Newbies, this one's for you!

SpectralDragoon said:

Hey now.

I'm just a newbie trying out the color thingy.

Ya can't get upset, this is a thread for newbies.

(don't let my number of posts fool ya)

*dramatic sigh*

wellll, I guess I can forgive ya


your number of posts, and your AV are deceiving!
*eye starts twitching as he reads* here AND in the homestead!?!?!?! WHAT IS IT WITH YOU PEOPLE AND BSB? yes! they are horrible! yes! they suck! YES! i would drown them in my vomit if i could! but why do you pin it on me!!!!!

well.... at least i wasn't the kareoke singing stripper-janitor with kinky plunger techniques....

i'm a pro singer you people! yeah! thats right! no stripping, no horrible pop boy band crap either! so bite me!

*hangs Arc by her feet to the celing* i'll think of what to do to yoou later!
sorry Khadagar, he didn't want anyone to now but he's really Morris Day. The only reason I know this is because I was also a member of the time. I was the bald guy in back that just danced around saying "O we O we O"
Gee ... Khadgar ...

how did you know I sleep like this?? :cool:

If someone didn't leave an ambiguous message ... *shrugs* it wouldn't have happen. :D
PmTick said:
sorry Khadagar, he didn't want anyone to now but he's really Morris Day. The only reason I know this is because I was also a member of the time. I was the bald guy in back that just danced around saying "O we O we O"

REALLY PM!! :eek:

I gotta find a copy of that video ... searches the net ...
Hullo Tyrael~

nuthing much here ... *still hanging from the ceiling*

Khadgar hasn't decided yet if he wants to take me down from here. Heh Heh ... the evil one is upset w/ me ... :D
*walks past Arc, pulling her with him,, then sets her into a swinging motion.*

oh, no not angry, i find it a little funny. i still don't know what to do... maybe i'll let you down....

come on PM, lets do number together!
Damn finals cutting into my lit time!

This thursday is the last final day...then get ready....I might actually make a charater and do something here. :)