OOC: An LKH-style Vamp Thread "The Rose's Kiss"

Wow, this has gotten more attention then it did initially.

Wouldn't mind co-DM'ing this thread but its too much for me to pull off alone right now. Working crazy hours and such, not conductive to such things.

Still, can forward my notes to anyone who wants them.
Vixandra said:
Wow, this has gotten more attention then it did initially.

I've only just started the first book -- love it so far. But if it takes a little more time for this to really take off, I know at least that I won't mind having the time to prepare a bit. :cathappy:


Have already finished Guilty Pleasures, The Laughing Corpse, and Circus of the Damned plus a bit of The Lunatic Cafe; any time someone with the right ORC experience can persuade Vixandra to pass on her notes and get moving, please count me in!
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The Dreamer Awakens.

Good Evening All,

I'm back from my self-enforced sabatical. *bows* I'm ready to jump right back into the story arena. I'd be willing to take up the reings with some assistance if Vixandra has the time and inclination.

The Dreamer, at your service.
ACursedDreamer said:
Good Evening All,

I'm back from my self-enforced sabatical. *bows* I'm ready to jump right back into the story arena. I'd be willing to take up the reings with some assistance if Vixandra has the time and inclination.

The Dreamer, at your service.

I can help guide a bit, would be playing the roll of Verdandi Darlington, if that's okay. More sidelines then main character. Available for questsions and the like.

I say sidelines because my main days off are Wed/Thurs so I probably won't be able to post more often then that.
Well in all honesty I am figuring at most I might be able to make one or two posts a day. In a week I expect to be working, alot. A full time job and a part time job. So I'm gonna have a lot on my plate. I'd still like to give this a try and honestly, as long as anyone who wants to play is okay with this set up, then I have no problem giving it a try. I think with the two of us working this thing, it might work.. so I guess now it's up to those who've expressed interest in playing.

Honestly all I'm really looking for from the potential players is a yes or no to whether or not they want to give this a try.

Well, then, lets start with Character Specs from all who are interested. Once I've got a few of those up ACD and I can put up the IC thread, "The Rose's Kiss"
Well, i'm still interested. Just a couple of questions before i post a character. Do lycanthropes have an extended lifespan, or is it just vampires? And do all of the lycanthropes belong to a pack or can they be individuals?
Lycanthropes have normal life spans ...

BUT if they are part of a Trimate ... Vampire, Human Servant & Lycanthrope ...
(or what ever it is called cos I can't remember)

They live as long as the other two in the bond are alive ...

Very rarely you will have a lone Lycanthrope ... They usually have a pack hierarchy ...

Anyone can correct me if I am wrong ... I don't have any of the books at my disposal ... Most of them got roach crapped or bug eaten, so I had to throw them out ... I have not replaced all of them yet ...
You're correct, Arc-sama.

Were critters have normal life spans unless joined in a highly invasive bonding with both a powerful human and a Master Vampire (no cases like what Anita ends up with in Incubus Dreams, that's just tooooo weird for a thread like this).

Powerful humans include necromancers, priest/priestesses of whatever faith with magic talent; tele-insert abilitiy here like -kenitics, -pathics or -pyrokinetics. That kind of stuff.

Generally powers run along a common theme- if the Master vamp has mostly sexual/sensual based powers, most of the triumverate-learned powers will be of similar nature.

On the lyc side- takes a Master Lycanthrope to form a Triumverate with. Ie- a Were Wolf Lupa or Ulfric, Leopard Nimur-ra or Nimur-raj, Bear- Ursa, so on and so forth. If you want to use an animal type not mentioned, come up with the names for its leaders. Nothing too complex, and realatively easy to type please.
Thanks for clearing that up guys. Here goes!

Name: Harland Crane aka "Three-Stripe"
Age: 34
Race: Werewolf
Human description: About 5'8, stocky build, long black hair, usually in a pony tail, tawny brown eyes. He works as a mechanic, and doing various odd jobs.
Werewolf description: Black fur, icy pale blue eyes.
In both guises, has three scars running back from behind his right eye. Hair or fur around the scars has turned white, hence the nickname. The scars are a souvenir of an internal pack fight with a younger member attempting to rise through the ranks.

Harland is something of a surly, unapproachable man. He grew up in the area, allowing him to rise to a respectable level in the pack hierarchy, becoming something of an enforcer for the pack leader. He has something of a soft spot for Verdandi, and a willingness to do anything that she desires, above and beyond what a normal pack member would do.

I hope this is ok. If there is anyhting missing, or anything that isnt right, let me know!
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hey I havent been on lit in a very long time .. but I love the LkH books.. and her new series has really got my guts going ... as for the anita blake series .. well I believe I have read until blue moon.. but I might have to reread the series .. its been a long while ..

anyway Im interested in joining ..
Ghost- nice character.

LRosez- you're always welcome :D
Toss up a character. Though if we get only Lycanthropes ACDreamer, and I to a lesser degree, may have to tweek the plot line a smidge.
Tis okay, though. would be interesting.
hmm I definately will not be playing a were creature.. I was thinking along the lines of playing a human priestess or something minor.. like a vampire thats on the move a lot so doesnt know the politics of the city yet.. I have a few characters in mind like a few from the larp I used to play .. lol.. course i dunno how good they would be they were all funny or snobby

To be honest its been a long while since reading blake.. but not too long on the larp

heres an idea I have been toying with :

Name: Jauqline Delacruex
Age- about 585 or so not quite exact
Height- 5'4"
Build- not really slender .. more of a voluptuous type (not the typical dancer)
Eyes- almond shaped maple syrup brown goes deep rich chocolate brown when emotional or using some sort of power
Hair- black with highlight of dark brown and deep red.. very natural looking wavy and slightly curly if down about a little longer than her hips .. though she will probably keep it all up in some sort of intricate french knot
Skin- sun kissed golden tanned
Bloodline: (if anyone knows larp then it would be somewhere btw Lesombra, ventrue and or toreador)
Animal to call: any type of bird .. mostly doves or swans .. her signature birds having been born in the mediterrianian area she loved the elegance of birds and the ease in which one could train them to send messages .. hence her afffinity for birds tended to carry over into her after life

Bio: Born in the after effects of the Italian renaissance Daughter of a Venitian Merchant whose line was mixed in with the Moorish clans that traded in Venice.. Has an extremely good eye for the arts as in painting, sculpture, drawing, ceramics, and of course history, dancing, singing. Having establised herself as a Tenure Proffessor at the Angel Bay University. She teaches art and History and is somewhat a very popular professor thus allowing her to choose her hours for classes, her sujects for classes vary in what ever country of origin she decides that summer. Not very well known in the communtity of the metaphyical realm.. seeing as how she tries to avoid getting tangled in politics however she has been known to help when needed in dire emergencies.. or if she feels it justifies sacrificing her well earned position that she has earned in society in the mortal world.

She lives in the historical Angel Bay area, being a well paid professor. Having lived there for quite sometime.. has made her home.. proofed for her kind of living and of course a family takes care of her home when she herself cannot. She is very protective over this family as the familyline has been with her since her turning in Europe.. now well established in the area there is no way to discern where their European descent is from..

So just an old larp character I tweaked to make fit.. what do you think? let me know..
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