Newbies, this one's for you!

PmTick said:
isn't this ironic that this thread is for newbies but we experienced users spend a lot of time here..don't you's like rain.....on a rainy day :)
Speak for yourself dude, I'm still a sweet, innocent young thing!
*fall out of his chair laughing* HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHA - shes going to kill you ya know? well... it's that, or prove she's not that innocent heh heh heh
Khadgar said:
*fall out of his chair laughing* HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHA - shes going to kill you ya know? well... it's that, or prove she's not that innocent heh heh heh
*snickering* and which were you hoping for? hehehe

And Spectral will be allowed to live, he's good company on aim! If he ever stops being good company, well, then he'll have to die...
Uhmm.. heh.... heh...

*breaks out the virtual AIM snacks*

*humming nervously*

(but you know... since i get to live... she's gotta prove she's not innocent muahahahaha, multiple times if necessary, and it soooooooo will be!)
Extreme Newbie

Hello All,
I'm not just new to RP but very new to Literotica. I've done quite a bit of writing, but have only become interested in writing erotica for a few weeks. (...hmmm "writing erotica"--- that's rather fun to say, kinda' rolls off the tongue, "writing erotica, writing erotica, writing erotica" ---- OOOOPS! sorry! Back to my point...)
I read completely through the other "newbie thread" but, of course, still have many questions, the first of which is: Until my confidence and understanding builds, is it alright to "lurk" in the stories?
Also, is there a spot for introductions or profiles, or does everyone pretty much let their characters and/or words speak for them? Mostly I'd be interested in who's female and who's male...wouldn't want to offend anyone :) (BTW, I'm female.)
Well that's my first Q's. I'm certain there will be many more to come.
Heyas true.

I'm a d00d! One of crysedes minions. Muahahaha.

For most roleplaying threads, there is a casting call for players. This is a place where the author gives the basis of the story, and may give guidlines for characters they they'd like to see in the story. Players can write in and post their character ideas for approval by the person starting the thread. That person is usually said to be "running" that game.

Sometimes there aren't casting calls, and the character bios can be posted right along with the story. If you see a game you'd like to join, try looking down the list for a casting call for it. Chances are ya might find one. And if you're looking to start joining games, check out the ones with casting calls first.

Hope that helps!
And welcome!!

If we have ANY success corrupting you (errr befriending you!) you'll soon be a slobbering Lit addict!

Muahahahahahahaa *ahem*
like SD said, there's either a casting call, where the profiles are, or there posted at the introduction of the charecter. if by lurking you mean reading and keeping along with threads but not posting, nothign wrong with that!! welcome !
what was i hopeing for huh? well... i was pretty much going to leave that up to you LOL

i'm on aim, but i hate it and never use it. stick to MSN yahoo and ICQ.
Me too Khadgar, but since I'm the greatest, most kick ass fuckin minion crysede has EVER had, I got it to chat with her. Eat THAT Zeta!!! :D
Thanks Guys!

Just reading the stories without posting is exactly what I meant by "lurking" I'll do that.
I don't think I'm ready to join in yet, though...shoot, I've still got to figure out this avtar business!! lol
But thanks for your help! I'll just bet you'll see me around again soon. <wicked grin>
LOL! You guys are too funny!

Dang! I've only posted once and you all are already competing...COOL! But where are the ladies who might fight over me?;)
Ya can't get an avatar till you get 100 posts.

See a great d00d called BlazeofLife for those. He's got more avatar type pics on his puter than...than....uhm... something that there's a lot of.

Between him and some other people around here, they've posted well over 1,000 pics, mostly in two threads. They're down there somewhere!
heres some help


1-29 = virgin
30-99 = expierienced
100-499 = really expierienced (at 100 you can have an avatar) i also think you get reall really expierienced at 300, but not sure
500-999 = Lit Guru
1000+ = personal statement.

on a side not, this is post 998 for me! almost 1000!
damn rights were here to help.

dododododododo khad hit one grand and he is evil YEAH!
SpectralDragoon said:
she's gotta prove she's not innocent muahahahaha, multiple times if necessary, and it soooooooo will be!)
Um, I believe I already proved that to you dude, remember the kinky pinching oral sex party?

And yeah, you are a total kickass minion!! guys seem like fun!

I do appreciate the warm welcome, and the help!
And yes, Khadgar, after reading the entire thread of the other newbie board, I was aware of you're impending "coming of age" so to! CONGRATS! I'm so pleased that I might be here to witness it!
Now, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that although I haven't posted 1000 times, I could still have my own picture/avtar (off my own puter) as long as it was a jpeg that was 150X150 pixels. Am I mistaken?
True *still wondering where the womyn are*
Gee crysede, that seems to be slipping from my memory! :D

Not that you were forgettable!! Ah hell....

I remember!

How could I not? *Dreamy grin, glazed eyes*
Yes, this can get very addicting. I myself am on 2 threads & I read post & write. (lots & lots of reading) I havent played my other addiction Everquest in a week or so. The people here are very intresting to say the least :D
Re: LOL! You guys are too funny!

trueleme said:
Dang! I've only posted once and you all are already competing...COOL! But where are the ladies who might fight over me?;)
Welcome to the boards true, sorry but this lady only fights over men, but I'll fight with you if you want (actually, I fight with guys too, but only the really cool ones!). And there are some really sexy gals here on lit who will happily fight over you too! ;)
Ya can't have any pic by your name until you hit the 100 mark.

After that, the limit is 150x150.

And I dunno where the women are, crysede is the main chickie around here when it comes to joking little chats like the ones above. I think we've formed a clique!
of course, any picture. however you have to have posted one HUNDRED times in oorder for lit to let yoi do it
. o O (hey, Crysede fights with me all the time that... WOOHOO!) *falls over laughing again*