Milia Endicott
Hair Color: Blonde on top, Brunnette beneath
Gender: Female
Height 5'11
Weight: 132
Power: Telepathy
Power: Were-Tiger
Hair Color: Redish orange in human form, Dark Orange in Tiger form
Height: 5'7 (6'5 i Tiger)
Weight: 127 (276 Tiger_
Powers: Super human strength, reflexes, agility, and senses. In Tiger
In human form she retains most of her agility and heightened smell and hearing allowing her to know when people are lying by detecting shifts in their heart beat.
Name: William Conway
Alias: Amp
Ethnicity: African American
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210
Powers: Born with the ability to manipulate his bioelectric field as well as with an extra organ called a Sach's Organ located behind his stomach and stores his electricity. He can fire bolts of electicity but doing so drains him quickly and he prefers to use his electicity via touch where the charge is quickly returned to him. He can absorb electricty not only from obvious sources (machines, lightning) but he can also absorb directly from other living beings.
Finally he has the ability to sense the bio-electric feild that all creatures create much like sharks. Giving him the ability to see in the dark.
Name: Jesse Maese (pronounced Mace)
Alias: Daedalus
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 140
Powers: Robotics expert specializing in battle armors, vehicles and weapons. his primary weapon is a suit of armor modeled after an angel. The wings can be used as a sheild and can also fire energy and obviously facilitate flight along with a jet pack. The H.U.D. (Heads Up Display) keeps him completely aware of the battle field and automatically scans in infrared and night vision if there is reason to do so. It also automatically calcuates the effective range of his weapons and lethal range of his explosivs allow him to fire closer to allies than most people would be comfortable with.
Okay, firstly, before i really say more about them, i want to know the following about each character...
1. A home city
2. A history and origin
3. Are they new or have they being around a while?
4. A breif description of their current arch baddie.
Though, quickly looking at them, I like the idea of Deadalus, and could be swayed by Arcot and Amp. Dnt like telepaths lol.
Anyway, I cant choose to have a team from just one person, I'm going to post up a few suggestions in a bit, and i hope Raven and Cats will at least do the same....Then we can hold votes, to decide on the team. Others are welcome as well to create characters.
I'm kinda flinging spaghetti here, I'm not realy good at good guys.
1. I'm not sure I see the point in origin cities. No offense to you I just see little point if it doesn't directly tie into who they are, and that goes double for a DCverse where half the cities don't really exist. I mean I can go into that city name generator and attach one to each charachter but that's kind what I'll be doing.
2. I'll work on histories and origins I was really flinging stuff around to see if anything was remotely interesting to anybody
I got nothing on three and four, do you want each charachter to have a rival from the get go or do you want us to make a villian for the over all?
Also I mentioned earlier I suck at heros as a whole.
But as for your other bit...I would like for them to have a rival from the get go...this is simply so that they have at least a bit of character....would be nice if one grumbles something like, 'God, I'd prefer fighting [insert villians name here] over this guy any day...' kind of thing.
But, Sean. i have a solution for you....Why don't you come up with our big bad villian (and plot) which gets them alltogethor....or perhaps work on some other villians...
Failing that, i'm going to chuck my attention bk to the solo, as it is our main one, so y don't you stick with that one for now, until we need your brilliant criminal mind.
Name: Jesse Maese (pronounced Mace)
Alias: Daedalus
Age: 56
Birthplace: Citrus Valley, CA
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 140
Powers: Robotics expert specializing in battle armors, vehicles and weapons. his primary weapon is a suit of armor modeled after an angel. The wings can be used as a sheild and can also fire energy and obviously facilitate flight along with a jet pack. The H.U.D. (Heads Up Display) keeps him completely aware of the battle field and automatically scans in infrared and night vision if there is reason to do so. It also automatically calcuates the effective range of his weapons and lethal range of his explosivs allow him to fire closer to allies than most people would be comfortable with.
Origin: Originally an expert in robotics, engineering and programming he was part of a team that was brought together by XCorp. Their purpose was to improve the Harrier Jet in a number of ways. First it needed to be simpler to pilot and smaller, more easily able to directly support troops. The end of the coldwar would bring that research to an end but Maese retained much of the original research and along with several private investors he eventually created his first Flight Adapted Personal Armor System (FAPAS? Ok where is that guy who makes acronyms that don't suck?) It had excellent maneuverability , was immune to most small arms fire and could be taken in doors. Unable to carry the same kind of payload as a jet he instead opted to equip it with a Tesla Cannon ( he generally uses steel balls but if the situation calls for it he can fire anything up to about the size of a tennis ball.
He first used the suit in Tsunami of 2004 using it to aid NATO forces in finding and rescuing survivors as well as fighting off various criminals looking to take advantage of the situation.
Personality: Jesse is brilliant and well aware of his own abilities which often leads to him talking down to his peers. He doesn't work particularly well with others, in particular not when he feels he can handle a job better on his own. At the same time when he doesn't think that he can effect the outcome of a situation he's likely to step back and let others fight. Despite this he values his frieds highly and goes to great lengths to keep them safe.
I'll see what I can't do for a major villian and maybe even a few direct rivals.
I think we might fare better letting other people pick out our rivals, or atleast start them and lets us flesh them out. I'm still waiting for direction on the main thread, I'll be back there full steam ahead once there is either critique on mine, or a new chapter for me to critique, or you know, something.
Name: Lt. Robert Anole
Alias: Lt. Scale
Age: 35
Birthplace: Brinworth Island
Height: 5'10
Weight: 175 lbs
Powers: He has the abilities of increased agility, speed, reflexes, coordination, and balance. His left arm is more muscular compared to the rest of his body, and has scales and claws akin to that of a reptilian. He has theorized that he is slowly evolving into some kind of Human/reptilian/lizard hybrid. He also appears to have the ability to quickly regrow lost limbs (though these seem more reptillian), as well as the ability to quickly heal small wounds.
Origin: Anole was abandoned as a child, and raised by a scientist who adopted him, called Arthur Anole. As he grew up, Robert would always dream of being in the army, and when he was old enough, he enlisted, and within a few years, had joined the SEALS, where he became known for his agility, reflex's and speed.
In 1999, when the criminal 'CrossBlast' Attempted to hold the people at the superbowl hostage, Anole had being on leave, and he decided to do something. Unfortunatly though, his brief fight resulted in him having his arm ripped off by CrossBlast, who then casually, threw him away.
Minutes later, Anole was shocked to see his arm grow back in front of his very eyes, but this was no ordinary arm...It was stronger, bulkier, covered in scales, with claws at the end of his fingers. He rose, and in front of the entire stadium and those watching at home, used his arms as well as his agility, and soon had saved the day.
After this he became a national hero, and named Lt. Scale, and took up the career as a government sanctioned Hero. Since then his agility and prowess have also increased in power.
Personality: The typical soldier. Patriotic and Just, cares about his values, and is a true leader.
CROSSBLAST: A masked villian with the powers of super strength and the generation off concusion blasts.
Name: Dopple
Alias: None
Age: roughly 65
Birthplace: None
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 150 lbs
Powers: He is made of pure animated clay/mud. He can change his shape, but he keeps his muddy colour. He can also stretch himself around like Mr Fantastic.
Origin: Dopple was the first creation of the Golden Age hero, Animator, and along with his creator, was a founder of the golden age team, the super group.
He is unique in, that Animator, put so much effort into creating him, that unlike all of his other animations, Dopple never seemed to crumble away, and developed a personality. Animator theorized, that this was because he used a unique clay mix to create, dopple, the constituent of which were never revealed, and in fact, created by accident.
Dopple, was an important member of the team, being the soul of the group, and always retained his appearance of being a man in his mid twenties.
After the war, when the incident occured that destroyed half of the team as well as his creator, Dopple was one of the few to survive, along with Muscle Girl, Velocity and Bird Man, and when the team disbanded, he had no idea of what to do, and simply became a statue that stood outside of the Groups old HQ as an unmoving guard and tribute to the team. Eventually, when the government build a large group of statues dedicated to the team, they built it around Dopple.
He hasn't moved since, and appears to be waiting for the time to rise once more, his only visitor being Bird Man every day until he died, and the yearly visit from Muscle Girl and Velocity, who were married.
Personality: He is extremely human in terms of personality, and seems reserved, preffering to hold his opinions for when they are truely needed. He is always calm and calculating in his thinking.
May i also point out that if anyone thinks of ways to improve any of the character based candidates, please just say so...for example I know, Lt Scale is a crap name, and that is simply becuase i can't do good names lol.
My only advice at the moment is Dopple. I personally think that we'd be better off with a more mysterious origin for him, that he just sort of is and nobody alive knows, or hell maybe people don't even really believe in him since he's a statue out front.
I would also drop all references to ages. My understanding (and I defer to your expertise here) is that while ages (truly only identifiable in DC as it's less clear in Marvel) are marked by some huge event (usually a Crisis title) that these are generally actually a collection of retcons, discontinuing and creating new charachters. But the charachters themselves aren't supposed to be aware of it and as such I don't think that the heroes would refer to it as such.
So I guess even though I got wordy about it why is the 1920's the Golden Age, what was so good for them at the time that it would be looked upon fondly?
1958 - Homo Sapiete's begin to appear around the world, mainly as villians, along with costumed villians.
1959 - A meteorite strikes the earth, and from it appears an amesiac humanoid alien with the heart of a star. Many try to manipulate this being for criminal uses, until he is saved by a group fo heroes. This event results in the formation of the SuperGroup.
1973 - An alien race known as the Lunos attempt to invade and conquer earth. They are Led by the Tryannous Medaspat.
1974 - After a year of war, Medaspat is finally stopped by the Super Group, and the Lunos forces are decimated....this results in a secret pact between the two races. Unfortunatly In Medaspat's final breath he impaled The Human Star, causing him to implode, destroying not only Medaspat, but fully half of the supergroup. The Super Group go there seperate ways and the world for the most part forgets them and the golden age that had surrounded their presence.
The Super Group
Bird Man - Need i say more. (Died of old age)
Strong Girl - Need i say more... (Old)
Animator - A man with the ability to animate objects. (Died)
Velocity I - A superspeedster who gains his speed from his suit. (Old)
Dopple - An animated clay statue. (Became a deanimated statue)
The Human Star - An alien with the heart of a star. (died)
Lady Wolf - A werewolf type hero. (Died)
The dopple i put forward is the dopple mentioned above....please don't make me change the above, as it a history that i have had for years...
Name: Ginny Welmington
Alias: Rimefire
Age: 22
Birthplace: Mackinaw City, Michigan
Height: 5’7”"
Weight: 110 lbs
Powers: Ability to wreath her body in blue flames, flames that both freeze and burn. She can conjure and fling balls of rimefire at foes. She can fly, but only if the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. She is immune to both fire and cold, unfortunately, R&D is no where near developing fabric that can survive the rimefire.
Origin: Ginny was a talented young artist who had was on Christmas Break in her freshman year of collage. Her father’s friend, who was like an uncle to her, took her on a trip to Alaska as a belated graduation present. Ginny, who had always loved the winter, was thrilled to go.
Tragedy struck however. While they were flying in his plane, a small space ship crashed into a nearby iceberg. The shockwave from its passage knocked the plane out of control. They crashed on the same iceberg as the ship, killing her ‘uncle’ and broke her leg. She crawled from the wreckage of the plane to the wreckage of the ship and found the mortally wounded pilot. The creature looked like a large collection of bluish crystals wreathed in blue flames and four tentacles at the base of the ‘body’. The creature ended up infusing itself into her, in order for them both to survive. The creature, who’s name is a series of musical crystalline chimes, seems to sit back and watch over her, never doing anything except imparting knowledge of how to control the rimefire and reveal other powers when it feels she is ready. She believes it to be benevolent, sorry for death of her uncle and nearly killing her.
She moved to _______ two years ago to attend the prestigious arts university there. She was recruited 16 months ago by the force after incinerating/freezing a trio of terrorists who were about to launch RPGs into Daedalus’s back.
Personality: Artisic, kind, shy, and determined to protect others. She tries to keep her identity secret from the public, but knows eventually someone will get lucky and her quiet life will be destroyed.
Appearance: Raven hair mid-back length, blue eyes, petite build.
In rimefire form, similar to F4’s Human Torch
Name: ?????
Powers: Scientific genius specializing in genetics and bio-organic technology.
Origin: At the close of the war Mr.X recovered weaponry from the Medaspat, specifically weaponry tha allows him to activate latent powers in human being. He is also gifted in cybernetics,which in addition to allowing him to give powers to those with no power, he can augment existing powers.
Motivation: Power. He believes that the appearance of aliens is proof that humanity must pull together under a single banner for a single cause. He is alway aware that there are people who would fight against a One World Government. He is rabidly anti-religious but aside from that he believes his goal to be noble. He's not vain, nor is he particularly manipulative but he is brilliant and often before making a single move he makes certain that there is no out come that doesn't favore him.
NAMES: Talia, Reena, Anna
AKA: The Triplets - ShadowWarp / FingerHex / Fluidform
Powers: Talia can Teleport. Reena can shoot small concussion blasts's from her fingers & Anna can become living water. They all share a telepathic connection (with their evil brother as well), and can wall crawl, and switch between their hybrid and human forms.
Race: Half Lunos, Half Human
History: During the war on earth, Medaspat the tyranical Lunos leader, fell in love with an earth woman, and got her pregnant. The woman soon gave birth to quadruplets, 3 girls and a boy. Medaspat took the boy and sent him to the Homeword to be trained by his brother, as he didn't care for the girls.
Thus the triplets were raised as human by their mother, and upon the age of 16 discovered their true heritage...and their powers, and together they secretly took to a life of superheroics.
Name: Freedive Agent 2611 (he simply uses freedive)
Alias: Quentin Tepp // Quangar T'epp
Powers: Regenerative healing factor, Super Speed. 'Eyes' grant an array of powers. (Holograms, Telescopic/microscopic/night/remote vision, tranquilisers)
History: Quangar is a rookie cross dimensional police officer, tasked with guarding our dimension. Not that anyone has broken through into ours in over 40 million years. Thus he looks for adventure anywhere, becoming a secret vigilante on earth. His main tech is a collection of robot eyes that follow him around, the tools of every Freedive agent, and each eye has a different use.
Appearance: He has a basichumanoid shape, but also 3 long tentacle like tails, and a thinner bonier form.
I have a character, I'm not sure if this is wanted at all but here goes:
Name : Kyla Havensham
Alias : Deadfall
Age : 22
Height : 5'2"
Weight : Around 120lbs
Coloring : She has long black hair, pale blue eyes, and very pale skin. She is very slight and fragile looking.
Powers : She can communicate and control the dead. Her control over the dead gives her the appearance of telekinesis through poltergeist activity and her ability to communicate with them gives her the ability to spy invisibley on just about anyone. However, her control is not complete, occasionally she will call more ghosts then she can handle and they will wreak havoc all around her. Her normal body chemisty calls to them and she usually looks like a light wind is blowing around her as the ghosts try to get her attention. Newly dead seek her out instintively.
History : Kyla is a member of an rich old family who once they realized there was something different about her sent her to an insane assylum so that she would not embarass them. She was 10 when this happened. As a child, she seemed overly imaginative, contantly talking about her imaginary friends. She would repeat everything her 'friends' would tell her, resulting in many embarassments for her family such as the time that she told her father's business partner that he was "a lying, adulterous scumbag with more brains in his prick then his head" when his deceased ex wife visited during a dinner party. She was 5. She was constantly surrounded by inexplicable messes from when the ghosts got out of control early on.
Her time at the insane assylum helped her learn to ignore the ghosts in polite conversation, although she does still laugh randomly at jokes that are told to her and only her. Her time at the assylum was a hard one since her family put her there to make her disappear, it was not one that was up to standard. She was abused by most of the authority figures there and because of that is very quiet and jumpy around men. Her dark and generally troubled childhood has given her an especially soft spot for child ghosts and when one reaches her, she will do everything in her power to help them find peace.
Since she left the assylum at the age of 18, she's moved away from her family home in Savanah GA to New York City, because as she will tell you, even the ghosts aren't friendly in New York. She works as a secretary for a private detective firm and uses that to do most of her good works, slipping in anonymous tips for the location of everything from damning evidence, to the locations of bodies, to the secret hidaway of a man and his mistress. She would love to take a more active part, but without a partner, she knows she's out classed since her "telekinesis" is spotty at best, depending on ghost being around and being strong enough to act and she knows she is physically unable to protect herself although she hopes to change that.
Archnemisis : The closest she comes to an archnemisis is a Voodoo priest named Malikahl. She found him sacrificing children in NY a few years back and has been trying to stop him ever since. Most recently she has felt him raise a zombie and has been trying to figure out how to put the soul to rest. Everytime she comes close to catching him, he slips through the polices grasp.
That's about all I have right now, I hope it helps!