OOC: Casting Call--X-Men: Unleashed!

{ Quiet Cool: the X-Men will be disbanded, due to the fact that many (meanig all non-player characters) of them are killed in a catastrophe (a burning of the Academy by unknown assailants}

As it now stands there are four original X-men that are still alive, barely, does this mean the bad guys are going to do something to them later, or are they just going to be permantly in the hospital or something. It's kind of hard to disband the X-men if most of them are still alive and capable of recovery.
OOC: Pooh brings up a good point. Perhaps we should leave Cyclops alive but have him maimed in some fashion. I would assume then that villians would come out of the wood work to take on the inexperienced mutants. Maybe NPC guest appearances from the Avengers and Fantastic Four are in order to help quell the villians? Or even recruiting some of them?
OOC: Usually, i wouldn't post this publically (I would use PM to solve it, that's my preference), but I wasn't sure if i was being overly anal, so I'm asking for everyone's opinion. Does the character of Shockwave seem kinda similar to my character in that they both shoot electricity from their hands? And are both immune to it's effects? Let me know, please.

Acorrding To what I have read in all the Marvel Post. Only Three X-men Are Un Acounted For And That Is Beast Angel And The Prof. To Fix The Disbanded Problem I would Asume That With The Asumed Death Of Their Mentor And Two Good Friends And Teamates . They Would Probly Disband Becaus of that.

Whats Left Of the Origanal X-men Would Probly Find their Own Ways To Del.
Such As Wolverien Would Probily go off on his own to Avence The Death Of His Friends.
Gambit is Joining X-Force As We Speak.
Storm i Dont Know And As For CyClops Hes Going To Have His Hands Full In the Marvel's Wild Side Thread As Soon As Hes Done In The Project X-Thread.
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Wait a minute. Are all these threads connected? I thought this was a seperate thread, I didn't know these things were all going on at the same time.
Do we have to read the other threads and follow up on them as well? I thought this was seperate, devoid of the others. Now things aren't making sense at all.
How far back does this thread go? I mean, there have been other X men and marvel role playing threads as well. Not just ones that are going on now, but that have been done before. Months and months ago.
Suddenly, this got really confusing. What exactly is going on?
Are we following some other plan? Is this part of the actual X-men comic book plan that has already been decided? Is this a marvel plot?
OOC: I don't agree with the disbanding theory. In the past, when everyone thought Xavier was dead they still had a team. During X-Tinction Agenda two of the New Mutants were killed and the team stayed togethor. But before we discuss who is doing what or who will do what we should ask Quiet Cool. I'm pretty sure he basically said in the first post that the X-men where disbanded.
This Is Not Falowing the Comick Books but The Marvel threads Univers Is Like the Comick Book Univers I The Fact That All Are Relatied Bat All Are In Dependent . Like real life Thear Has Been Rules S4et up To Make it wher it Dont Get Con Fusing And It will Work outr If You Want O COppy Of The Rules I Can Give Them To you Pooh. We Dont Want this to Be Confusing.

Your Right Pm We should Wait to Hear From QC.
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A mess already?

Yep, a mess already...Am I the only one who ends up in these predicaments? Seriously, does anyone else wind up doing this with damn near every thread?

Anyway, the discussion can go from here, if we don't clear it up right now, and I doubt we will...
Basically this is where we started: My intention was for the X-Men to be disbanded when all the original X-Men were killed in the fire, set by whomsoever we decide (I intended Hardcore and Adrenalyn and their clan to be behind it, but that might be a long way off now), save for Rogue, who would fly off the hero and not return. I wanted them to reform before the thread ended, if it lasted that long, but I wasn't planning on mentioning that right away (when I think that far ahead, the threads never last to see it). My intent then was for this thread to exist in and of itself and not co-exist with the other threads on a singular timeline with them.
It was brought to my attention by another player that a "treaty," shall we call it(?), existed between Dark Talon, PmTick (I believe, but when I recieved the message, it was just PM, so I might be mistaken), and Maniac, who started the last thread, stating that Marvel Universe threads were to co-exist in this manner. Not wanting to offend any other players, especially Maniac, who let my sorry ass into the last one though i don't believe he's around any more, I agreed to these terms after clearing up a few issues.

1) No, we donot need to read any other threads. I've douboe-checked this, and we don't. Otherwise, I wouldn't have disbanded the X-Men, I'd have disbanded the thread. Well, I'd have left it anyway...

2) Characters who jump over will be expected to conform to our rules, or not jump over, meaning no storylines from other threads will interact in ours, and no over-powerful characters are welcome. Wild Card, I believe we agreed, is not coming back.

3) While I wasn't aware that so many of the X-Men had survived (in fact, I thought only the three of them had been saved, and Rogue, and the rest perrished), I agreed to let those existing in the other threads live, assuming they were removed from this thread, via the ambulance in the case of Storm, Wolverine, and well, the other one (I can't remember who it was). Those characters (the original X-Men) are not welcome back, not even Rogue. Sorry, but that was already a rule here. Our veteran Marvel characters will consist of...(drum roll please)...Spiderman...and that's it. Unless we ALL agree to it on this thread first. Fair enough?

The X-Men will be disbanded, one way or another in this thread, whether it be because of the Prof's death, or because the other originals leave the grounds to set up base at LeBeau mansion (X-Force). I believe the deaths of thousands, or at least in the high hundreds, or students would definitely take its toll on these youngsters, and being brash, they would want revenge, making them not wish to join any of the other schools for fear of these wants being refused, but whatever. If we need a better explanation, let me know. I'll come up with one; that I can handle, I'm sure. If nothing else, a few of the young ones can leave, and the others, at a loss for what to do, can follow. The key here is that those who survive feel like they've lost something important when the mansion bruned down and the Professor died, whether that feeling goes with the mansion or with the Prof, or whatever can be a key to personal characterization. Whoever wasn't in the mansion, was apparently involved in some other group than the X-Men anyway.

The question here is this: Is this one dead on arrival?

Okay, here's the thing i really don't want to mention. Yes, Paendragon's and Angelus's characters are very similar. Who changes what is between the two of you, or perhaps you can use the two in some sort of rivalry, or something, given that they are alike. That's up to you two.

Anything else?

Is anybody else out of breath...?
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Glad things are finally settled.

Just one thing, is there any room in the budget for a Spidermobile?
Now, I know what you're thinking... cliche, but come on. Batman has his own car, and he's a bat! He's supposed to fly, not drive.
And it's a statistical fact that chicks dig the car.
Blade has his own car. Captain America has a car-like vehicle, even the X-men have that plane thing. What about Spiderman?
Even web slinging get's tiresome.
For what is worth I agree with QuietCool, I do not know why this thread should co-exist with other X-Men threads, and the fact that only new characters ( with the help of Spidey of course ) will have to try and make it on their own is really interesting...

As you might have noticed my character is already thinking about revenge... sweet, sweet revenge...

Okay, I'm going over some figures, and I don't think we can pull this one through. Just no funding...unless you've got a few shares of Microsoft laying around you may want to part with...

Hopefully, we're at least closer to a resolution.
QC, not sure what treaty is being referred to. DT sent me a list of guidlines for cross thread interaction, which I assumed he worked out with you. At this point though, I think we're already seeing that hoping back and forth from threads, though may sound interesting, is confusing the main thread too much. I know in the past I've cheered the idea of thread interaction but it's just not working, too many chefs in the kitchen spoil the meal.

Spiderman did have a spidey-mobile for a short period of time in the seventies I think. It looked like a dune buggy on acid and I think was destroyed rather quickly. Perhaps a Spidey-Viper is in order or a Spidey-Vett? I can't picture him in anything but a sports car.
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Okay.... I changed my character to something completely different.

Sorry about that Paendragon, I didn't realize my mistake until it was too late.
Re: hhmmmm...spidermobile...

Quiet_Cool said:
Okay, I'm going over some figures, and I don't think we can pull this one through. Just no funding...unless you've got a few shares of Microsoft laying around you may want to part with...

Hopefully, we're at least closer to a resolution.

(putting on Lawyer glasses) Waitaminute on closer inspection of the budget I do believe there is just enough money for a car. Oh yes Spiderman you too can have some wheels. Just that's right you sir can be the proud owner of your very own............ SPIDERSCOOTER

While the Spiderscooter does not have the cool gadgets of the batmobile or that cool motorcycle that Ghost Rider has, but it does have one cool factor that most scooters lack. The Spiderscooter has a horn that play La Cookcaracha just Like Pee Wee Herman's does in the movie lol (gives Pooh the cheesy Mick Foley thumbs up and grin combo)
Re: Spidermobile

For further information about the magnificent... um... splendid... um... goofy as all get-out Spidermobile, please direct your web browsers to: Spidermobile

Spidermobile, etc...

After taking a long hard look (OK, a quick scared glance through my fingers) at the Spidermobile, I'd stick with the SpiderScooter if I were you. At least you'd have that cool horn.

And don't worry about it Angelus. The only reason I asked is because the characters are different in several ways, the most notable being that mine isn't a true mutant. His powers were created for him (by accident). If you want to change, that's cool, if not, we'll work something out in the story.
In Refrence to The Treaty The Finel Dision Was Withm mAinac And I But I Did Take Idias From PM Tick But Be For Mainac And I Could In SToll The Rules X-men Died

And It Was PM tick Who Coused Me And Mainac to Creat the Rules
I Am Sorry if I Created A Problem I Just Liked The Idea of The Univers Thing And i Agree With All Your Guidles And Recets Q.C. Al I Want is Peace.
ANd Yess Wild Card Is Gone From the X-Men
As I had Erlier agreed with you.
Anyway, things are settled yes? If not, let me know. It's better to close things out now, instead of running into the same problems later...
I hoped more girls would enter the thread but I think it is not going to happen, unless geri shows up, c´mon we need female characters, what am I going to do when I want to talk to someone... you know... girltalk?! :)

Too much testosterone in this X-men group... ( joking ) ;)
There was an actual spidermobile? I was just kidding about that.
Although, I do remember a Spidermobile toy being released in the early/mid 90's. It didn't look anything like that retro 70's buggy, more like a huge spider contraption. It even had legs and stuff. Weird.
On further thought, I'd rather not have the Spidermobile, and I don't think the scooter would be of much use anyway. Other than making the bag guys laugh so hard that they can't move and just hold their sides until the police come.

I would like to suggest something? Seeing as most of the cast is going into the sewers, couldn't it be possible to have a cameo appearance? We could use the recent budget geniousity of Phoenix to pay for them.
New York Sewers? Superhero's? Who could possibly be down there?

Heroes in a half shell?

I think it would be awesome if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would come and help, just for a little bit. Come on? They are mutants, just like the students.
And Splinter too, and Casey Jones!
I mean, hell, if we're making a Marvel Universe with rules and all that, might as well do a short cross over into the whole super hero league.

HA HA HA NinjaTurtles, awesome. Seriously there's a lot of characters in Marvel's sewers, probably more than any other comic company. Lizard, the Morlocks, Abomination, who else?
Ninja turtles? Hell yeah!

::p That's a sick idea! I'm not sure of too many sewer dwellers (Except that gang of mutants in Superman...hmm) But I think the Turtles idea is an absolute killer!