Jerom Noeb - A Presbyterian priest (Do Presbyterian's have priests or pastors? {shrug})

Glasya Suden - A Succubus
I should clarify.

I don't like these names in pornography. I read about 20 different stories the day I posted that and all of those stories had one of those names in them. Except for Jack. I threw that in there cause it was the only male name I could think of.

If you're not a character in a porn story I am not talking about you.

You're correct, WH, that's a better phrase.
"How do you guys feel about these two names." Okay Ray, since you asked, I'll reveal my inner most thoughts on this buring issue.

"Father Jerom Noeb - A Presbyterian priest (Do Presbyterian's have priests or pastors? {shrug}" Presbyterians aren't "high" church enough to have priests. Their ordained religious leaders are called pastors, preachers, ministers.

As for the first name, Jerom, IMHO, it sucks. Unless the guy is very young or you're striving for some symbolic effect. giving a Presbyteriian minister the mis-spelled name of a major saint of the Roman Catholic Church,"St Jerome" may be a tad jarring.

Except in some fantasy realms, Noeb is a nice non-existent name. The only problem is it sounds/looks like a non-existent name which doesns't, IMHO, fit the image of a minister. Also, there might be a great chance editors and such will "correct" your mis-spelling from Noeb to Noel.

"Glasya Suden - A Succubus" Other than not being sure how it's pronounced and the last name reminding me of "Sudan", no problems.

Rumple Foreskin
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If a name is so important why do we use she he so much anyone have a tilt on that
Okay, I should have offered an explanation of the names I was seeking an opinion on. It probably won’t change anybody’s opinion and it certainly does not invalidate anyone's opinion but here goes.

Jerom - From means Holy Man. This is how they spelled it.

Noeb – Is a form of the gaelic word naomh which means holy

Glasya - A beautiful princess of hell in at least one version of mythology

Suden - Can’t find this one again, but when I found it, the web site said it meant “Temptress” or something like that.


the bible is a good place to get names from
John James David Abrham Jobe
to name but a few

Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut! lol After all, I am a virgin here.

Re: names...again

SweetSexyLady said:
Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut! lol After all, I am a virgin here.

being a virgin you dont need to keep your mouth shut