OOC/Casting Call:Bloodmoon Chronicles

oh, about the werewolf thing. remember, this is fantasy, so i wouldn't be opposed to a wolf using an amulet or some magic dust or whatever to control transformations.
my own character uses his flute and the runes on his arms to stop himself from transforming b/c he killed someone he knew while he was a wolf.
about the anger thing, let's just say it's an incredible hulk type deal. (just saying, real anger, not like getting pissed when a coke machine eats your dollar.It's subjective. trust your intuition)
"Arrrgh! Hulk want cola! Hulk SMASH!"

Oh? So I can use magical means to control it, huh?
I'll remember that.....
my character uses the flute hanging around his neck (notice, he's only been playing a lute so far) to invoke the spell tattooed on his forearms and stop his tranformations.

and remember, the four will travel for one more night, and the one after is a full moon
Be prepared folks. Talon's char is waiting at the next town,and getting impatient, so after someone responds to GrandMage's money demands, we're going to move things along to the second night. We'll get there during the second night, at which point one or both of the wolves may be transformed and wreaking havok.
(Bear with me plz. Remember, I'm still new to this)
Fuzzy, I think we're doing rather well, all things considered. The story's moving along well, the vamps and wolves haven't slaughtered onanother yet and we're moving to a goal- chasing the one that ran away. Though I wonder how he moved so fast that a pair of night horses couldn't catch him. Even with him traveling by daylight.
Oh well, works for the story so I'm not arguing behond that.
Kam- is there a past friendship between Melora and Alistair? It feels like it and I'm not adverse to it but I want to be sure.
Vixandra, I figured they would have at least known each other, but yeah, a friendship is cool.

That makes some things easier.
If I'm a little remiss the next week or so I do apologise. On 1 Oct I switch to night shift (does happy dance) which'll throw me and my posting times off a bit. Just a heads up so no one gets miffed then.:)
as long as you don't leave us altogether:)

So GrandMage,
I guess we could either fight to a standstill until we change back, maybe inflict some superficial wounds
You could steal my deer carcass.

However you want to play it.
I'm here...

I'm here. Just a little tired *yawns*
Wouldn't leave you entirely. Hehehe couldn't do that! :p
Where would you boys be without the Fox Girl runing amouk with you?;)