That was uncalled for. While you are calling me rude I notice that there is still no posting going on in the game thread. If you have time to go out of your way to attempt to insult me (mind you it is a wasted effort.) then you should have more than enough time to make a post.
Like I said, the events in my post are not instantanous and can happen after or at the same time as whatever else it is you wish to do. JC mentioned (s)he wanted to continue the diologue between Iris and Gunther, by all means go ahead and do it. Roughneck wants Bristol to get with those Griphon Knights, go ahead. I''m sure the others have their own storylines they want to pursue, but for goodness sake just do it! Make as many posts on the subject as you like but just keep it going! This was one of the better threads, do not let it die out!
That was uncalled for. While you are calling me rude I notice that there is still no posting going on in the game thread. If you have time to go out of your way to attempt to insult me (mind you it is a wasted effort.) then you should have more than enough time to make a post.
And if you would pay attention you would see I am waiting for gunthar's part before I can post again.
The fact is, we all HAVE a life out side of some Lit story thread such as full time/over time work and can not make here but once a week at times. We have also posted to this thread letting others know what is going on and why we can not post at the moment, OR that we are getting ready to post. Thats what the OOC thread is for, to communicate with the other writers regarding where you are, where you are going, and etc. Next time my baby brother is in the hospital or my grandmother has to have another triple bypass surgery on the same day, I will SO make sure I get my Lit post in during those few days JUST to make you happy. After all, we'd HATE to not take time out of our busy lives/computer problems and whatnot in order to move the story 'faster' for you. PLEASE forgive us.
It is 'Roughneck's story and he did mention you moved it up a bit fast. To which at least three of us mentioned that we woud like to have it moved back so we would not feel rushed to get done whatever plans we have going on at the time.
By the way, you don't know me, 'Rude' isn't anywhere close to a 'insult' What you said was sharp and I could have said alot worse. It's not your story it's all of ours, a GROUP of people working to obtain their goals. And some of us need more time to ready things before someone jumps ahead and starts having all hell break loose just because they feel it isn't going fast enough. The mature thing to do would have been to at least post in here asking the rest of us if it was ok to move ahead, THEN if you haven't of heard any type of reply then post it. Unless the story is completely yours you don't automactially push everything forward to make yourself happy or to give yourself something to do. that is 'rude'.
Now if you want, I can give you a few more examples of other words if you would like.
Not going usually means the thread hasn't been touched in months, so in this case it was just going slow. If you can't handle the pace or the fact that some of us have other things in our lives to take care of then I have no freaking clue what to tell you...actually I do but I'm trying my best to bite my tongue.
Now I know bitterness is a common theme amongst people in message boards but give it a rest. I didn't say "spend your entire life posting just to appease me", I said that things were going slow and that we should get to posting. Your definition of slow may be months but mine happens to be several days. I don't claim to know anything about you but I am able to juggle school, work, a semi-busy social schedule, and still go online several times a day to check my email and post at least a cursory "hi" if not a full blown message on a number of message boards I am a member of. As I have said, and as you are obviously not grasping the events I posted are not happening in an instant. I made that post to encourage some action, I will not be posting anything else about that until such a time as we can all resume posting and agree when to continue that. If that is too much for you to handle then that's just too bad, I do not at all think it is unreasonable. The post stays as is and as I already said I will not be posting any further details on the invasion until we can all move along and agree to continue that.
Er, well, as far as I can tell, Bunnies, you instigated this by posting ahead without making at least a minor note in the OOC. I don't really think you have the right to be offended. Truthfully, I found the way you phrased your messages fairly rude as well. And as far as I can tell, both Mistress and I were fairly soft about pushing that point. So calm down...
As it is... I really don't want to deal with you if you think you can just take control of the thread... and if it's irrelevant to you that I have big things going on IRL that are making me log on very infrequently, or that Roughneck is having computer problems... and you just assume that the thread is flatlining, even when I made a post previously stating things were just going slowly... then how are we supposed to work with you?
Yeah, at any rate, I'm not especially enthused about letting you bend the time frame. If I want to keep up with your post, I'm going to have to skip a lot. I don't want to shoot two days ahead, and I don't want to lag behind your post.
But if you're not going to change your post... I guess it will be your loss most of all when I don't respond.
One: I would have brought it up OOC if it had been determined earlier that such things needed some sort of aproval.
Two: In America if nothing else, we have the right to be offended. In fact the only thing we can agree upon, is that everyone is taking offense at something.
Three: It's really moot because as I have been trying to explain (without any success) you can simply ignore the events in my post while you continue/finish/or even start parts of the story you want to. It has been done in books and movies; something large scale will be happening overall and the story cuts to other scenes that are happening prior to, at the same time as, or after the larger event. I do not see what is so god dammed difficult about simply continuing your scenes as if the post hasn't happened yet or is too far away to affect your characters. I don't know if I can make the concept any easier to understand, I don't even know if you have recognized the suggestion because you haven't said anything along the lines of "yes but..", "no because..", or "duh..whut?" There is no lagging involved, simply continue as you would have and recognize the events when it is convenient to your particular story! Notice that I have not intruded on any of the major events with the possible exception of the council at Puritian for which I by all means do not intend to press the issue until Roughneck has posted whatever resolution they come up with. Nowhere in the post does it say "Gideon kills Balron before exploding into a shower of gore" or "Gunther carries Iris off into the sunset" or "Bristol finds the corpses of the Griffon Knights being raped by smurfs", I have not touched anything you people are doing nor do I intend to until we have talked about it! I mean I was hoping to provoke a reaction with the post, but the reaction was supposed to be IC not the "First Annual Bitch at Bunnies Convention".
Four: If you choose not to post it's no particular skin off my nose, I had thought that this would still be going strong. If then for whatever reason you decide to stop, by all means. It would certainly save me the hassle of seeing if anyone has posted.
EDIT: Any further bickering on this subject is a waste of time, I will not be checking this thread out, let alone post in it until you manage to find the time to make a post or two in the game thread. This doesn't mean I want you to put your lives on hold just to post, carry on with whatever it is you do. And if you have time post in the game thread with an IC post. Or don't. Either way I refuse to drag this pointless affair out. I have given you a perfectly valid and good way to go ahead (which was basically common sense, surprised I ever needed to bring it up).
Also like I said, "If I want to keep up with your post, I'm going to have to skip a lot. I don't want to shoot two days ahead, and I don't want to lag behind your post."
I don't want to lag behind your post. That would create confusion that I don't want to deal with. You plunge ahead, you (arrogantly?) refuse to change your post, and now you call this a "Bitch at Bunnies Convention"? As if, somehow, we're overreacting, when the worst attack anyone has made on you was a one-word post?
I don't want to deal with you, if you're going to be like that. I think you ought to apologize...