OOC: Casting Call for "Altered One's"

*Grabs the tube from Grand and bangs it over him.* Yea silly, ZOIT. You never seen the show Pinky & the Brain originally from Anamaniacs
Shotokan07 said:
*Grabs the tube from Grand and bangs it over him.* Yea silly, ZOIT. You never seen the show Pinky & the Brain originally from Anamaniacs

*slaughters you and steals your watch.*

No. I'm too busy doing things that increase my IQ. (Because Lord knows I need the help.)

Thank you for answering my question.

Unless polite wants to come in Rydia isn't going to do anything notable for the while. She walks home, thats about it.

Hey, is this thread still accepting characters? ^_^

If there isn't any room for heroes, I could play a loner. That might be fun. Playing an Ace would be cool though. Huzzah.
Alice will be arriveing tomorrow, but don't exspect them to meet on the frist day Cats. Some dramatic build up, please! ;)