OCC Nobilis

SwampThing said:
Hey I'm really happy some more people got interested in this.

Polite, I just skipped Andy's transformation scene, since it would have been a lot like Sera's, and had him use his new Power to turn into a duck. Can he do that? Nobles can do pretty much anything if it fits their Estate, right? Should it take him a while to figure out how? He could be stuck that way for a while or something.

I plan on Andy being pretty silly, especially if there's going to be heavy-hearted Poetry hanging around. Sort of the Delirium to your Dream. If the tone of my post goes against what you're trying to create here, I'm more than happy to change it.

Working magic and miracles is something that will be covered at Orli's Feast, which I am working on writing now and will post when everyone is gathered.

Andy turning himself into a duck was something of an annomoly, and will surprize and delight Orli (as it did me) but no, you can't zip to Spain unless you have an Anchor there. (Which will also be covered in the Feast Speech).

*waves her fairy wand* I hereby grant you the power to be silly and do slightly unexspected things because Play, being a little boy, was never told it wasn't possiable NOT to! (within reason, of course)
Jacobo_Curious said:
So, a "Chancel" is a place, then? Or an organization, sort of? Or both?

By the way, how many of us are there? Us Powers? Are we common? Just out of curiosity.

A Chancel is a place of Power which requires organization. It was built out the blood of 100 human sacrifices and a part of the Body of our Regina Orli. It will be attacked by our enemies and require us to maintain it's strength.

We must protect it with our very lives, if need be. It is her doorway between the Procaic Earth and the Spirit World and ours also. When we step out of the Maze will will discover that our beatiful Chancel is actually located in a very narrow weedy lot between a office building and a McDonalds. Very nearly an ally, full of broken glass and other trash.

The number of Powers vary, because they don't always survive. When one dies without returning it's power to it's creator or passing it on to another, that thing dies in the world. And often people don't even notice.

For example; if AW keeps Justice I will say that the old Justice was aliling or bound in someway from acting which was why Justice was fadeing from the world.

If you are killed without any warning, the thing you represent dies in the world until one of the gods recreates it again.

If Play dies there will be a million-million children who will lose intrest in toys and hotsotch and such until Play is recreated. They will park in front of comptuers, join gangs, committ crimes, turn to food, slip into depression....but they won't play.
JC, I like your PC.

Just remember in her thrist for her inner fire (I want things to be just right, damit!) she may actually be working AGAINST other peoples!

"Aw, Cheer up" "No, I want to be depressed" "It can't be that bad!" "Will you go away? I"m a depressed poet for goddess' sake!"

Also, another thought, she might try to realign people. If they have too much happiness she might add some darkness to their lives, or light if their lives are too dark.

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it...Temperence might not be such a good choice......

If your in love with it, convince me.....And remember Orli's words: I Charge Thee, My Nobles, To Protect This Place And To Go Out Into The World And Fan The Light Hidden Within The Breasts Of Humanity, For Good Or Ill. Unleash The Talents, Light and Dark, The Flames That Consume And Inspire, That Lift Them To The Heights And Show Them The Realms Of Possiablity!
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I'm sorry if anyone is disappointed in what I said about your PC's, and hope you will forgive me and work with me to get this going.

I've got a long post in the works called "Orli's Feast" in which she comes and dines with you all at the Chancle and explains the world, how it REALLY works, who your enemies are and what she exsepcts of you and how you can accomoplish her goals (as well as you own).

I'm even doing it Word so the spelling will be correct! ;)

So, hurry back ya'all, so we can get this swingding on the road!
i'm looking up websites for this game so I can get more info (dang book ain't out yet, plus it's 50 bucks on Amazon)

I'll stew on your input today & change things tonight PS
It was 42 when I bought it here in Alaska. But there is a cheaper compainion book, I'll look up the title when I get home tonight, I've got like three min to scoot out of here for work.

Your best bet might be to look for a used copy, however. I'm sure there are people who bought it and then when "Wha...?"

There are some good used books sites on the web too, and via them you might be able to find a copy for under 30.
PoliteSuccubus said:

Also, another thought, she might try to realign people. If they have too much happiness she might add some darkness to their lives, or light if their lives are too dark.

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it...Temperence might not be such a good choice......

If your in love with it, convince me.....And remember Orli's words: I Charge Thee, My Nobles, To Protect This Place And To Go Out Into The World And Fan The Light Hidden Within The Breasts Of Humanity, For Good Or Ill. Unleash The Talents, Light and Dark, The Flames That Consume And Inspire, That Lift Them To The Heights And Show Them The Realms Of Possiablity!

I think I understand what you're saying, but is there anything wrong with wanting to realign people? I mean, Rena is shy and respectful, so she probably won't affront people, but she will try to make sad people happy and make blindly happy people more aware of the problems in the world so they can advance emotionally. She's patient, though, and doesn't throw things in people's faces, usually.

"Unleash the Talents, Light and Dark, The Flames That Consume And Inspire, That Life Them To The Heights And Show Them The Realms Of Possibility!" That's what Rena is doing, right? She's creating both light and darkness within people to bring them to their highest potential... not in one particular area, but in simply their general maturity towards things. She would get along with everyone, but she probably wouldn't think that anyone had the right perspective -- neither Play nor Poetry.

Perhaps arrogance on her part, due to too much introversion... which will create an interesting side to her character, I think. :)

If you don't agree though, I'll be happy to change her... as soon as I can think of some other ideas.

If you like her now, though, then I'll post in the main thread.
Just so you all don't think I"m ignoreing JC, we PMed about it.

Such a sweetie. She didn't even hate me!
I'm just waiting for my time to strike. RAaaragh!


Gimme bit a bit to think up a different idea. I might end up with a different character... but hopefully I'll be able to keep Rena at least somewhat like she is.
I'm going to be posting a major scene later today, and it will introduce some concepts and stuff for the game play in general.

I hope you enjoy it :)
Crap. I guess I won't have my character in time for that. But I suppose we can pretend she was debriefed seperately. ^_^
Well, wasn't that break fun.

and now, back to your regularly scheduled program, except I have some things planned for today.

don't worry JC, I'm waiting to post the feast for when you arrive.

This is something else.
Prosaic Earth

The Earth on which we play is not exactly the same as the one we live on, ourselves. Some of the changes are slight, and some major.

There are magics humans can use unrelated to Noble miracles, and the philosophies of Heaven and Hell have shaped the crises that humanity remembers, and Lord Entropy and the Four guide and shape many of the conditions that pertain today.

Magic is real

Magic applies the strength of the soul to a situation (in contrast to the strength of the body in technical ones). Its practitioners can communicate with spirits, banish demonds and so forth, but it's use drains the magician. The Miracles and magic of the Nobles is innately superior. Quite simply a purely human soul cannot use such magics reliably, frequently, or to it's fullest extent. (I will introduce the Cleave later).

Evil is real

The Cammorae consider themselves abvoe every law but their own. Demonic beings and their associates glut themselves daily on human suffering. The Dark will destory life if it can. All of these are banes to human socity.

Justice has failed

In a world full of phastly deeds the people cry out for vengeance. The essential statement of our laws is that one is innocent unitl proven guilty....but on Prosaic Earth it is one is guilty until proven innocent. In some places even this is only heresay, and a man is tried (if at all) after his excution.

Police are the enemy

The delicate knife of power is balanced in each cop's hands: the power to reslove every issue that comes up. To the citizenry the police are the only buffer against teh visceral evils loose in the world. As long as a police officer answers that need, he has extremely broad leeway of action. However, the knife of power can cut them if they take it too far.

There are new wonders

The Powers of Heaven have not been idle while Hell has played. There are places that they have created called Refuges, each a place of perfect beauty, utter peace, and sparking air. Mortal artists and Sovereigns have labored mightlily to decorate the Refuges until each is as glorious as a diamond...

Governments are pawns

Few Powers seek high-level secular influence, and with good reason. The goverments of Earth are riddled with Cammora members, men under Lord Entropy's direct control, and even some of the subtler Excrucian-shards. True, a Power can get away generally with corssing the Cammora, and the Nobles should be deposing of Excrucian-shards when possiable....

But the concidences and proofs must be carefully weighed.

There is more War, there is more Faith

There is more occult power wandering around in the world of Nobilis than in our own. Faith is easier when when has felt the power of a miracle passing by. It also becomes easier for nations to ally themselves with Heaven or Hell. Thus wars are consent, and civil wars when those driven within a country struggle against the alliance are very common.

Miracles live in every flower

Flowers have enchantment bound within them and even a mortal can release it. Herbalists know this, as well do some religious orders. Botanists know this, but their science has been marginalized. Even the people know this, but choose or are helped to forget or pass by this knowlege.

So, in the end, we have a world very much like our own, but with less middle ground. The highs are very high and visable to everyone who looks, the lows are very low, and anyone can fall to them. The powers that shape and bind human destiny aren't hidden in the murk of ages, or in courtrooms passing laws no one can understand, but walk beside them and can be felt, befriended, hated, feared.
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Polite, if you're still waiting for me, don't. I'll post my character later, when I have less on my plate.
I'm not waiting for you, my comptuer doesn't seem to want me to be on this site any longer. Im trying to correct the problem.
And English is my first language.

Sorry folks, you lost me. Seems all the pair of you need is a couple of batteries for a torch and a dark basement and you'd both be happy.

Anyway, enjoy what you're doing, at least I took the time and trouble to try and work it out.

sigh!! back to work........

"I tore the silken blouse from her breasts revealing....."
Funny you should post this, Z, Swampy and I were discussing it just last night how trying to run a book game isn't very easy when no one else has the books.

We've desided to shut it down and try again, simlar concept....no books, flow as we go sorta thing.

For an excellent example see Swamp Thing's "Loa Blood" thread.