OOC: Dogma

That is a good idea, also, I did say that you could also choose a second original character from any plain of exsistance
Ok, I will post myself in, Hybird, what is your characters name that was talking to god? You did not name them

hybirdx said:
well I decided to make this a sequle, not only you can choose one of the original characters from the movie, but you can also (if you want) create a character from any plains! (In other words, heaven, hell, mortal)

just in case some people didn't look at it
Ok Firesprite, whenever you are ready to post, the muse is wanted for an audience with God.

Could you use a smart, lacking faith, post pregnancy Bethany?

Or I could play God! LOL.....Just curious. Would enjoy doing this. I love that movie. Have a major crush on Silent Bob too! LOL

Just let me know if there is a part I can take in it.
Welcome ARaynes to the thread. I dont see why not, we can always use another writer in the thread. My only question is that I would imagine that she has a lot of faith now after what she went through.

yep. she admited it. went something like this "i've got a huge dose of faith" or whatever. right before she said the word that made rufus all happy and fuzzy inside. "idea"
Ok. Here is one to try on for size.

A seraphim, not yet has her wings, and still has the body of a human girl. Her father was an angel that fell to Earth for reasons that still are to be determined. Thus he bacame human.

He fell in love with her mother, thus having her. When she found out that he was an angel, though her faith was lacking tremendously, she ran away from her family, not believing it.

To get her into the story, she just watched Rufus fall from the skies along with Martin. She was walking out of the quick mart when it all came crashing down.

I will make her three days shy of her eighteenth birthday, Her name is Chrysilus. She has red hair and blue eyes and is small in frame and stature.
Works for me. But I would imagine it is up to hybird. Sounds like a good character though.

If he doesn't like it then I can change it or delete the post. Either way. Thanks Chewbacca
Glad to be here. This is my first real try at the ORP, so I hope I do it justice. LOL
bah, i rememebr doign a thread with you aryanes, you'll be fine!
So since she is not yet 18, we have to wait three days to ravage her. hehehe
