OOC/Casting Call: Wasteland II

I plan on using two characters. One human that is a scout, used to being out in the wastelands, specializing in Martian detection. And a Lucian, that I have not really fleshed out yet.

Okay, I'm in... I'll be Denoitnem again. However, he's going to make his appearance after you get started. He'll meet with a group of yous and we'll see what happens. For what it's worth, he's on the Yumans' side. Not Humans, Yumans. He cannot say human b/c "hu..." is not part of his vocalization range.
so... can i pick one old character and make up a new one too?

like... the lucian princess (of course :))
and some peaceful human... i'll figure out a background for that one...
One chars enough for me though I may add another one latter if it's ok.
Name: "Gage"
Age: 24
Disript: Has jet black hair that falls matted quite litterly every ware but mostly bangs in front of his eyes. One of his eyes has a scar across it and the eye is a diffent color then the other blue one as a deep yellow. Was born with the ere being a different color but got the scar in a knife fight. Is 6'2" tall and weighs 124 lbs. Is slim but fairly muscular. Usually wares a trench coat with a black skin tight suit under.

Bio: Was born in the military when his mother died at birth and his father part of the military died of greif that is what many say even though it was in a small battle against the Martains. Wwas gaven leave wen old enough and a paper giving him the right not to be drafted. Practised sharp shooting many years and with his fathers shot gun wich he cliamed was better then any of the guns that the military gives you. Carries the gun in a leather case on his back. He's a mercnary thta could take a flying birds eye out with a sniper and he is trying to get hold of a suit and such to let him travel out side of the dome to talk to the other races and see if they need any info on the thigns he learned whiel growing up in the military.
I have a weakness for *Cool* characters lol. If theres any thing wrong please PM me QC and I'll fix it.
I stayed up until two-thirty this morning, only looking at Darklord's threads. I managed to peice together some info, although I probably missed a lot as I said "Oh, I don't have time for this" and ignored everything else.

So I'll post a character anyway, correct me if I am wrong.

Name: Assantikkan al zef Rhilin eo'Tsan
A.K.A.: Tsan Rhilin (Translates to 'Warmaker')
Age: Around 40.
Occupation: Soldier.
Battle Suit: X-97v Friel-Hytrel, one of the few non-Lucian models.
Weapons: Standard Dual Discharge Plasma Thrower.

Appearance: He wears a suit. Although it usually blends into the background, when that function is turned off, he has four arms, four legs, and wears a great red and black battlesuit.

That's about it.
Sounds good Slance/GrandMage. Excellent characters. One problem (maybe) Slance. WHere does this guys live, in what dome? A large part of Zion was destroyed near the end of the first thread, ZED letting the people ther die and excusing his actions as unavoidable to the council of elders when it truly was not. Something to remember. He could still live there, just remember that a large portion was destroyed by an oncoming assault from a Lucian space vessel.

princessa...a problem...Lucia (the Lucian princess) was Chelsea_Rose's and Lady_Siren's character. I can't give you permission to use her. If one of them concede to allow it and post that concession here, it's a go. Until then, if niether of them take up the character, she's MIA after the first thread.
Hey Dude!

QC!!!!... [hugs]

Happy to play Satra and Sage and possibly Zed.

Depends if someone suitably EVIL wants to play him or not. Don't want him turned into a crazed idiot. He's evil... but extremely smart about it.

So... if no one suits then I'd rather play him myself or share him. Be advised that he won't be required to post as often as other characters because much of what he gets up to isn't known at large by others.

Kick ass everyone... can't wait to see this started up again.
He lives in the remaining part of the dome all the more reason for why he wants to get out.
Alright, what do you say we get this thing moving before we lose more interest? How about we start it a short while after the last one, say...a month? In the end of the last one, the city of Filda, long abandoned, but still standing, was pretty much demolished by an attack by the Martians. The city was abandoned.
The New Republic intended to build another city, called New Filda, but abandoned the project once the Martians discovered them in Filda. What do you say we start by having the Republic hiding out to the North of their old location, which is "A few days journey on foot" from Zion, which has been half-destroyed by the aforementioned missile. THe location of the group is unknown to everybody save them, including Thallon, Sage and Madge, who have been missing since their capture shortly after the attack on Filda.I'll probably wait a while before reintroducing the characters who have created Z-Factor, just to get things warmed up.
I'll post the beginning either today or tomorrow, whenever I figure out exactly what I'm going to do with it.
Okay, folks, we're up and running...
remember, character profiles here, save those returning from the original, as I've already covered them all, and regular posts on the thread. Let's try to keep OOC posts here instead of there.
Let's have fun with this...

I posted for Thallon and added the constuction of a new city in the prelim of the thread. SOmething to work with.
And bobo and money, if you two are still in PM me so I can give you a little insight on what I've been thinking over.
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OOC: Hey I'm back!!! Long time no see everyone.. I just went through a very hectic time in my life but now I"m back and ready to post. Mind if I join? Princessa you have my permission to take on Lucia I have another character in mind. Let me know if this is fine.

Name: Nalia
Height: 5'9
build: Slender
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Auburn
INFO: Nalia is a princess from another planet. She was kidnapped but she managed to escape only to find herself in some sort of wasteland. She has no idea where she is and as of yet has met no other lifeforms.
She seems cool at first glance, but I need more info, L_S. Does she have any particular powers that we should know of? If not, go ahead and post, if so, let us know in advance...

princessa, a few things to remember. Lucia was with the human pilot Terrin (poohlive, who hasn't shown interest) when we left her last. She'd been attacked and almost killed by her own people and the two had escaped into the Earth's atmosphere. Accused of her father's death, Lucia is now an outcast to her own people, who are under the rule of the one who set her up, a Lucian called The Matron. Since poohlive has shown no interest, we have to find a way to write him out and you in, though without killing him off, as he isn't our character to make such decisions for. We need a way for him to be MIA...

I was wondering if you'd remembered 'The Matron' QC... I had fun weaving her into the intricate plot line.

She may make another appearance at a later date if we need her.

hmm... :)

char bios coming soon... what shall i do with the princess? have to read up first... :p
Sorry it is taking me so long to post. Things in RL are very screwed up right now. But I will try to post my the end of today.

Do what you have to do, Chewey. It's just a game.
Post when and if you can, and want to. Ready when you are Money. I waking Sage now...
oh, and here's an opening for any other spies, etc. if you want, i can open the other door(s) to see who's around... tell me in this thread and i will.
OOC: Ok as for powers she is skilled with martial arts and knows a good deal about various weapons. The Royal family (her family) are all born with a sixth sense of reading emotions and telling if someone is lying. Besides that she is mortal just like everyone else.
L_S, cool, works for me...
Alright everyone, we're moving...let's get this train rolling...
Okay, Grand_Mage/Lady_Siren, Lunden and COulter are out there, waiting for someone to make contact, if anybody wishes to.
Bobo, looks like Madge is running out of time...
yeee haaa!

so cool... just love this thread.

and have to admit... Zed is fun... he get's to do so much evil!

he he he.

ps... to those who, for some reason or other can't find the thread... here it is...

Wasteland II : Z-Factor
Okay, I've assumed that Nalia and GM's character (haven't committed that name to memory yet) are together, that he's the figure that she saw and thought was an hallucination. If I'm wrong, I can edit...
Oh, and I'm going to recycle some posts from the old thread to bring in the Z-Factor characters...I'll edit them, but their intro. will be here. If you saw them there, pretend you didn't?
Oh, and GM and L_S, when we get that situation above pinned down, I want to bring in another character right wuick, just a minor one most likely, but a necessary one. Cool?
Quiet_Cool said:
GM's character (haven't committed that name to memory yet)

You're trying to memorize it? Jeez. Even I can't remember it. I have to copy and paste. 'Assantikkan al zef Rhilin eo'Tsan' is a long, odd name. Kind of fits an alien.

I can't even figure out how it's pronounced.