OOC and Casting- Marvel

about the age thing...she is 16 now. Doom went into the future and found that her and blade has a kid. So she wouldnt be 16 when she and blade hooked up.
In the ORP age is a fine line.

First, if you want to be younger than 18, you have the right to do so, since most of these things don't deal specifically with sex.
However, if you choose to be younger than 18, you give up the right to have any sexual activities in the thread.

This may be ORP, but from time to time character's have been known to get it on.
Nothing wrong with that, so long at the thread isn't all about sex.
Like here, since we have so many potential couples running around, a sex scene or two would fit in easily.

I have a question actually, once everyone gets together, what's the plan then? Do we go after Doom, and all fight a bunch of henchmen, or is it going to be more like Terminator 2? We all run away from people who are sent out to kill us?
I hadnt thought that far ahead yet. lol What does everyone else think? We could do a giant battle, or the T2 Idea where doom tries to pick them off one at a time. Its up to whatever everyone else thinks. Ill post what doom does next after everyone writes what they think.
T2 or not to T2

I'm actually pretty intrigued by the idea of a T2 twist to things, where people who are in the those time periods and places have to band together to survive.... But thats my preference...
Thats one vote for T2, about T2 idea i would probally have doom and Jessie be the ones that come after everyone.


Big Battle-0

Ill edit it after people vote.
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Darklord, I don't think Punisher would leave his name with a local gunstore owner. lol. I could see possibly the guy who makes all his stuff for him (microchip right?) maybe having an order form with his name on it at some warehouse but Castle wouldn't just walk into a gun store. He's considered by a lot of people as a criminal himself!
Tick...whats your vote on how the story shoudld go? One big battle or a T2 idea with Doom coming to kill everyone?
um...hmmm I think a big battle in inevitable but could we pull it off with so many people writing at once? Don't think so. T2 is good but Doom himself wouldn't do it, he probably send one of those doombots or something.

I like the T2 but not with Doom himself.
I added your vote PM. If that wins then it probally will be doombots going after everyone and if everyone beats them then it would lead to a big battle.

Depends, as I said, my guy sells to everyone, no questions asked, cash and carry, thats all that counts, but yeah, I'll reset it so I'll call the warehouse microchip has me deliver stuff to, and ask them to contact you. Hows that work?
Hey tick i just PM you back about you idea. Lets have Deathbane be Punishers arms man just so we can work him in the story if thats ok with you?
you've been busy

Bout that age thing. I had no idea. It probably dosen't matter but 16 is the age of consent in Neveda. Or at least I herd that, I should probably check some time. Aperently I hit a ruff topic by mistake.

Next off I vote T2. Though we could have villans from the future come, after doom any way. Shurely if the children put that many crimanals out of a job they must have quite a few people who want them removed from the time stream.
I think that T2 is gonna be it. As for future villans, Doom is the only one who has gone into the future and knows this. But it does leave the door open if Doom is defeated for others to try.
My apologies man I didn't mean to make it like I was coming down on you I just thought it was funny. Kind of like looking him up in the yellow pages. I have a plot idea I'll Pm you in a few.
Cats~ :rose:

no problem, I was just wondering cos I have seen people post on a thread for corrections of character ages. I just wanted to be sure on that for a ORP post. I didn't want yer character to be edited or what ever the monitors do.

At the same time I learned something in the process. :D Which is a good thing.

I am cool with what the majority wants to do for the thread story. I am not too familuar with the way Doom opperates. ;)
So, since the Terminator plot structure is a consensus, what exactly hapens now? Is Doom going to sort of wait for all of us to get together before sending out whatever to take the parents down or is he just going to go for it, like he's been doing.

Oh, and do each of us get our own Terminator robot thingy, or is it just going to be a bunch of assasins after the whole lot of us. I think the group thing is nice, but more individual fighting/running, just one, two or three people might lead to some more independent and creative writing.
At least in the beginning anyway.
Pooh: Someone or something will come after you. I cant get too specific yet, sorry. Just Rp like normal, and lets say after you get back to your base something might happen.

Arc: About Doom. Doom will do anything and everything to become a ruler of the universe. This is the same guy who fought the devil for his mothers soul and won and on that date every year goes back to hell just to rub it in, so he is a nut, a genius, but a nut.
Pooh I'm having a problem, I can't delete my posts. Haven't changed an information or anything lately. I bring it up here cause I wanted to PM gengothos something and accidently posted it but can't delete it now.

Waiting to hear back from DarkLord before I post more.
Hey tick, I read it and I think that your right, so, we are going to ignore the post that the one person did as Iron Man. If he is reading this, sorry but the first like in the RP thread says if you want to join go to the OOC.
I didn't know anyone could delete their posts, before I became Moderator, I never could.
Could you do it before?
Hey, if you want, I can delete the iron man posts, as well as the two Ooc's. lol, it's a moderator thing.
Never tried to delete a post before. Please delete mine if you could, it's up to gen if he wants the others gone.
Iron Man

Did I miss that or something. I don't remember reading any iron man on there.
Ignore the Iron Man post if you saw it. If you didn't ... don't worry about it. Someone drop the gun & just posted there rather than here 1st.

Note: was speed typing at the time of this post. Didn't read before posting ... I hate when that happens
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