OOC: Casting/The Wolf-pack.

You now the best thing about Hadley being in heat is she acts nothing like she normally would. :p Tis Fun!
Hell, if thats the case, I will start looking for a woman thats always in heat. hehehe

Kicks the thread with a high heeled shoe...

People post damnit
I can only do so much on my own. I tried to lead us in a direction.

Well, my character is just standing there waiting for someone to come up to him, like I assumed they would...
Name: Samuel Suvari
Age: 52
Race: Black
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: None, shaved bald
Height: 6’1
Weight: Very slim

Bio: Dr. Samuel Suvari, father of Hadley. One of the main researchers regarding the Project. Travels often, does not like his daughter having anything to do with the Project. Butts head with her often, very stern, and very protective of his daughter even though she tends to be a bit on the rebel side.

This character is open to anyone who would like to join later on.....
Hey, I am back......... at least for an hour or so. Going to post on the thread tonight.

Heading to Georgia for about 4 days, no internet access...or at least not to Lit anyways. If anything happens to come up to where I can post when I get back I will....

Laters! MUAH:kiss:
I'm still in Georgia...just sneaking onto Lit from my mother's computer. I'm thinking up my next move regarding Hadley and her father, and I will post as soon as I get back to Kentucky to my own Computer.

I am on AIM off and on if anyone needs to reach me regarding the story line.....

Sol Vixen

AND MSN Sol_vixen@hotmail.com
Hello everyone, sorry I have not been on to post. I am not able to access Lit where I am so I will be on infrequently. I will try to do a good post today.

Ok ladies and gentlemen, I am sort of back for this weekend. So if you want to make progress on this thread, this weekend may be a good time.

Ok, where did everyone go? I know that Raven was going to have some internet access problems for a while, but where did ya'all go ?


Sorry I've been away you guys but our computer broke and there was no way to let you guys know what was going on........So if everyone would like to continue I"ll see what I can do about getting this thing going again.
Welcome back Firegirl, sorry to hear about the comp problem. It seems that Raven is in the same boat, and I am not sure where everyone else went. I liked this thread, but I dont think we can continue it with two of us.

Can't continue with the main character/narrator missing :)

Hiyas...I kinda took a Lit break :)
Good to see you back Mistress. Maybe we will be able to bring back this thread at some point when everyone is back.

Hey Bobo, good to see you .

Yeah, I am suprised that Ravenloft has not come back. I know that he was having some internet problems before, but I figured he would have come back here, when he was live again.
