The Plan

Boy meets girl, boy marries girl, girl cheats on boy...with identical twin sister...who is also into men and threesomes...but boy chooses instead to go on a Rip-Roaring Rampage of Revenge against both his unfaithful wife and her equally hot, bisexual twin sister, leaving both of them destitute and widely recognized for the gorgeous, promiscuous women they are?

Am I doing this right?
Okay, but why does every woman written about on here have to be gorgeous? How about some ordinary-looking women? As Ellen Resnick, age forty-one, an adjunct professor at a university describes herself:

"I'm about five-foot-five with a brush-cut for my dark brown hair and I have dark-rimmed glasses. Maybe I was a bit "round" in my youth rather than being truly slender, and now a little later-year sag had overtaken my body. So I doubt many of my various male students over the years ever had jerk-off sessions imagining me, Ms. Resnick, bouncing on their cocks."

"I admit it would have been pleasing if a few had fantasized that but of course, how would I ever know? Maybe I could tell by the way they looked at me. Probably at Hofstra, the younger and svelter Ms. Silverstein got much more such attention than I ever did."

She is actually pretty hot even though she doesn't look like it. Thanks to @StillStunned for the "snippet" idea.
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Something else to consider getting more views is with your choice of title and descriptions. These are the only things which your story has different from all others when a reader sees the list of stories.

When your story appears on the "New" list and in the latest 25 stories in the category, look at your title & description and ask yourself "Does it GRAB my attention?" And even if the reader is searching for a specific tag, your story comes up in a list. What makes YOURS the one they decide to click on?

For example, among your older work, does "The Diary" with "Jane summons her desire." tell me enough about the story entice me to click on it and find out more?

I'd suggest before publishing a story to look at the selected category page and the most used tags for that category. Then select longer titles to make best use of those title word limits and the length of the description to SUGGEST the most sought-after tags for your story. For the Non-human category, a more eye-catching title might be "The Diary - Jane's Secrets", with "Werewolves or aliens, the Diary knows!" Or give them a hint of the content such as "Werewolves? Not everyone's cup of tea."

So, to attract more views, you must make your title and description shout "THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR!" Don't be subtle with the title. Shout it into their face.

My most viewed story was in Loving Wives, where they hate cheating wives. The title is "What Were You Thinking?" "Husband discovers his wife’s deception." Now THAT grabbed their attention for over 113K views!
Great points! Titles and descriptions are your first (and sometimes only) shot at grabbing a reader’s attention. Being subtle might work in the story itself, but not here you’ve got to be bold and clear. Think of it like a movie trailer: you want to tease just enough to hook them without giving everything away. And yeah, aligning with popular tags and categories can really help visibility. Shout it loud and proud!