OOC: Casting Call--X-Men: Unleashed!

Mmmmm... turtle soup... mmmmmm...

geri should be back in action by Thursday.
geri and I both will have our characters join up with the others when she gets back online. That way, she won't be the only person coming in late. (I didn't notice the thread had started already. *blushes*)
Yo Trey

Trey Fitty said:

Then the police had come. This was much more of a problem than he had anticipated. As soon as they had arrived Lightwave had walked over to the first squad car, in human form, and introduced himself as John Blaze. The cops weren't impressed, to say the least! That's how lightwave found himself once more floating in the midst of the flames in his energy form, watching with horror as the cops rounded all the remaining students up, shot them one by one and threw their bodies into the fire. Being a young and relatively weak mutant, Johnny had watched from his hiding place, too terrified to move. The cops stayed for a while, congratulating themselves and laughing.
Bastards. Fucking, fucking bastards! Johnny was crying silently by the time the cops left. Then Spiderman had come back, looking for clues, unaware of Johnny or the ashen bodies of the students in the heart of the fire.As spiderman left, Lightwave finally made up his mind... he would follow spiderman and tell him what happened. Spiderman would know what to do. Leaving the scene of Holocaust carnage behind he took off in Spiderman's direction, still weeping at his own impotence. Why had he been too afraid to help his friends? Would the others accept him back into the sewers? Why had the students been killed? Was this the end?
Or was this a mutant holocaust, just beginning?

Uh Trey.. What is this about. The only other student were Trickers and Geri and I don think they appreciate being marshmellows before actually getting some action.
Phoenix I don't think he was referring to you I think he was just talking about NPC characters at the school.
Still come on dude. It is enough of a tradgedy without going to extreme measures like he did. Nothing again Trey, but that was a lil forced and unneccesary
Okay, I meant the NPC characters. I wanted to create a means of the players being suddenly very alone, so that they now have no-one but each other. And to demonstrate both anti-mutant feelings from humanity and possibly give a clue as to the firestarter (eg cops working for someone)
If this is a prob I will attempt to change it.
Quiet_Cool, its your thread, what do you think?

PS sorry for writing a post that conflicts with your ideas phoenix. I'm not intentionally trying to make this any less of a thread. sorry:(
Actually this whole thing is not against you as a Rper Trey. After all for your first few weeks here at Lit you are adapting very well. This is about Deaths in stories. I am just tired of seeing killing in stories as pointless and meanless because it just cheapens the effect when someone important is killed off trying to represent a turning point. For example: Recent in X-Men, Psylocke was killed in a rather brutal fashion and it was barely recognized. I mean for God sakes here is a character that has been around for more than a decade and while she was never a breakout character
(See Wolverine or Gambit or even Beast (yeah he is an Avenger too)) she was still a central character and her death was just brushed off.

Hell Marvel killed off Cyclops (the cornerstone of the X-Men if you asked me) and they brushed it off with a feh. Not even a bloody funeral issue for God sakes. And then to botch it even more then brought him back in less than yes with barely an explanation, therefore botching even more a storyline that they built up for a year.

Uh oh I broke into a rant well to cut things short I am just saying when you kill you have to make it mean something. It has to have such an impact that it because a pivotal part of the story, so that the effect becomes so much more powerful. Rather it being a shrug your shoulders just pop over to the next thread, I rather it be one of those moments that raises the anticipation level and make you say " OH SHIT!"

Or at least that is my rambling opinion. But like I said it is not just about you Trey it is about the lack of power that the whole death card is packing.
I haven't kept up much on actual comics(I just bought my first one a couple months ago. Ultimate Spiderman... whoo hoo) but I do know a good plot twist when I see one.
I think I'm going to have to agree with Phoenix on this. I mean, you did sort of brush it off casually as if it were common to see the police killing mutants.
I thought of it more so, because, my character was walking all around the mansion compound and hadn't once even noticed dead and burning bodies. Some superhero he is, Does Spidey need glasses or something? Is he losing his touch?
If you want to create anti mutant feelings, why don't you just make the cops arrest all the mutants. And then spit and brutally hurt them for no reason while they cuff them. Then take them all to jail, laughing about how the 'case' was closed. That's senseless, but no one dies.
And... since they are in jail indefinitely, they can't be brought back, BUT it does leave a good opening for a couple of late coming characters. They can just escape from jail and meet up with the rest.

I also felt it was weird that the mutants didn't put up any kind of a fight? What kind of powers do they have? Can't even beat up a couple of police officers....
Friends, I would like some suggestions as to how to bring my character, Raja, and geri's character, Protea, in with the rest of you. It seems likely that they weren't actually in the mansion at the time, and Raja is very definitely not able to have just been in town at the time. (A big, elephant-headed mutant at McDonalds? Not likely.)
Magister, I would suggest having you characters going through the sewers. It would conceal their appearance and it seems a lot of others are going that route. If romping around the sewers doesn't seem appealing to you, everytime Nightcrawler or Beast want to go into town they use an image inducer to make them appear like normal human beings.

Pooh, I think Marvel screwed up the death of Cyclops event because they had a change in writing staff. This happens a lot as you can imagine, anyone remember Maggot? Crappy character that had two pet leeches follow him around literally disappeared overnight. Whatever happened do the Dark Beast, Sugarman, and Havok? Or the rest of X-Factor for that matte? As far as Psylocke goes, I'm still trying to hunt down the actual issue where she dies but I do have the follow up issues where the acknowledge that there was a funeral for Psylocke, they just didn't show it. I also remember something about a statue beign built for her but I could be wrong on that one.

Part of the reason we don't see a lot of the funerals anymore is because in the past year alone Marvel killed off three major mutants: Cyclops (may be a little over a year), Colossus, and Psylocke. A death issue and then a funeral issue would mean that half of the X-men books put out this year would have been funerals.

......:( Forgive me I don't get out much .....


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That would be understandable. I would hate to see the Marvel universe filled with a bunch of funeral ceremonies. Although, sometimes it's cool to see who actually shows up during them. Long lost friends, enemies who have forgiven, things like that.
Why all the deaths anyway? I mean, I know a tragic death, if done right, is rating gold. The whole Superman death? They milked that for over a year, and made them millions I am sure.
Why all the deaths though? I mean, there needs to be some sort of an explanation.

You know, you and Protea could be out on field assignment? Or possibly training somewhere? Maybe Xavier has set you off on a training mission into the woods, and you both finished the mission, and come back to find out that things have all gone to hell.
You could be hanging out with Fantastic Four? Maybe Xavier has an exchange program. You know, sort of like Mother-Daughter day? It's Superhero-student day. You pick your favorite superhero and then for a day or so, you get to follow them around and see how they fight crime.
Just a thought. Hope you come up with something, I would hate to see you depart this thread. It's really coming along well.
Haveic Got Sent to An Alturnet Dimension To Join A Team Calld Mutant-X (This Was Befor The TV Show) The Team mebers Or Alternet Version Of Other Caracters Like A Vampier storm Named BloodStorm, An Green Fury Scelly Idot Form Of The Beast Calld The Brute, A Vampier AchAngel Named Fallen, An Ice Man Stuck in His Ice Form Hes So Cold No One Can tuch Him Still Caled IceMan. Their Main Bad Guy Is An Evil Read Richerds. Havec Was Asumed Dead In the Regular Unvers And X-Factor Disbanded After A Short Run As X-Factor Underground. Magot Was Killed I do Believe. As For The Other One You Named PM I Dont Know What hapend to him.

Marvel Kills Charactors Of Becus They Have Too Many To Keep track Of There As Been Sevreal That They Just Lost Did'nt Kil DIn't Give Theam their Own Comic Just Lost Them In the Mix.
I think it's obvious why any company chooses to kill off their characters: either to sell more books or to shock their readers. Cyclops' short trip to the otherside is a perfect example of this, it was a good ending to a good story arc but the whole event was cheapened when he came back from being Apocolypse.

In the case of Psylocke I think they killed her off because they couldn't figure out what to do with her anymore. She probably had gone through more changes than any other character in comics. Think about it, when she came onto the seen she was a british version of Jubilee at best, then she became some sort of asain ninja woman. After being almost killed by Sabertooth (who also died once) she was able to 'melt out of shadows' and suddenly got a tattoo over her eye, from teh Crimson Dawn. After that she was just kind of thrown in the background until the writers started to ask why they even had her around.

Colossus was a little of both commercal appeal and a dramatic event. It was also probably the most well done out of all the X-men related deaths I can think of. He was kind of used up as a character as well. The biggest things in Colossus life have always been family, both his natural family. Everyone in his family had been killed, pretty much because of his involvement with the X-men. As a character he was also kind of in the background for the past few years or so.

In closing, I just wanted to say I think everyone is doing a good job with the thread so far and I'm anxious to see where we go from here.
The way I see it though is that a lot of people kill off characters to get a cheap rise when the death of a character who has been around for that period of time should be an event. After all is it really difficult that when find a character is no longer necessary to just say they left to team. After all with the right creative team at any time you can have a break out character. So it would be better to say a character left for personal reasons rather just they got boring so bang we shot them. In DC comics I remember when Batgirl got shot they made that an event and she did not even die, but that moment was so huge that the impact is still being felt now even though it was at least 10 years ago.

With Cyclops death. It was too underplayed. I mean the storyline building up to it was good but the aftermath fell flat afterwards. I mean the cornerstone of the team dies and they have a damn softball game in the next issue I mean come on. Who writes shit like that.

With Psylocke, Ok maybe there was mention of her passing but this was an unneccesary kill. I know she was kinda a knock off of Elektra but come on with the right team a few good ideas this could once again be an interesting character. If the writers did not like her then write her out of the story. Have her quit the X-Men or just move on or somethig. It was a meaningless kill.

Colossus-OK I agree it was a beautiful story and it had meaning and depth and an aftereffect (he did it to help cure the Legacy Virus). Just like the death of Moira Mattaggart and Senator Kelly it had a lot of meaning to it and not just killing for killing's sake or a cheap commercial rise. If anyone has not seen this story read it becuase that was an excellent storyline.

But like I said it irks me when I see killing for killing sake of blood for bleeding's sake because it cheapens the effect when someone important takes a dirtnap. I mean the death of Illyana (Colosus's sister) was so poignant and beautifully written with a phenominal characterization and that is missing from a lot of these death scenes.

I just think it is lame to use the death card when there are so many other ways you can go.
The mucking about in the sewers plan sounds the most feasible. Thanks, PmT.

Poor Bets, aka Psylocke, deserved better than she got. Actually an older character than Elektra, by 4 years, she was indeed turned into a ripoff of the assassin. Granted, it was a pretty well-done ripoff, and made her a more interesting character, but still a ripoff.

Her death pissed me off, for the same reasons you others find it annoying. The death scene itself was not bad at all. However, they really didn't need to kill her off like that, and then gloss over the aftereffects. Actually, what seems to be the reasoning behind it is that they needed to make room for a new character, Lifeguard. While I do appreciate Lifeguard's, er, um, attributes as a knockout Baywatch type, her powers are kind of a Deus ex machina, allowing the writers the freedom to give her pretty much whatever power they need for the storyline, at will. Very lazy plot device, that.
I dont' think Psylocke's death was simply to make room for Lifeguard. I've read that X-treame X-men will basically be kind of like the UN of mutant teams. The Japenese mob boss (can't remember his name) who accused Gambit of killing his father and later saved Gambit and Rougue from certain death will be part of the team. I think there's at least one more new character coming soon.

Again I think that they felt there was nothing more they can do with her character. Up unitl the whole Crimson Dawn fiasco I think she was an especially strong character. If you pick up any of the Lee X-men books, which are among my favorites, she was one of the best characters. I'd like to say that sooner or later a writer will come along and revive her but I think since Quesada took over, we'll be seeing less and less of characters coming back from the dead.

Have any of you read any of the "E is for Extinction" arc in New X-men? If you haven't it definatly some of the strongest X-men stories in a long time.
Yuppers, I've read everything with an X on it for quite a while. (Except for the new X-Factor. Total crap.)

My favorite X-book now, though, is Ultimate X-Men. The way they've redone the characters is refreshing, as is the way they use the new versions of old characters in ways they can't get away with in the mainstream continuity stories. I especially loved it when Prof X revealed that he didn't actually kill Magneto... Ol' Charley is NOT the total goody two-shoes he generally is in the mainstream Marvel-verse.
I've been grabbing the ultimates too but it seems that anything between 3 and 7 is impossible to find. There's a new X-Factor? I read it until Havok and Random (what happened to him?) left, then it really started to suck. It's not saying much when the strongest member of your team if Forge. Wild Child was a bad Sabertooth clone and Shard was a waste of a character.
Here I Come The What Happend Guy

Random Died in the story line Hwere Havic Got Sent To the Mutant-X World This All Happend Right Befor Onslot
Pooh if you want to see a decent Marvel Funeral, check out Deadpool Funeral For A Freak. The first chapter has Deadpool's ghost looking over his funeral to see who showed up. It's a parody of the Superman funeral from a few years ago.

They had another mini-series leading up to it which basically had a new Weapon X team contracting characters and making them more powerful. When Deadpool turned on them they had him killed. He resurrectes (which they actually give a decent reason for) only to realize that 4 other people are claiming to be Deadpool.

Hey Magister, have you ever checked out Powers?
Jose Fernandez

Age: 19
Birthday: March 23
Height 5'11"
Hair: Brown
Eyes:Sky blue
Build: Athletic

Abilities: Much a mix between the Human Torch and Sunspot his power is based mainly in his hands, being able to turn them into a molten form and with a slight concentration to propel shots of the molten substance. He can fly, though his full potential in that has yet been found.. he can lift from the ground and fly strait but turns and heights are still a problem for him

Apperance: Adorned most times in a black stetson cowboy hat, and a pair of black durango cowboy boots. He is often found in little more than denum black jeans and a white or black tank top most times with some symbol of oriental decent.

Bio: Born in Tampa florida, he was an outcast from society most his life. The Cowboy apperance was not the "style" but it was his life... he enjoyed farm work, though he lived in the city, and was found many days skipping school to work on his grandparents farm. He is a skill horse back rides, and though he has no super human strength he is well versed in fighting. Many would grant that to a lone cowboy growing up in the city of tampa. Others claim it his grandfathers intense training. His grand father was a known kick boxer

Dude...Cyclops died?!!

Guess I should have read the comics, cause all I know are the cartoons (and not many of them) and the movie...

Anyway, as far as the mutant anhiliation scene is concerned, what's done is done...besides, they were NPC characters. If a main character, who's been developed and worked into the plot, is killed, I'm sure we'll all notice.
As far as Raja, and geri's character, the door's are all open. We've never really closed out the number of mutants traveling toward the sewers/penthouse/wherever else, characters might be wandering in there, unannounced as of yet. It works, given that they might still be in shock.
Let's just keep this things moving, huh?
I've decided I want to do another character and it is gonna be two people a female detective who sort of hi tech private eye and her mutant partner. One more thing this character is sort of based after Charlie's Angels. Damn movie inspiration.

I am gonna bring her in by having her investigate the fire and the death of several young mutants (see even I don't like it, I will still contribute)
*appreciating a graceful gesture*

Thancks quiet & Phoenix, Seeing as I haven't figured out how to edit old posts yet.