OOC: Dogma

hybirdx said:
that would be a good idea since you two are parners, I think I'm going to Jay and silent bob(thats right! Two for, I say two for one price!) :catgrin:

Hey Hybird, how about letting Poohlive have Silent Bob, I am sure that you will do an excellent job with that foulmouthed punk, Jay.

poohlive said:
I was thinking of Silent Bob actually, seems like someone fun to play, but it's already taken. I hope you guys have fun.

hey poohhive, I don't mind if you take bob! Actualy, the only reason I took both of them is because Bob doesn't talk all that much, but hey, action speaks louder than words!
ok.. I'll go out and rent the movie again to refresh myself - there's gotta be a funny female character somewhere.... I don't want to be God.
Firesprite said:
ok.. I'll go out and rent the movie again to refresh myself - there's gotta be a funny female character somewhere.... I don't want to be God.

you have got to be the Muse! "like he said "I'm a fucking demon!" " She was funny as hell!
Serpendipity - "what the fuck is that?!"
Rufus - "I'ts a vile shit demon!"
This thread has some big time potential. Fire, you could be Bethany, she was the main character .

yeah but she said a funny female charechter..... and bethany was more scared/awed
I dunno, I thought she was kind of funny at times. Maybe its just me. But the Muse would be cool too.

well I decided to make this a sequle, not only you can choose one of the original characters from the movie, but you can also (if you want) create a character from any plains! (In other words, heaven, hell, mortal)
Good khadgar!

Name: Martin (after my favorite comdian Martin larence, "Martin! Martin! Martin)
Age: 25 (dead)
plains: heaven
wepons:ak-40, Lokies sword

Description: Martin was an old freind of Jay and Silent Bob. But after a run in with his brothers gang, he was shot to death. As for Jay and Bob, oh they got vengence "Die mother Fuckars!!!!!!!!!" Bang Bang BANG! (sorry had to do it!:D )

A Year after Barnobeed and Lokie's atempt to get back to heaven, Martin is sent to earth to tell Jay and Bob that once again God needs there help. The reward? see their freinds again And get a whole shit load of weed of course!

Also Marin is told to find Barnoldbee and Lokie And tell them if they help, they will get a second chance in heaven.
what?!?! my sword?! nooooooooooo oh, wait, is this the flaming sulphur sword that i "gave up"?
Khadgar said:
what?!?! my sword?! nooooooooooo oh, wait, is this the flaming sulphur sword that i "gave up"?

Yeah but don't worry! martin made sure to give you a very special weapon for this mission!
alright, and angelus and i are going to do out intro's, so don't write us in. alriight?
All right then. Silent Bob is a unique character anyway, despite his lack of communication. He only says what is needed ot be said... that's all.
No wonder you want him! I'm about to introduce Jay into the scene, pooh hive if you are really going to take Bob now's your chance
Well, time to go see what Draggie-waggies thread is like.


P.S. do we all have to do typos and ignore punctuation and capitalization?
Jeez chewy, you're tempramental, even for a wookie.

Hey, Hybrid, I have a question, why would Jay and Silent Bob just happen to have a bag of clothes with them?
Jay may be dumb, but he's not an jackass (well, 40% at least) after what happened the first time they always had a bag just in case

plus, it was laundry day.
I went to rent the movie today and it was OUT - I'm going to try again next week (its a weekly hire) - in the meantime, does someone want to start me on a character and I'll pick her up once I've seen the movie again..? or leave an opening for me in a weeks time....
I am still trying to find an opening to get into the thread myself. Fire, maybe I can bring you in with me when I post. Maybe send the Muse to observe what is going on and try to assist them .
