One thing you’d do if you were the opposite gender?

Act like an imbecile when out drinking & peeing wherever I pleased :LOL:
I'd spend a lot of time playing with my boobs. Boobs are fun, it'd be interesting to see what it feels like to have them
Yes, yes it would be

I’d find out what it was like to have no sex toys and only one type of orgasm
(OK imma getting mean now…sorry)
Hey, we have a couple different types of things to put our dicks in! So what if they're basically all the same?

On that note, trying out a bunch of different sex toys would also be interesting. Figuring out what different sizes and textures felt like, what different sensations came from stimulating different parts of my new anatomy, etc.
After a lot of thought I would like to give birth, bringing a new life into the world would be awesome.
I would like to find out why roughly half of the women, in our area that is, wear bra's that don't actually seem to fit them.