Newbies, this one's for you!

SpectralDragoon said:
Ya can't have any pic by your name until you hit the 100 mark.

After that, the limit is 150x150.

And I dunno where the women are, crysede is the main chickie around here when it comes to joking little chats like the ones above. I think we've formed a clique!
Hello? Have I suddenly become invisible?!
OOOPS! Exuse me Crysede!

See! I'm already screwing up! Sorry Crysede I thought I was only talking to "dudes." lol...but it's fine that you aren't into gals. :)
Anyway... I finally got the avtar policy. Thank's all!
I'll just keep poking around here. I'll figure it all out.
Thanks again,
Re: OOOPS! Exuse me Crysede!

trueleme said:
See! I'm already screwing up! Sorry Crysede I thought I was only talking to "dudes." lol...but it's fine that you aren't into gals. :)
Anyway... I finally got the avtar policy. Thank's all!
I'll just keep poking around here. I'll figure it all out.
Thanks again,
Oh I wasn't snarking at you, I was snarking at Spectral! And yup I'm a straight chick, with sever bi envy mind you, but still, sadly, straight.
SpectralDragoon said:
Ya can't get an avatar till you get 100 posts.

See a great d00d called BlazeofLife for those. He's got more avatar type pics on his puter than...than....uhm... something that there's a lot of.

Between him and some other people around here, they've posted well over 1,000 pics, mostly in two threads. They're down there somewhere!

Did I hear my name taken in vain?
Or was there perchance a lady in distress?
Hell, even that dress!?!
(I love that joke)

LMAO @ Blaze!

Hi Blaze!
I don't wear disdress or datdress...but I loved the giggle! Thanks!
Hey True,
Welcome to Lit.
You should be proud, you're embarking on a fabulous journey (read: slobbering addiction) to interact with others of a like bent (seriously disturbed and deranged computer literate eccentrics) in a medium of learning, expression, and facilitatism (a porn board).


Welcome to the mental ward true. :) I feel left out I never fought with crysede. Sex parties too? Man I gotta move to Canada.
I think my dress exemplifies understated elegance and inner simplicity...

I am too wearing a dress, well ok, it's more like translucent wrap, and it's falling off anyway, but it's still damn elegant!
Thats almost as bad as "If I said you have a nice body, will you hold it against me?"
"If the GM is smiling, it is already too late"

I love that one, SD!!!
Someone I used to RPG with used to say something like it.
He always knew when the characters were going to be for a world of hurt by looking at the expression on my face and listening to the timbre of my voice.

"Oh, you want to open that door? Are you sure you want to open that door? Okkkaaayyy..."
*an ominous silence descends...*
Pat looks up, stares at the DM Blaze for a moment, comments softly, "This is going to hurt, isn't it?"

Damn, I miss those days...

Ravenloft said:
Thats almost as bad as "If I said you have a nice body, will you hold it against me?"

I would, Raven, but something might get in the way...
*coughs politely*
I won't say what, or anything...

yes it's a fine avatar, especially the tat on your ass. ...gee that didn't sound creepy :)
crysede said:
I think my dress exemplifies understated elegance and inner simplicity...

I am too wearing a dress, well ok, it's more like translucent wrap, and it's falling off anyway, but it's still damn elegant!

I'm telling you, there's just something so desireable about a woman wrapped in saran wrap with my name tattooed on her ass...


(Oh, and its elegant, too, gotta add that part!
BlazeofLife said:

I would, Raven, but something might get in the way...
*coughs politely*
I won't say what, or anything...


Oh! Don't tease me so Blaze! *Casting my arm across my brow* Don't you know the effect you have upon me?! *Sobbing*
haha Blaze.

I like the assassins one personally. I actually had an assassin character have that put on a leather jacket with a big bulls eye.

*I* thought it was humorous....

And yeaaaaah, elegant... elegant naked chick wrapped only in saran wrap that is falling off... yep!
Ravenloft said:

Oh! Don't tease me so Blaze! *Casting my arm across my brow* Don't you know the effect you have upon me?! *Sobbing*

Oh reallllyyy......
You know, I think you should enlighten me as to that effect, good Raven!
*bats eyelashes flirtatiously*
(rubs at eye, thinks he strained an eyelid or something, damn that stings)

Way too much fun

Ok, Boys and Girls,
Now I've gotta get outta here.
But one last Q for y'all...
When I posted on here, I checked the box that requested an email every time someone added to the thread...MISTAKE #2!
Is it possible to turn that option off now...after the fact?
I really don't want 150 email messages when I sign on in the AM...nothing
BlazeofLife said:

Oh reallllyyy......
You know, I think you should enlighten me as to that effect, good Raven!
*bats eyelashes flirtatiously*
(rubs at eye, thinks he strained an eyelid or something, damn that stings)

OK, hold it right there! Where ever this is headed I want in! :D
BlazeofLife said:

Oh reallllyyy......
You know, I think you should enlighten me as to that effect, good Raven!
*bats eyelashes flirtatiously*
(rubs at eye, thinks he strained an eyelid or something, damn that stings)


Oh, you big goof, ssstop being so sssexy...

Itsss jussst ssso HOT!

*Pawwing my hand at the blaze.*
Re: Way too much fun

trueleme said:
Ok, Boys and Girls,
Now I've gotta get outta here.
But one last Q for y'all...
When I posted on here, I checked the box that requested an email every time someone added to the thread...MISTAKE #2!
Is it possible to turn that option off now...after the fact?
I really don't want 150 email messages when I sign on in the AM...nothing

You can turn the option off by going into your control panel and editing your options menu.
The only problem is, it isn't always reliable. It works for some people, but not for others. Myself, I have about 30 new emails in my box everytime I log on, and it can be a real pain in the ass. Netscape seems to have problems with that sort of thing. If you're on AOL or IE, you shouldn't have any problems with it.

Ravenloft said:

Oh, you big goof, ssstop being so sssexy...

Itsss jussst ssso HOT!

*Pawwing my hand at the blaze.*

Oh, you cad!
that isn't my blaze!
Unless thats what you want to call it.....
I do SO love to be pawwed!
*breathily sighs*, be gentle...

Last edited:
I use outlook express for the board emails. Its so easy to delete the emails, much quicker than using a web page based service.