OOC/Casting Call:Gods and ghosts,a war of heavenly proportions

It looks ok though I personally would have rejected every single character so far on the gorunds of not enough detail, yes even mine.
hmm maybe,though to be honest i rpefer when the beggining description is small,so that the characters can develope or have little snippets fo their past put in at the right moment
I tend to write my characters inside the RP itself. It's better to just write in in the thread than to make up some life story in the OOC. At least, in my opinion.

DT, I think it's going great, but where is this all heading? Is there going to be a war between all the gods, and we pick sides were we stand? Are your two guys just planning on usurping power, and need to be stopped? I am unsure if there's a general plot or something that needs to be done.

Other than that, I think it's a great idea, and great thread so far. You've really got something here.
yay!ty pooh!^_^
technically its pretty much whatever the individual gods want to do,but i'd also like gods to meet,form alliances,etc.
My characters missions are ones sentby "The Family",or in loose terms,Dracula and Dr. Frankenstein and all their children,havecombined instead of fighting within themselves.
the main story is that siince their is no more Creator around,whose to tell the gods o the planet what to do?they had not killed eachother for power in millenia because they were afraid they would be punished or destroyed.
I'd like to have the gods switch and move from faction to faction,betrayals,turncoats,wins,losses etc. to happen,though have afew "Pillar Gods" that are the heads of the factions.
One Was Father time,but his faction was disorganized wiht his death,another would by "The Family".
feel free to be the headnof a small Pillar or work for a bigger one you make up
Well I'm a detail whore for sign upssuffering from Block so meh but I'm from a different forum so I have Sign-ups and the topic, any OOC comes under IC posts.
DarkThoughts01 said:
hmm maybe,though to be honest i rpefer when the beggining description is small,so that the characters can develope or have little snippets fo their past put in at the right moment

I'm the same way, I could've written more but I like to develop my character within the story itself...leave some mystery to her.
I figure as long as the rest of the players get the jist of what I'm doing then we're all on the same page.

I've RP'd on forums where it is a requirement to post a lengthy character description, where you basically recount the movements and actions of your character prior to the begining of the storyline...and its cool to see how creative people can get, but it usually ends up being a waste of webspace and creative energy. *Shrugs* but to each his own.

Looking forward to your character though AF
Heh, I've been taught to hate small characters, mainly cause before the only users of it were newbies, plus the hints of mystery are like big cliches something I can NEVER stand...(pet thing though I do use them abit at times) unless it's REALLY dilberate :/

You can see a rough idea on page 1, it needs extending though.
nods*thats alright AF,whichever way you like best hwo to write^_^
to each his own an all
gah im such a bad typist,i type super fast so i typo alll the time!>.<
luckily someone posted about IeSpell on one board..though i cant rememebr whatX_X
Thread cool, me like less detail make for better story.

That way the Player dosen't know everything about those playing against him. He knows enough to get him by but can still be surprised. It would be no fun in my opinion to have everything that a character knows and does out in the open. Think of it this way, what fun would reading a book be if every little detail of the main characters life was given to you before the story even started? With no chance for the main character to suprise the reader with something they didn't know in his past, personally I think that would lead to some very one dimensional reading.
I belive that a breif history and an explanation of abilities and weapons is all one needs. Let the story develop the character.

And talking about the story, so far I like the seperate nature we all have. Think about it if we were are characters would we really be in the "Norm" groups of society? Probably not, we would consider ourselves outcasts and think we were shunned by society, scared for what others might do if they found out. I also like how we are kind of all together as well. Our characters each share a common bond and I am glad that others are picking up on this small trait. I truly belive that this will be a very interesteing and fun story.
*bows respectivly to Rone*thank you for explaining it sooo well
*bows again*Very well written,and inspiration:)
So here is my character, hope y'all like er...

her name is: Krysta
her age: about twenty one (She hasnt had her first death to make her immortal yet)
eyes: they are an exotic upturned almond shaped the color is a slight green mixed with yellow, like the newly sprig of a plant
Hair : The color of a deep red so it looks brown until the sun hits it .. thats when its a firey red color.
height: she is about 5'4
weight: about 130 lbs. The curves of her body make up for the slight height .. after all her mother was the goddess of love and fertility...

Her abilities: she can heal a would, not bring back to life, but help it along the way and of course her voice.. which calls to people, anyone that hears her voice when she sings, instantly finds her irresistable(another quirk compliments of the goddess of love). her one secret ability one is one she doesnt know exists even: Is that she is able to grant a person's wish .. one wish.. nothing more nothing less.. she can only do that if it does not change the course of the world or try to conquer it.. only has something to do with the person who wishes it.. for example if someone wanted to be more beautiful .. if krysta wished beauty for that person then it would come true.. . but she wouldnt know that it was her wish that made it happen.

Krysta was born and raised in Ireland the first five years under the hill with the fairie folk, then when she was too big st wandered into a village in the outskirts of Killarney. She is a very friendly person, still innoccent in the cruel realities of the world. she keeps to herself tending her herb gardens and any wounded or sick that come her way. she sometimes sings at the pub in killarney called Danny boy.

The one thing that ever causes her to leave her precious home, are rumors of her mother.. When her fairie friends bring her news of her mother.. her one wish is to meet her mother.
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Pokes dark in the eye, watches him cry and laughs, see that's what you get :p
*cries and sits forlornly in my lil corner,one eye all poked out and looking all lonely and pitiful

Waltzes in and fixes DT's eye. There ya go- keep that patch on for a day or two then you'll be good as new.

My apologies to everyone for not joining the IC thread. As I've said on the threads I'm in OCC's, my muse (what's the word for a male muse, I know not) is currently back stateside visiting family and that dratted Writter's block has set in with a vengeance. Hence me not adding to anything as of late.
Just wanted to explain my absense.
cries from one eye,pulls otu a sword and pokes out Rone's eye,then puts it in my eye socket and takes it*MINE!
all i dids was poke,not poke out eye!O_O
*runs away and locks Rone up:p