New Casting Call for the Belgariad by David Eddings

I would have liked Beldin, but I see he is already taken. Perhaps Mandorallen, mightiest knight on life, and Princess Ce'Nedra's champion, would be appropriate?
Actually Phantom42, you can take Beldin if you like. I was only using him to get the story rolling. I am planning on using Belgarath personally. So if you want him, take him on over. I talked to Zircon so hopefully he will post so we can get this thread back up top.

chewbacca71 said:
I talked to Chewy, myself, so hopefully I will post so that I can get my ass and this thread back up top.


:D Why Chewey, are you talking to yourself? :D :p

Looking good Phantom, and btw, Pol(MM) is getting a bit chubby with eating pizza a lot, LOL (she's going to kick my ass for this, but I can always blame it on Chewey)

Zircon said:
...and btw, Pol (MM) is getting a bit chubby with eating pizza a lot, LOL (she's going to kick my ass for this, but I can always blame it on Chewey)


Z Man... You are SOOO in the doghouse. Just cause the Pizza Boy is here doesn't mean that I am eating PIZZA. :D

I should be back to posting on Sunday IF you guys still want me.

Would Poledra be viable in this thread, since she is "alive" at the end of the books? (after all if Cyradis is preggo, this is after the Mallorean) Also...Just to keep facts straight, Beldin changes permanently into a hawk, to be with Vella, but that can be disregarded....poetic license and all....:D

Actually just realized that Poledra is going to keep the twins in the Vale, Velvet perhaps?
Two things I want to say. First is hi to all those that have just join this thread. Second is that, while I don't know Chewey's mind, I would like nothing better for you maid.
Hello and welcome, cuervorose. At one point Velvet was spoken for but I don't know what's going on. Hang in there... Chewey will let you know.

Dave, thanks. I was being a smart ass. (as usual) I've had company for the past two weeks and haven't done much posting. Durnik will never forgive me if I don't post and Beldin started out right off with a big butt joke. How can I NOT post??

Oh well

If another character is needed, please feel free to let me know. I'm a huge fan of the books and will follow the thread even if I'm not in it!:) :rose: :kiss:

Remind me not to drink with you, because I keep getting the image of a Marguerita in my mind LOL...

Welcome to Lit, and join the thread please.

The current Players are :

Chewey - Belgarath
Zircon - Durnik
MM - Polgara
Petrel - Velvet (haven't heard from her in a while)
Dave - Barak
Phantom - Beldin
Cuervo - ?

Cuervo, you can pick any character that you want from both series. You mentioned Cyradis, you can have her if you wish, or even Ce'Nedra, when Chewey finally get enough time off to get the story moving again :D But basically, please join us.

Ok you bunch of smart asses, now that you have shown some commitment. *clears throat* Its time to get this moving. I will PM Petrel and see if she still wants Velvet. I promise to get this moving today.

Ok, I figured we can run into a little trouble in Ulgoland on the way through, so if anyone wants to bring on some action, by all means bring us some trouble.

Hey everyone. I've decided to have Barak head south to meet you. He's getting nevervous.

I thought Cyradis was going to stay in Mallorea (pregnant?) or did I misread? Either way. Cheers for a soon to be wonderful thread!
Re: Thanks!

cuervorose said:
I thought Cyradis was going to stay in Mallorea (pregnant?) or did I misread? Either way. Cheers for a soon to be wonderful thread!


That was from the old thread. Chewey pratically started a new one, with a clean slate, although some his posts DID look FAMILIAR ;) Anyways, Cyradis is your is you want her.

Re: Re: Thanks!

Zircon said:

That was from the old thread. Chewey pratically started a new one, with a clean slate, although some his posts DID look FAMILIAR ;) Anyways, Cyradis is your is you want her.


Didnt I mention of one of our other mutual threads that you are a smart ass? LOL Yes, ONE of my posts was strangly familiar, so there. LMAO

Still interested

but somewhat at a loss as to how to proceed. Are others planning on posting soon? I can take Beldin to his planned destination quickly, or wait for company. I'd hoped for a response from Pol before I had Beldin do anything. She really should have a chance to respond to his comments about the width of her derriere :)
Ok, it looks like we are at a stall, Phantom, MM seems to be having a hard time posting on it , so why dont you find Barak and Silk on the road since they are coming to meet us. Also I talked to Petrel and she will not have time to play Velvet ,so she is up for grabs if Cuervo wants her.

Just stopping by to say Hi to everyone invovled in Belgarath's Journey.

Thanks Chewy for the opportunity to play C'Nedra I hope I can do her justice :)

Hi to Zircon and Maid its a joy to be writing with you guys again I hope this works out well

Hi To Rose, we've met briefly in the Roof I think and I am looking forward to writing with you

Hi To phantom42 and Dave too nice to meet you guys.
Welcome to the thread Snork Maiden. Hope we can all get this thread back up to speed.

Zircon, I am still planning on keeping the plot pretty much like we talked about originally, but now we have someone to play C'nedra for us.

Raises Hand

I've read all the books, tho it's been a while, and am willing to play any female, even Nedra, the little scampish imp that she is.........I don't think is the one with the Childlike Goddess, is it? She was in the other books, Ruby Knight Series, right? Darn *snaps her fingers*

One of the things I loved about these books was that the everyday interplayed with the fantasic. To many books of this genre are all doom and gloom, while Eddings was able to understand and write that even in the darkest days we must have humor.

*Ce'Nedra stomps her little foot and says "We aren't going to kill anything until I find my slipper!" * lol.
A big Welcome to:

Polite (welcome to Lit, home of the deprave, insane and laziness...oh, that's just me :D)

and of course,

SN (good to see ya again)

current cast members:

Chewey - Belgarath
Zircon - Durnik
MM - Polgara
Dave - Barak
Phantom - Beldin
Cuervo - Cyradis
SN - Ce'nedra
Polite - ?

Polite, you can pick and choose any characters from the Belgariad and Mallorean series. And yes, the Child Goddess, Aphrael, was from the Sapphire Rose and Tamuli series.

Have fun, and Welcome to Belgrath's Quest (the one where Chewey re-hashes his first post, but has gone on to do new ones :D)
