OOC/Casting Call:Gods and ghosts,a war of heavenly proportions

Heals his eye socket and put on a menacing looking eyepatch.

"Arrrrrrr, Time to grab me a eye stealin theif Arrrrr"

Runs after Dark but with bad depth perception tries to grab him too soon.
eeps! and ducks,having stolen Rone's good eye.he lifts it and ducks it in the closet and purposely shows the jasckets there and runs away while Rone starts tearing through it for him!*
(so from now on everytime I post on the OOC I have to say Arrrrrr.)

Arrrrr, no more silliness, I be lookin good with the eye patch, Arrrrrr.
stops adn looks over rone*hmmmmm yes you do look good in your eyepath.,Me-row^.-
snaps pics and psots them on the internet for money:D*
wants to get in on the poking action.. pokes DT back in his tummy Doh boy style .. giggle and skipps out of reach .. turning around teasing him.. ha ha ha you cant catch me .. :p
*cries*hey i was made fun off like that when i was younger:((
why you gotta bring back bad memories!*runs to rooma nd slams door and cries waaaa*
runs into the slammed door and says.. hey thats not what that was meant to be.. so :p

I just wanted to have fun too sniff sniff.. .. Im sorry if I hurt your feelings ... sniff sniff


I was just playing ...

you can poke me again if htat will make you feel better..

Comes up next to Rozes.

"Arrrrr, what a little pussy, Arrrrr!"

Pulls out a small toy from his pack and winds the mechinism.
"Arrr, you best be commin' out o' their before I send my Tickle deamon after you, Arrrr."
she point a finger towards her self .. Lookng all innnocent .. "you want me to come out?...Me ..but I dinna do nuthin".. skipps around.. hee hee hee :p you cant catch me.. ... tckle demons .. cant even run fast .. so :p They cant get me ... ha ha ha
opens the door and WHomps the tickle demon with a BIG hammer,then gives Roza a lil hug*its ok your forgiven:p

Bops Rone for bein' such a silly pirate
Arrrrr, that be painfull, Arrrrr

Arrrrrr, Me must find I some Rum, Arrrrr, you got any Dark, Arrrrr.

turns and waves,the cyber-house spinning and were in teh celler,next to HUGE tnaker sof rum*there you go everyone!

sure lost soul make a char
Arrrr, me be enjoyin' this thread, arrrr

Arrrr the rum be good, Arrrr

Arrrrrrrr, me thinks the rum Scar has be better, Arrrrrrrr

Arrrrrr, I be a stealin it now, Arrrrrrr

Arrrr, hand over the rum lassie or face the rath of me pistol, Arrrrr
oh yeah brand spankin new stuff.
anyone know how to get custom thingy where Really Really Experienced is???
sorry guys RL is killing me here .. I have a few exhibitions to finish .. just give me a day or two and I promise I will post.. I thought I would have time today ... but I was unable to finish an adequate post.. I dont like posting halfway ... will do so asap

Rozes ..

LAter on in the evening ... there I jsut cant stand making people wait to post .. its just so not fun.... so jsut for you DT and Hybridx I posted... so you better love me .. I have to get up in like three hours to finish this exhibition now... :p g'night yall .. its like three in the morning here
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Sorry, RL decided to rear its ugly head... damn tests...

Anyway, I've broken free for now, but I don't know how long I have! So, here's my characters.


Raidyn is a Nephilim, (half-angel, half-human) thusly, he has much of the powers of angels but little of the limitations placed upon them by The Creator. He is taller than most men, though not excessively so with a slim, pale form that belies his strength. He has long fiery red hair and black eyes with whites for pupils. There is a tattoo on his back between his shoulderblades, a pentacle with fiery swirls encircling it in a tribal style. He always keeps this part of his body bare, no matter what, even resorting to cuting holes in his shirts to keep it so. He usually dresses in anything that doesn't hamper his movement.

Raidyn was raised in a halfway house created to shelter demi-god children such as himself from the world. They were tended by nuetral gods whose power lay in concealment though in little else. So, they raised him and realized his potential as he grew into his strength. Being half-angel, he obviously could fly when he summoned his wings (by means of tattoo), also he has amazing reflexes and endurance and can sense trouble around him. He fights with a large broadsword that he carries around with on his back. The halfway house decided to have him trained, seeing as he was old enough and powerful enough to defend them. This was instated one the guardians realized the recent surge of gods vying for power. So still today he guards the house, making sure he keeps his brethren from harm.

So, there he is. I made the house as a sort of target for anyone wishing to take a taste of the power there. Just don't expect there to be little resistance!
good character lost,but an angel flying around wtih a flaming tatoo and a broadsword doesnt look to conspicuos in the rl world?
that shte onyl argument i have,otherwise its good,though remember angels arent the perfect creation favored by teh Creator,everyone was
He only flies when he needs to, the rest of the time he keeps his wings hidden. The broadsword can't really be hidden, but he rarely leaves his post from the halfway house, until it gets attacked. :wink: :wink:

And yes, I do have limitations for Angels. For example, they have a very strict code set down by them by the Creator, decreeing that they cannot attack those weaker than them and can only defend themselves against one, not even kill. This'll apply to Raidyn, though at this point, most of the gods and demi-gods would be more powerful than him. There are others, but we'll figure those out as we go on.
again the Creator isnt god technically,angels arent like angels for God,they dont have to listne to him either since hes gone.The code your talking about was told to everyone.(angels arent liek a chosen race made by the creator.everyone was,angels are just a type that evolved from all of them.a few are really old,like the pheonix,water,fire,earth,air spirits(elemmentals)like that are the oldest.also,oyull want to make your character a bit more worldly,its to hard to hide a sanctuary from Everyone,also its hard ot disguise ones form from others of the strain,unless your much stronger(such as lucian when only One of his bats is there)