OCC: The Grey and Black Wars

if you are light on theives, then i would be more than delighted to be inserted into their ranks.

i have a couple questions on the setting however, if you feel you would indulge them.

first off, what's the racial diversity of the city? this is actually excessivly important in my choosing a race. (i will not pick elves or half-elves, it seems we have enough pointy ears already) my question is to mean, does the city in your setting reside in human lands, with a mostly human population, but enough of the rest to warrent any race for a charecter, or is the city in say... orc territory, and thus 9/10 folk are greenskined?

also, i'm not sure if i want my charecter to be already in the guild, or join them, but i will NOT but opening my charecter in a "guild/theifly" manner, i mean for the beginning post.

one last thing and i think this is important for all players, PLEASE no superhero bullshit. i'm not accusing, or anything like that, but the absolute worst thing i can see happening here, is say... an assasin shadowing someone or an evening quite experty (obviously judged by how you write it, not simply because you're "stealthy") only to have a theif duck at the last moment, throw sand in the guys eyes, and book it away.

similarly, it would upset me to see a theif break into an assasins place, go into their cellar or whatever and pocket their prized dagger only to turn around and have the owner standing on the stairs shaking his finger.

all's i'm saying, is make it real, or the fantasy means nothing.

just a request to make a great game. *thumbs up*
But of course my dear cats, but make her a guild member before guard member,or they'd never had let her in.

Everyone, my name is PoliteSuccubus...I'm a spinster which means I talk the talk but don't walk the walk ;) I joined back in 2003, but I've been RPing since back in the day when D&D came in a little red box. I have my own forums for RPing that I don't advertise here as it would be against the rules and I am an admin of a Firefly based RP as well.

I write, so I hope to make it fun and intresting for you and hope you do the same for me. But, I can't spell, so don't make fun of me or I'll make really, really intresting for you. :devil:

And since this is a war....not all of you will make it out alive. :rolleyes:
Racial make up of the city is:

Human 65%, Elf and half elf 17, Dwarf 8, Halfling 3, Half-Orc 3, other 4

By other I mean gnomes, pixies, etc that you don't see much, not to mention some surprizes I may pull out of my hat .....

Waterdeep is in human lands per say, but it is a major trading hub, which means everyone comes from everywhere to try to sell their goods to everyone else. There are practically no houses in the Merchants Quarter but it is chock full of flop house, hostels, inns and brothels to cater to the very fluxing merchants who flow in and out of the city like water flows thru a net.

Your PC doesn't have to join a guild to be caught up in the events, but they both will be recuriting to help shore up from the losses they'll be having.
Markus Ambesticot

Name: Markus Ambesticot
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Hair: a little past shoulder length, and brown. also has close cropped facial hair
Eyes: dark brown
Height: 6'0
Weight: 180 lbs, well muscled, but not noticibly so.
Occupation: Merchant, or so it would appear. (will be joining theives guild, but will not start out as a member)

Appearance: usually wears his hair tied back into a ponytail, because without it he runs the risk of it going wild and making him look like a hobo. wears dark blues and blacks, tunics and the usual attire (medieval clothing already offers more than enough opportunities for concealment, so really there's no need for anything special, yet.) but on the hot summer days will wear pretty much whatever doesn't make him sweat like a beast.

Weaponry: again, he runs a merchant shop, so there is a variety of options available, however as walking down the street with a claymore clicking against your back, or a longsword dragging it's tip along the ground might attract unwanted attention from say, the guards, he generally just hooks a dagger in his inner-belt, though due to the nature of clothing, he may have other pieces strapped to his skin.


Backstory: Markus had a normal and happy childhood, or as normal as growing up in waterdeep can be. his father and mother ran a Merchant shop in the district and would trade in whatever they believed to be valuable or interesting rather than specializing in a certain set of items.

growing into a teenager, Markus had been somewhat depressed by how average he looked. he was only a little bit taller than the average person, except for of course the orcs, and half-orcs, who pretty much dwarfed everyone. and his size, hair, colouring, no matter what he did to them, he always just seemed to be one of many, blanding into the crowd without even trying to. This aggrivated him to no end, untill he realized that he could get into taverns and bloody sporting events far before he should have been able to, simplyu because no one notived him in the throng of people.

when Markus was 21, he woke during the night to the sound of the door at the end of the hall being kicked open. He snuck out of his bed and looked down to see three dark figures pulling weapons out of their cloaks. Markus fought with himself as to whether to run down and try to stop what was undoubtedly happening, but before he could, his father jumped up from bed and charged them, immediatly taking a club to the face. Markus slumped to the floor wide-eyed as his speechless mother was then stabbed through the abdomen, and his father finished off.

Markus quickly pulled away from the door as he noticed the men turn to come back the way they came. he padded over to a cubbord and climbed in, closing it soundlessly seconds before he heard soft leather on his floorboards. He heard his bed being lifted, and then the footsteps faded. Only one had come into his room, a young man, barely not a boy wasn't worth their time apparenty.

Markus raced to his parents room as soon as he heard the downstairs front door to the shop click shut and found her alive. picking her up and carrying her to the nearest guard he could find, she quickly recieved help, and barely made it through. The next day he returned to his parents shop and found one of the other neighbours inside, and after some fistwork discovered that the man had hired these men to kill his family, so that he could buy up the vacant deed.

The man was arrested, and his mother signed over the shop to Markus, but never set a foot inside it, and rarely ever spoke to Markus again. The place was a death trap she was sure, and to stay there was to already loose her son. She moved into a small cottage down by the waterfront, where the busstle of the merchants district was far and unheard. Other than her, Markus's family consisted of one gradfather, and a few cousins he barely knew. his Grandfather always seemed strange though.

Markus had never figured out whether those men were from the highly speculative "assasins guild" or not, or whether it even existed, but Markus gained a hatred for those kind of murderers, as well as heavy complex, and traped locks for his doors and windows.
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i await approval of the charecter, as i'd make alterations before posting in the IC thread.
I love your history, and it all looks good to me...

Tho you might want to change this line:

The man was arrested, and his mother signed over the shop to him


The man was arrested, and his mother signed over the shop to Markus

Otherwise it seems as if Mother really didn't like dad and sold the shop to the murderer
hmm that IS a tad ambiguous. edited. alright, thanks polite, i will be joining the world shortly i believe.

and cats, like i said in the post, not knowing the backstory isn't going to kill you. there might be one or two developments in the story on my end that would be a little less confusing by knowing it, but in the end it's pretty self explanitory.

this isn't me telling you now to read it though, i just realize it's probably almost a damn page long!
The truth is had you not posted a disclaimer I probably would of read it. But I'll look at it this way. I can't act on metagame knowledge until I read it.
hmm well there would be a little bit of info you could glean from it, and some history you could insert into the game. i've added an "old contract" that the assasins guild "might" have had, and i've added a charecter which i "might" be inserting as an existing member of the theives guild.

here, look at it this way, if it DOES intrique you, and polites response tempts you, and you were going to do it anyway unless i had posted the disclaimer, then take the 2 minutes and read it lol
I was exspecting more intro's into the thread and it just hasn't happened. So, before I post again, I'd like to know...

Who's staying in?

Name: Selene Campo

Race: Halfling

Sex: female

Age: 20

Hair: It's long, center of her back, a mixture of gray, black, and brown. Very soft.

Eyes: honey, light amber, almost yellow

Height: 5'5

Weight: 150lbs, not overly muscular but is quite toned.

Occupation: member of the theives guild, not very high on the totem poll but not a fledgling. She's paid her dues and now works freelance through the guild.

Appearance: Her hair is normally down but when she's shooting she normally ties it back. Her ears and tail are her most distinct characteristics and are very noticeable to others. Her ears have several piercings on them and that falls over to her wolf form as well.

Weaponry: She carries daggers tucked into her boots, under her skirt, and there's one on her chest plate. She usually has her bow and arrows on her but if she's on a job they're usually left at home.

OOC: Let me know if you want something changed.
That's what I was wondering...lol. I kept coming back to check and no one else had written any repsonses or intros....

Nice Ult!....cute pic too!
Sorry about not posting sooner, I have remedied the situation though.

I hope the thread hasn't died as I would love to see how it goes.
Nothing much to reply to, which in honesty I am fine with. The less temptation to post on lit I have the more time I spend on my school work. I'm quickly becomeing paraniod about it sense I only have weeks left.
i'm still in, no worries here Polite. i'm just having computer troubles right now, writing on a temporary laptop at the moment. either i just need to clear the bios, or my motherboard is fried.... ugh.

but i am DEFFINATLY still in.
Thanks guys, I was like "le sigh, eet is dead." in a fake French accent. They do pathos so well...

Ok, I'm off to post responses where needed and maybe some plot thickeners and an odd bit....

Cats, my dear fuzzy cute friend, focus on school. Nobody likes a stressed cats! :catroar:
computer is fixed, i just needed to flash the Bios and CMOS.

I had something planned for the guards at the inn but since you posted all their actions I'm deadlocked for what was going to happen...

PoliteSuccubus said:

I had something planned for the guards at the inn but since you posted all their actions I'm deadlocked for what was going to happen...


sorry... I wish you would have pm'd me... I wouldn't have pushed it too far...