New Casting Call for the Belgariad by David Eddings

I say unto thee, though I am new canst I take the part of Sir Mandorallen, my sword and my very life belong to the queen Ce'nedra
Hi Despaerado

I don't think the role Mandorallen has been taken yet good choice : Baron of Vo Mandor. Mimbrate Arend :)

I've been looking for my books, but since I have an "open" libary and can't find them, you can either wait for me to get some, or just give me someone you think would work for me.

Totally your choice.

I don't mind, I'm easy. Oh, get that thought out of your mind, I'm not THAT easy! ;)
Hi Polite,

How about Poledra, Belgarath' s better half, that could be fun keeping Chewie in check.

Or Ce'Nedra's cousin Xera, also a dryad.

Or Islena, Queen of Cherek I think she was a bit of a sorceress too.

Sorry guys can't think of any other female characters right now

Perhaps fair Snork Maiden she couldst be: Adara, King belgarions cousin. or mayhap she could be the Lady (dubious of course) Vella. I may even go as far as to say my beloved Nerina. Allow me some time to ponder this question as my wits have been addled at the last tourney. " Ho Lelldorin sayest again, what is thy ladys name?"
Snork Maiden said:
Just a quick question,

Is Zirconn and Zircon the same person ?


I'm stopping Zircon at 999, and re-starting him as a Virgin :D Muahahahaha... (demetia setting in)

That's cool Zircon(n) ;)

Do you know whats happening in the thread, :(, seems awful quiet, is Chewy busy these days?
Zircon said:
A big Welcome to:

Polite (welcome to Lit, home of the deprave, insane and laziness...oh, that's just me :D)

Have fun, and Welcome to Belgrath's Quest (the one where Chewey re-hashes his first post, but has gone on to do new ones :D)


Ok, I will admit to depraved and even laziness, but not insanity. That is reserved for the kids. LOL

Sorry for the lapse in posting ladies and gentlemen, I had a sports career ending injury this week and have been out of action most of the week. But now I am back and probably on here for more than before, since I am pretty immobile right now.

Hey Chewie,

Sorry to hear about your injury, I hope you get well soon. Sport Career Ending !!

I hope that is an exaggeration.
Well, I have the MRI on Monday, but the specialist told me that it looks like I have completely torn my achilles tendon, not a good thing to do if you play sports. If so, then I can look forward to surgery and a long recovery.

good luck with the mri, sports injuries are rough (had my sternum cracked in lacrosse over the summer, Jousting methinks is a safer hobby)
Thank you Desperado, I appreciate the sentiment. I agree with the jousting Idea. LOL. I am afraid that I will no longer be able to play ball anymore. I am getting on in years, so maybe this is the message that my body was trying to give me and I was ignoring. LOL

Heya Chewie, how did you tear it if you don't mind me asking.

If it's not too bad I would think there is a good chance of a full recover with the appropriwate pyhsio.

Good luck with the scan.
I was playing basketball and landed on someones foot after tipping in a basket over two people. I hope that a full recovery is the order of the day, but I am sanguine about it. He said that I really did a number on it from what he could feel.

Desperado66 said:
good luck with the mri, sports injuries are rough (had my sternum cracked in lacrosse over the summer, Jousting methinks is a safer hobby)

Funny, someone special to me had their sternum cracked while jousting this summer. Perhaps it isn't safer after all?
PoliteSuccubus said:
I'll add your boo boo to our get quick soon prayer thingie.

Thank you Polite, every little bit helps. The worst part is it being so close to the holidays. This will take a big bite out of our ability to buy presents for the kids.

Messalina, I would expect a 20 foot long pole on a thirty mile an hour horse to crack my sternum, but a 15 year old 150 lb kid? not hardly, but I'm get old too.
Ok Ladies and Gentleman, who is in and who is out? I am doing my level best to get this thread moving, so I have a few ideas. Maybe Beldin , when he flew ahead, met some of the other characters that were on their way to meet us. And you all meet us when the Algroths carrying C'nedra run into you. That way, you can meet up with Zirconn and I and hopefully the sounds of battle will lead Politesuccubus to us.


Sorry about this, but I'm taking a small and partial break from the boards till after the Christmas Season. Please feel free to move Durnik around or if anyone else wants him.

Thanks and have a great Christmas.

*Wrings his hands in glee thinking of what he is going to do to Durnik* Just kidding buddy. Hope things are ok , Z. Have a pleasant and safe holiday. Hope to see you back here as soon as you come back.
