OCC: Stephen King's "The Stand"

Don't worry bout it. Tis okay to post early, LOL.

I'll hop in tommorow eve, when I can write an opening worth reading (tired tonight)
It's the Xmas thing, they've got me thinking I've got to get everything done early to get there on time! :(
Great Post VIX!


I've got my next post all in my head, but am waiting for others to join.

See, I can curb my impatence! :devil:
ok, here is my contribution:

Name: Jacob Wolfe

Physical Description: White male, 36 years old. 6'2", 220 lbs. Athletic physical condition, usually dresses in jeans & a flannel shirt.

Background: Jacob joined the Army at 18, right out of High School. He did 12 years in the Army, most of it as a Ranger. He left after the death of his wife and daughter due to a auto accident, which caused him to go slightly loony. He has spent the last 6 years in the moutains near Las Vegas. The coming of the Superflu and the rise and fall of Flag mostly passed him by, but the blast of the nuke leveling Las Vegas shocked him back into taking a intrest in the world. He is now determined to go to the place he has been dreaming about, and is preparing to leave after the snows melt.
( for the record, he's been dreaming about Boulder)

PS: yea, it's brief, but i'll flesh him out more as I write.
Sounds good and welcome aboard...Just remember, he'd have to been dodgeing Flaggs guys for a while, and now they're running scared as well as Boulder will be wary of anyone coming from the West.....
*blonde roots moment*
Okay, so the story goal is to have people meet up/crash into eachother in CO?
The story goal is how people make it in this changed world, esp now that the little war of good and evil is over.

It'd be more than likely that Ice's goal would be to punish the people in Boulder.

Boulder is the focal point, but in the book a lot of people were desideing to leave there, like main charater Fran, to go back home. Just as many were still coming in to try to find order, and hot running water.
I was waiting for other people. Thought more joined than just us three.
SOME one said they were, but it never happened. I'll post as soon as I finish my paper for class, should be today or tomorrow, very latest.
Are you using the setting of the Stand from the perspective of the Dark Tower series? As in, is the Flaag of your "The Stand" the same immortal Flaag that hops between In-World, Out-World, Mid-World, and End-World harrying the gunslinger Roland and his Ka-Tet? Is there the possibility of Roland and his crew stumbling into the scene or of the wandering Father Calahan from "Salem's Lot" popping up?

Well, as of this moment, the thread is stalled and may die. Flagg was just blown up like, a day ago, game time, so hasn't washed up on far shores yet.
Y'know, I absolutely loved The Stand, and the idea of finishing the unwritten parts of King's story fills my pants with giddiness. D'you think you could use another RP'er? Y'know, if the thread isn't dead by the time I post this?
Sure, let's see what you got, happy pants boy!

Currently Ice is holed up in her lair, Ruby is making her way across the mountains, and Pooh's PC is headed southish. AB never posted, tho he had a PC.

Hmm...tantamount to determining location is the creation of a character. The character's motives and background will show where he would wind up in the post-apocalyptic world of The Stand.

I'll try to bang something out. Should have a char up pretty quick.

Damn, I just realized what time it is. I missed RAW again!

....anyways, lemme just catch up on you guys and I'll write my character.
Name: Nelson "Strider" Winchester
Age: 23
Build: Tall and Stocky

He had lived in Texas most of his life. His family was strictly suburban. Mom, Dad, Brother, and Sister. Picturesque home in a gated community. Gril-next-door. The American Dream. He was a straight-A student and fullback for the school football team (Go Rangers!) until his junior year. That was the year his younger sister was raped and murdered. The sadistic fuck who committed the atrocity left her mutilated carcass on their front step, right next to the morning paper.

After that, nothing mattered. It didn't matter that the murderer was caught. It didn't matter that Nelson sat and watched as the state doctors administered his leathal injection. It didn't matter that his mother became addicted to prozac, or that his father left town. He was just numb.

One day he left. No ceremony, no real reason. He just didn't see any reason to stay in a world of lies, where he was promised he would always be safe. His happy ending had been stolen.

For five years he wandered. Sometimes he'd fall in with a crowd of anarchists or nihilists for a while, but he never stayed. Their lifestyles were lies too. He drank, he partied, he fucked, he smoked, he stole. If there was anything he wanted, he took it. If anyone gave him shit, he fought. It was a simple life, a life devoid of aspirations and dreams, but it was all he could handle.

When Captain Trips hit the fan and everyone around him dropped dead he didn't bat an eye. Death didn't bother him any more than taking a piss on a bush bothered him. He didn't stop to ask why. He just kept going about his simple life, taking and taking.

Lately, though, he'd grown restless. He was tired of being alone. After over half a decade of being a square peg, he wanted a place to belong.

(sorry about the length and the....rawness of the post. The momentum carried me, and I'm in a bit of a rush. I'll try to post again when I get back.)
No worries, the story thread is below us somewhere, I was the last one posted, or you can do a search on my name.

"Tall and Stocky" I know JUST what that means, since I come from a family of German Viking types!
Name: Gordon Sawer
Age: 40
Build: Average height and slim

He could only sit and watch as his family lost the battle to the fucking Captain. All he could think of was the Magical Mystery Tour and waiting for his turn. When his turn never came, he was'nt thankful. The world had just changed and the with the dreams he was sure he was crazy as a bedbug.
After he buried his family, he felt like digging one for himself. His whole life was spent here in Vermont and it would take more than some fucked up dreams to make him leave. He did not know how or why but he knew what was going on out in the world. The Old one was dead and the Walking Dude had jumped ship like he always did.
He had been living in these mountains for a long time, maybe it was time to move on. Somewhere he had things to do, he was'nt sure what it was but he felt compelled to leave. He had heard others making their way through Vermont, He knew most of them were good people. This was something he could feel though he did not know why. He also knew he was'nt ready to join them, not yet.
They whole time he thinking these thoughts he had been packing without even thinking about it. Knowing it was time to go and maybe never to return. Yes the world had moved on but it was still moving.

p.s. I am a virgin at this, but I love the story and dont want it get the plague.
p.s. I am a virgin at this, but I love the story and dont want it get the plague.

Lol, thanks!

Start any time, you can even be the guy in the RV at the bridge if you like, just takeing a break before crossing the mountains.

I can edit that post so that your not a big bald guy pissing in the fire....:rolleyes:
Hey guys, got unexpectedly seperated from my comp for a few days (read: hard drive implosion). I'll be posting pretty quick.