New Chain Story?

Please, noooooooooooo!!!

pretty_lil_stranger said:
Adam. I want his name to be Adam.

The adventures of Adam.

Adam's ride home.

Adam's big ride.

See Adam dick Jane. No wait. Not that one. ;)

I always associate Adam with Adam Sandler, and there's NO WAY that I could write anything erotic about Adam Sandler!!! (Well, maybe gay male...)
6 posts ín a row

Look, everybody! Svenskaflicka has learned how to operate the Post-button!!!:cattail:
Re: 6 posts ín a row

Svenskaflicka said:
Look, everybody! Svenskaflicka has learned how to operate the Post-button!!!:cattail:

<wild applause>

lol - too funny.

I prefer 3rd person too.
My first avatar

FINALLY I get to show everyone how I look like! Cute, aren't I?

What was that word? Mo..mod...modes... How do you pronounce it? What does it mean?
Re: My first avatar

Svenskaflicka said:
FINALLY I get to show everyone how I look like! Cute, aren't I?

What was that word? Mo..mod...modes... How do you pronounce it? What does it mean?

Hi guys, it's almost 02:00am here, so I'm a little dazed.

Svenskaflicka, can we combine your story ideas into one story?

Harold, I like the Mitty idea.

What is the Survivor thing/business/whatever??

I'll do the heterosexual bit, with/without toys as required.

Choose a tense and outline, and I'll fit to that. Could somebody do a rough very broad background for us to write within?

I'm still not sure what a chain story is, but hopefully I'll have a better idea when I read this thread again tomorrow.

Oops!! Must rush back to the Literotica Bar for a bit of ravaging, Bluey is getting away with just about everything!! See ya!! :) :)
Alex De Kok said:
There's always 'Groundhog Day'?

That's a good example of one type of alternate realities that change sequentially It could work well for this story -- each author tells the story from leaving the party to going to sleep, repeating the previous author up to the decision point.

The only problem I can see with that is that it could easily get boring to read the later chapters as more of the story is repeated.
Yes! We got Don!!!

Svenskaflicka, can we combine your story ideas into one story?

My list of story ideas was mainly a joke... but if you find any inspiration from it, be my guest!

As I've got it, this will be like those episodes on TV when you see the same thing happening over and over again, but each time from another person's POV. Now, we will all tell the story of this guy who goes to a party, but, each and everyone has a different version of what happened to him at that party/as he left the party. Some will write that he picked up a gorgeous woman and went home with her to have sex, another will say that he left with a gorgeous MAN and went home to him to have sex, a third will argue that he went home with his aunt and uncle, to have sex, etc.

Some might find it boring, but me, I've always found it very amusing to see one situation out of several different people's eyes.

I've already claimed all rights to write the interracial, gay and group sex part. *standing wild-eyed with a huge dildo as a weapon held in the air* No-one else must write about that!Grrr.....!:D

Maybe I'll even do a non-human part - I'm really hooked on my idea about Mr X being abducted by aliens... Sort of X-files meets Boogie Nights...
Re: Yes! We got Don!!!

Svenskaflicka said:
As I've got it, this will be like those episodes on TV when you see the same thing happening over and over again, but each time from another person's POV.
How come it says Status:Offline under my posts when I'm obviously ionline?

If you've selected "invisible mode" in your user CP, you'll never show up as being online or on the "currently online" list onthe main page.

I'm not sure if it's been decided yet whether the chapters will be from his viewpoint or from others viewpoints. I've been thinking more in terms of third person omniscient POV focused on him -- like a Guardian Angel's view over his shoulder.

That might be a possibility for a common style -- everyone uses his Guardian Angel as the narrator. Would that be workable? Sort of like borrowing Clarence from "It's A Wonderful Life" to narrate the "Many lives of Walter Mitty."

(I keep using movies as references -- maybe an element of movie parodies is creeping into the thought processes?)
Open it Up

So, let me get this straight (sorry, no pun intended)-

You've got a guy ready to go home from a party (Adam Milligan or something) and he has a series of adventures, each with a different set of erotic pervs attached, which he has to participate in before he reaches home.

Sounds a bit far-fetched (ie. unbelievable).

The party might be ending at midnight or 2am, but the sun comes up at 6 or 8am, so he might only have six hours before work the next morning. Not enough time, it sounds like to me.

Yes, it might be Saturday or Sunday and he doesn't work, but most men cannot possibly stay erect all evening anyway, so eventually Adam's "partying" abilities are gonna be all limp.


How about you open the story up a little?

Let's say the party is in New York - Manhattan on a beautiful friday night at a fabulous apartment overlooking Central Park. The introduction chapter (by Chicklet???) is at the party. Then Adam or whomever he is has to get home to a business meeting in Tokyo by way of San Francisco by Monday morning.

This gives us four days to have fun with Adam.

And he must be at the Tokyo meeting by monday or lose it all.

--- questions ---

Lose what? What is the meeting about? Who are the people at the party? Business associates? Friends? People he's trying to get in the good graces of so that they will fund his company?

Who is Adam? How old is he? What's his background? What doesn he do for a living? What's his normal sex life like? Does he have a dominating girlfriend and cater to her, or is he by himself? Does he have an ex-wife who hates his guts?

(Frankly, I like all this stuff because all of these people would have different reasons for wanting to "fuck" Adam in their own ways).

Plus the time element and distance really opens up the story to multiple cities, more people, missed flights, destinations...

And the BIG WHY...why does he have to get to Tokyo and what will he lose if he doesn't?

Like it?


- Judo
Alex De Kok said:

this is looking interesting! I'm watching it, but not totally committed yet, as I have other Survivor pieces to write. For my two cents worth, I like the suggestion by Weird Harold, either Walter Mitty or (my preference) alternate timelines.

There's always 'Groundhog Day'?


Hey Alex and everyone else,

I like the alternate time lines idea. That's what I wanted for my original conception - if you guys would rather write the others, then let's do that, but my vote is for alternate timelines.

First person or third person? I think that either first person or third person NOT omniscient (can't think of the correct title for this) would be best since it's Mr. X we're really concentrating on, not the people around's our story about different things that could happen to him, and different ways things affect him...*I think*
Judo, in my story, it wouldn't be a bunch of different people in one night...would be one person in one night but a bunch of different possibilities.

I'm going to try to work on some sort of an outline type thing tonight, and I'll get back to you (maybe write a setup story or something...we'll see)

yeah, alternative pathways for the same story.

I haven't seen the movie, but I've heard "sliding doors" did something similar. One I like is "Run Lola Run" or "Lola Rennt"

so it'd be like at a different point in the evening something goes a little differently in each scenario, causing a chain of events unique yet similar. Get my drift? this is a little hard to explain...

Re: Open it Up

JUDO said:
So, let me get this straight (sorry, no pun intended)-

You've got a guy ready to go home from a party (Adam Milligan or something) and he has a series of adventures, each with a different set of erotic pervs attached, which he has to participate in before he reaches home.

Sounds a bit far-fetched (ie. unbelievable).
This gives us four days to have fun with Adam.

And he must be at the Tokyo meeting by monday or lose it all.

--- questions ---


(Frankly, I like all this stuff because all of these people would have different reasons for wanting to "fuck" Adam in their own ways).

Plus the time element and distance really opens up the story to multiple cities, more people, missed flights, destinations...

Like it?

Your suggestion is definitely a good premise for a chain story, but I think Chicklet and the others are leaning towards an alternate realities -- science fiction/fantasy -- premise. Picture a set of stories aobut all the things that MIGHT have happened on the way home (nothing says he has to be home by dawn, BTW, it might take him until noon in some versions or even later.)

We're still working on how to sequence the episodes, but I guess everyone is pretty much agreed on the alternate realities format -- at least that seems to be the one format everyone can agree on so far.
What's Happening???

Chicklet said:
yeah, alternative pathways for the same story.

I haven't seen the movie, but I've heard "sliding doors" did something similar. One I like is "Run Lola Run" or "Lola Rennt"

so it'd be like at a different point in the evening something goes a little differently in each scenario, causing a chain of events unique yet similar. Get my drift? this is a little hard to explain...


Hi Chicklet,

When you have decided the general outline parameters please let me have a copy with the deadline not too close and I will see what I can do.

How long do you want this story, 1,000 or 2,000 or what?

What is New York??? Do you eat it??? (I have never been there so I lack the geographic knowledge background).

What is the survivor thingy?? A contest?? What is the prize?? Who gets it??

Seems you are talking a similar outline to Dunleavy's "Afternoon in New York", a hotel room's view of four relationships, each one an act of the play.

Why do we need aliens??? (You guys have Dubyah, why do you want more??)

What is a chain story?? :) :)
Re: Open it Up

JUDO said:

You've got a guy ready to go home from a party (Adam Milligan or something) and he has a series of adventures, each with a different set of erotic pervs attached, which he has to participate in before he reaches home.

Sounds a bit far-fetched (ie. unbelievable).

The party might be ending at midnight or 2am, but the sun comes up at 6 or 8am, so he might only have six hours before work the next morning. Not enough time, it sounds like to me.

Have you ever played a Choose Your Own Adventure, like Forest of the Damned or something similar? You read an adventure story book where you are the hero, and the text goes something like this:

"You walk in the forest and find a box in a ditch, and you have 3 options:
If you want to open the box, turn to page 34.
If you want to ignore the box and continue on your way, turn to page 58.
If you want to put the box in your rucksack and open it later, turn to page 99."

Etc. Depending on your choice, you'll have a different kind of adventure. This is what will happen to our guy.
Re: What's Happening???

Don K Dyck said:

What is New York??? Do you eat it??? (I have never been there so I lack the geographic knowledge background).

Why do we need aliens??? (You guys have Dubyah, why do you want more??)

I've heard of Yorkshire pudding... New York must be something similar...;)

It's me who want to use aliens. I'm gonna use them for some funny version of this story.
New York? I was thinking of placing it in "anywhere USA" or any country for that matter. I don't play to talk about the geography that much, so it won't be a problem if you don't know the city. I've been there and I don't know the geography at all!

Phew! Thats good.

I have enough problems trying to make sure to use words that do not have two different meaning as it is (pants for example).

Does anyone mind if I take the BDSM chapter please?

And ... just a thought, but we are going t have to leave the lesbian love one out, aren't we?

i was thinking that he could go home with two women and watch them...would that work?

sorry i haven't finished a control story or real outline yet = ( I haven't been in the "writing mood" and it's hard to write when you're not that into it at the moment...
