OCC: Stephen King's "The Stand"

I've never participated in a roleplay before, but as this is a fairly new thread, and I am familiar with the Stand (and Flagg's wandering toward the Dark Tower) I'll try jumping on board. While I flesh out my character, Vix, I would like to be the one to deliver your package?
Name: Dale Runyon
Female, 29
Pre Super Flu - Dale was located in middle Tennessee, in the town of Clarksville, which is near the Fort Campbell Army Base and a little less than an hour from Nashville. She was a single mother. Her son's father was an officer with a family of his own and had since been rotated to another base. She worked in the adminstration of the hospital on the base and did some freelance photography.

During the SUper Flu - When the military realized what had happened with the virus, they had released it on all the bases. Her son had picked it up and died, but she had not. When she returned to the hospital, she had found what all the bases looked like. She couldn't help but hope her son's father and his precious family had met the same fate. She made her way West on an ATV. The only thing that kept her alive was anger and losing her son, the only thing of value she had.

Post Super Flu - Dale knew that Freemantle's people were gathering in Boulder and Flagg's in Vegas, but she hadn't made her decision where she would go until she had to chose the road. She'd ended up in Vegas. She was too angry for Boulder. She didn't particularly care for the drugs that floated down the strip in Flagg's Vegas, but she worked quietly. They put her skills in organization to use. Her ability in photography also proved beneficial. Flagg's honcho's had her rigging security equipment in every corner.

Post Bomb - She had been surprised when she had been pulled off her duty in the control room. She'd been handed a box and a map and told to deliver the package to Ice in Southern California. She'd been well away from Vegas when the bomb blew.
Sadly, I won't be able to post too frequently over the next few weeks-months.
We've sent a a large group from the hospital I work with to Indonesia to help out there, leaving us at bare minimal staffing, working 2 on 2 off shifts by ourselves.
So, won't be able to keep up with more then a couple of threads and this as the newest of the threads I'm in, will have to move to the back burner until the rest of the deployment group gets back and my unit is back to normal staffing.
I'm terribly sorry for any pain or bemiffment this causes but there's truely little I can do about it.
Hi. I love the post-apocaliptic kind of rpg setting.

I want to join if you wont mind a more "one action-wait for other player reaction" kind of post.
I prefer whenever possible to receive environment reactions from someone elses post.

I also have limited knowledge of specifics in the story and of america geology.

Anyway if you like here is a charater:
Gordon Kosh
40 year old male
Dark hair, brown eyes, goat beard, tall and muscular
American father, german mother
No living familly before the flu
Divorced no children

Been working for the past 2 years in a dig site in the salt lake region. The project regarded ancient civiizations (Ill describe more later if it fits rpg) .
While everyone went home when the flu started he remained at the site working and listened to world events unfold through the radio and TV.
He found an abandonned village nearby before the end and remained there till resources ended shortly after Flagg fell.
He still doesnt know if he has immunitty to the Flu or not but has to leave to find supplies.

I know the background has some timimg issues but if you have any ideas I would love to hear them.

Tell me when I can post.

I waited 4 days with no reply so I went ahead and posted my IC introdution.
Is this thread dead? raise your hands if you are dead :)
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Where is everyone?
Besides belle, ppl just posted once or twice them disapeared.

The Ice character is especially needed since is starting to get really weird moving around the entrance to a heavilly defended and surveilled compound without Ice's intervention.

At least who is not intersted in continuing the RP should post a reply saying so. That way we can turn them into NPC's or finish them off quickly.
"Ice" posted sometime ago that she was not going to be able to continue posting. I thought I would continue to treat her as a character, but when I couldn't get into the compound, take off with the mysterious package. Anyway, just so you know, I do have a plan to eventually get away from the front of the entrance.

I've wandered what's happened to everyone as well.
All right, I'm out. Obviously everyone else is, too, and a story like this isn't too interesting with only two people.