OOC: Dragon Wars II

Thanks, Chewey, I hope to have fun.
Checked PM and sent my reply.
Thats cool, now if Hybird and Cats would post, I could get some more movement into the thread.

Stop whining and put your dragon up while I'm figuring out what to post. *sheesh* :rolleyes:

Welcome back to you, too Z! :kiss:
All right guys, meet...

Name: Rheamis (Ray-uh-miss)
Human Name: Rheamis Barren
Age: 679 yrs.

Rheamis is an odd blend, the result of the violent taking of a weakened female white dragon by a dominating and arrogant green dragon. These two nature's collided, creating Rheamis, a loner, never truly accepted by dragons of either type, evil or good. Deep down, he is well-intended, but he has a secret, or many secrets that come down to one thing at thier roots. SOme of these secrets he has locked away in his mind, keeping them even from himself as his conscious mind cannot truly deal with them. Others he has accepted, though not as what they truly are.

As a dragon, Rheamis is roughly 40 feet in length, twelve feet in height, his body a swirl of green and white, creating a visage that appears more magical than natural. His body is fairly slender, though his musculature is clearly apparent. Intelligent, though not outstandingly so, Rheamis can be too trusting of others at times, and not trusting at all at others.

His mix of heritage has left him more White dragon then not in demeanor, at least to those who might not know him better. He can heal, though not so well as another White dragon might, and his breath weapon is the White Dragon's exploding ball of fire.

In human form:

Rheamis Barren stands just over 6 feet, with long blonde hair streaked with green, as if by some odd elvin magic.. He is slender in human form as well, and equally muscular. He is fairly well-known in certain areas as a ranger, offering his services to the highest bidder, though only when his morals agree with the cause, and often only for ventures he can partake alone or with a small group. Often quiet, his is more felt than heard, and on more than rare occasions, those feeling his presence are met with an odd shiver.

He'll be in shortly. Any comments are welcome. I'll wait to post until I get Chewey's approval here.
ZIRCON I am so glad to see you back. Glad to see that you could be reached. Bring a dragon on in and stay awhile.

QC, that character sounds great. By all means, post when you are ready. I am very excited looking at this collection of talent for this thread. I can't wait to see how this turns out. If anyone has any questions , ideas ect.. .that they do not want to put on the OOC thread, just PM them to me as some of you have done. I do respond back pretty quick.

My brain has stoped working tonight, I'll see if I can post tomorow. Good to see many familar faces this trhead is clearly drawing some of the best lit has to offer.

The dragons don't have t be clear by the way that was simply the kind they had in DnD, any more pwoerful type of dragon is what I ment.
I'd like to have an antagonist character(surprise, surprise).

Name: Malin'ator'amious
Type: Black Dragon
Age: 1,250 years
Appearance: A shining black dragon of 64 feet, he is exceptional for his race due to his remarkable intelligence. Only one spot breaks his solid blackness, and that is a row of red spines descending down his back.

Human Name: Addedomarus Ekain
Human Age: 34
Human Appearance: A darkly tanned male, he is never seen without the black robes that have become his trademark. He bears a red brooch with him at all times as well, however. Sinister and menacing, he stands 5'8". His eyes match his hair, black to the extreme. When in human form, he wears an adamantine sword and an ebony staff.

Bio: Born to powerful Blacks, he was taught discipline, fear, and most of all, power throughout his entire youth. One day, his father had gone out hunting and became infatuated with a human woman. He had an affair with the woman, but then Malin's mother found out. The battle was fierce, but the father went away victorius, leaving his wife dead on the ground below. He left Malin to fend for himself, leaving to join the human in her life. Ever since then, Malin has borne a deep hatred for humans, and for almost all other living things. Knowing that he was physically powerful, he set out to educate himself as well. After this lengthy endeavor, he settled down in a swamp cave for several hundred years. There, he waited, content with his life. After this period, he learned of his father's demise. What had transpired was his father had been found out, and his wife, terrified, had run away. In a rage, he had incinerated the village and gone on a nation-wide rampage, before finally going to sleep in the mountains with the hoarde he had amassed from the slaughter. News of him travelled far and wide, and soon heroes had come to his lair and put him to the sword. Though Malin disliked his father, blood runs deeper than water, and Malin now swore to put the entirety of humanity to the flame. No longer content to sleep in his cave, Malin began to rouse dragons to his cause. After he builds his draconic army, he plans to go on a world-wide "cleansing", and exterminate humanity. After that, he plans to subjugate the rest of dragon-kind and rule for eternity.
Can we get some details on your characters, Chewy? I don't even know what color this Monarth is and that'd help a bit.
That's just fine Morgoth, the more the merrier. I am mostly planning on creating characters and NPC's to help move the thread along. With this collection of talent, that should work just fine.

Sorry, Vix, I thought I had posted that Monarth was a gold dragon, but I could have forgotten, alzheimers and all. Give me a few minutes and I will give you a post to work off of.

Name : Luk-Sixx-Enam
Short name : Luk (because I'm lazy in typing the full name ;))
Colour : Green
Age : 360 years
Height at shoulder : 6.6 metres
Length : 18.6 metres

Luk is a fully grown pure Green Dragon. Despite his size, he's still relatively young in age and thus, in wisdom as well. He's easily impressionable, and will sway to whichever the direction of the wind blows, to paraphrase a bit. He's neither evil nor good, despite his colour. He's all about self preservation and perpetuation. Especially towards the just as easily impressionable females, of any race. His polymorphing skills enables him to give some meat to the phrase "Size Matters!"

Human Form : Goes by the name Sixx
Colour of eyes : Green peas Green, slightly reflective due to the thin layer of Mercury surrounding the iris, as result of self experimentation (will expound in the first post)
Height : 2.0 metres
Weight : 108 kg

Addendum : The name means something. I'll also expound on it throughout the story, as well as a bit of history as we go along. Chewey, you know this, so this is a fair warning ;)

huh, i'd make some kind of evil beast, but we have far too many evil things here.... damnit since when did the good guys become so.... unpopular? lol

with your go ahead, i'll think up something.

also, i'm wondering since almost all of us are polymorpphs, are we all? or what?
I'm not sure if I'm going to get in on this chewy. I'm taking more classes then I have in the past. Six classes for a very good amount of credits and I'm not sure how many threads I can maintain while I'm doing school every day again, damn and I thought that ended with high school. Well at least I'm on track to finish two years from now.
Zircon said:
Name : Luk-Sixx-Enam
Short name : Luk (because I'm lazy in typing the full name ;))
Colour : Green
Age : 360 years
Height at shoulder : 6.6 metres
Length : 18.6 metres

Luk is a fully grown pure Green Dragon. Despite his size, he's still relatively young in age and thus, in wisdom as well. He's easily impressionable, and will sway to whichever the direction of the wind blows, to paraphrase a bit. He's neither evil nor good, despite his colour. He's all about self preservation and perpetuation. Especially towards the just as easily impressionable females, of any race. His polymorphing skills enables him to give some meat to the phrase "Size Matters!"

Human Form : Goes by the name Sixx
Colour of eyes : Green peas Green, slightly reflective due to the thin layer of Mercury surrounding the iris, as result of self experimentation (will expound in the first post)
Height : 2.0 metres
Weight : 108 kg

Addendum : The name means something. I'll also expound on it throughout the story, as well as a bit of history as we go along. Chewey, you know this, so this is a fair warning ;)


That will work just fine Z, I am wise to your tricks. LOL.

By the way, I want royalties for the use of Home Depot in your story, HEHEHE

Khadgar said:
huh, i'd make some kind of evil beast, but we have far too many evil things here.... damnit since when did the good guys become so.... unpopular? lol

with your go ahead, i'll think up something.

also, i'm wondering since almost all of us are polymorpphs, are we all? or what?

Yeah , Khad, I was kind of noticing this too. That would make it interesting if most of the people were "evil" , makes some strange plot lines. Actually, all the dragons are able to polymorph to human form, some are more skilled than others and can assume other shapes. This is an inate dragon ability developed over the centuries to allow them to survive better in this world.

cats said:
I'm not sure if I'm going to get in on this chewy. I'm taking more classes then I have in the past. Six classes for a very good amount of credits and I'm not sure how many threads I can maintain while I'm doing school every day again, damn and I thought that ended with high school. Well at least I'm on track to finish two years from now.

I fully understand Cats, not a problem. I am hoping this thread will last for a while maybe into the next semester when you may not have as many classes and can join then.

.....another one bites the dust, another one bites the dust.......

This is too fun creating cannon fodder for this thread.

Pah to your cannon fodder.

Fiandorel is up and in and she is a good guy to boot. :p

Looking for a hue man to play with if there are any takers? PM or IM me? Or just post here? Purdy please?
Pah back at ya. I love knocking these guys out , too much fun. There is going to be a high body count by the time this thread is done. Don't worry, they will all be people that I create.

Poohlive - is the silver dragon that you are talking to Vix's or is it one of your own creation? Let me know, since it might effect my post. I thought Vix's dragon was scarlet with a streak of silver.


a white dragon, smaller than most dragons, even those whoa re white, he measures only 28 feet long. however his small size makes him very fast and very agile. when the sun catches his scales just right, they can become blinding.

age: 658

Worraps although a tiny dragon, is a large person, 6'2, 210 pounds long brown hair, with a beard. wears dark and draping clothing, his eyes burn a yellow colour, and stuff. use your immagination lol i can't thik up much more right now.

ll think and add more later