OOC: Galactic Colonization:Sci-fi Civilization. Will you be a founder or a Conquer?

Diary of David West.

Everything has been rather hectic of late. People running around, paperwork getting filed, physical exams for fitness, checking and double-checking of credentials... Every little detail of this little project is getting checked over. Guess the guys at the top want this project to go as smooth as possable. Hell, who knows? The team might even make a breakthough in space that is impossable on Earth.

Got introduced to my heads of staff yesterday. Apparently they've never even met each other before that meeting. Guess that means that the top dogs have been cherry-picking the best they can find in the fields they want. Probaby getting a generous pay packet like mine, too. Odd thing, though. What am I gonna spend it on in space? Oh well, too late to back out now. Signed the papers and everything. Sure wish I had thaught more deeply about it in the first place though. I mean, being the head of a colony sounds like it's gonna be great, but with no useable funds? Figues....

Anyway, I found ot that an awful lot of technology is being implemented in this, not only in terms of colony equipment from the Mars Colonisation Project, but from FEU as well. I've seen all sorts of research equipment getting loaded onto transports, plenty of food and medical supplies, and even those new robots! Sure, we're supposed to call them 'synthoids' or something, but to me, they'll always just be robots designed to do the hazardous work.

Still, the few colonists I've seen don't seem to come from any one place. I mean, we've prety much got every nationality under the sun getting transfered onto the transports. Sure hope I can keep everything together and, more importantly, keep them all safe from, what is undoubtedly going to be, a fair number of other colonies sprouting up. Wouldn't be supprised if one or two try to form their own 'protecterate', and decide that everyone is going to join, willing or not.

Well, best get ready. My transport leaves soon. Don't want to be late for my first day as Magistrate.
Screech....I like it I will get back to you with the final break down soon.
Occ: Galactic Colonization: Sci-fi

G.E. & M. ******

ANDREW GRANT Chairman of Council / CEO-GEM /
Family....Wife,two sons 21 & 13, daughter 15

Robert Grant 3rd Council member / security forces / communications
Family....Widower, two sons 19 & 17

Edward Grant 2nd Council member / engineering / research & development
Family....Wife, twin sons 12

Agusta Perez 4th Council member / Transportation / CFO
Family....Brother 24 & sister 20

WrencH 5th Council member / Building / Mfg.
Family....Only Shorty

Dennis Black (Shorty) 6th Council member / Quartermaster / Procurement
Family....Just WrencH

Robert Grant's security force.........presently consists of 5 officers and 75
men and women.
Agusta Perez's group ...........consists of 10 pilots, 10 ground support, 4
communication experts.
WrencH & Shorty...........two mechanics

Bishop Martin...............Father Paul and sisters Annmarie, Lindamarie &

We were told to transport all our equipment to the holding area for the transprt ship Pequot. The word was passed and we all started to crate up what was left. I sent agusta perez and five of her people over to the Pequot and to find our area and begin to look over the drop ship for loading.
Erin Nova

Ard Righ (high king)-Cahir O'Dochartaigh
Supreme General-Eoghain O'Dochartaigh

feudal society
skills-landbased combat, especially guerilla warfare, weapons r&d
weaknesses-diplomacy, space combat, trade
industries-weapons tech, brewing, distilling

mostly veterans of Cahir's Fianna, famous for their hand to hand combat and marksmanship. defintely on the warlike side
rengadeirishman...Okay I like it....anything else to say before I do final calculations? You get a founder's bonus and a first man in bonus..
ddfuckman93 said:
hello i asked a question

No, it's not too late. Go ahead and make up your leaders and a background concept.

Jagged, With a little luck, I'll have mine up today.
Ok here are my leaders
Colonel Craig Lewellyn-head of colonie and counsiel, leader of expidition sent by EDF 2yrs earlier to make sure Mars was safe to colonize
children-Conner(7), Gavin(14), Mackinzie(16)
traits-superb fighter pilot, excelent tactition, great football player, good mechanic, tinkers with every thing (especially computers), decorated for fighting the S'i Ravi
discription-6'7", thick dark brown hair, brown eyes, very fit and healthy
ill do the rest later
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Last Chance Corporated

Leader- William Stargazer: Originally a starship designer with a background in R and D for the military, he was considered one of the primere thinkers for the government, however his career was plagued with a series of 'conduct unbecoming' and 'unethical conduct' accusations. William (he hates the nickname, 'Bill') later left the government employ, taking his ideas and knowledge into space.

Jacob McKinney: Formerly a Sergent-Major with the Colonial Marine corps. He has since been hired on as a security consultant and military specialist. During his tenure with the Marines, he was decorated several times for his many engagements with hostile aliens and insurgents.

'Dr.' Johnathan Wittness: A briliant and tallented medical doctor specializing in anatomy and cybernetic prostetics. He was later discredited and had his medical licence revolked for practicing 'elective surgery on unauthorized subjects'. He has made a good living however, treating colonists and paitents in places and ways where a 'permits' aren't a major concern.

Dimitri Kankov, a.k.a "Techie D": Electroncs, computer specialist and huckster. Known computer hacker and fraud specialist. The youngest person of the team, Dimitri has spent 12 years total in detention centers for several different fraud scams.

Professor Austin Teeves: Mechanical engineer and scientist, specializing in reverse engineering alien artifacts. Formerly a teacher at the Coppernicus Lunar University, Austin later was hired by the government to assist in their Research and Development projects where he met William Stargazer. Several of the accusations leveled against Stargazer also implimented Professor Teeves, the most serious being suspected of black marketeering. No charges were ever filed however and when Stargazer left for deep space, Teeves followed.

Lazlo Norton: Acredited member of the Interstellar Legal Office, specializing in corporate and business law with a healthy dose of low level criminal law as well. Lazlo has a long history of legal negotiations, criminal plea barganing and many short term jobs as a legal consultant. He has also dabbled in politics and diplomacy, all in all probably makes Lazlo the most crooked member of the Corporation, but it has also make him alot of contacts.
Travis Fiechter-head of the Galatic Law Firm on mars, member of the coloine provisional counsiel
wife-Mary Ann
children-Mitchel(17), Alexandra(13), Kyle(7)
traits-superb lawyer, excelent at twisting words, great memory, short tempered, decient marksmen
discription-6'0", brown hair and eyes, in good health
Occ: Galactic Colonization: Sci-fi


Named after the Man forming and leader of the colony, Andrew Grant and his two brothers. The council has six members with the chairman of the council voting only in case of a tie. The original members have form a very close and tight knit group and they were now working with the council to prepare for the arrival of our settlers and the others we will be able to get when given the word to proceed with the filling of our ranks. We have not been given what our total human assests are. So far the possibilty is

100 Settlers (to be assigned) 50m / 50f
+1 100 Family ties 70m / 30f
+1 100 Military Exp. 80m / 20f
+1 100 Recruiting / 100f
+2 Industrial exp.

Earned Bonus Assests
200 Expendables Alien Tech / Clones-Human
200 Bots Short homan looking robots

So far our little hard working group in inventoring and marking all the equipment and accessories. When ever possible we are creating or packing in preperation for loading and stowing on board the transfere ship.

A massive ATV is delivered to our area alon with other supplies. The Atv is cappable of carring 100 and supplies. That means we have three track vechiles and if we can take the trucks (3) it will make us a little more mobil. We need a truck to pull the lab or to transport the lab. A low boy tractor trailer to haul the lab and generators would be great. Stow supplies in the trucks, heavy equipment in the truck bed and lighter items on top.

Food.....Food and drink (no alcoholic) will be supplied on the flight and more in the colony's base equipment lists. We search for addditional food stuffs and drinks. Alcoholic beverages will bee one of the last, but will make room for small amount for medical use. We found a supply of military "MRE's" and had them transfered to our area. We also gathered a small quanity of farming tools and impliments. We choose hardy plants they requires little care and upkeep. Tubors, seeds, bulbs. We will be looking for a few farmers in our group.

In the beginning, we will pretty much have to be self sustaning. This will require building shelters, starting farms and finding of settling near a water supply. While the colony is being organized, a short crew will begin exploration of the planet and to determine what and where mining will begin. This will be the main source of income so we must pay attention to this phase too.


+1 Business background, +2 contacts,+3 Science and industry,+1Farming background, +3 Research and Development

Business, contacts, abd Science and industry all mean you know a lot of people. Granted they aren't willing to rocket off into space with you but they will come in handy in the future. How you may ask? They might be someone who will dump a ton of spare parts on you with bargain basement prices. A friend of you made in research department off Mars University will remember you and have you test hundreds of new communicators and robots on your new planet. Another contact may send personnel to test new lazer weapons on your colony and leave them with you for real world tests......Science and industry well this one can be very useful. You know a lot of people and as you get established they will have plenty of things to share with you and plenty of equipment to send you way.

Farming background nets you some 100 familes (average 5 people per family) signup to tame the new territoy. One the plus side they all have a small ATV which holds at least their family. Many bring live stock and tools and weapons. Most want land to call their own and want only the most fertile land. Though some loggers, minors, shopkeepers, spiritual leaders, mechanics and police officers are among them farming it the main skill (example wife is a tractor mechanic and husband raises cows or two sons are police officers mom is a book keeper and dad does logging, but all work on the family farm) A diverse hard working crowd.

Research and Development brings you a diverse group of some 300 people with some kind of research and development skills. Welders, labtechs, college professors, test pilots, graduate students, computers programers, repair men, factory workers, engineers, mathmatics experts, biologists and doctors all want the chance to be on the ground floor and explore an alien world. Some could have even been team leaders but wanted to join you group because of your background. They are searching for answers in space. Can they handle the rough and tough colony life? (Male 50% Female 50%)

Frontier Computers (random sponsor)

The company with the reputation for making the toughest computers gives you a laptop for every member of your expedition. The computers can take being hit with hammers, sunk underwater, and played with by monkeys. The also give you roughly 300 tons of spare parts, capable, desktops, servers, and software. They want to see how well their equipment holds up in the most brutal conditions.

That about cover it screech?

macmillian... you seem ready to go...any questions or problems?

Mantra....good start and there will be more information for you soon.

rengadeirishman...okay any other details before I give you the finally tally and bonus?
Occ: Galactic Colonization: Sci-fi



Do I have my assests numbers correct and the right assests?

settlers, +1/family ties, +1 military exp., +1 Recruiting, +2 industrial exp.

Do we get anymore assests, or is this our totals?

Do we have a sponsor(s), yet?

I think I have what my colony needs, but if you know of anything we are short of, please advise.

Besides the group that Robert Grant brought with him, do we still get an additional 100 (military exp.) or just the difference?

That is all I have questions for now. If I think of any more (lol), I will let you know.

macmillian....This all you including a sponsor and bonus. Everyone gets the bonus of the 200 Expendables including rengadeirishman who gets another bonus in addition to that one for being first once he declares his submission complete. You think are any assests I have missed? I am willing to consider anything else......Robert Grant's group is the 100. Keep the questions coming until it is clear and fair to all.

+1 Family ties, +1 military experience, +1 recruiting followers, +2 Industrial Experience

100 Settlers assigned to each team leader by Colony Inc.

Settlers by nature are a diverse and interesting group. All wanting to make a new homes somewhere new and fresh while some seek adventure. Minium skills held by all settlers include building construction, cargo loading, basic survival, heavy equipment operations, and basic weapons use. Some might have other skills from previous jobs, but they at the very least have the basics. Also Colony Inc. finds compatible men and women and divided evenly down those lines so you have a group half female and half male. Not all recruits will come so well balanced. They bring their own equipment in well made easily transported cargo containers.

They have Rifles with two magazines, 50' of rope, harness, a light source, knife, space suit, scuba gear, work axe, cold weather gear, warm weather gear, sleeping bag, chest armor, jump suits, hiking boots, and backpacks.

Now to the formula noted above. Industrial experience is not useful in recruit, but very useful in minning and building. You have encountered problems before and found solutions. You have made things work and built new tools. Your not easily stopped and that will pay off in the long run. People know that will stand by you...

+1 Family Ties
100...friends, school buddies, drinking buddies, business partners, cousins, and even some guys that you know from a business conferance. The skill set is less impressive, but diverse. It includes everything from bartending to cargo loader operator, to engineers, to lumber jacks, to bouncers. (70%male30%female)

(think about all the different people you know...in my life I have met bar bouncers to accountants to an award winning phyicist)

The Gear these guys bring is an odd assortment including everything from cricket bats to hunting rifles, to mountain climbing gear, to garden tools, to beer kegs, harpoons, laptops, books, rafts, and whole kitchens.

+1 Military Experience
100 buddies from your military service time. These people all have military ties of some kind. Guys who drove trucks to the PX, bartenders at the officer's club, guys who repaired the VTOL vehicles, fellow officers of coarse, security personel, special forces guys, martial artists who trained you all and even military brats. Anyone who wanted a better life then the army or looking for a new challanges. (80% male, 20% female)

Gear is anything you might find in a Army/Navy store. Knives, samurai swords, climbing ropes, grenades, cheap old assault rifles (AK-74's and M4's), sleeping bags, army issued tool kits, and plenty of equipment and parts the military was going to throw out anyway (even if they didn't know it).

+1 Recruiting Followers
With your human resources experience you can count on getting 200 settlers. Some 200 women from the Lunar colony sign on for the adventure. Many have experience with lite mining equipment & ore haulers.

The gear these women bring includes all kinds of tools and safety equipment. Lunar colony pays some of the lowest wages for mine work so don't be shocked when these women have other skills and occupations to generate funds or skills to trade.

Now for the founder bonus that all players who sign up before we begin the actual game.

200 Expendable...

Expendable are a result of human use of alien technology. Cloned by the thousands to make workers to man the massive Lunar cave complexes captured from the aliens (space for over a billion personnel and the moon was only considered an outpost by the aliens). Expenables look human in every way, but were created using an alien program and act how they think humans should. Most humans can order them around easily and they are always the followers. They do enjoy sex and having fun like humans but are always work minded and are sterile.

Each is equipped with black combat boots, white jumpsuits, tool box, laptop, pistol, climbing gear and rope, backpack and mess kit.

Like the name suggests most don't think to highly of these clones and use them for dangerous jobs.

In this case your Expendables are all male (decided at random).

200 Bots

Short little human looking robots with skinny arms and legs and heads that look like a motorcycle helmet. The can lift up to 500lbs and are very versed in computers and can download many training programs. They have been known to do welding, computer repair, and even make coffee.

Outside sponsor (random sponsor)

Star Burgers has given you some 300 tons of burges, fries, and shakes (I some how doubt we will eat any healtier in the future either) in food storage containers. It is great PR for them having their product everywhere and promise more help in the future. They do hope you have some images of colonists eating their product soon after landing.
OOC:Galactic colonization:SCI-FI

G.E. & M.

The council met and we resolved the last of our questions on personell neeeds and equipment.
+1 Military Exp...........Robert will need to fill his ranks to get to the 100.
100 settlers..........Have been arriving with their goods and equipment.
+1 Family Ties.......We sent out the call to family and friends who we knew would be loyal to us and GEM.
+1 Recruiting Followers.....We went thru the applicants and pulled who we felt would best serve the colony needs (100/f)
+2 Industrial Exp.....Edward and Andrew would use our contacts within the mining community (workers), processing, scientists, clerical, and engineers. Supervisors would be chosen out of those that signed on. Not too many of the Supervisors of foremans wanted to leave any of the already established mining co's. Agusta Perez knew some farmers that were losing either their land or equipment and would pledge loualty to use for a chance to join us. We all agreed and we reserved 25 spots for this important group, the remainder would go towards miming and construction.

Robert Grant suggested to set us up like a full military expidition.

Command and Leadership.....The council members
Security and Defense..... Robert Grant
Communications.....Agusta Perez
Flight & Air operations......Agusta Perez
Architect.....Bishop Martin
Quartermaster.....Dennis (shorty) Black
Medical Corps.....Father Paul (DR.) & the Nuns (Nurses)
Scientific Group....Edward Grant
Planing & Logistics.....Andrew Grant
Training.....Robert Grant
Commisary (mess) ......

While the council was in session and we heard from various members of the expidition and with the addition of more manpower (& women power, too), they spread out with lists of still needed equipment.

They found and added to our moving equipment, two backhoes, three front loaders, two lowboy flat bed trailers, a larged wheeled wrecker, six more trucks, three farm tractors, plows, tillers and other misc. farming tools.

Agusta Perez's brother and sister returned with what might be a real find. two ultra light helicopters, a small fixed wing aircraft, all crated for transport.

Still open on our lists is farming livestock, (in very short supply). Water craft and or boats to go with our inflatables. Additional food stuffs, Spare parts for all our vechiles (need more then we have). Fuel storage tanks or blatters.
Note.....Agusta still hoping to find or obtain at least three Defense Force Fighters and hope beyond hope a survaillance satalite or two.

Robert Grant's Lt. returned from a trip to a sports center and returned with all kinds of fishing equipment, rods and reels, hooks, sinkers, lures artifical baits and throw nets. Diving gear and a large quanity of wet suits. Archery equipment, Bows and arrows, cross bows and bolts. Plus many items for fun and relaxation. Games, cards, and any means of play "toys".

Thus ends another long day with more to do tomorrow. We have narrowed our searches down on personell and remaing material and equipment.

ANDREW GRANT.....Council chairman / CEO GEM :) :rolleyes:
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Erin Nova

Ard Righ (high king)-Cahir O'Dochartaigh
Supreme General-Eoghain O'Dochartaigh

feudal society
skills-landbased combat, especially guerilla warfare, weapons r&d
weaknesses-diplomacy, space combat, trade
industries-weapons tech, brewing, distilling

mostly veterans of Cahir's Fianna, famous for their hand to hand combat and marksmanship. defintely on the warlike side

my leader is a man named Cahir O'Dochartaigh, an Irish war hero from their last war with england. He became general and the most decorated soldier on either side of the war. He commanded a high tech, super elite group of commandoes called the Fianna. The Irish fought ferociously but ultimately were defeated by pure logistics. He led an Irish Immigration off world and founded Erin Nova. The irish warriors of Erin Nova are more famed for their melee and marksmanship skills, then their naval ones. They favor quick brutal raids and guerilla tactics.

+2 Military Structure, +1 War Hero, +2 Loyal Followers, +1 Military Experience, Refuge Status, +3 Prepared, Spiritual Beliefs

Military Structure. You react to crisis situations with fighting rather then fleeing. Your people move like an army and live like one with families setup as support structures. It is common to ask a man who's company your part of rather then where your from or what school do you go too.

War Hero. Well you have done your bit and all remember your heroics. You have a status about you like no other and they will follow you into hell. Don't abuse this power and these people will follow you into battle and sing songs about you after your death.

Loyal followers. You have some 200 families of veteran fighters and supporters (average family unit is 6 people) Most function with the father and eldest males as the front line soldiers though many have peace time professions. This is not always the case and there are many female fighters though often they take support roles likes nurses, mechanics, weapons smiths, and even factory workers. Children ususally follow their parent's lead with boys taking the father's profession and girls take theri mother's profession. Also all your followers are better prepared for crisis then any others. Each family has 60 days worth of MREs, a cache of weapons ranging from hunting rifles to swords, to assault rifles and grenades. Sleeping bags, laptops, camping equipment, and jeeps are almost always included.

Military Experience works two ways for your people. First it simply gives you another 100 battle hardened veteran troops. Many pows surviving British prisons and the battlefield they are no push overs and many do not see the war as stopped but simply gone underground. The second benifit of military experience is that all your people have the status of veteran. They no how to fight and are always ready for a good battle.

Refuge Status...some call you freedom fighters in exhile while others call you criminals. Either way there is no heading home and that will motivate your people to thrive or die trying.

Prepared your followers are better prepared for crisis then any others. Each family has 60 days worth of MREs, a cache of weapons ranging from hunting rifles to swords, to assault rifles and grenades. Sleeping bags, laptops, camping equipment, and jeeps are almost always included. Some have small boats and mountain climbing gear. Almost all have tools of some kind and each family can survive on its own. Camoflauge clothing are some of the more common items.

Spiritual Beliefs. You have another bond for your people. Basically you have religion. You believe in a common structure and gods. Nothing to divided you and only things to unite you with clergy to preach to their flock. You have some 40 clerics, priests, historians, elders, and preachers.(50/50 male/female)

You also receive....

100 Settlers assigned to you by Colony Inc.

Settlers by nature are a diverse and interesting group. All wanting to make a new homes somewhere new and fresh while some seek adventure. Minium skills held by all settlers include building construction, cargo loading, basic survival, heavy equipment operations, and basic weapons use. Some might have other skills from previous jobs, but they at the very least have the basics. Also Colony Inc. finds compatible men and women and divided evenly down those lines so you have a group half female and half male. Not all recruits will come so well balanced. They bring their own equipment in well made easily transported cargo containers.

They have Rifles with two magazines, 50' of rope, harness, a light source, knife, space suit, scuba gear, work axe, cold weather gear, warm weather gear, sleeping bag, chest armor, jump suits, hiking boots, and backpacks.

Now for the founder bonus that all players who sign up before we begin the actual game.

200 Expendable...

Expendable are a result of human use of alien technology. Cloned by the thousands to make workers to man the massive Lunar cave complexes captured from the aliens (space for over a billion personnel and the moon was only considered an outpost by the aliens). Expenables look human in every way, but were created using an alien program and act how they think humans should. Most humans can order them around easily and they are always the followers. They do enjoy sex and having fun like humans but are always work minded and are sterile.

Each is equipped with black combat boots, white jumpsuits, tool box, laptop, pistol, climbing gear and rope, backpack and mess kit.

Like the name suggests most don't think to highly of these clones and use them for dangerous jobs.

200 Bots

Short little human looking robots with skinny arms and legs and heads that look like a motorcycle helmet. The can lift up to 500lbs and are very versed in computers and can download many training programs. They have been known to do welding, computer repair, and even make coffee.

Outside sponsor (random sponsor)

The College of Ireland Press gives your expedition tools to improve education. They give 300 tons of books covering all kinds of topics. In addtion to books you are given many terminals for a student to sit down at and learn at and an increased rate. Long with that they give many workstations. Small stations were one can build and repair items.

First volunteer in bonus....

1 million in credit with a free trader who will visit the planet not long after you land. In the future the free trader will have discounts for you and your colony.
Occ: Galactic Colonization: Sci-fi

G.E. & M.

The assembly areas of all the other companies were all starting to fill up with people and equipment. It wouldn't be long now, you could not keep this many people in such a limited space for long. We had set up our mobil kitchen to help with the management of our own group. The kithcen would be some of the last put on and one of the first off. The kitchen can be broken down easily and quickly and set up as well.

I think the last of our heavy equipment has arrived. A big shovel and it's associated gear and spare parts. two bulldozers, a grator, a mobil crane, four earth movers (mining dump trucks), assorted ATV's, parts to build rock crushes and a pile driver. A very important vechile, a fuel truck, and several fuel blatters.

Agusta Perez quietly slips in with a half a dozen large crates and places them in the rear of the building and asigns a 24 hour guard. No one is allowed there without a Council member present. She leaves to find the Council.

Slowly the remaining parties reurn with there acquistions. Several speed boats, smaller row boats and a few personal water crafts. Underwater electric mini subs and sleds, air tanks and misc. diving equipment,(free dive).

The three farming families families arrive and are greeted warmly by there new fellow friends and travelors. They bring with them what they could in the way of farming equipment, tools, seeds and some precious livestock. Mainly several crates of chickens, a few pigs and half dozen calves and one young bull. One of the wives brought her entire kitchen, which she wouldn,t leave. So we helped her pack that up for transport too. Another farmer also brought with him fruit tree saplings and cuttings for grapes and other berries.

More Spare Parts were brought in along with misc. hardware. Welding and brazers with related tanks and hoses and nozzels. Even the carts to hold everything. A truck with generator and all the welding gear to go with it.

Robert Grant arrived with his additional troops, all seasoned and trained troopers from his last command with the defense force. They brought their weapons, extra ammunition, personal gear, body armour, and medical kits. A supply of tents & cots. Two jeeps, one with a recoilless rife (& 100 rounds of ammo) and the other with a lazer rifle,generator and range finder. Water purification system, using filters or tablets. A full truck loaded with crates of loose ammo and additional clips, cleaning and maintence equipment for the weapons and assorted light infanry gear. Night glasses, range finders, knives, granades. A second truck was also loaded with more MRE's, power bars, powder drinks, coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Our councilman and his group has been very busy.

Our ranks are now all most full and are stores seem to be near completion. I hope we will be able to get all our equipment on. The Council and Concerened group leaders have made a list of items that can be left if the need to comes to pass. The council we make the final determination if it comes to that.

There will be a council meeting tonight and a colonial meeting the following morning. It will be a long session tonight as another day draws to an end.

Things are forming up nicely...seems like our first group will be shipping out soon. Any other questions?
Well I will start the IC thread soon then.....at least in the next few days.
Hey Jagged, Are we 'playing' here in this thread or are people just getting into the hang of their characters?

Also, are we starting out as a colony or wil there be time to work up situations on the ATV ship?
Good questions and I have some answers..............Turns are two months....so the firs turn will have you in space 30 days but 30 days in the staging area to meet talk drink together sleep around whatever you like.....to get to know each other. On the ship there is common areas between each drop ship sections for more meeting and talking.

So turn one will actually have two phases. Phase 1...Meeting before taking off. Phase 2...shipboard life which includes briefings about the planet and possible landing areas.
Looks like we have a good start here........ready to begin the game gentlemen?